Wednesday, 1 February 2017


The last 12 days of the month of this month is somewhat unpredictable in energy, in fact quite volatile and potentially dangerous re global events.  Mars in Aries all month will then oppose Jupiter, conjunct Uranus and square up to Pluto.   Rebellion and quite ruthless power struggles are high risk, as is the power of rather uncontained egos on the world stage. Adventurism and very reckless behaviour is manifested, as is the danger of increased despotism. Mars particularly targets the USA chart for stress. Anger and impulse is in the air.

There is also an increased risk of geophysical eruption and events e.g. earthquakes and flooding, as well as geopolitical shocks and disturbances in general this month and most potently again, late month

The UK’s chart is also particularly in a state of flux and with potential even greater uncertainty and chaos than of late… as Uranus continues to hover over the ascendant of the birth chart. Also, the chart’s Mercury (ruling the British economy and place on the world’s stage) is beset by the potential hubristic power of Pluto, as the once every 248 year conjunction hovers. There is no doubt that destiny and significant fated endings are in the air this year, which have far reaching consequences.

There are also two annular eclipses this month. 0n the 11th there is a lunar eclipse and on the 26th, a solar eclipse. The 10th/11th will be like a full Moon on steroids.  This will bring a sense of crisis mode to some and the planet may feel eruptions of unconscious energy in a rather definitive way. The solar eclipse on the 26th is less   dramatic, but it brings a sense of a new chapter, that may not be to everyone’s choice and also being in Pisces, the power of emotions are globally very strong.

At least Saturn (caution/blocks) is trining up to Uranus in Aries (equivalent to some extent as the unpredictable child) for most of this year, which should at least steady the boat of world events to some degree.

On the 6th Jupiter moves retrograde, suggesting an internalising of energies and that will be connected to a reconsideration of value systems. Growth externally will be put on hold, on the altar of some growth internally, in terms of a need to pause and take stock of the priorities of the planet.  The Sun will conjunct Neptune late month and that will increase the sense of smoke and mirrors and simultaneously potentially further the cause of ideological extremism and also increase the phenomena of  “alternative facts” (untruths) being dominant.  On the other hand, it will also create a reaction by many on the planet to our societies current trends, in terms of an increased desire to reach out to embrace a more idealistic, sympathetic, sensitive and compassionate attitude to our world and environment.

With Mars activating so much planetary activity this month, new social movements and protest will be activated, and the time for complacency and apathy will feel by many to be over.


This can be a very sociable month as it is stimulates to your solar 11th house.  From the 18th you may however be feeling a little more hermit like with a tendency to want to withdraw and re-evaluate.

 For those born after April 9th, before the 7th, communication at work will be important, but clarity will be needed. 

Between the 7th and 25th you will all get a big window where communication with friends can be extremely powerful and important in guiding you and you guiding them. 

After the 3rd Venus moves into your sign and for all born up to April 4th, there is a feeling of a boost to your charisma.  You feel good, you look good, your loving connections are felt within and you receive these from others.  Your aesthetic sense is also powerful.  Relationships just feel good. 

Mars is also in your sign all month, which also gives for all born p to April 13th, an extra sense of determination and ambition, even over-assertion at time.  This can be very positive as it energises you to achieve things that you want to.  It is very good in ambition and sports, work, and psychological energy, but the downside is it can also make you, in the worst manifestation of Mars, slightly aggressive, over-assertive and some cases you could also feel that others are being unacceptably over-assertive towards you.  Mars is the planet of war in extremis and one has to be rather careful that the war drums are not too audible, coming from you, or indeed others during this time.  When used positively you can achieve a lot. 

Jupiter is still currently in your opposite sign, and now directly opposing the Suns of those born April 11th-14th.  For this group there is a tendency to be a little over-confident, over-generous, over-enthusiastic and possibly over-reaching; and relationships can tend towards over-indulgence.  Don’t jump into ideas or relationships too quickly without a little careful thought, but benefits and bonuses can come from others and travel is in the air. 

