This April 2017
is very retrograde in mood.
Mercury is
retrograde from the 9th, till May 4th. Venus is still
retrograde (from 4th March) till April 15th. Saturn turns retrograde
on the 7th for some months and Jupiter is still retrograde; and Pluto
turns retrograde on the 20th….And the significance is?
Well how many times have you heard recently
in connection with global events, that “the world has gone mad”, or “no one
knows what is going to happen”, or they “don’t understand what has happened”? or “ politics and global attitudes have
become so polarised “ That is all a comment on the macrocosm, and as we are a
microcosmic reflection of the bigger picture, so too we are all individually
sort of on hold and rather paralysed, or are being forced to rethink so much
about our view of life, the world and ourselves and what we think and
believe…and decisions socio-politically and individually are rather more
dependent on future events that are more unknown, or unguessable, than we have
been accustomed to, over the last 50 years or so.
So retrograde
means just that. Stop, re-evaluate, watch and wait. Those feelings are stirring globally and in the inner and outer
lives of so many of us now.
retrograde (from the 9th), is also a sign that much confusion,
misunderstandings and yes, alternative facts / fake news and misinformation
will be in the air, for us all… Communication difficulties and blocks to
progress are also flagged up, as well as potential travel glitches. Don’t take anything at face value… double
check and if necessary rethink.
Growing global inequality of material
well-being has grown massively under Pluto’s (power) journey through Capricorn
(money/establishment/turbo capitalism), since 2008. As Pluto started its
ongoing angular clash with Uranus (rebellion) in Aries (self protective
populace) in 2011, there has been a brewing so called “populist” social
discontent among those who have been seriously neglected materially, and their
righteous discontent with their assigned lot, has led to a cultural divide
between themselves and the better off, so called liberal or metropolitan elite.
This growing divide has now exploded into proactive anger, which has resulted
in a more global binary extremism in political stances.
Saturn (restriction/fear) in Sagittarius (no
boundaries, freedom, open borders), since late 2015, has also additionally
furthered an anti globalisation attitude, which has also underlined a more open
anti immigration sentiment. Unfortunately the capitalisation of this populist
anger, by powerful opportunists can be very counterproductive.
At the very end
of the month, Mercury will conjunct Uranus, as he did in late March and that
will occur again in the second week of May. Three chapters that will bring a
jolt to many of us, as news and what is uttered by those on the world stage,
has a shock factor, and the unpredictable is the only certainty.
Neptune now
moving through the mid decan (mid 10 degrees out of the 30, so therefore the
Cancer decan) of Pisces, brings a greater need for sentimental nationalism (the
good old days) and protectionism politically.
Jupiter is now
till late September, squaring Pluto, and this creates a rather egotistically
driven and stubborn desire by many powerful players to push an ideological
agenda through, regardless of collateral damage done in the process.
England’s chart
is still in chaos as Uranus travels through the first house, and with Pluto
hovering around Mercury in the chart, economic shocks are in the air in the
coming year… as are power struggles of some consequence with other countries
vis a vis agreements as to the status of our country on the globe, i.e. the
whole EU issue.
A very unpredictable time this month is
around the 14th, when the Sun conjuncts Uranus, bringing much
turmoil and shock and potential geophysical eruptions.
Also around the
28th/29th when Mercury conjuncts Uranus, there may be
some unexpected events around technology and travel, and global news will have
a shock factor attached.
The Full Moon is
on the 11th at 21 degrees of Libra and that can be a day of some eruptions and certain issues are brought
to finalisation.
The New Moon is on the 26th at 6 degrees of Taurus and that can create a sense of
initiation of the new.
This is your
birthday period, so is a time to shine and to be possibly even more assertive
and determined than usual, which can be no bad thing provided you allow the
other person a say.
Because there
is so much retrograde activity this month, you may also find, like many of us,
that sometimes blockages and delays; and the need to stop and think can be
Mercury is
retrograde from the 9th, and in Taurus till the 20th, which
might mean that some of you might find that financial transactions and ideas
are somehow not turning out as one hoped, but from the 20th when
Mercury moves back into your sign, notably for those born after April 13th,
much will need to be re-thought and patience will be your best virtue.
