Saturday, 1 October 2016


 This is an intense month with unpredictable events geo physically and geo politically especially around the 15th, 20th and 29th. Uranus is very active on those dates. Earthquakes/eruptions and the various powerful forces of nature may be much in evidence.  Pluto is also activated around the 7th 16th and 19th, indicating also that forceful, powerful wills of individuals are at work on the planet.  Power struggles are in the air and issues re global crisis are highlighted, and there is no escaping the need to urgently address these issues. Misuse of power and the darker forces of humanity will be in greater evidence than usual. We will also have to face up to these, as they become increasingly exposed to our view. Wake up calls are necessary.

Pluto now moving through the last 15 degrees of Capricorn till 2025, will see the ultimate nemesis of an ailing planet in which the powers that be, have developed a global system, whether it be governments or powerful corporate bodies/monopolies (Pluto) that largely has only come to value money and status (Capricorn), with all the troubling venal global fallout that this has brought. The detachment that these powerful forces have from the realities of average peoples lives, has caused a great inequality and divide and a hugely powerful discontent.

The US elections are drawing close and the world holds its breath. The anti establishment mood is now strong globally, at whatever cost, with whatever fallout that brings, in reality. The collective unconscious somehow knows that the world and its prevailing value systems/establishment politics have come to a crisis point and what we are seeing is a desperation for change in whatever shape or form that may come in, no matter who seems to represent that change, on the political spectrum, whether it be Nigel Farage or Jeremy Corbyn in Britain, or Trump in the USA. To get support, these figures just need to symbolise a rebellion against the current neo liberal political establishment position. Change is needed, but blind leaps into any alternative, could easily mean we jump out of the frying pan into the fire… and Neptune now meandering slowly through Pisces, in a negative behaviour, has rather manifested itself in various political stances and statements over recent months, as a sort of heap of smoke and mirror tricks and “post truth” politics, wrapped up in an alluring  “grass is greener” idealism.
 There are 2 new Moons this month; the first one is on the 1st of the month at 8 degrees of Libra, and on second on the 30th at 7 degrees of Scorpio. These days brings a sense of initiation and the birth of the new, whereas the full Moon on the 16th at 23 degrees of Aries, suggest a rather intense day of eruptive feelings and rather reptilian brain manifestations; and endings and closures are in the air. As Pluto is also quite strong on the 16th, it may feel like rather an ominous period globally, when uncomfortable utterances are in the air.

 Relationships are important this month. Just be careful you do not give your power away completely.  After the 7th, all of you will enjoy excellent communication with people and clearing up misunderstandings with partners is recommended to be successful, particularly now Mercury is direct.
With Venus in your solar 8th house until the 18th, intimacy is fulfilling.  After the 18th, all born up to April 7th may find that love life and travel, or love life and academic issues can go hand in hand.  A love of learning is also in the air. 

Mars however, now in Capricorn, is for all born up to April 15th, suggesting there may be some confrontations with those at work and your own ambitions and assertiveness can be counter-productive in relationships with colleagues or bosses. 
Determination is one thing, over-assertion is another. Impatience and risky reactions and behaviour are in the air.

Jupiter now in your opposite sign is bringing definite confidence and boosts those born March 24th until April 2nd.  People from other cultures, generous people and those who can bring wisdom, and luck can all be on your orbit.  The only danger is with Jupiter in the Solar 7th house is that you may be over-trusting, over-confident with others or possibly over-generous.  Beware a sense of entitlement in relationships.  Travel and relationships are definitely intermingled too.
For those born April 1st to 6th, there is a sense of duty and obligation connected to travel or study and there is a desire or need to step up to the plate to face certain facts in a mature way.  If this is done, there will be benefits.