However, after the 6th, when Jupiter moves retrograde, some of the benefits of Jupiter turn inwards and inner growth becomes more important than external rewards and enjoyment. 

Saturn is currently trining the Suns of those born April 13th to 17th.  For this group there is a definite sense of maturity and loyalty and hard work is important, but it does bring results.  Discipline and patience are yours and travel for duty or obligation may well be on the cards.  This is definitely a time for serious and grown up action. 

For Aries born April 10th to 13th, there is also a feeling of a great need for change.  There is a restlessness deep within.  You’re feeling rebellious and have a need for adrenalin.  Accept change as necessary, but don’t push the river.  This once every 84 year transit will do his job in his own time. 

Pluto is currently squaring the Suns of those born April 6th to 9th.  For you, there is a struggle going on within.  This square transit forces you to find your power and your courage in order to make changes that are needed, provided you are not forceful or manipulative in so doing.  Work events may well bring this about.  Beware of others who are manipulative or controlling, just as you need to beware of your own responses.  Keep squeaky clean. 

The last week of the month is a particularly powerful one for many of you, particularly if born April 10th to 13th.  This is quite a dynamic time.  Stop and count to ten and don’t take any risks that are unavoidable.


Before the 18th, career is the focus.  Hard work, which may not always be pleasant.  After the 18th you are more sociable. 

Before the 7th if born after May 10, travel is a possibility and your ability to think positively and outside the box and philosophically is also strong.
After the 7th and before the 25th, communications and work will be important but you must check the small print in what you say and do.

After the 25th, if born up to April 25th, communication in groups and with friends is very positive. 

Before the 3rd, there is a small window for all those born after May 17th to show generosity in love to others, particularly when you are working for the greater good and friends appreciate you.  After the 3rd, kindness is shown in a much more private way. 

For all of you this month, it is important that you do not sit on any anger and let it seethe.  Get your frustrations out as and when you feel them and to the right person; and as calmly as possible. 

After the 6th, when Jupiter moves retrograde, for some of you work may prove a little complicated, or may even be a little hard, but the benefits and bonuses you receive will be subtle and positive. 

For those born April 29th to May 2nd, Neptune is back, as he has been on and off since March 2016, to remind you that you are feeling more emotional and sensitive now than you have been in previous times.  Your empathy and compassion for others, for the world, for the under-privileged, the suffering is powerful; and your heart centre lets you know this.  The greater side of you is also positive and needing manifestation in some form.

Those born May 7th to 10th have Pluto powerfully trining your Suns.  This every 124-year transit is bringing an extra sense of destiny to your door and the ability to re-invent and transform yourself into the person you know you potentially can and want to be.  It brings powerful opportunities and events that can be quite life enhancing from long distance and philosophical issues.  Higher education is very positive now and your insight and your belief in self and your potential is strong.  Exploit without arrogance.


This is an extremely good month for travel, for higher learning, study and philosophical insight, particularly before the 18th.  After the 18th, focus a little bit more on your professional situation. 

After the 7th you will all have the possibility of feeling the benefits of learning and wisdom; and again travel is particularly highlighted positively.

After the 25th, if born up to May 27th, be wary of being misunderstood by others, particularly within a working capacity.

After the 3rd, all born up to June 5th will find support; affection and love of others, particularly friends, extremely valuable; and your company will be desired.

For all of you born up to June 14th, your energy and drive will be very powerfully positive in a leadership context and in pushing for what you believe in and achieving your goals, in an intelligent and positive way.  Energy is high.

Jupiter this month is very much favouring those born June 12th to 14th.  He is bringing a zest for life, a joy in others.  Romantic and creative potential is strong and there is a sense of positivity and optimism and internal and external growth manifests.  Joy around offspring, friends and romance are also underlined.
After the 6th, when Jupiter moves retrograde, there will also be a sense of inner growth that will not be so obvious to others.

