Thursday 30 September 2021



With Mercury retrograde till the 18th and since September 27th, frustrations and delays abound, not least in England.  All month, till the around the 24th Mars and the Sun are both in Libra nudging each other. This can only bring an atmosphere of barely disguised tensions and anger in people and global politics and a there is a ruthless desire to win This will however be bathed, in some disguise of charm and claims of fairness and this will be especially strong on the 8th.

 However, the mood is clearly dangerously intense around the 2nd, 17th and 18th and around the 22nd when Mercury, the Sun and Mars all respectively, square up to Pluto.  Power struggles that can be dangerous, are in the air, particularly on the 22nd.

The fight against climate change, so illuminated now by the facts and by direct and plentiful global experience, is growing as a priority for many, for obvious reasons, and it is increasingly creating serious eco anxiety, especially in the young, whose future is felt to be seriously threatened. However, so many people in power, are still in reality, very much still side-lining the issue, in favour of financial interests and growth, although lip service is being paid to it by many leaders.  There are of course leaders who totally acknowledge the vastness of the problem and are doing their best to address it, but it is only collective global cooperation which will make a significant enough difference.

 A huge existential clash of values now is coming to a head globally and with Neptune in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus now, nature is doing its best to wake us up, which is as clear as day , especially again to the young, but the old establishment socio/economic order (Pluto in Capricorn 2008 till 2025) is dominating and creates such a strong sense of ego , that it is just too much for many with power to face the inconvenient truth of a massive needed change of values and priorities.

 The technological development we are seeing is rapid and mind blowing in so many ways, for both good and ill, especially now Aquarius is so strong with both Jupiter and Saturn in that sign, but sometimes it seems we have become too smart for our own good, with wisdom becoming side-lined, again, often on the altar of money, power and ego alone.

When Pluto ,which equals power..( think of the words Plutonium and Plutocracy) moves in 2025 into Aquarius, (innovation, big picture, technology), it is hoped that power in that area will be combined with a humanitarian outlook and a collective wisdom, but because Pluto seems to revel in personal power, ego and control, there is a worry that technological advancement can then be used as a tool for dangerous control, manipulation, power and even warfare, without having to drop a single bomb.   Technology allows countries potentially to be held to ransom by other countries, if they can powerfully infiltrate technological systems. We are already seeing widespread misuse of technology, and this could become dangerously socio-political very easily.

 Motive is everything with Pluto, magnificently regenerative and healing when used well, or very destructive and dark, when used for reasons of selfish gain and power.

 The Gray Zone concept is looming as a reality.

 Boris Johnson has Mars on his ascendant between the 1st and the 4th.suggesting thar others will be problematic to him in their challenge and he will be under some duress … not least re economic issues, and looking at the England birth chart, Jupiter is currently square to the natal Neptune, which certainly points to an over optimism, a lack of clarity and reality, plus a desire for heroic jingoistic glamour, when it comes to innovative international relations.

 Biden’s chart continues to be stressed and from the 23rd when Saturn opposes his natal Pluto (every 30 years) till November17th.  International relations are very difficult for him then and his power is at least totally limited, and at worst, really threatened.  Saturn is also squaring his Part of Fortune, most of the month, quite literally implying that his luck is at a very low ebb.

 There is still for the USA chart, a powerful transit of Pluto opposing the natal Mercury (Since March 2020 and till January 2022) suggesting a powerful and protracted period of stress, relating to the international reputation of the States (Since March 2020 and till January 2022)

New world orders are developing, broken alliances are manifesting with new, seeming illogical ones formed. Shape shifting and obscure agreements, are being announced, without clear reason, other than, it seems, the desire for immediate power of certain egocentric leaders and short-term economic gain, regardless of long-term consequences or risks. This is notable now, in the terms of new international agreements and deals, regarding increased proliferation of nuclear weapons.   This is indeed a manifestation of the downside of Neptune in Pisces, since 2012, which does indeed create behind the scenes smoke and mirrors and deceptions, resulting from the often fanciful, ego centred motives of certain powerful, but often foolish men, who only see the future in terms of their own glamourous tenure of office and who are wilfully ignoring the risks. The good of the world is sacrificed on the altar of perceived individual, national heroism and ego … A sad but increasingly common fact, re many of our world leaders.

The full Moon is on the 20th at 27 degrees of Aries and the New Moon is on the 6th at 13 degrees     Libra. Libras born around the 6th/7th October may well feel at the time of the New Moon, as if a new chapter is unfolding, whilst for Aries, born around the 17th of April, there may be around the 20th, a sense of an ending in some context, that must erupt in some way.  Things come to a head.