Venus is also
still retrograde in your sign and the first three days and the last two days of
the month will, mean that especially for those born March 21st to 24th
can find that those periods will be times when one really has to take a long
hard look at one’s self.
Mars until the
21st is in your Solar Second House, which would suggest a lot of
energy and drive may be put into financial security and goals, but after the 21st,
if born up to March 28th, you will have a particular talent for
asserting yourself and expressing yourself in a way that gets clearly
understood in a constructive and energetic way.
Jupiter is
continuing his journey throughout Libra; your opposite sign, and this month,
once again, for those born April 4th to 10th, are feeling
the impact. This can be a very good and exciting time of sociability and
very much feeling that other people bring expansion and growth in life.
There is only one downside of this and that is that you may imbue others with
too much power or have to high an expectation from them. Travel is very
positively underlined, but try to be your own master.
Saturn, now
also retrograde from the 6th, is however maintaining his stability
in the lives of those born April 16th to 18th. He
is very much steadying the tiller, but also the very real likelihood of some
obligation and duty in terms of travel, connected to family or work is
underlined. Constructive, mature, measured activity will bring
Uranus is still
continuing to bring some turbulence into the lives of those born April 12th
to 16th. This year long transit will force change. It
will awaken you and also bring out the maverick in you; and this is a time
where impulse needs to be avoided, but consideration of what needs to be
revolutionised is important; and whether you like it or not, change is in your
life. Be flexible and don’t push it. The change may well be for the
greater good of all and not just yourself.
Pluto is now
truly embarking on his two-year challenge to those born April 8th to
10th. This is a time when one has to be very aware and careful
of misuse of power from authority figures, particularly in the working context
and indeed your own drive for power needs checked. Be conscious of inner
unresolved issued and any deep rooted self-protection can make you quite
explosive during this time. This has have been bubbling for many years are
erupting now and it is very important to be as conscious and calm as possible;
and remember that your motive has to be for your growth and enlightenment and
indeed for others. This is not just a power play, but fulfilling your
sense of destiny will seem important and is important. If you really do
not know who you are by now, then this transit will cause major changes in your
life but you must have control on ambition and don’t let others overstep the
There may be a
need for some privacy this month and time for reflection and Mercury is
retrograde in your sign, which means that before the 9th all born up
to April 26th may feel that others are often misunderstanding your
communications and frustrations can abound and some things may need to be
deferred to next month.
Venus, your
ruler, is also still retrograde. It is direct on the 15th.
Up until then, issues to do with love and friendship may be on hold or where an
extra depth of consciousness and communication will be needed.
Mars is in your
sign until the 21st directly affecting all those born after May 5th.
For this group, there is ambition and drive; physically, spiritually,
psychologically and mentally. This can be very useful and positive but it
can tip into over-assertiveness and stubbornness if one isn’t careful. It
can also manifest as other people being forces to be reckoned with.
Saturn moving
retrograde on the 6th, brings the possibility for a need from that
date, to review your most intimate relationships and indeed the complexities of
financial affairs in your life.
Neptune is now
very friendly to those born May 2nd to 5th; and will be
so for another year. Extra sensitivity and compassion is yours, as is
empathy. Friends particularly will be beneficial in this connection. You
to them and them to you. Creativity, music, the film world and increased
psychic sensitivity are all underlined. A love of nature and animals is
increased and a hunger for a more idealistic world and connections
with others will be strong. Your sensitivity to the pain out there
is extra strong. Your heart centre is more vulnerable, but more
By contrast,
those born May 9th to 11th now have Pluto trining their
Sun’s in this once every 124-year angular relationship. One’s sense of
destiny and uniqueness is inspired and empowered and you have to step up
to the plate and acknowledge this, but without ego. Opportunities for
self-actualisation may come from long distance issues or through study.
Your courage and your significant ability for self-regeneration and indeed the
regeneration of others should not be underestimated, but as always, humility is
an important part of Pluto’s empowerment.
On the 26th
the Moon is new at 6 degrees of your sign and those of you born round April
26th-27th will feel this. A sense of a fresh start surrounds certain issues and a certain new optimimism prevails.
