June is a month where Gemini dominates; the Sun is there till 21st, Mercury is
strong in its own sign of Gemini between the 6th
and 21st and Mars is in Gemini till the 4th. Gemini rules London, where there will be a
strong focus on the 8th, when there is the general election. It is
an important month for determining so much, not only in Britain, but also
because the long term fallout of the result globally.
It must be said that with Uranus in Aries, the England
ascendant sign, (if one uses the December 25th 1066; Norman conquest chart for
England, but there are several to choose from), then surprises are indeed
possible. Without knowledge of either
Jeremy Corbyn’s (Sun in Gemini) or Theresa May’s (Sun in Libra) time of birth,
which is very frustrating for astrologers, it is difficult to make a reliable
judgement about the outcome. However Corbyn may well not be so totally
annihilated by the vote, as has been predicted, and Theresa May, even if
(probably) victorious, has a very challenging once every 165 year Neptune
transit of her Mars (which started around May 16th) and is affecting
her over the coming 2 years. This is very likely to create a very real
undermining of her black and white determination and of her “strong and stable”
Sacrifices will have
to be made and there is a possibility of her making poor judgements, based on
illusion/delusion, probably related to Brexit. Misjudgement of others will be a
problem and she will not be able to rely on male politicians around her and internationally,
as they will likely let her down, including Trump (indeed if he is still in
office after October, which if he is, looks astrologically like a major
defiance of his planetary karma).
There is much smoke and mirrors around Theresa May in the coming
few years. Her strength in all ways
will be probably undermined and she may well have serious, if very private
misgivings about her confidence and abilities in her role over this time. She
may, as a result, be increasingly more influenced and manipulated in her
direction and policies by others, with vested interests also by and powerful
advisers (e.g. Lynton Crosby), all in a very behind the scenes way.
May has Venus conjunct Pluto and her Moon (probably in early
Virgo depending on time of birth), is also conjunct Pluto .Her serious personal
need/desire for control and power (Libran iron fist in a velvet glove) will be
challenged, bringing out a rather ruthless anger that will not necessarily help
her. Her Saturn in Scorpio square to Pluto will make her very wary of others,
who are powerful but not supportive of her and she will be ruthlessly, even
shamelessly determined to thwart them, but she will be struggling. Also her
Mars opposition Jupiter creates a rather reckless love of determination to achieve
at all costs, and with a used car salesman approach to convincing others, even
when there is no underlying evidence that her plans will work. She is however probably more vulnerable to
influence by other used car salesman types within her party. She will in fact be vulnerable to false
promises and reassurances from others anywhere in power.
Her Mercury sextile Saturn however helps stabilise her
thinking and gives pragmatism and does offer caution at other times. There is privacy about May (strong, strict
and critical Virgo input), but it can prove frustrating to those who need more
transparency from her, of motive and plan. Her compassionate side is real
too, (a positive Neptune aspect to
Venus and probably her Moon) but it is not so strong as her desire to stick to
a rather blindly determined and rather harsh path of ideological commitment to
extreme and punitive austerity for so many
(Saturn square Moon and Venus). She does suffer, I would guess, from an
internal conflict between these two sides of her being. A vicar’s daughter (as
she is) maybe has considerable cognitive dissonance, or she should.
Corbyn is a curious mix of principled stubbornness and
fluidity (strong Taurus and Gemini),
hard to pin down on some opinions and ruthlessly immoveable on others. He is idealistic and compassionate and
totally humanitarian (strong Neptune), but with Moon and Mars (both conjunct in
Taurus) square Pluto; he can be a victim of his own ruthless refusal to play the
political game and indeed and clearly can be subject to nasty power struggles
within his party. Jupiter trining his
Sun is a saving grace in terms of his big picture understanding and a detached
global non-egotistical wisdom that is not totally dictated by limited
ideology…but immovability combined with certain elusiveness is a disadvantage
on the establishment political stage.
Pluto (power) is
currently (every 124 years) trining Corbyn’s Mars (determination /ambition
/energy) and will be till the end of 2018, so he is certainly not going to be a
spent force, no matter what the outcome.
Uranus (unpredictability) is so strong now in Aries, indeed
since March 2011 and till March 2019, which equates to the underestimated
global impulsive power of the often righteously rebellious populace, which
causes shock to an over complacent status quo, or very disturbingly, for the
potential, unpredictable and highly destructive power of the unbalanced
mentality of brain washed individuals, such as terrorist extremists. Globally,
the only certainty is uncertainty, with no lasting coherent pattern that is
predictable. The concept of “predicting
Uranus” is an oxymoron. This is not a copout. Always expect the unexpected when
Uranus affects a person or place, or globe in influence. Astrologers dare not predict events when he
is operating, except to expect surprise and disruption.