However, there is an overlap from Saturn here, because all month Saturn is opposing the Suns of those born June 14th to 19th, so there will also be a feeling for this group, despite Jupiter’s protection, that others are demanding and obligational duty is necessary.  If being blocked, then be patient and persistent, but it is also a time for reconsideration of projects and other people’s validity, as reality checks are in the air.

However, also, with Uranus sextiling the Suns of those born June 11th to 14th, there is also a desire for growth, change, freedom; and this will mean that you will want to move away from that which is stuck in a rut; whatever that is, and there will be a desire for the new and the progressive.

Neptune is bringing to those born May 31st to June 3rd, as he has been doing on and off since March of last year, a sense of some confusion and distortion.  Some divine discontent is connected with work situations and a feeling of uncertainty.  There are smoke and mirrors and some fogs around your career and your career goals.  This is quite along journey and is not really over until the end of this year.  In the meantime, float, don’t make any major decisions and realise that there is a slow internal metamorphosis going on, which by next year you will look back on and realise the journey was important and valid, even though at the time, slightly blind or confusing. You are changing.  The old is going and the new is about to give birth.  It’s a little bit like being in a chrysalis; you are not sure what you are going to come out as at the other end of the change 


February is a time for Cancerians of profundity and a deeper connection with others, and facing up to some of the more difficult sides of life with courage, but after the 18th, travel and wisdom is highlighted. 

Before the 7th, Mercury is in your opposite sign, directly affecting those born after July 12th.  Communications with partners will be very positive and input from them will increase your wisdom.  Negotiations can go very well.  After the 7th and before the 25th, you will all find your communications are deep and profound as is your thinking.

After the 25th, all born up to June 27th will find long distance communications important, as will legal issues and planning travel; or actual travel is in the air. 

Before the 3rd, in that short window, all born after July 19th will have a real feeling of being blessed emotionally and creatively; and if this connects with other cultures and travel that would be very appropriate. 

However, after the 3rd, all born up to July 6th will be very aware of the need to keep their charms honed at work.  Just be careful about sycophancy.  Indeed, work can figure quite strongly in the lives of many of you now. 

For all of you born up to July 16th, Mars in your Solar house of career /public standing will suggest you need to keep on your toes and be aware of your own over-assertiveness, or possibly the potentially controlling influence from others to you.  They may well be over-assertive and you need to be very wary that you don’t over react in return, but impatience and irritability is in the air from you to others and vice versa.  Stop and think.  Others may not have the same enthusiasm as you for a project. 

Also, for all born July 14th to 17th, Jupiter is currently squaring your Suns.  This can lead to a little bit of over self-indulgence, or over-reaching or over-optimism. Beware also a touch of arrogance.  Enjoyment is in the air, provided there is some moderation.  

It is also true that for those born July 13th to 16th Uranus is on your case.  There is definite restlessness, impulsiveness and the unpredictable within you and indeed within others in your professional context.  Impulse needs to be controlled, but recognise that change is best evolving itself.  Be flexible and prepare for some unexpected events that are prompters for change that are rather inevitable. 

Neptune is beautifully trining the Suns of those born July 1st to 4th.  He has been so doing since early 2016 and is reminding you that you are on a rather pleasant two-year journey of recognising your hypersensitivity, appreciation of nature, the power of your heart and your ability to gain great solace from the simple things in life.  Travel and long distance issues can also be a source of real inspiration.  Your ego has been somewhat downgraded on the altar of harmony, beauty, sensitivity, compassion and appreciation of nature. 