This is a
sociable month for many of you and friends will be more significant in your
life than usual. Leadership abilities are strong and you will enjoy
working with other people for the greater good, although later in the month you
may need some alone time.
Mercury, your
ruler, retrograde from the 9th will bring from that date some sense
of frustration so it is a good idea to get what needs to be got across to
others and what needs to be achieved as much as possible before that date,
otherwise you will find that after the 9th communications and
communication equipment can be frustrating; and a feeling of some isolation in
terms of your ideology and relationships with others is possible as well. In
some cases one might have to wait for early next month for things to move
forward again, but use this retrograde period to re-think strategy and ideas,
not just get frustrated.
Venus is still
retrograde until the 15th and early and late month it is friendships
that may need subtler handling than usual and looking at yourself more
carefully in relationship to others, but up to the 15th many of you
will also need to review your relationship with colleagues and also to check
just how much your own personality and talents are being utilised fully in
your working life. Review your role.
Before the 21st,
Mars in Taurus does suggest that you continue to be potentially quite quietly,
privately angry or seething and feeling incapable of expressing it without
unreasonable eruption. Get out your anger at the right time; in the right
place to the right person, otherwise it will be counter-productive.
After the 21st,
if born up to May 29th, you are blessed with strong energetic
enthusiasm that will help you achieve a lot, provided it doesn’t slip into
pushy assertiveness and beware other people who may also be very powerful
influences on you in a way that you find a little intimidating.
Jupiter is now
at least protective and at best regenerative of the lives of those born June 5th
to 11th. Creative inspiration and talent is increased and
encouraged with confidence. Living life to the full is attractive and romantic
issues are underlined in a very happy way. Travel also is very happy and
linked to love life and children’s issues can be a source of pleasure
However, by
contrast, Saturn, moving retrograde on the 6th, will be currently
challenging the lives of those born June 18th to 20th.
For this group there is a definite sense of somebody or something blocking your
path. Relationships are coming up for reality checks and hard work,
maturity and focus on putting things right will be necessary for good
relationships to survive and even improve. Bad relationships may
Saturn is also
a reality check to test whether the door you’re knocking on is the correct one
and it is a time where one may have to have patience at the least and possibly
a reconsideration of objectives. Someone may be acting as a valid
schoolteacher. Have the humility to accept the lessons, if you
consider honestly what their demands are. Obligations and duties are
Uranus by
contrast, for those born June 13th to 17th is
bringing a boost to the energies and a desire for liberation and change; a new
sense of humanitarian spirit is born and your ability to bring the new and the
innovative into your life; and indeed for others, is indicated in a very
intelligent, insightful way. This transit will be strong for the coming
year, so enjoy. This is no time for parochialism.
However, if born June 2nd to 5th,
there is a sense of being over-idealistic or not seeing clearly when it comes
to your professional status. There is also a danger of putting other
people on pedestals, or falling for some scheme or ideal that seems too good to
be true, which in that case, it probably is. Keep grounded and ask the
advice of people whose judgement you respect. Positively this is a great time
for pursuit of the arts and a more spiritual value system. Empathy and
compassion is strong but be careful you don’t waste energies on those who prey
on your generosity. Get plenty of rest and acknowledge your sensitivity
and use it, and don’t let it drag you down; and try not to see yourself as
either a hero or a victim.
You may be
thrust into the limelight this month. Take the stage gracefully.
With Mercury retrograde from the 9th, you may need to be extremely
careful that your communications with co-workers and bosses are absolutely
crystal clear, but there may be frustrations of ambition at work; and indeed
another caution after the 9th, you may end up in the wrong place at
the wrong time, when it comes to meetings with friends. Check schedules
and arrangements.
Venus, still
retrograde, may bring some important lessons about your relationship with
yourself and indeed with others through travel somehow. It will be
important that ego is downgraded on the altar of increased sensitivity.
Before the 21st,
if born after July 6th, much energy can be successfully expended
into organising groups and pursuing the goals that you are chasing. There
is sensitive and intelligent action. After the 21st, you may
find that some frustrations get the better of you and it is important not to
sit on anger, but to work it out calmly.