Uranus is still stirring up the lives of those born April 11th to 15th.  This journey continues until April of next year.  It is a once every 84 year period of turbulence, change, unpredictability and being kick started out of the old, into the new.  Whether that be comfortable or not, have faith that it is a liberating influence.  Just don’t be too impulsive and don’t push for change, but take it in your stride. This is a journey, rather than an arrival and it may involve a change in direction and value system.
Pluto by contrast is affecting all born April 3rd to 6th.  One has to be very careful about overly controlling influences emanating from you or from others.  Endings of chapters and changes are necessary and this feels like fate.  There is a need to escape from conditions and a person whom you have outgrown as your own independent spirit is rebelling against the old guard.  Just make sure your motive is pure.  This is the final chapter of a couple of years of inner, almost existential struggle, but phoenixes are about to rise out of the ashes of the old. 

The full Moon falls on the 16th in your sign, affecting directly those born April 12th-14th, bringing a sense of endings of the old and a period of some powerful feelings and events that reveal themselves and which need acknowledging.

 From the 7th, those born after May 10th creativity and enjoyment of life, a celebration of your talents are possible.  Good communications with offspring are helpful.  After the 24th, if born up to May 2nd, all relationships, professional or personal are enhanced by incisive communication.  Before the 18th, all born after April 28th will also have an opportunity to feel the distinct power of Cupid, as love, admiration and affection is in the air.  Harmony with others is a very welcome gift and the ability to give and receive love is notable. 
Mars is also on your side, for all born up to May 15th.  Much energy and push is put into philosophical and ideological pursuits.  It is also a time of potential travel and ambition and drive is part of the picture. Energy, determination and adventure is strong.
Jupiter now in your Solar 6th House is enhancing both work issues and health issues over the next twelve months. 

Neptune is bringing to those born April 29th to May 2nd a renewed sense of idealism, empathy and compassion and hypersensitivity to others and their moods and their feelings; and with it, goes an extra ability to have healing and creative capabilities enhanced.  A sort of spiritual intensity is born and an increased need for and love of nature and desire for harmony and beauty. 
Pluto is also finally, after two years, about to complete his mission of empowerment for those born May 4th – 7th.  Intellectual and ideological power is more deeply embedded in your being now, with long distance contacts finally proving their worth.
Your determination and ability to self-reinvent is something that you are now far more aware of than you were several years ago.  Relationship issues can be renewed as well, with confidence and self-belief. 

This is a period of celebration of life, notably after the 7th and before the 24th when communication skills, creatively and romantically are enhanced.  After the 18th, for all born up to June 7th, love life can take on an extra boost.  You are attracted to others and others are attracted to you.  Warmth, generosity and loving vibes are in the air.
Jupiter is very on your side now from the sign of Libra, being a compatible air sign to yours; and those benefiting this month are born May 25th – June 2nd.  For this group, there is a sense of buoyancy, confidence, growth, inner and outer, travel possibilities, great increase in creative ability and opportunity and also a desire to enjoy love to the full, with social opportunities abounding, as is romance.  Fertility on all levels is also very much in the air. 

However, Saturn is reminding those born June 2nd to 6th that there are still obstacles to finally deal with in certain relationships.  Reality checks about others are manifesting.  Good relationships will step up to the plate and deal with problematic issues in terms of adjustments to changes that are needed.  Poor relationships may have to face some uncomfortable facts, but obligations and duty is in the air, which one cannot evade.  Look after your health, get rest and know who is genuinely a karmic schoolteacher in life, as opposed to those who are just blocking your path.
Uranus is bringing some excitement and change of a positive nature into the lives of those born June 11th – 15th.  New contacts with people and new ideologies, new goals and a more liberating big picture now, means that awareness is yours.
By contrast, Neptune, for those born around May 31st, is possibly bringing some fog or confusion around career issues.  Make sure you read the small print; check you understand everything and that others understand all your messages too.  Don’t be over-idealistic.  Don’t see through rose coloured spectacles.  Spending time listening to music and getting more sleep will help.
Before the 7th, all born after July 12th will find their thinking and communication skills sharpened.  People listen; and after the 7th, but before the 24th, communications with family are a focus, but ensure that messages are clearly understood.