Pluto however is now opposing the Suns of those born July 9th to 12th.  This is a very powerful transit and has really only just got underway, although you will have felt it building last year.  There is a sense of growing power struggles between you and someone possibly close to you.  You will be very sensitive to other people misusing their power, or manipulating you in any way; and you have to remain squeaky clean and draw boundaries around people who are misusing power is some way; and maybe walk away, or deal with it in a wise and calm way.  Endings of chapters are in the air, which will bring transformation into your life.  Endings are followed by a phoenix out of the ashes, but you must recognise your courage to understand the significance of the power that others may have over you at the moment and why this is and what you need to do to correct it.  Increased self-knowledge and depth of understanding is a great tool for you now.


Before the 18th, the Sun is in your Solar house of relationships, which does put a focus on the impact on you from others on a social and romantic level.  They will very much determine the mood.  Thereafter, a more intense and intimate feeling is in the air and complex finances may also figure as a focus. 

After the 7th, all of you will have a great need for communications with others and the input of other people; their news and communications will have a strong effect on you in a positive way.  Negotiations and issues to be thrashed out can go well. 

After the 3rd, for all those born up to August 7th, love and travel can go hand in hand, academic pursuits can also bring great joy and fulfilment and harmony and affections are in the air. 

For all born up to August 16th, Mars is currently in a good relationship to your sign.  Legal issues are well aspected, travel that is ambitious and which has a very strong purpose is favoured. Energy, drive, psychological, spiritual and physical strength is also underlined, as is courage.  There is also a spirit of adventure when it comes to travel. 

Jupiter is currently sextiling the Suns of those born August 14th to 17th.  This can bring a sense of protection and some wisdom. Thinking and communications are positive and optimistic and travel is also favoured. 

Come the 6th, when Jupiter moves retrograde, some inner contemplation is favoured and favourable. 

For those born August 13th to 15th, there is also a once every 42-year input from Uranus, which can bring a positive feeling of innovation for the future.  The new is embraced with confidence. Technology, or any subject that is a little outside the box, especially anything esoteric such as astrology can be a benefit and there is a feeling of happily and calmly moving into the new with confidence; and any long distance opportunities and opportunities through higher study can also open new doors. 

Saturn is also bringing a sort of stability for those born August 17th to 20th.  There is a need for loyalty, duty and obligation towards loved ones.  It brings a serious note and a sense of duty towards offspring and romantic partners.  It also brings discipline and patience to achieve what is necessary.  It can also favour discipline in the arts. 

There is however a lunar eclipse in your sign on the 11th and this will directly affect those born between August 14th and 16th.  For this group, that may be a very momentous period, during which issues erupt that has been brewing for some time.  The end of a chapter is definitely in the ether and some home truths are very much in your consciousness, particularly as others present them.


February is quite a good month for Virgos to put their house in order in a very practical way, rationalising work and every day issues.

However, from the 18th relationships come more to the fore of your attention. 

Before the 7th, all born after September 10th will experience the great inspiration to write and to communicate, particularly to those who they love and connected to offspring.  Creative communication is very favoured. 
Between the 7th and the 25th communications in your everyday working life can be very effective too. 

After the 25th, if born up to August 29th, there is a great ability to communicate with those very close to you, particularly in a partnership context, in a way that can solve a lot of problems and issues and news received can be very important and valuable. 

Before the 3rd, for all born after September 19th, love is definitely in the air and there is an ability to really have your charms and your charisma appreciated by others and you will reciprocate with kindness, compassion and love; and thereafter, relationships can take on a more profound level.

With Mars, Jupiter and Uranus all moving through your Solar 8th house, there is a feeling that intensity and depth of communications and interactions, particularly connected to complex finance issues, may well be quite strong for all of you this month.

Neptune is currently opposing the Suns of those born September 2nd to 5th.  This has been around you for about a year and will continue on and off for about another year; and it is a reminder that you need to be very aware of over over-idealising people and for checking very carefully that you understand other people’s motives and communications very clearly and leave no room for misunderstandings or deceptive potential.  Check all credentials. However it is a wonderful time for the arts, creativity and for great appreciation of the beauty of nature, but a lack of clarity and rose coloured spectacles need to be watched out for. 

