Sunday, 1 May 2016

Astrological overview for May 2016 plus your horoscopes

Solid down to earth sign of Taurus dominates the month … the patient, practical, instinctive, long-suffering bull is loyal and a little stubborn but they rise to a crisis. Taurus, like their totem the bull, can be coaxed but not driven and their anger is rare but quite surprisingly fierce when it erupts. Love of nature, animals (especially dogs) and good food are usual. They are often green fingered and good cooks too.  They like financial security and a bit of luxury and love their home comforts and are quite self indulgent, but they are not over greedy or over ambitious, but very protective and possessive of what belongs to them.  They dislike change, so sometimes can be a bit static and need encouragement to do something different … but they can be relied on. Their Venus rulership gives a quiet love of beauty, and a taste for the arts and often they have a particular love of music.   Taurus rules the throat area, which can be vulnerable. All signs have certain physical vulnerabilities… but much depends on the rising (ascendant) sign too.

This month Mercury moves direct again on the 22nd.after 3 weeks of lack of momentum in many areas for us all. Since late April and before the 22nd, a rethink and revaluation needed, despite frustrations re progress and poor communications.. Because Mercury is in Taurus (values) there has needed to a global rethink re economic structures/values. The stimulus of the Panama financial revelations is being a classic catalyst for this. However from the 22nd it will no doubt be economic business as usual.   However there are signs of nemesis in the air, as arrogant unaccountable power, past and present, is being exposed and stood up to by the challenge of the ordinary man, e.g. as in the Hillsborough tragedy (police and press) Look out for more such triumphs against arrogant power, as Pluto is now in the throws over the coming years of revealing corruption.

Mars is still retrograde and will be till end of June. That really does cause inner anger and frustration of energy and paralysis on some level globally… it moves back into Scorpio from Sagittarius on the 27th, thus signalling an increasingly ruthless streak emerging in world affairs and dark agendas  … Around the 22nd is also a powerful few days when the Sun opposes Mars. Warlike and angry moods are in the ether..

The moon is New on the 6th at 17 degrees of Taurus and full on the 21st at the 2nd degree of if Sagittarius.   Plant on the new and reap on the full.


Finances are a focus for many of you this month, but most progress will be achieved after the 22nd. Before then glitches remain.   After the 24th all born up to March 30th will find their communications are effective and charming.. Emotional intelligence is strong. Mars your ruler is retrograded still and before the 27th all born up to March 28th May well have travel on their minds and international dealings and indeed legal issues are positively pursued with some fervours and academic /philosophical and ideological passions are constructively strong… but there are still frustrations and potential seething internalised and potentially impotent passions within.

 From the 27th, Mars moves bank in to Scorpio suggesting that more personal, complex emotional/ financial issues are flagged up again underlined with power because if inner frustrations and underground energies at work.

 Jupiter is protective work wise for many of you currently, and Saturn is supportive in a rather disciplined and focused mature way of those born April 2nd-6th. . Serious issued need addressing in both an international and legal context and duty is strong.. But work done now and facts faced practically now stand you in very good stead in the future.

 Uranus is now really shaking up the lives of those born 10th-14th.. Remain flexible and accept the inevitability of change, all is in turmoil, bit will eventually kick start you into a freer more authentic future… but it is an unsettling time meanwhile.. This journey wont be over till this time next year.

 Pluto too is very active in for emancipation from control is strong and a desire to stand up for your power is almost primeval in strength. Check that motive is pure and be conscious in you actions. Avoid manipulations or devious actions and don’t sink to a low level in power struggles. Draw boundaries calmly and walk away.


Your month, but with Mercury retrograde in your sign till the 22nd many of you , if born between May 6th and 15th, will be feeling very frustrated with you communication which seem to be misunderstood or just not arriving successfully somehow .. All is in the ether but just not landing somehow.  Before the 24th all of you however will be looking good and your charms are underlined and you ability to show and receive affection /love is strong. After the 24th you abilities and charms are attracting financial benefits too.

Mars still retrograde, moves back into your opposite sign of Scorpio on the 27th and for those born after May 17th, from the 27th there is a chance of some confrontations with others, maybe in an unexpected and rather indirect way. Impasses are in the air.

 Jupiter is being supportive of those born May 3rd –7th., especially after the 9th.. He is giving a party spirit and a very creative inspiration. There is also a boost to romantic potential and good times roll. Fertility is in the air and a general feel good factor and travel too is favoured. A fun loving atmosphere is pervasive.

 Neptune is currently inspiring artistically and compassionately /emotionally and spiritually to those born round April 30th- May 2nd.  Your sensitivity in much stronger now and empathy to others is huge. There is also an enriched magination and real ability to sense things …

Finally Pluto is now powerfully regenerative and empowering if born May 7th-9th.  He brings positive change and ability to regenerate self and life and also allows for new beginnings. Productive, successful long distance and academic issues are in the air.  Your influence is great now and you can revitalise and empower others as well as self.
 If born round May 6th-7th the new Moon augurs well for a regeneration and birth of the new for the coming year.


Your ruler Mercury is retrograde till the 22nd and from your solar 12th house, he may bring a time to spend in some thoughtful contemplation..  a time for reflection and meditation. After the 22nd things evolve into a more concrete manifestation, and decisions can be made and results are evident.
Venus in your sign from the 24th brings to all of you who are born up to May 31st, a sense of enhanced charisma and an attraction power that is pleasing. Love and affection and charm abounds.  Before the 27th, Mars in your opposite sign of Sagittarius is potentially bringing to those born up to May 29th, a sense of some war drums being beaten and the adversarial energy may be rather subtle but nevertheless quite insidious… in some way. Your own energies may be somehow blocked or sabotaged by others, or even somehow, by yourself.