After 24th, all born up to July 3rd will be enhanced with in their communication skills on a creative level and on a romantic level and also communications with children are very productive.
Before the 18th, Venus in Scorpio is excellent news for those seeking romance, particularly if born after June 29th.  This is party time. Romantic and creative joys abound.
It is however, important to remind all those up to July 17th that Mars may be bringing for many of you some sort of confrontations with other people who are strong minded and determined and this may be triggered by your own determination, but however it manifests, some conflict of wills is likely.  Others will not be pushovers.  Stop and think before reacting or trying to control situations.  Draw boundaries around people who are unnecessarily assertive.

Jupiter from Libra is bringing for those born between June 26th and July 3rd a little bit of over-confidence, or over-expansion, particularly on the domestic family front.  Biting off more than one can chew or spending too much and over-indulgence is in the air, as is some over-confidence possibly.  Don’t take too much for granted.  Good times can roll, but have a little caution. 

Uranus is still bringing some chaos or at least some unforeseen issues, both internally and externally, for those born July 13th to 17th.  One’s work place may be the route of this.  Rebellion is in the air.  A need for change or change being imposed upon you is possible.  Certainly things do not feel rock solid.  Do not push the river.  Watch and wait.  Change is ultimately liberating but this will take time.  It will be another few months before you understand the journey. 

Neptune is truly inspiring for those born around July 1st and this can come from long distance, travel, overseas interests or higher wisdom, higher learning and spiritual routes.  Inspiration, creativity, idealism is all in the air.  Exploit the arts and your talents therein.  Being near the sea is healing.
Those born July 5th to 7th however are in the final throws of some power struggles potentially with a partner in any context.  It is time to acknowledge bullies and to deal with them appropriately; and also a time to understand one’s own reactions to people from a very deep-rooted level; to be conscious and controlled and if necessary accept endings, if regeneration is not possible.

Between the 7th and the 24th, all of you will have negotiating skills and wisdom and insight, which will enhance your relationships with others and your ability to plan ahead.  After the 24th, those born up to August 4th however, may need to tread carefully when communicating with family members and some uncomfortable truths may be heard or told.

 However, before the 18th, for all born after August 1st, there is a need to be wary of over-indulgence, or of having too high expectations of others.  Do not be complacent about finances and avoid sycophantic behaviour. However, after the 18th, if born up to August 9th, the good times are flagged up.  Romantic enjoyment is strong.  Love life can benefit and dealings with offspring can be very happy.
Jupiter now from Libra is compatible with your sign for the coming 12 months and those benefiting this month are born July 26th to August 3rd.  Quiet confidence, growth, protection and love is in the air.  Not least because of extra wisdom, insight and good communication skills.

For those born August 2nd to 8th, Saturn is demanding a very mature, grown up attitude towards children and romance and realism is brought to your door.  Pragmatism is now important.  Facing facts and dealing with what is necessary gives you a better infrastructure for your future in these areas.  Hard work will also benefit creative talents.
Uranus is liberating now for those born August 13th to 17th.  Opportunities that come out of the blue are possibly connected to travel and academic issues.  Your wisdom is more intuitive and a belief in your own authenticity and uniqueness is strong.  Awakenings are in the air. 

Before the 7th, Mercury in your sign will bring to all born after September 12th an extra sharp insight and ability to really convince people of your viewpoint.  Your need for communication is strong, but make sure you listen to others too.  After the 7th and before the 24th, communication skills tend to focus on finances.
After the 24th, all born up to September 4th will find that your wisdom and intelligence is very fruitful. 
Before the 18th, Venus, for all born after August 31st, will bring a lovely combination of head with heart.  Charm is extenuated and you can probably sell snow to Eskimos. After the 18th, however, those born up to September 8th, have a care that your generosity is not out of control, as is your spending power possibly. 