In contrast, for those born September 9th to 12th, Pluto is now bringing a greater sense of determination, self-reinvention, transformation and indeed destiny.  You are less retiring than normal and less shy and in romantic and in creative contexts, you are empowered.  With courage you are able to build new structures, new strengths and show real potential.  Love life and creativity can be transformational for you now; and this continues to be the case for more or less the coming two years, so take it easy and be patient and just watch the evolution happen.


February is often a month of real enjoyment and creativity and an indulgence in life’s joys, not least romantically.  A focus in a very positive way can also rule work routine from the 18th

From the 7th, all of you will find that your communicative skills and wisdom grows enormously connected to creativity and romance and also with offspring issues, which are all highlighted very positively, particularly up to the 25th; and thereafter communication skills at work are your friend.

From the 3rd, Venus is in your opposite sign of Aries; and for all born up to October 8th, love and affection from other people will be very evident and warmth to others and others to you is very manifest.  Charms are in the air, good times and romance and a sense of well-being relationship wise is very evident. 

However, Mars is also in your Solar 7th house (Aries) all month, affecting directly all those born September 24th to October 17th.  For this group the impact of other people will be strong, but in a way that may be rather over-assertive at times.  You yourself may well be pushing for change and other people may respond in rather a over-reactive way, or you may find that other people are pushing you in a way that you are feeling a little uncomfortable with.  Either way, relationships can be fraught with some competitive element.  At the very least, energy is strong from others to you, or vice versa.  Try to ensure that it is as constructive as possible. 

 Uranus is also in an ongoing transit for some years, still in your Solar 7th house and right now directly affecting those born October 14th to 17th, hence the element of the unexpected in relationships is strong. In the last week of the month that is particularly profound when Mars is conjuncting Uranus, bringing the potential for some surprises and shocks connected to relationships and possibly some rather unexpected developments.  Keep calm and stop and think before any communication and be calm before responding to other people.  Surprises connected to relationships and others are in the air. 

However, Jupiter is simultaneously protective because he is also currently conjuncting the Suns of those born October 15th to 18th, so for this small group, there is also a feeling of tremendous buoyancy, optimism, growth, positivity. Inner or external benefits are manifesting and travel certainly is in the air. 

However, after the 6th, when Jupiter moves retrograde, there will be a more inner sense of peace and happiness than externally manifested.

Saturn is very constructive for those born October 17th to 21st.  He is bringing caution, wisdom, and maturity in your communications and in your thinking.  Hard work discipline and patience is needed and you are capable of it; and this will bring benefits in the long term.  It’s called deferred gratification. 

Pluto is however also a little tricky for those born October 10th to 13th.  He has now moved to square your Sun.  Some issues are becoming a little challenging and complex and may be feeling a little threatening connected to home, domestic and family affairs.  This is a time for your own empowerment, but you need to do it without aggression.  Time to make changes deep within yourself and to recognise dynamics that can feel unpleasant and to look deeply as to where they come from, but change and courage is around you. Make sure that the changes are dealt with calmly and not explosively.  Ends of certain chapters are in the air and maybe one has to accept this with some equanimity, with a philosophical approach to life.


Your eyes and ears may well be forced to concentrate on home affairs and issues.  Any problems that you may have been avoiding may now have to be dealt with, although after the 18th you will be veering back onto your desire for enjoyment and creativity.

Your mind is very sharp before the 7th, particularly if born after November 12th.  Your communication skills and wisdom should not be underestimated. 

After the 7th and before 25th communications will have need to be focused on family issues and you will stop and have to be very careful as to how you appraise things, or misunderstandings can be rife. 

After the 25th, if born up to October 29th, creative communication, pleasure, romance and positive news are in the air. 

Before the 3rd, those first few days can be used very well, by those born after November 18th for real enjoyment of love life and where your aesthetic skills are enhanced and issues to do with offspring bring joy. 