Jupiter is now squaring the suns now of those born June 3rd –8th. There may be a tendency to be over confidant or a bit over expansionist, so beware. Any seeming arrogance could prove to be regretted. A good time is in the air, but a bit of caution is advised.

 Saturn is a little more demanding now if born June 3rd –7th. There are definite blocks around (as last January/February) from others or circumstances. Tiredness too is felt as is the march of time and the body needs looking after. There is also a sense of low mood and negativity, but face facts and step up to the plate and do what is necessary and yo8 will be glad you did. Saturn demands realism hard work and humility.

 Uranus inspires for good, exciting change now, if born June 11th-15th, but if born June 1st-3rd there need for care about seeing through rose coloured spectacles and being too trusting and not being grounded enough about issues. Check the details of issues.  There is a tendency to escapism and dreaming. Try and be in the here and now but music/film and being near the sea provides balm.


Friendships and collective goals are favoured this month… but before the 22nd, expect progress to be less obvious ad after that date. Before the 24th Venus brings affections to our door and support from friends and contacts and sociability rules.

 Mars after the 27th moves back into the sign of Scorpio enabling those born after July 19th to feel an increase in positive passion, drive, energy and emotional enthusiasm. Creativity is also heightened and romantic drives are underscored but because Mars is still retrograde, it may

Jupiter is on your side now if born July 4th-8th. Your intellect/wisdom is enhanced now and communications are really effective. General luck can be grabbed and a feel good factor is in your mood. After the 9th that feeling will be enhanced.

Uranus is a little destabilising currently and on and off for about a year if born July 12th-17th.  Professionally things are a little uncertain and you are feeling impatience and a need for more excitement and freedom. Do not be too impulsive, however, or you may regret a decision.  Be flexible and see life as a necessary journey currently.

Neptune is inspiring for those born July 2nd-4th. . Inspiration through travel and learning and the higher mind is an important factor now. Higher sensitivity to others and extra empathy is obvious and the power of emotions are showing some domination over the pure power of the intellect The spiritual dimension is looming larger in your life now and will do for nearly 2 years to come.

 Pluto however is a little more ominous now in power in the lives of those born July 8th-10th. Others are potentially involved in some power struggles with you in your life.
 Deep rooted issues affect you now from way back and you need to be aware of primitives reactions in self and indeed you can come across others who have issues that are deep rooted and which somehow become directed at you . Keep clear of manipulation from you to others and vice versa and do not resort to subversive tactics Keep squeaky clean, whilst standing up for justice..but be prepared to walk away from the dark side of the human condition  This influence is on and off in the ether for about 2 years.


 Career is highlighted this month but beware before the 22nd that all is rather on hold and uncertain with communications getting delayed, blocked or misunderstood notably if born between August 8th-17th. Venus after the 24th is positive for those born up to August 1st. Sociability is strong and friends are a great and happy influence in your life.

 Also, before the 27th if born up to August 1st Mars is bringing a boost to energy and drive, especially related to love life and the creative drive in general. Ambition and courage is underlined. However being retrograde, the energy may just be a little more in the planning stage than actualised. After the 27th for all born after August 19th.. Mars is a little more uncomfortable.. There is a chance that there is some stress related to home or family. Anger can erupt directly or via passive aggression, but some resentments are in air and delays that create some anger /frustrations are likely.. Patience and tolerance is needed.

Saturn is helpful in a grounding, maturing, disciplining way, if born August 5th-9th.. Work needed done can be addressed with patience and application, even if challenging. Self-discipline is more easy to come by in establishing a better infrastructure in life.. Duty is in the air too as it was back in January and February.

Uranus is a great influence now, for those born August 13th-17th. . The need for change is flagged up, as is the need for greater awareness and an ability to see more outside the box and to be more true to self. Liberation into a more suitable way of life is on the agenda and restlessness is strong.. This year long journey will be refreshing; and travel, long distance interests and academic journeying may be part of this journey. Relationship changes are also possibly involved and new and interesting and even rather alternative people can be great catalysts for a leap into a new direction somehow.


 This is a month that can .Learning is important and valuable.

After the 22nd those born September 6th-10th will feel that outcomes finally arrive that are pleasing and your wisdom carries the day and communications are very effective. Your ruler Mercury will again happily then be direct again.
Venus, before the 24th also can bring love and affection to the door through travel and academic associations.

Mars, now retrograde till 27th is squaring the Suns of August born Virgos. Impatience and impulsiveness and irritation is in the air, related to romance, offspring and all creative issues… so be calm and count to 10 even if others don’t. Underground frustrations are seething

 From the 27th all born after September 19th, will be feeling more robust and confident in communications and effective energies.

Jupiter in your sign now is excellent news for those born September 5th-9th. Confidence, luck, growth, celebrations, confidence, success and travel are all likely.
Saturn, however, by contrast, is a bit trying for this same group. so there will be protection from Jupiter , but some issues will be in the air that will need the cavalry to arrive.

 Neptune is opposing now the suns of those born September 3rd –5th. This rare transit  (every 165 years) lasts till at least February 2018.  This can create a sense of dissolving of certain issues or relationships in life.. a sense of unsureness  and tiredness and not seeing too clearly , so this a  floating time where you have to let go and trust the trade winds .Nothing is concrete, but your heart is powerful be very wary of others who cast smoke and mirrors in your direction and do nor be too ready to trust or be influenced by others.  There is also a great sense of emotional vulnerability to beauty and nature, which can be so uplifting. Sleeping is more attractive than usual too.