Mars very much favours now all born up to September 17th.  Extra energy, courage, drive and ambition and good judgement is yours; notably in speculative ventures, sports and also in love life. 
Jupiter now in Libra is generally for the next twelve months at the very least protective around finances.
Saturn, however, for those born September 3rd to 8th, is bringing a few hard truths or blocks and restrictions, particularly around family, domestic and real estate issues.  A time to re-think, to have humility, to be mature, to be honest, to be practical and to accept at the very least, some delays or a need to review plans.  It is also a time to remind yourself that you’re not getting any younger and the body needs respect. 

Neptune, opposing now the Suns of those born September 1st to 3rd, is a reminder, and has been the case since May 2015 and will be so until the beginning of next year, that you need to be very aware that confusion, deceptions and misunderstandings are very much in the air with and from others.  Don’t see others through rose coloured spectacles.  Keep grounded.  Over idealism can definitely be counter-productive.
However, for those born September 6th to 9th, a new sense of purpose and fun, creatively and romantically is now yours, with a sense over the last two years that you have come into your own, and that is now being secured.  

Your birthday month is an opportunity to shine in some way, as indeed from the 7th up until the 24th, all of you get the opportunity to also indicate your great powers of rationalisation, fairness, balance and harmony as Mercury is in your sign. 

From the 18th, Venus, for all born up to October 9th also puts into play your remarkable PR skills, charm and persuasive qualities.  Diplomacy can be your strong point. 

However, for all born up to October 17th, Mars may bring for many of you some sense of impatience and over-assertiveness on home front; either you to others or others to you.  Your iron fist in a velvet glove potential may be obvious to family and those you share space with.  Stop and think before over-reacting or over-asserting.  

Jupiter, beautifully now in your sign, (once every twelve years) is now bringing great benefits to those born September 26th to October 4th.  This means travel, confidence, luck, growth and a sense of well being is very much in the ether and not least extra wisdom and vision.  

Saturn is also bringing constructive growth for those born October 3rd to 8th.  He is bringing a roundedness and wisdom that makes your activities pragmatic and gratifying, despite the sense of extra responsibility and workload. 

However, if born October 13th to 17th, there is continuing disruptions and unpredictability coming from other people in any context of relationship.  Other people are demanding more freedom or behaving unpredictably and this is causing you some stress, but ultimately they may be bringing messages hinting at your own future freedom.  Change is in the air.  It is important that mutual freedoms are respected.  

Also, for those born October 6th to 9th, there is a sense of an end to a chapter connected to some domestic situation or family issue.  There is a power struggle going on internally, as there is a need for more independence and freedom, where one can show one’s own autonomy.  This is now culminating into a decision time. 

The new Moon falls in your sign on the 1st directly impacting those born between September 30th and October 2nd. For these Librans the birth of the new is very much in the air and it may be a particularly regenerative birthday period.

 Before the 7th, all those born after November 11th, have leadership abilities and the ability to convince others of your viewpoints.  Communicating with friends and groups can bring you advantage and wisdom too.
After the 24th, if born up to November 4th, your intensity of thinking and insight is underlined.  You need to communicate with others and others will listen as your wisdom is significant, but do stop and let others have their say.
Before the 18th, Venus is very much in your sign for all born after October 31st.  This brings a great desire for love and beauty and passion.  It also underlines your own personal charisma and charm, so your normal attracting powers will be enhanced. 

Mars, your co-ruler, is also very much on your side for all born up to November 16th.  Your will, determination and your judgement is powerful and well directed; and your communications are very convincing and well directed also. 

Jupiter now in Libra in your Solar 12th is just bringing a quiet guardian angel into your life for some months to come. 

Neptune is enhancing sensitivities and the creative and spiritual inclinations of all born November 1st to 3rd.  This has been in the ether since April 2015 and now is in his final flourish until the end of the year.  Your need in romantic issues has become more soulful and your creative gifts have been developing and the need for beauty and harmony has grown since the beginning of this transit.  The sea/film world and music have possibly become closer friends. 