Mars, your co-ruler, is in Aries all month as Uranus has been for some time, which does suggest that routine everyday work and health issues are focused and you have to look after your body, as the last week or so in the month you can feel a little overly and easily stressed.  Ensure you don’t involve yourself in activities, which have the potential for accidents or danger.  Stop and think.

Neptune is currently very enhancing of the Suns of those born November 2nd to 5th.  You have been experiencing this on and off since early 2016 and it is in the ether until the end of this year.  It is basically a realisation of the power of your heart, your idealism is underlined, there is a hunger for spiritual connection, beauty, compassion and empathy; and a great appreciation of nature is in the air.  Issues to do with offspring are also inspiring and bring joy and love and the ego is downgraded.  Your intuitive and psychic side is also positively underlined, as is your ability to put yourself in another’s shoes.  There is a yearning for a higher level of consciousness, of the heart particularly; and the heart has possibly become more powerful than the mind in its influence over you than you may previously have been aware of.  Make the most of this through love, compassion, empathy and creative use.

Your ruler Pluto is now in a very favourable position to the Suns of those born November 8th to 11th.  You felt this to some extent in 2016 and this will continue to be the case on and off for another two years or so.  This is an extremely empowering transit, which only happens once in a lifetime.  It gives insight, depth and forensic understanding.  Your communications are powerful and you get to the truth and this has an impact on others.  Other people’s communications as well can impact you with profundity.   This is transformative and empowering in a sort of fated way.  Your mind is sharper and more incisive than you can probably remember. The truth will be important to you and you won’t be afraid to express it.


Your mind is extra sharp this month and communications can be very fruitful, although after the 18th when the Sun moves into your solar 4th house, you may find that domestic issues dominate.  Certainly between the 7th and the 25th your intellectual capacity will be powerful. 

After the 3rd, all born up to December 6th may find love life becomes a little more high profile.  A need for fun, enjoyment and living life to the full is indicated.  Your sociable side is stimulated and dealings with offspring are particularly joyful. 

Similarly, for all born up to December 15th, Mars in your Solar 5th house is creating a strong desire for fun and the focus on romance can be quite passionate, but also children are demanding and inspiring too. You will also be ambitious and competitive and courageous. 

Saturn is now sitting directly on the Suns of those born December 15th to 19th.  For this group, this every 30-year visitation is a little trying.  Look after your health, you may be tired and it feels like one-step forward, two steps back.  Extra responsibilities are yours and you feel burdened and blocked, but discipline and patience is necessary, but you must pace yourself.  This is a serious time of hard work, responsibility and duty; and some stress, as reality checks are in the air.  With maturity and if you step up to the plate, you can however really strengthen yourself and your future. 

Fortunately for more or less this same group, Jupiter is in protective mode and acting as a cavalry effect, particularly directly affecting those born December 13th to 16th.  Optimism and positivity is very helpful now and travel may well be in the air; and a feeling of being able to deal with anything that comes your way, as there is some luck as a mitigating factor. 

Uranus, for this same group, is now trining your Sun, which brings a great feeling of a new excitement, a new adventure and awakening to new possibilities; and looking outside the box, particularly connected to love life and creativity; and children can be a catalyst for awakening in some context.  Your own intuition and uniqueness is strong and valued now and leaps into a more liberated future are in the air.  This influence has been around since April of last year and is now being more thoroughly understood. 

Neptune however is flashing up a note of caution for all born December 1st to 4th.  He again is exactly squaring your Sun, which he has been doing intermittently since March of last year.  This will be in the either until around February of next year so you are needing to keep alert for some time to come still, but the possibility of over-idealism, deceptive circumstances from you to others, or others to you, a feeling of insecurity, some tiredness and susceptibility to a tendency towards confusion, forgetfulness or daydreaming, is strong.  Keep grounded as you’re in transition.  Trust the trade winds to gradually get you there.  Meanwhile do not make any decisive decisions without real caution, care and groundedness.  By the end of the year, your security will be more assured. 