Pluto is very positive now for those born September 9th-11th. There is a great sense of boldness and power and destiny connected to love life, children and artistic/creative activities and success.  Enjoy, as this very rare and positive influence is with you till January 2018.


 You are feeling more profound in consciousness than usual and complex financial issues can occupy you..

 Happily, after the 22nd progress can start to be made. Also after the 24th if born up to October 2nd, Venus brings charm, beauty and affection into your life, notably with long distance implications.

 Mars, now retrograde, will, before the 27th will also, for all born up to October 2nd will bring passion to your thinking and communications. A Powerful will is a constructive force and your passions re ideology and ideas are impressive.

 Saturn is a helpful, if hard working and serious influence now in the life of all born October 6th-10th.  Your serious down to earth thinking is very helpful; and discipline and a hard work ethic provides fuel for success in all communications and actions.. Duty and loyalty and stepping up to the plate is necessary for later rewards and success now, so don’t evade reality.

Uranus is now opposing in his once every 84 year cycle the suns of those born October 14th-18th.  Others are creating disruption and uncertainty in life. They may be very upsetting, but indeed they are necessary catalysts in some way for change and needs to be philosophically accepted as such. This last for about a year intermittently and needs to be approached with flexibility and awareness that awakening change is now flagged up as necessary by the universe..  Change is not necessarily bad, but we can try to cling to outworn structures, rather than let things flow.

 Pluto too is challenging now (in a rare transit) to those born October 9th-11th. Beware misuse of power by self as you try and rebel or control circumstances and people. Forces that are very deep are erupting as you seek to control your destiny and get away from oppressive circumstances… You really have to be conscious of the past now and how it affects your unconscious and so you need to observe its influence very carefully and if necessary seek some help to understand the forces at work and how best to healthily give birth to them most advantageously.


 Relationships are powerful and life directing for those born November 7th-16th, but you will only finally get the breakthrough you seek in terms of certain agreements or good communication results.

 Venus is in Taurus before the 24th and will bring at some point for you all, an input of love and affection into your life that is very gratifying.

 Mars, your co-ruler, in your sign after the 27th will then impact powerfully those born after November 18th. There will be determination and power to your will then and others to may well give you a need to address your own power of response. Will and desire is also strong. Make sure it is not just about gratuitous power, or you will attract challenge.  Before the 27th, financial dealings will be a focus of determined energy, but with mars retrograde, frustrations remain.

Jupiter is quietly helpful to all born November 4th-8th.. Hope and wishes can get furthered and friends and collaborators are there for you. It is sociable in a very happy and lucky way.

 Neptune is in lovely angular relation to the suns of those born November 3rd-5th.  It is making you very idealistic and romantic with a fairy tale longing for the perfect soul mate amorous situation. It is possible you cam meet a soul mate and indeed there is a sense of real increased sensitivity compassion and empathy and even psychic connection with others and a very spiritual connection with others and indeed especially ones offspring is possible… A love of nature, the arts, beauty and any spiritual pursuit is underlined and are sources of growth.

Music, the film world and the sea have particular allure and provide real balm.
This once ever aprox 82 year beautiful transit lasts till February 2018. Enjoy.

Pluto your powerful ruler is now really empowering the lives of those born November 8th-19th. This once every 124-year connection lasting for aprox 2 years, brings a real insight into truths. There is a forensic insightful power to your mind and communications now and it serves you and others admirably. Writing/ studying/teaching can be a triumphant activity now.


Focus may well be on work relationships and rationalising everyday routine, and on good health habits.  From the 22nd good results can be evident. After the 24th Venus brings for all November born Sagittarians an increase in amorous or affectionate attentions.. Cupid is in the wings and your warmth is reflected back from others.. Charming connections are very gratifying.

Mars now retrograde in your sign till 27th, suggests that before that date, all born after November 29th may experience a heightened sense of impatience and irritation and frustrated energy that can express itself rather negatively with passive aggression a danger. On the other hand determination to quietly plan and prepare a course of action for future activation can serve you well, but be conscious of buried anger that can erupt.

 Jupiter is currently tempting those born 4th-8th to be a bit over the top in confidence or in taking things for granted and self-indulgence is possible   Avoid any temptation to seem arrogant or complacent, particularly at work.

Saturn however is also in this same groups case, so there is a valuable brake and for some of the above group there may been be a sense of tiredness and negativity about life, but Jupiter at least will help you through in some way. Look after your body and know that disciplined work and patience and stepping up to the platen really is necessary, despite a tendency to think you can avoid some of the challenges.

 Uranus is providing a catalyst for more freedom and inspiring change now and for the coming year if born December12th-16th.. This can be related to love life, creative uniqueness and possibly to children., but the need and ability to be more true to yourself is strong and rewarding. Intuition is also serving you well.

 Be aware if born round December 2nd-4th that there is for the coming aprox few years a tendency to be tired and prone to deceptive circumstances as you don’t necessarily see clearly.. Tiredness is also part of the picture and a bit of a sense of lack of clarity about goals or direction and lack of certainty about things..  It is time to accept a subtle journey of change and a metamorphosis, but in the meant time be aware that you are susceptible to smoke and mirrors or protective selective perception, so keep grounded and check out the small print, as it were.

 If born round the November 21st/22nd then be aware that the full Moon will be bringing some revelations from within and from others, that cant be held back.