If born July 6th
to 13th, be aware that with Jupiter currently squaring your Sun,
there is a tendency to over-reach, over-indulge, over-spend and be slightly
over-confident. Over-generosity might also be the case connected to
Uranus is also
slightly disruptive now if born July 15th to 19th.
The unexpected is happening in your professional life. Either you are
restless or there are events that you can’t control. For the coming year
you may find that you will need to be flexible and go with the flow as change
is inevitable, so embrace it, because ultimately it can be very liberating,
even it at the time it take you out of your comfort zone.
positively, all born July 3rd to 6th have Neptune
blessing their lives now and for the coming year, with extra real inspiration,
spiritually, creatively and empathetically. Other countries can hold the
key to some quite sublime experiences. The world of music and the arts
opens up and psychic powers get stronger and your very strong caring and
empathetic side is amplified. Being near the sea is also very
healing. Your intellect is tinged more with the power of the heart.
However, if
born July 11th to 13th, Pluto is now seriously in your
life and will be on and off until the end of next year. This opposition
does mean that you have to be squeaky clean and aware of your motives when
trying to achieve power and be aware that other people may come into your life
who have got quite ruthless agendas. Pluto oppositions can be significant
and endings of chapters are in the air, but fate is very much part of the
picture. The only thing you are tested for is to understand that you will
come into the orbit of power, your own or others, and will have to make sure
that it is all used for the greater good and with consciousness and good
motive; and walk away from situations or people who do not emanate the light
but only the dark. Power struggles can be very uncomfortable.
Positively, however, you can show what power your moral compass has.
The Sun, being
in Aries for much of the month, does suggest a focus on long distance travel,
or overseas communications at least, which can be quite positive, but because
there is so much retrograde activity in rather a rare way, we all, will have to
take some long hard reconsideration of ourselves, our goals, our aims, our ego
and our value systems. World events will demand this, so the macrocosm
and the microcosm of lives will be very much reflected in each other, and your
sign is no exception.
Mercury, retrograde
from the 9th, will bring some potential after that date for
misinformation, poor communication, frustration in work and in public
obligation, so the best activity and decisions will be made before that date
and even travel after the 20th may suffer from disruption,
communication breakdown or re-scheduling; and legal issues may also be fraught
with complications. A re-thinking of direction will be important.
Venus, also
still retrograde until the 15th, suggests that up until then, a need
to reconsider the relationship with one’s self and how one appears to the
world will be important; and a complete
re-think of complex finances will be on the agenda with a view to thinking of
others, rather than one’s self ; and issues that are not resolved early in the
month can find resolution.
Before the 21st
Mars is not so friendly to all born after August 7th. Your
professional reputation and personal reputation is indeed challenged.
There is impatience and anger being directed at you or you are directing it at
others; and you may feel that you have to defend your ego quite
However, after
the 21st, if born up to July 30th, you will be in
constructive mode then, able to negotiate well and there can be good
cooperation and intelligent progress.
Jupiter is also
currently favouring those born August 7th to 14th.
He is giving intelligence in thought and speech and fairness of approach, which
pleases others. Expansion is in the air. Slow but sure.
retrograde from the 6th, is also acting as a stabilising influence
if born August 19th to 21st. He is forcing a
serious attitude and responsible one towards those in private life and in a
romantic capacity. He is also bringing responsibilities and duties around
children’s issues and hard work; and structure and discipline is needed in all
creativity. This is a serious and grown up time and obligations and duty
however, is really liberating and enlightening for those born August 15th
to 19th. Long distance issues are catalyst for change for the
better and there is a need to be more uniquely true to self and a sense of
awakening to new dimensions and an ability to look outside the box. This
helps take away some of the over-subjectivity that Leo can sometimes experience.
A journey of awakening is underway and will continue for the coming year.
Your ruler,
Mercury is retrograde from the 9th, which would suggest for many of
you that travel issues or study and academic issues become a little complex and
you maybe suffer from a lack of plain sailing in these areas. It will
also be important after the 20th to have extra clarity when it comes
to complex financial issues, including issues that are behind the scenes.