Money is quite an important factor for Capricorns, probably more than the average person and this month focus on it can be very positive and indeed between the 7th and the 25th negotiations around finances will be highlighted. 

After the 25th all born up to December 28th will find that their communications and intellectual insightfulness is underscored. 

Before the 3rd, all born after January 15th can use those first few days of the month in a very effective way with a sense of love and caring; and your aesthetics and your visual sense is powerful.

After the 3rd, all born up to January 5th may find that your desire to spend money, rather more lavishly than may be necessary, particularly on your home and family may be strong.  There is some excessive indulgence in the air. 

There is a small warning for all born up January 14th.  With Mars squaring your Suns this month, there will at some point likely to be some sparks flying and competitive issues high profiled.  Irritation and anger and lack of patience is in the air, particularly connected again to home and family and you may find you are a little bit of a bull in a china shop as far as other people are concerned.  You may push too much for what you want and others feel a little ignored.  General domestic peace will have to be worked hard for. 

Jupiter is currently squaring the Suns of those born January 12th to 14th, which would also suggest a little over-confidence or over-reaching is a danger, particularly when it comes to work and status.  Don’t let confidence slip into arrogance and have some moderation in ambitions and desires, otherwise you may bite off more than you can chew. 
After the 6th, when Jupiter moves retrograde, there will be a need for a little for introspection.

Uranus is more or less, for the same group (Jan 12th-14th) is still squaring your Suns and has been since early 2016.  This period is coming to an end by April, but you have felt a little bit on a journey of feeling unsettled, wanting change, feeling that you can’t predict what is going to happen, particularly domestically and you may have felt that you could not feel serene. Finances may have been the cause of this lack of security, but this is a journey where you have also woken up to new potentials and new possibilities, but it is important that you do not rush into change for its own sake, but to be flexible and tome extent accept that change is one of the two certainties of life and it will happen naturally.

Neptune is a very positive influence now for those born January 1st, 2nd and 3rd.  This influence has been with you, on and off since March 2016 and you’re in the last chapter of the journey.  It has sensitised you and has made your heart as important as your head, in thinking and making judgements.  You have been very much inspired by natural beauty and become more sensitive to the more spiritual and creative side of life.  Empathy and compassion has also increased and the ego has been a little downgraded, as has the power of materialism.  Your heart has softened.

Pluto is extremely powerful now sitting on the Suns of those born January 7th to 10th.  This once every 248 visitation brings a sense of destiny and change that is very considerable.  It can be a very internal revolution or evolution, but it can also be prompted by external events.  The only danger is not to be too forceful or coercive with others and certainly not to allow others to do the same to you, but change is certain, as are endings and new beginnings.  The elimination of what is old and outworn is in the air.  The power you sense feels quite destined at this time, and you feel you can take on anything, with a sense of purpose, but beware that this power should only be used for the greater good and not just for ego gratification.  You are the steward, not the owner of this power.  Avoid domination of others, but quietly believe in self.  This is a time of digging into the real you.  Do not be afraid. 


Your month, February; and therefore it is a good opportunity in this solar return period to shine, and after the 18th many of you may find that finances are a focus in a positive way. 

After the 7th and before the 25th all of you will benefit from Mercury going through your sign, which will bring extra insight, understanding and excellent communication skills.  Your mind is sharp and intuitive and after the 25th many of you may find that communication connected to money can be profitable.

After the 3rd, all born up to February 3rd will have an extra acute aesthetic eye and your ability to communicate with charm, harmony and in a loving way will enhance all relationships. 

Mars also in Aries will bring for all born up to February 12th an assertive quality to your communications that is constructive and your goals and your actions will be determined and ambitious and you will feel active and inspired to get things done in a very positive way. 

Jupiter is very much the friend of those born February 10th to 13th.  He is in harmony with your Sun, particularly inviting positive travel and satisfying intellectual pursuits. Your philosophical sense is powerful.  Luck is triggered in the sense of growth and well-being is yours.  Legal issues are also favoured.