Pluto, your ruler, is very much on your side, as he has been for several years now. Finally, for those born November 5th to 8th, you are now coming to the end of a chapter of real understanding of your potential, your power and your destiny; and your insight and wisdom and forensic mind has just flourished. Writers and speakers have benefited from this especially.

The second new Moon of the month falls at 7 degrees of Scorpio, affecting those born around October 31st. This may well prove a time of renewal and the sowing of seeds for a new chapter

 From the 7th and before the 24th, all of you will be gaining through excellent wisdom given and received to and from friends; and your ability to convince others of your ideas. Your leadership skills are indicated as being admirable.  
Venus moves into your sign on the 18th, enhancing all those born up to December 8th, with a sense of extra charm, beauty and charisma and love life can flourish; and your sense of affections are appreciated by all who come into contact with you. 

Mars suggests that this month you may be putting a lot of emphasis on to the safety of your finances. 
Jupiter, now in Libra, is very good news for your sign, being in compatible angular relationship and this month those benefiting are born from November 25th to December 3rd.  For this group, travel is in the air, leadership skills, group success and friends and new contacts prove invaluable; and a quiet confidence is within you.  

However, Saturn is sitting firmly on the Suns now of those born December 2nd to the 7th.  Life may feel a little bit like an uphill struggle.  There may be negativity of outlook, not necessarily validly so, but heavy responsibilities are on your shoulders and blocks and restrictions can also be around.  Take it easy, pace yourself, do what is necessary, get rest, look after the body, face facts, get real and be pragmatic.  You cannot kick this particular issue into the long grass, but by facing it, you deal with it well. 

Those born December 12th to 16th now have Uranus inspiring them creatively, through offspring and through new concepts, ideas, insights and awakening.  This is a liberating transit, so enjoy.

Neptune, however, is still bringing some smoke and mirrors into the view of those born November 30th to December 2nd.  This influence has been in the ether since 2015 and is virtually over by the end of the year.  It has caused some confusion, uncertainly, lack of confidence and lack of solidity, but is has also given you exquisite sensitivity to others.  Sacrifices may need to be made so long as martyrdom is not part of the picture.  

Be aware that between the 7th and the 24th there is a possibility that your communications professionally may need care in deliverance, otherwise misunderstandings can be possible.
However, after the 24th if born up to January 2nd, your ability to sell your ideas to friends or in groups where collective goals are important, are very much advantaged; and indeed wisdom from others is helpful to you too. 

Before the 18th, if born after December 29th, social life should get a boost and loving friends and partners will very much enhance your life; and your humanitarian instincts bring warmth from others.
Mars in your sign now will bring for all born up to January 14th an extra dose of ambition, determination, drive and no nonsense attitude to life.  All that matters is it doesn’t spill into a bit of aggression.  A bit of a competitive streak is born.  This can be very constructive provided you are in control of it and it doesn’t control you. 

Jupiter in Libra is in square relationship to Capricorns and this month, those born December 25th to January 2nd are in slight danger of over-confidence, over expectation when it comes to work and status.  A little bit of complacency may be in the air and self-indulgence.  Beware about biting off more than you can chew, but having said this, with caution, it can also be a time of advancement.
Uranus is squaring still the Suns of those born January 11th to 14th; and indeed he has been doing so since April of this year and will continue to May of next year, so this is a long period of some uncertainty, particularly domestically.  Ground is shifting and there is impatience, but this is a journey, not an arrival as yet, so be patient and watch. 

Neptune is now the friend of those born around December 31st. He is bringing to this group an increased sensitivity, emotion, empathy, compassion, spirituality and creative gifts.  The need for harmony and beauty is strong and should be acknowledged and the ego is downgraded on the altar of a more universal value system.   

Those born January 4th to 7th have Pluto still on their case but this is nearly over.  By the end of the year you will have come through a two year process of transformation, self-reinvention and some drama; and possibly the ending of a chapter, but ultimately fate has been at work and this creates a whole new chapter ahead in which you are stronger and more understanding of your true nature and life’s purpose, even though it may have been a challenging road. 