This a good month to let your hair down and enjoy life and romance and leisure is underlined, although with mercury retrograde before the 22nd, ensure all communications are received as meant to be. But communication opportunities are strong for those born January 6th-15th. Before the 24th Venus is definitely bringing power of the affections /romance to all your doors at some point in the month, and children can be a source of joy as can speculative interests. Mars retrograde can create some inner anger and that needs watching, but after the27th for those born after January 17th, there is a sense of courage and leadership momentum, but maybe realising that there is a strong need to accept deferred gratification in your plans. 

Jupiter is very supportive now of those born January 3rd-7th. There is a boost to travel or plans to do so. Long distance concerns are favoured and wisdom, luck and academic susses are in the air and an increase in philosophical understanding and insight.. Legal issues can also be supported.

Uranus is slightly unnerving now for those born January 11th-15th, Change of an unexpected sort or lack of stability possibly connected to home /family /real estate issues are likely now and on and off for the coming year. Remain flexible and know change and uncertainty is part of your life for a reason now and it ultimately is part of a necessary awakening journey..

Neptune is bringing a more sensitive heart o those born January1st-3rd.. Your heart is more important now that pure rationality and needs honouring.. Appreciation of the arts and more spiritual understanding is underlined and empathy/compassion and general absorption of others feelings can be quite overwhelming at times. The materialistic interests are downgraded. An excellent time for being near the sea and involvement in music/film and a furthering of your creative gifts is powerful. This is around for about 2 years.. so enjoy.

Pluto is now in his once ever 248-year visitation impacting those born January 7th-9th   and is in the air for about 2 years. A slow developing influence. This is about destiny.. Recognising the birth of your true potential and also accepting that your sense of power need to be used wisely.  You are not the power, but the agent of the power and likely endings of chapters now signify a new and powerful beginning of a different trajectory and consciousness, but ego cannot be the driving force or you may meet with powerful resistance to you desires. A time of insight and depth and acceptance of change that can feel scary, but know that it is an inevitable chapter that ultimately regenerates and reinvents you somehow.


 Home and family issues are important this month, but if born February 5th-14th be aware that there can be misunderstandings and missed communications with family members or about family/home business and there can be glitches with technology or with home appliances. After the 22nd things can run more smoothly.

Venus before the 24th brings some extravagance potentially this month, but after the 24th for those Aquarians born before January 30th, there is an upbeat sense relating the romance, children, the arts, life enhancement and general celebrations of love and life.

 Mars, before the 27th, brings for many January born Aquarians, a powerful sense of determination and communication impetus, but it may be driven by frustration wit the world around you and in general. After the 27th however m if born after February 15th n there is a distinct possibility of a feeling of frustrated anger at work or related to authority figures. Tempers are frayed and resentments can be quite fixed and unpleasant. Have a care.
Saturn you co ruler is user friendly now if born February 1st-5th, He is bringing a mature discipline and the strength to rise to challenges, relating to goals and collective projects., Leadership skills are strong too ass loyalty and sense of duty.

Uranus you main ruler is now very much favouring and bringing out the best of your sign’s qualities, if born February 9th-13th. He is, for about a year, sparking your intuitions and insights and helping you see, even more than usual, the bigger picture. Your understandings are more esoteric now and studies related to metaphysics, astrology or plain technologies are bound to be successful and life enhancing. A new freedom of understanding and an enhanced consciousness is being born.


 Your thinking is sharp and communications with others, especially siblings is important now and after the 22nd, you will feel that any frustrations round communications ease. Your emotional intelligence is enhanced this month before the 24th, for all of you as is your creative mind, but beware after the 24th those born up to February 27th will have a tendency to be a little over indulgent and possibly expect too much from others on the family front.
Mars is not favourable before the 27th for all Pisces born up to February 28th. There is a potential for trouble and tension and irritability with work associates and authority figures. This is a time to really stop and think before reacting or doing. Anger is worse now because it can be seething and indirect and frustrated., due to his  retrograde motion. After the 27th all born after March 17th m may find that there is a more constructive energy enabled related to travel /academic/philosophical /spiritual or long distance issues, but there is still an element of paralysis and a need for an inner constructive review.

 Jupiter is encouraging god times and expansive, even indulgent behaviour related to others particularly, notably now if born around March 3rd –7th. Others are catalysts for luck and indeed extravagance possibly but good times are around except that Saturn too is pouring some rain onto the parade of this same group, but it could be work assures that are challenging now and there is a real sense of pressure of work or frustration there and either you stop up to the plate or you have to rethink direction now. Honesty and humility  is needed  but lack of confidence needs avoiding too. Fortunately Jupiter acts like the cavalry arriving, but do keep real about what is needed now.

Neptune for the next few years or so is very powerful in your own sign now, for those born around March 1st-3rd. (once every 165 years) The true Piscean sensitivity, spirituality, inspiration and creative font is huge now, as are almost psychic powers of connection with others and the forces of nature and with other dimensions possibly, but negatively this influence can also make one escapist, unrealistic and very susceptible to illusion/delusion and deception from others or from self.
Use this with a groundedness that helps you bring its benefits to others and the planet. Do not let this influence take you away from realty, but allow it to enhance your sensitivities for the greater good of beauty and the soul.

Pluto however is creating some issues that feel quite powerful in a different way if born March 7th-9th. Beware power struggles externally with friends or others that are rooted in your own struggles to liberate yourself from control. Issues that go way back are emerging for you to deal with and if you are not ruthless and walk away from others who may be, you can discover a new power of self emancipation, with a phoenix rising out of the ashes of the old, but this path takes about 2years to reach its destination, so be patient, careful, conscious and avoid the dark side of the human condition. Walk away and keep your own devils in check by being very conscious of unconscious forces that are erupting. Your power needs acknowledging now, but not explosively.