Saturn is now sextiling the Suns of those born February 12th to 16th.  This is bringing a mature attitude towards life and wisdom and a sense of responsibility, loyalty and duty.  Leadership skills are strong and having to be responsible for others may well be in the air. 

Uranus, your ruler, is also currently very favourable to those born February 9th to 12th.  This will further enhance this group’s ability to feel a sense of and a need for freedom.  Freedom of thought, freedom of movement is strong, awakening you to think outside the box and to consider new innovative ways of being and seeing.  This brings out your true Aquarian intuitive eureka moments and your sense of individuality is positive, but considered by some, as a more maverick outlook. 


For many Pisces, February is a time of some retreat and meditation and after the 18th there is a little bit of a leap into being more conspicuous and taking part in the world. 

Before the 7th, all born after March 10th may find that social life and friendships are of great benefit and wisdom comes from others.

Between the 7th and 25th there is again a feeling of some watchfulness, as if you’re observing from another very different planet and a little bit of isolation is in the air. 
However, after the 25th, for all born up to February 24th you come into your own and your communication, desire to socialise and your ability to get listened to, is strong. 

Venus is in your sign for the first two or three days of the month which is a wonderful window, if small, for those born after March 17th to really enjoy an extra feeling of harmony, looking good, feeling good and your affections and your emotions are very powerful and love is in the air. 

After the 3rd, finances are a focus in a quite a positive way and money can be made through the arts and through your charms. 

Mars all month is also in your solar 2nd house, suggesting that there may well be, for many of you, an extra effort and focus put into ensuring your further financial security.

Saturn is challenging now for those born March 14th to 18th.  Career may be feeling a little stressed.  Obligations are hard and blocks are in the way.  Look after your health, take it is easy and be patient.  Maturity is an essential part of this Saturn transit.  Application and slowly working through problems will get you there, but reality checks are definitely in the air, which you need to listen to.  If you know what the problem is, and face up to it, you can do something about it. 

Neptune, your ruling planet, is extremely powerful now in its own sign of Pisces.  Neptune has been in Pisces since early 2012 and will remain in your sign until 2025/26, so this is a very long and interesting transit that has global ramifications, more than personal.  

However, currently he is sitting right on the Suns of those born March 1st to 3rd.  This has been a phenomenon for this group since March of last year and will hover around on and off until around February of next year.  The implication of this, which is particularly strong for this group this month, is one of two things.  

Positively it is extremely inspiring, bringing out your most spiritual and creative side,  as well as empathy, compassion and the power of the heart to an absolutely hyper-sensitive level.
Negatively it can make you a victim of this sensitivity, so you’re escapist or unrealistic and seeing through rose coloured spectacles, or easily deceived or a tendency to be economical with the truth yourself.  

This is the time to keep as grounded as possible, whilst enjoying the beauties that Neptune can bring.  Spending time with nature, in retreat groups, being near the sea, helping others, being incredibly creative and visual to do with music and film will be major food for your soul during this time, but chasing rainbows definitely needs to be avoided.  Rest is needed and one needs to be very careful about escapist behaviour and your body is much more sensitive than usual to any mind-altering substances, so all desires for escapism need to be handled carefully. 

Positively however, if born March 7th to 10th, this a wonderful period, courtesy of Pluto, that will be with you until April 2020 of empowerment and insight; and of being able to be of great use as a leader in a group situation and having people around you in your friendship circle who can be very helpful to your own empowerment and you can be very helpful to them.  This is a time when you have intelligent insight for yourself and for others and a sense of destiny is in the air, but not with ego, but with a sense of responsibility for the betterment of others, and therefore yourself as well. 

The solar eclipse on the 26th falls exactly on the Suns of those born February 26th to 28th.  This will be potentially quite a momentous day for the beginning of the new and an initiation that potentially feels good.