Venus, also
retrograde until the 15th, does suggest that before that date many
of you will find that relationships demand a much deeper analysis and insight
and understanding. Others’ needs may reflect back to you as a need to
understand yourself and your own needs and in the second half of the month the
benefits of this reflection will show.
Before the 21st,
Mars is a very constructive energy for all born after September 7th.
For this group, the first three weeks of the month are excellent for energy put
into travel or academic study. Idealism is strong and you will be quite a
bible thumper for your own personal beliefs, but constructive energy will be
After the 21st,
however, if born up to August 31st, competitive and rather assertive
forces may be in the air, particularly in your professional capacity.
Irritation and impatience can be an ingredient in your communications and
relationships at work.
Saturn is now a
potential challenge for those born September 19th to 21st.
Blocks, restrictions and tiredness is in the air for you. Domestic or
real estate and family issues can be problematic and you may feel it’s one step
forward, two steps back. You need to look after your health as tiredness
and the march of time is taking its toll. You may see the world as a bit
as the cup half empty, rather than half full, but it is a time to stop and take
stock and reconsider your goals and your methodology. You cannot run away
from the demands of Saturn and you have to step up to the plate and deal with
problems. You will be very glad you did.
Neptune is
currently opposing the Suns, and will be for the coming twelve months, of those
born September 4th to 6th. For this group there is
a tendency for others to be creating a little bit of smoke and mirrors around
your life and for you seeing them not exactly clearly. Double-check the
credentials of everybody and everything. Yes, it is true you may feel
there are some genuine soul mates in your life, who can really share your
spiritual and emotional needs and interests, but there is a danger of seeing
others as heroes to worship, or victims to save. Nobody is either.
This is a wonderful time for communing with nature and for being near the sea,
but more sleep will be needed and avoid escapist behaviour that is purely self-indulgent
and gratuitous.
Pluto is
however very empowering and regenerating in the lives of those born September
11th to 13th and will be for the coming two years.
Creatively and romantically this is a very powerful time of strength and
courage, but always remember humility is Pluto’s best friend, whilst also
accepting the baton of the destined increased power.
play a very powerful role in your life this month. The power of others
should not be underestimated, but do not give your power away and from the 9th,
when Mercury is retrograde, do ensure that all your communications,
particularly around finances, are absolutely clear cut and understood.
Check the small prints of everything and indeed, after the 21st it
is very possible that communications and arrangements with friends and others
can get very confused.
Venus is also
still retrograde until the 15th and the first half of the month will
therefore continue to be one of a review of your working life and maybe health
issues and indeed relationships, in terms of trying to understand your self
before you can understand your relationship with others. After the 15th
there should be a greater sense of stability and more emotional
After the 21st,
for all born up to September 30th, Mars will be bringing an impetus
for successful energy and competitive dealings. There will also be power
in long distance contacts and agreements; and ideological stances will be
strong and well expressed. Energy is intelligent and well directed.
Jupiter, still
in your sign, is now targeting those born October 8th to 14th.
For this group there is a once every twelve-year boost to energy, growth and
fulfilment. Luck is on your side, as well as extra confidence and intelligence
and you may well be a focus of attention. Enjoy.
For those born
October 20th to 22nd, Saturn is currently bringing
strong, grounded focus and concentration in your thoughts and speech.
Maturity of outlook and wisdom and loyalty is very much appreciated by others
and indeed by you, in terms of the outcome. Hard work, discipline,
loyalty and duty all pay off.
Uranus is now
opposing the Suns of all those born October 16th to 20th.
This once every 84-year opposition will be with you for the coming year and will
suggest a lot of disruption and change and unpredictability, brought to your
door, possibly by other people. They are messengers of a need for change,
whether you like it or not and ultimately this is meant to be, in order to kick
start you into a new, more emancipated role in life and to enable you to be
true to yourself. A need for greater freedom to express your true
individuality is also important now and a partner may also be feeling this and
indeed maybe a catalyst for the very change you both need. Go with the
flow and be flexible and don’t give into impulsive moves. This is a
journey, rather than an arrival.