Solid down to earth sign of Taurus dominates the month … the patient, practical, instinctive, long-suffering bull is loyal and a little stubborn but they rise to a crisis. Taurus, like their totem the bull, can be coaxed but not driven and their anger is rare but quite surprisingly fierce when it erupts. Love of nature, animals (especially dogs) and good food are usual. They are often green fingered and good cooks too.  They like financial security and a bit of luxury and love their home comforts and are quite self indulgent, but they are not over greedy or over ambitious, but very protective and possessive of what belongs to them.  They dislike change, so sometimes can be a bit static and need encouragement to do something different … but they can be relied on. Their Venus rulership gives a quiet love of beauty, and a taste for the arts and often they have a particular love of music.   Taurus rules the throat area, which can be vulnerable. All signs have certain physical vulnerabilities… but much depends on the rising (ascendant) sign too.

This month Mercury moves direct again on the 22nd.after 3 weeks of lack of momentum in many areas for us all. Since late April and before the 22nd, a rethink and revaluation needed, despite frustrations re progress and poor communications.. Because Mercury is in Taurus (values) there has needed to a global rethink re economic structures/values. The stimulus of the Panama financial revelations is being a classic catalyst for this. However from the 22nd it will no doubt be economic business as usual.   However there are signs of nemesis in the air, as arrogant unaccountable power, past and present, is being exposed and stood up to by the challenge of the ordinary man, e.g. as in the Hillsborough tragedy (police and press) Look out for more such triumphs against arrogant power, as Pluto is now in the throws over the coming years of revealing corruption.

Mars is still retrograde and will be till end of June. That really does cause inner anger and frustration of energy and paralysis on some level globally… it moves back into Scorpio from Sagittarius on the 27th, thus signalling an increasingly ruthless streak emerging in world affairs and dark agendas  … Around the 22nd is also a powerful few days when the Sun opposes Mars. Warlike and angry moods are in the ether..

The moon is New on the 6th at 17 degrees of Taurus and full on the 21st at the 2nd degree of if Sagittarius.   Plant on the new and reap on the full.


Finances are a focus for many of you this month, but most progress will be achieved after the 22nd. Before then glitches remain.   After the 24th all born up to March 30th will find their communications are effective and charming.. Emotional intelligence is strong. Mars your ruler is retrograded still and before the 27th all born up to March 28th May well have travel on their minds and international dealings and indeed legal issues are positively pursued with some fervours and academic /philosophical and ideological passions are constructively strong… but there are still frustrations and potential seething internalised and potentially impotent passions within.

 From the 27th, Mars moves bank in to Scorpio suggesting that more personal, complex emotional/ financial issues are flagged up again underlined with power because if inner frustrations and underground energies at work.

 Jupiter is protective work wise for many of you currently, and Saturn is supportive in a rather disciplined and focused mature way of those born April 2nd-6th. . Serious issued need addressing in both an international and legal context and duty is strong.. But work done now and facts faced practically now stand you in very good stead in the future.

 Uranus is now really shaking up the lives of those born 10th-14th.. Remain flexible and accept the inevitability of change, all is in turmoil, bit will eventually kick start you into a freer more authentic future… but it is an unsettling time meanwhile.. This journey wont be over till this time next year.

 Pluto too is very active in for emancipation from control is strong and a desire to stand up for your power is almost primeval in strength. Check that motive is pure and be conscious in you actions. Avoid manipulations or devious actions and don’t sink to a low level in power struggles. Draw boundaries calmly and walk away.


Your month, but with Mercury retrograde in your sign till the 22nd many of you , if born between May 6th and 15th, will be feeling very frustrated with you communication which seem to be misunderstood or just not arriving successfully somehow .. All is in the ether but just not landing somehow.  Before the 24th all of you however will be looking good and your charms are underlined and you ability to show and receive affection /love is strong. After the 24th you abilities and charms are attracting financial benefits too.

Mars still retrograde, moves back into your opposite sign of Scorpio on the 27th and for those born after May 17th, from the 27th there is a chance of some confrontations with others, maybe in an unexpected and rather indirect way. Impasses are in the air.

 Jupiter is being supportive of those born May 3rd –7th., especially after the 9th.. He is giving a party spirit and a very creative inspiration. There is also a boost to romantic potential and good times roll. Fertility is in the air and a general feel good factor and travel too is favoured. A fun loving atmosphere is pervasive.

 Neptune is currently inspiring artistically and compassionately /emotionally and spiritually to those born round April 30th- May 2nd.  Your sensitivity in much stronger now and empathy to others is huge. There is also an enriched magination and real ability to sense things …

Finally Pluto is now powerfully regenerative and empowering if born May 7th-9th.  He brings positive change and ability to regenerate self and life and also allows for new beginnings. Productive, successful long distance and academic issues are in the air.  Your influence is great now and you can revitalise and empower others as well as self.
 If born round May 6th-7th the new Moon augurs well for a regeneration and birth of the new for the coming year.


Your ruler Mercury is retrograde till the 22nd and from your solar 12th house, he may bring a time to spend in some thoughtful contemplation..  a time for reflection and meditation. After the 22nd things evolve into a more concrete manifestation, and decisions can be made and results are evident.
Venus in your sign from the 24th brings to all of you who are born up to May 31st, a sense of enhanced charisma and an attraction power that is pleasing. Love and affection and charm abounds.  Before the 27th, Mars in your opposite sign of Sagittarius is potentially bringing to those born up to May 29th, a sense of some war drums being beaten and the adversarial energy may be rather subtle but nevertheless quite insidious… in some way. Your own energies may be somehow blocked or sabotaged by others, or even somehow, by yourself.