Between the 7th and the 24th, Mercury has re-enhanced your wisdom, your intuition and your big picture understanding; and brought wisdom from long distance travel, from other countries and through study. 
After 24th, if born up to January 30th, just be aware that you may feel you are not quite on the same page as those who you work with, so be clear.  

Before the 18th, all born after January 27th may find that their personal appearance and charms are helpful in the working environment and love life may also be connected to that place, but do be careful that one is not hypocritical or sycophantic to those around one.  

After the 18th, if born up to February 5th however, there is a very sociable period arriving.  Friends, groups you work with are all enjoyable, supportive and love and happiness can abound.
Jupiter is very well placed from Libra to help your sign and this month those directly benefiting are those born January 23rd to 31st.  Excellent for travel, long distance benefits, excellent for good academic results and enjoyment of learning and for a really expanded higher mind.  Luck and confidence is very much boosted.  The desire for growth is strong.

Saturn is also very helpful but in a slightly sterner way, for those born January 30th to February 4th.  For this group, obligations and duties have to be acknowledged in a very mature and wise, hard-working attitude; and a sense of pragmatism can bring great progress and rewards for you and those you work with and for. 

Uranus is also, being your ruling planet, a real booster for those born February 9th to 13th and will indeed continue to be so until April next year.   You intuitive wisdom is gaining strength, as is your confidence.  Your ability to look outside the box and to understand and to have insight and to have eureka moments is also developing.  Your own uniqueness of outlook and wisdom should be trusted. 

From the 7th, Mercury in your 7th house brings for all born after March 10th a great opportunity to communicate very effectively with those with whom you need to enhance understanding.  Wisdom from other people is also very much favourable to your progress.  

After the 24th, all born up to March 2nd will very much appreciate and gain from higher study and from communications from others from other cultures and travel is also favoured.
If born after February 26th, before the 18th, love life and long distance issues can go hand in hand.  This is a time of harmony and beauty and appreciation.  Your own charms are enhanced.  You appreciate beauty and study and learning can really enhance your soul.  Meeting others of like minds can foster romance. 

Mars is on your side now and for all born up to March 15th there is a sense of courage, determination and a desire to work for what you believe in and for causes; and to work in concert with other people, with a great leadership determination.
Saturn, however, is a cautionary tale currently for those born March 4th to 6th.  There seems to be some issue in your status or working life that can be frustrating or blocking and you may even be feeling a need to face facts about some changes needed in that area.  Look after your health, do what is necessary, be pragmatic, step up to the plate and fact facts and later you will realise that Saturn was a friend in disguise, as you will have the opportunity to finally deal with something that has been haunting you for a while; and you will be pleased that you do.

Neptune, your ruler, is in his once every 165 transit of the Suns of those born February 27th to March 1st.  You have been experiencing this transit on and off since April 2015 and it is indeed over by February 2017.  This has been a time where many of you have felt either truly inspired creatively and spiritually, truly more psychic, truly more sensitive and spiritual and incredibly idealistic.  On the negative side it might have made you escapist, confused, uncertain and over-sensitive to all that is unpleasant in the world.  It is an energy that you need to be in charge of, rather than let it be in charge of you.  The heart is enhanced, the ego is not; and that can be a very positive thing, but constant escapism is not really helpful.  You have metamorphosed into something else and it is a little bit like a caterpillar that is going to turn into a butterfly, so trust the trade winds are taking you into a more appropriate place; and a better place by the time this transit is over.  It has been an inspiring, if sometimes confusing experience. 

Pluto by contrast is finishing his two-year transit of the Suns of those born March 4th to 7th.  This sextile has brought a greater confidence, greater ability to be powerful in the world, to make a difference to others, to have leadership skills and show what you’re made of; and brought insight and determination to your door, not only for yourself but for the benefit of others.