Pluto, however,
is quite challenging now to those born October 12th to 14th.
The need for change is strong and issues that have been bubbling for a long
time are now erupting, as you claim a desire to be true to yourself and to be
liberated from any perceived oppression. Be careful that you make the
changes quietly and modestly and without an over-bearing will. Try to understand
your deeper motivations and consciousness. This can be a time where you
evolve into your true potential, whilst avoiding upsetting too many apple carts
and people. Endings of chapters are inevitable now, so embrace them with
The Full Moon on
the 11th at 21 degrees of
your sign is directly affecting those born October 14th-16th. Issues that have been brewing beneath the surface are
likely to reveal themselves, possibly quite explosively, and if something that
has outlived its functionality, may well be considered at an end in some way.
Focus may well
be on every day activities and work and possibly health issues too, although
later in the month relationships take precedence. The strong amount of
retrograde movement this month does suggest that some intense internalised
thinking is necessary for you; and indeed for us all.
After the 9th,
when Mercury moves retrograde, it will be important for many of you, born early
Scorpio, up to October 29th, to recognise the need to ensure that
relationship communications, particularly with spouses and others are
absolutely clear cut. There is plenty of room for misunderstanding; and
after the 21st the same goes for work colleagues and professional
Venus is still
retrograde until the 15th which does suggest that for many of you in
your romantic ventures, creative ventures or indeed with children, extra
special sensitivity will be needed and it will be important that ego is very
much downgraded on the altar of empathy, compassion and the ability to be in
others’ shoes. An internal dialogue will be necessary for many of
Before the 21st,
if born after November 7th, there will also be a distinct danger
that others will contest or challenge you, particularly in close
relationships. You may have to step up to the plate to defend
yourself. Others will be no pushovers. You yourself have to be
careful about an over-competitive response. Your use of power will be
Neptune is
kindly disposed to those born November 4th to 7th now and
will be for the coming year. This is going to be a brilliant time for all
those involved in the arts or creativity as your sensitive side is absolutely
inspired and for those who aren’t involved in such activities, there will be a
new appreciation of the world of the arts and music, and the film world in
particular will figure. It will also bring extra sensitivity that may be
needed in romantic unions and this can very helpful as it downgrades the ego on
the altar of genuine soul connection and goes way beyond just the sexual. It
also can bring extra strong worthwhile connection with offspring. A sort
of psychic and spiritual inspiration is yours as well. Being near the sea
can also be very healing. Nature itself offers balm to you over this
coming year. Your sensitivity and compassion should not be wasted.
Also for those
born November 11th to 13th, Pluto is currently in a very
positive and constructive relationship to your Sun; and will be for the coming
two years. This will undoubtedly bring an insight and an understanding
and an x-ray vision into situations and people and in understanding
concepts. Your communications and your writings will have power, truth,
incisiveness and a great effect on others. Your true Scorpionic healing
potential, research ability and awareness of the truth will be
accentuated. Using this power for the greater good will significantly
enhance your status in terms of gaining respect and admiration, rather than
just status.
This month is a
very good time for enjoyment and for a celebration of life, love, creativity,
but because Mercury is retrograde from the 9th through till the 3rd
May, there may be some hiccups and delays and frustrations in terms of projects
and goals. You may well get angry. Be patient and see how you can
fine tune and improve situations before you move forward.
After the 20th,
if born after December 15th, you will have opportunities for good
communication, which will need to be particularly concise in order to move
retrograde until the 15th, does imply both early and late month a
need for reconsideration of relationships with those one is romantically
involved with and also in connection to one’s children’s lives. After the
15th some resolutions will be valuable.
After the 21st,
when Mars moves into your opposite sign of Gemini, all born up to November 30th
may be feeling some confrontation in relationships in all contexts.
Others will challenge you, which may well feel contentious. You too may
have little patience and be over-assertive. Count to 10.
Irritations are likely.
Jupiter is
protective now and allows for growth if born December 6th to 13th.
Travel is in the air and hopes and wishes get a push forward positively; and
there is more optimism and sense of at least protection.