Jupiter is now squaring the suns now of those born June 3rd –8th. There may be a tendency to be over confidant or a bit over expansionist, so beware. Any seeming arrogance could prove to be regretted. A good time is in the air, but a bit of caution is advised.

 Saturn is a little more demanding now if born June 3rd –7th. There are definite blocks around (as last January/February) from others or circumstances. Tiredness too is felt as is the march of time and the body needs looking after. There is also a sense of low mood and negativity, but face facts and step up to the plate and do what is necessary and yo8 will be glad you did. Saturn demands realism hard work and humility.

 Uranus inspires for good, exciting change now, if born June 11th-15th, but if born June 1st-3rd there need for care about seeing through rose coloured spectacles and being too trusting and not being grounded enough about issues. Check the details of issues.  There is a tendency to escapism and dreaming. Try and be in the here and now but music/film and being near the sea provides balm.


Friendships and collective goals are favoured this month… but before the 22nd, expect progress to be less obvious ad after that date. Before the 24th Venus brings affections to our door and support from friends and contacts and sociability rules.

 Mars after the 27th moves back into the sign of Scorpio enabling those born after July 19th to feel an increase in positive passion, drive, energy and emotional enthusiasm. Creativity is also heightened and romantic drives are underscored but because Mars is still retrograde, it may

Jupiter is on your side now if born July 4th-8th. Your intellect/wisdom is enhanced now and communications are really effective. General luck can be grabbed and a feel good factor is in your mood. After the 9th that feeling will be enhanced.

Uranus is a little destabilising currently and on and off for about a year if born July 12th-17th.  Professionally things are a little uncertain and you are feeling impatience and a need for more excitement and freedom. Do not be too impulsive, however, or you may regret a decision.  Be flexible and see life as a necessary journey currently.

Neptune is inspiring for those born July 2nd-4th. . Inspiration through travel and learning and the higher mind is an important factor now. Higher sensitivity to others and extra empathy is obvious and the power of emotions are showing some domination over the pure power of the intellect The spiritual dimension is looming larger in your life now and will do for nearly 2 years to come.

 Pluto however is a little more ominous now in power in the lives of those born July 8th-10th. Others are potentially involved in some power struggles with you in your life.
 Deep rooted issues affect you now from way back and you need to be aware of primitives reactions in self and indeed you can come across others who have issues that are deep rooted and which somehow become directed at you . Keep clear of manipulation from you to others and vice versa and do not resort to subversive tactics Keep squeaky clean, whilst standing up for justice..but be prepared to walk away from the dark side of the human condition  This influence is on and off in the ether for about 2 years.


 Career is highlighted this month but beware before the 22nd that all is rather on hold and uncertain with communications getting delayed, blocked or misunderstood notably if born between August 8th-17th. Venus after the 24th is positive for those born up to August 1st. Sociability is strong and friends are a great and happy influence in your life.

 Also, before the 27th if born up to August 1st Mars is bringing a boost to energy and drive, especially related to love life and the creative drive in general. Ambition and courage is underlined. However being retrograde, the energy may just be a little more in the planning stage than actualised. After the 27th for all born after August 19th.. Mars is a little more uncomfortable.. There is a chance that there is some stress related to home or family. Anger can erupt directly or via passive aggression, but some resentments are in air and delays that create some anger /frustrations are likely.. Patience and tolerance is needed.

Saturn is helpful in a grounding, maturing, disciplining way, if born August 5th-9th.. Work needed done can be addressed with patience and application, even if challenging. Self-discipline is more easy to come by in establishing a better infrastructure in life.. Duty is in the air too as it was back in January and February.

Uranus is a great influence now, for those born August 13th-17th. . The need for change is flagged up, as is the need for greater awareness and an ability to see more outside the box and to be more true to self. Liberation into a more suitable way of life is on the agenda and restlessness is strong.. This year long journey will be refreshing; and travel, long distance interests and academic journeying may be part of this journey. Relationship changes are also possibly involved and new and interesting and even rather alternative people can be great catalysts for a leap into a new direction somehow.


 This is a month that can .Learning is important and valuable.

After the 22nd those born September 6th-10th will feel that outcomes finally arrive that are pleasing and your wisdom carries the day and communications are very effective. Your ruler Mercury will again happily then be direct again.
Venus, before the 24th also can bring love and affection to the door through travel and academic associations.

Mars, now retrograde till 27th is squaring the Suns of August born Virgos. Impatience and impulsiveness and irritation is in the air, related to romance, offspring and all creative issues… so be calm and count to 10 even if others don’t. Underground frustrations are seething

 From the 27th all born after September 19th, will be feeling more robust and confident in communications and effective energies.

Jupiter in your sign now is excellent news for those born September 5th-9th. Confidence, luck, growth, celebrations, confidence, success and travel are all likely.
Saturn, however, by contrast, is a bit trying for this same group. so there will be protection from Jupiter , but some issues will be in the air that will need the cavalry to arrive.

 Neptune is opposing now the suns of those born September 3rd –5th. This rare transit  (every 165 years) lasts till at least February 2018.  This can create a sense of dissolving of certain issues or relationships in life.. a sense of unsureness  and tiredness and not seeing too clearly , so this a  floating time where you have to let go and trust the trade winds .Nothing is concrete, but your heart is powerful be very wary of others who cast smoke and mirrors in your direction and do nor be too ready to trust or be influenced by others.  There is also a great sense of emotional vulnerability to beauty and nature, which can be so uplifting. Sleeping is more attractive than usual too.