However, if
born December 18th to 20th, Saturn is sitting right on
your Sun now in his every thirty-year visitation. For this group,
responsibilities and some oppressive circumstances and hard work are on your
shoulders and one has to step up to the plate to deal with issues that can no
longer be ignored. Financial issues and security issues need attention
and this is a very important time to take care, to get plenty of rest and to
really look after your health. This is a time of maturity and it will be
needed, but also potentially a time of great progress if you bite bullets
and get on with what needs to be done, even though you may feel tired or
dispirited. Reality checks are in the air. This particular transit
has been affecting you since early March and is not really over until about the
10th May, but what you achieve during this time, despite the stress,
can be, when looked back upon, invaluable, although the final chapter of what
you’re achieving will not show itself totally until the end of
November/beginning of December this year.
Uranus is inspiring for those born December 14th – 17th.
The world is opening up. There is a desire to be uniquely true to self.
Creatively, romantically this is a time of awakening and enlightening and
an ability to look outside the box and to be innovative; and your intuition is
strong, as is your charisma. Eureka moments are possibly in the
If born
December 4th to 6th, Neptune is hanging around squaring
your Sun, as he will be until nearly next year. For you, this basically
means this is a period where one has to be as grounded and as truthful as
possible, to check out people and situations for their reality and their truth
and not to be over-idealistic or get carried away by temptations towards
schemes that seems to offer the world, because they won’t. It is an excellent
time for the arts, creativity, for enjoying nature and for the power of your
heart and compassion, but don’t get take taken advantage of.
Home and family
life needs focus. After the 9th, it is important for many of
you to ensure that communications with family and loved ones are totally and
utterly clear. It is also important that you re-think some of your ideas
and thoughts and plans when things aren’t as smooth as they could be. It
is a period for taking time out, rather than bashing your head against a brick
wall and a time to re-consider many areas.
Notably, after
the 21st, for those born up to January 14th, Venus,
retrograde until the 15th,
is then allowing many of you to bring heart into harmony with the mind;
and your charms can be very successful; and looking at the subtleties of
people and their needs can also be a very valuable exercise for relationships.
Notably, from the 15th, if born after January 16th,
you will see the fruits of your extra-sensitivity and the results of your
careful thought.
Mars, before
the 21st, is very dynamically constructive for all born after
January 5th. This gives you courage; and also the energy and
drive and constructive action needed connected to all matters romantic and
social. Your passions are energised, as are your desires and your need to
enjoy yourself in the company of others; and romance can certainly be
Jupiter, for
those born between January 5th and 11th, is squaring your
Sun, which gives a tendency to be over-confident, over-reach and possibly be a
little complacent when it comes to work. It is also very important when
Jupiter is squaring your Sun ,that one keeps realistic about what’s possible,
particularly in the professional context.
Uranus is a
little tricky still if born January 13th to 17th.
He is quite simply creating some feeling of instability and insecurity,
possibly in the home and domestic arena. At the very least you will be
feeling the need to change. You feel restless, itchy, adrenalised and
nervous. It is a normal experience for this transit. You have to be
flexible, as change is in the air. Be careful that you take it slowly and
don’t’ push the river. This is a journey, not an arrival. What
Uranus is doing, is forcing you to feel the need, which is essential now, for
liberation from difficult circumstances; and to be more true to yourself.
This journey
will be with you until Spring 2018, but after it, you will understand that you
really did need to go with the flow.
Neptune is very
happily aligned to the Suns of those born January 2nd to 5th;
and this will be around for about a year and does just exemplify your most
sensitive side. Your heart is open, you feel the pain of other people,
you want to rescue, your ego is downgraded and your heart and your mind are as
one, but in a way that is enhancing of your life and others. The arts
cannot be ignored, nor can your appreciation of the beauty of the natural
world. Music and the sea are healers.
Finally, Pluto
is sitting right on the Suns, in his once every 248 year visit, of those born
January 9th to 11th; and he will be so doing on and off
until the end of 2018. All one can say about this is that absolutely it
is a time of empowerment. Power is something you have to grapple with in
some context and you must be conscious and aware, because this is very profound
and quite primeval. It changes things. It brings things to an end
and it allows you to step up to the plate and know your true potential.
Do it with humility and always be conscious of motive and then you cannot go
wrong. This is quite a destined period in life and it can be intense ,
but magnificent, if you handle it well.
This is a very
good time for good, clear thinking and good communication. However, because
Mercury is retrograde from the 9th, much of what you wish to get
across needs to be done before that date, if you want a guarantee of it’s safe
understanding and arrival; and that is also true of communications with family
and one needs to be particularly careful after the 21st if born
after February 12th, as confusion is in the air.
retrograde until the 15th, suggest that before that date dealings
over finances in particular, need special attention and care and there even may
be a slight shift in how you see the value of money. After the 15th
there is more black and white certainty about issues connected to love life and
Mars, before
the 21st does suggest some impatience and lack of tolerance with
others and indeed from others, if born after February 3rd; not least
with family members and to do with domestic issues and real estate.
After the 21st,
if born up to January 28th, your communication skills and your
courage and wise use of action and words are admirable, but also your creative
and romantic drive is constructive.
Jupiter is now
blessing the lives of those born February 3rd to 9th.
He is bringing beneficial holidays, travel and dealings with long distance
business projects and is also excellent for academic pursuits. Your
higher mind and consciousness and ideologies are also driving you well.
Saturn is
acting as a real focus for discipline and constructive action if born February
15th to 17th. Much that you do behind the scenes
and privately will be admirable. No one will quite know just how much
focus and discipline you are using, but it serves you in the long term very
positively. Focus and discipline is necessary, but productively so.
Uranus, your
ruler is also excellently positive now if born February 11th to 15th.
Your mind is super acute. You’re incredibly perceptive, innovative and
intuitive. The new and the exciting and the maverick and the true
Aquarian spirit of freedom is demonstrated in you now, but not only for self,
but for the betterment of others.
materialism isn’t Pisces’ greatest focus, it may well need to be more aware of
this quality month, for various reasons and it’s also terribly important to
keep your eye absolutely on the ball from the 9th and notably after
the 20th, when finances can be a source of confusion. Keep
grounded as to other people and their agreements and your judgement. In
fact, in all communications after the 9th, there is a need to double
check. Blocks and restrictions should not be a source of frustration, but a
signal of a need to reconfigure your ideas and plans.
Before the 21st,
if born after March 5th, your mind is very proactive, constructive,
positive, determined and logical; and you will like a good old debate.
After the 21st
however, if born up to February 26th, you may find that you are less
constructive, more impatient, and more irritable, notably on the home and
family front; and also in that same context, others may feel similarly so
disposed towards you. Don’t waste time on bickering.
Saturn is now
squaring the Suns of those born March 17th to 19th.
Tiredness and depression and maybe some negativity is circling you; possibly
connected to career obligations or difficulties. Get plenty of sleep,
take time out for rest and don’t avoid the realities that need to be
faced. Work hard with patience. This may be quite a long period
until early May, where life feels far more like work than play, but be aware
that this is a time of patience, fortitude and tenaciousness to see through
what you need to. Look after yourself and your body.
Neptune is
absolutely giving the nth degree extra qualities of Pisces characteristics to
those born March 3rd to 5th and will for the coming
year. For this group, you can enjoy all the positives and try and
avoid the negatives of extreme Pisces consciousness. Neptune, your ruler,
is bringing tremendous hypersensitivity and psychic and spiritual abilities,
which can be slightly unnerving. You absorb everyone like a sponge.
You may even want to escape the hypersensitivity in some way, but make sure you
use it for the greater good and not just for gratuitous indulgence. Keep
grounded, keep real. Enjoy the arts, beauty and the compassion, but do
not totally let go of your reality and your ego and double check the facts of
everything and everybody. Own this energy. Do not let it own
Finally, Pluto
is very transformational now if born March 9th to 12th.
This every 124 year angular relationship brings you a great ability to have
intelligent power and insight to make things happen for self, but more
importantly for the greater good of others and your leadership skills are
strong. You can be transformative in terms of your goals, be they for
collective or personal progress. Your destiny is calling. Use it
well. Remember you are not the
power; you are the agent to the power.