Pluto is very positive now for those born September 9th-11th. There is a great sense of boldness and power and destiny connected to love life, children and artistic/creative activities and success.  Enjoy, as this very rare and positive influence is with you till January 2018.


 You are feeling more profound in consciousness than usual and complex financial issues can occupy you..

 Happily, after the 22nd progress can start to be made. Also after the 24th if born up to October 2nd, Venus brings charm, beauty and affection into your life, notably with long distance implications.

 Mars, now retrograde, will, before the 27th will also, for all born up to October 2nd will bring passion to your thinking and communications. A Powerful will is a constructive force and your passions re ideology and ideas are impressive.

 Saturn is a helpful, if hard working and serious influence now in the life of all born October 6th-10th.  Your serious down to earth thinking is very helpful; and discipline and a hard work ethic provides fuel for success in all communications and actions.. Duty and loyalty and stepping up to the plate is necessary for later rewards and success now, so don’t evade reality.

Uranus is now opposing in his once every 84 year cycle the suns of those born October 14th-18th.  Others are creating disruption and uncertainty in life. They may be very upsetting, but indeed they are necessary catalysts in some way for change and needs to be philosophically accepted as such. This last for about a year intermittently and needs to be approached with flexibility and awareness that awakening change is now flagged up as necessary by the universe..  Change is not necessarily bad, but we can try to cling to outworn structures, rather than let things flow.

 Pluto too is challenging now (in a rare transit) to those born October 9th-11th. Beware misuse of power by self as you try and rebel or control circumstances and people. Forces that are very deep are erupting as you seek to control your destiny and get away from oppressive circumstances… You really have to be conscious of the past now and how it affects your unconscious and so you need to observe its influence very carefully and if necessary seek some help to understand the forces at work and how best to healthily give birth to them most advantageously.


 Relationships are powerful and life directing for those born November 7th-16th, but you will only finally get the breakthrough you seek in terms of certain agreements or good communication results.

 Venus is in Taurus before the 24th and will bring at some point for you all, an input of love and affection into your life that is very gratifying.

 Mars, your co-ruler, in your sign after the 27th will then impact powerfully those born after November 18th. There will be determination and power to your will then and others to may well give you a need to address your own power of response. Will and desire is also strong. Make sure it is not just about gratuitous power, or you will attract challenge.  Before the 27th, financial dealings will be a focus of determined energy, but with mars retrograde, frustrations remain.

Jupiter is quietly helpful to all born November 4th-8th.. Hope and wishes can get furthered and friends and collaborators are there for you. It is sociable in a very happy and lucky way.

 Neptune is in lovely angular relation to the suns of those born November 3rd-5th.  It is making you very idealistic and romantic with a fairy tale longing for the perfect soul mate amorous situation. It is possible you cam meet a soul mate and indeed there is a sense of real increased sensitivity compassion and empathy and even psychic connection with others and a very spiritual connection with others and indeed especially ones offspring is possible… A love of nature, the arts, beauty and any spiritual pursuit is underlined and are sources of growth.

Music, the film world and the sea have particular allure and provide real balm.
This once ever aprox 82 year beautiful transit lasts till February 2018. Enjoy.

Pluto your powerful ruler is now really empowering the lives of those born November 8th-19th. This once every 124-year connection lasting for aprox 2 years, brings a real insight into truths. There is a forensic insightful power to your mind and communications now and it serves you and others admirably. Writing/ studying/teaching can be a triumphant activity now.


Focus may well be on work relationships and rationalising everyday routine, and on good health habits.  From the 22nd good results can be evident. After the 24th Venus brings for all November born Sagittarians an increase in amorous or affectionate attentions.. Cupid is in the wings and your warmth is reflected back from others.. Charming connections are very gratifying.

Mars now retrograde in your sign till 27th, suggests that before that date, all born after November 29th may experience a heightened sense of impatience and irritation and frustrated energy that can express itself rather negatively with passive aggression a danger. On the other hand determination to quietly plan and prepare a course of action for future activation can serve you well, but be conscious of buried anger that can erupt.

 Jupiter is currently tempting those born 4th-8th to be a bit over the top in confidence or in taking things for granted and self-indulgence is possible   Avoid any temptation to seem arrogant or complacent, particularly at work.

Saturn however is also in this same groups case, so there is a valuable brake and for some of the above group there may been be a sense of tiredness and negativity about life, but Jupiter at least will help you through in some way. Look after your body and know that disciplined work and patience and stepping up to the platen really is necessary, despite a tendency to think you can avoid some of the challenges.

 Uranus is providing a catalyst for more freedom and inspiring change now and for the coming year if born December12th-16th.. This can be related to love life, creative uniqueness and possibly to children., but the need and ability to be more true to yourself is strong and rewarding. Intuition is also serving you well.

 Be aware if born round December 2nd-4th that there is for the coming aprox few years a tendency to be tired and prone to deceptive circumstances as you don’t necessarily see clearly.. Tiredness is also part of the picture and a bit of a sense of lack of clarity about goals or direction and lack of certainty about things..  It is time to accept a subtle journey of change and a metamorphosis, but in the meant time be aware that you are susceptible to smoke and mirrors or protective selective perception, so keep grounded and check out the small print, as it were.

 If born round the November 21st/22nd then be aware that the full Moon will be bringing some revelations from within and from others, that cant be held back.


This a good month to let your hair down and enjoy life and romance and leisure is underlined, although with mercury retrograde before the 22nd, ensure all communications are received as meant to be. But communication opportunities are strong for those born January 6th-15th. Before the 24th Venus is definitely bringing power of the affections /romance to all your doors at some point in the month, and children can be a source of joy as can speculative interests. Mars retrograde can create some inner anger and that needs watching, but after the27th for those born after January 17th, there is a sense of courage and leadership momentum, but maybe realising that there is a strong need to accept deferred gratification in your plans. 

Jupiter is very supportive now of those born January 3rd-7th. There is a boost to travel or plans to do so. Long distance concerns are favoured and wisdom, luck and academic susses are in the air and an increase in philosophical understanding and insight.. Legal issues can also be supported.

Uranus is slightly unnerving now for those born January 11th-15th, Change of an unexpected sort or lack of stability possibly connected to home /family /real estate issues are likely now and on and off for the coming year. Remain flexible and know change and uncertainty is part of your life for a reason now and it ultimately is part of a necessary awakening journey..

Neptune is bringing a more sensitive heart o those born January1st-3rd.. Your heart is more important now that pure rationality and needs honouring.. Appreciation of the arts and more spiritual understanding is underlined and empathy/compassion and general absorption of others feelings can be quite overwhelming at times. The materialistic interests are downgraded. An excellent time for being near the sea and involvement in music/film and a furthering of your creative gifts is powerful. This is around for about 2 years.. so enjoy.

Pluto is now in his once ever 248-year visitation impacting those born January 7th-9th   and is in the air for about 2 years. A slow developing influence. This is about destiny.. Recognising the birth of your true potential and also accepting that your sense of power need to be used wisely.  You are not the power, but the agent of the power and likely endings of chapters now signify a new and powerful beginning of a different trajectory and consciousness, but ego cannot be the driving force or you may meet with powerful resistance to you desires. A time of insight and depth and acceptance of change that can feel scary, but know that it is an inevitable chapter that ultimately regenerates and reinvents you somehow.


 Home and family issues are important this month, but if born February 5th-14th be aware that there can be misunderstandings and missed communications with family members or about family/home business and there can be glitches with technology or with home appliances. After the 22nd things can run more smoothly.

Venus before the 24th brings some extravagance potentially this month, but after the 24th for those Aquarians born before January 30th, there is an upbeat sense relating the romance, children, the arts, life enhancement and general celebrations of love and life.

 Mars, before the 27th, brings for many January born Aquarians, a powerful sense of determination and communication impetus, but it may be driven by frustration wit the world around you and in general. After the 27th however m if born after February 15th n there is a distinct possibility of a feeling of frustrated anger at work or related to authority figures. Tempers are frayed and resentments can be quite fixed and unpleasant. Have a care.
Saturn you co ruler is user friendly now if born February 1st-5th, He is bringing a mature discipline and the strength to rise to challenges, relating to goals and collective projects., Leadership skills are strong too ass loyalty and sense of duty.

Uranus you main ruler is now very much favouring and bringing out the best of your sign’s qualities, if born February 9th-13th. He is, for about a year, sparking your intuitions and insights and helping you see, even more than usual, the bigger picture. Your understandings are more esoteric now and studies related to metaphysics, astrology or plain technologies are bound to be successful and life enhancing. A new freedom of understanding and an enhanced consciousness is being born.


 Your thinking is sharp and communications with others, especially siblings is important now and after the 22nd, you will feel that any frustrations round communications ease. Your emotional intelligence is enhanced this month before the 24th, for all of you as is your creative mind, but beware after the 24th those born up to February 27th will have a tendency to be a little over indulgent and possibly expect too much from others on the family front.
Mars is not favourable before the 27th for all Pisces born up to February 28th. There is a potential for trouble and tension and irritability with work associates and authority figures. This is a time to really stop and think before reacting or doing. Anger is worse now because it can be seething and indirect and frustrated., due to his  retrograde motion. After the 27th all born after March 17th m may find that there is a more constructive energy enabled related to travel /academic/philosophical /spiritual or long distance issues, but there is still an element of paralysis and a need for an inner constructive review.

 Jupiter is encouraging god times and expansive, even indulgent behaviour related to others particularly, notably now if born around March 3rd –7th. Others are catalysts for luck and indeed extravagance possibly but good times are around except that Saturn too is pouring some rain onto the parade of this same group, but it could be work assures that are challenging now and there is a real sense of pressure of work or frustration there and either you stop up to the plate or you have to rethink direction now. Honesty and humility  is needed  but lack of confidence needs avoiding too. Fortunately Jupiter acts like the cavalry arriving, but do keep real about what is needed now.

Neptune for the next few years or so is very powerful in your own sign now, for those born around March 1st-3rd. (once every 165 years) The true Piscean sensitivity, spirituality, inspiration and creative font is huge now, as are almost psychic powers of connection with others and the forces of nature and with other dimensions possibly, but negatively this influence can also make one escapist, unrealistic and very susceptible to illusion/delusion and deception from others or from self.
Use this with a groundedness that helps you bring its benefits to others and the planet. Do not let this influence take you away from realty, but allow it to enhance your sensitivities for the greater good of beauty and the soul.

Pluto however is creating some issues that feel quite powerful in a different way if born March 7th-9th. Beware power struggles externally with friends or others that are rooted in your own struggles to liberate yourself from control. Issues that go way back are emerging for you to deal with and if you are not ruthless and walk away from others who may be, you can discover a new power of self emancipation, with a phoenix rising out of the ashes of the old, but this path takes about 2years to reach its destination, so be patient, careful, conscious and avoid the dark side of the human condition. Walk away and keep your own devils in check by being very conscious of unconscious forces that are erupting. Your power needs acknowledging now, but not explosively.