Uranus in Aries combined with Pluto in Capricorn (2008 till 2025) has indeed brought
significant instability and unexpected shocks politically, particularly to
places that are reputably strong in the influence of the signs Aries, Libra,
Cancer and Capricorn, including the UK and the States.
Saturn (restriction) in Sagittarius (internationalism) is
certainly continuing to rock the boat when it comes to the battle that has
emerged between nationalism/protectionism versus globalisation.
Jupiter does however move direct on the 9th,
which will at least indicate a greater manifestation of increased clarity of
direction for many of us, personally and globally, not least in the UK.
Gemini is a sign of much mental energy and activity; it is
nervous and fidgety and is also a great salesmanship sign. One has to be wary of also of the power of
the mass media, especially the popular press (Gemini) to influence
unreasonably. Being economical with the
truth and some slight of hand is very underlined globally this month especially
around the 4th and 14th when the Sun and then Mercury, in
Gemini, square up to Neptune, respectively.
The potential power of technology to be misused or to cause
international chaos is creeping in globally; and just as the uber capitalist
system has evolved to reach unsustainable, even abusive levels under Pluto
(power) in Capricorn (finances /establishment), manifested in the fact that we
seem ruled now, in many countries, by those who know the price of everything,
but the value of nothing, so in a similar abusive way, when Pluto moves into
Aquarius (technology) in 2025, self seeking misuse/abuse of technology and the
potential for cyber warfare will creep up to be totally overwhelming.
Pluto ‘s power can
be used for great good or for great ill / pure self-seeking (saint or sinner)
in relation to the principles of whatever sign he is travelling through. He will be travelling through Aquarius till
Currently and briefly Saturn (restriction) is trining Uranus
(technology) and is wisely correlating with a call for reining in online social
media’s total freedom, which can be exploited dangerously. Saturn demands
boundaries and Uranus demands freedom; the clash of the Titans, no less.
Dates when news is quite sombre are the 15th and
the 18th/19th.when the Sun and then Mercury oppose
Saturn. Karmic reality checks are in the air.
The last week of the month is rather rash and adventurous,
and certainly bold globally (Mars square Jupiter and Mars sextile Uranus).
Caution is needed especially in U.S foreign policy.
The Moon is full on the 9th at 18 degrees of
Sagittarius at 9.13 GMT and new on the 24th at 2 degrees of Cancer
at 2.31 GMT. Endings of chapters
correlate with the full, while new beginnings are promoted by the new.
This is a good month for communications and for intellectual
stimulation for you all, but after the 6th
when Mercury is going through your Solar 3rd
House, there will be a great hunger for communications and your mind will
be more versatile than normal.
After the 21st,
communications with family will predominate, but ensure there are no
Venus is in your sign before the 6th, directly affecting those born after April
14th. This augers well
for you looking good, feeling good and romance is flagged up, as are affections
and a real sense of aesthetic appreciation is powerful.
After the 6th,
many of you may also be finding that money needs to be spent on beautifying
your life and your home.
Before the 4th,
if born after April 17th, you
are intelligently assertive. Energy - intellectually, spiritually and
physically is high and well directed.
However, if after the 4th,
if born up to April 8th, be
aware that you may a little like a bull in a china shop at home and
confrontation with family members because of impulse may be prominent.
You may also find that family members are equally in your face.
Jupiter is very positive now for those born April 2nd to 4th.
For this group, relationships are very positive and there is a sense of
expansion of goals, optimism, positivity, travel, but just beware that you are
not too indulgent of other people, or too readily influenced by others, but
good times can be had.
Saturn is giving a sense of caution and responsibility and
hard work to all those born April 13th
to 18th. Academic issues
are taken on board with a sense of seriousness and travel may be dutiful.
But whatever, you are controlled, patient and hardworking. Deferred
gratification is a result.
Uranus is now moving on in your sign and is now directly
affecting those born April 15th
to 19th. That does
indicate that over the coming year have a great feeling of unpredictability and
your restlessness in tangible. Do not be impulsive, count to ten and be
careful. But freedom and looking outside the box is the asset.
For those born April 7th
to 10th, there is now a sense
of a very rare feeling of challenge from others, not least at work. Power
is in the air; yours or others. Use it wisely and consciously.
Money may be an issue that’s much discussed and in focus
this month.
Before the 6th,
all born after May 9th will
find that the need to communicate and the ability to communicate is extremely
underlined and your mind is sharp and people will listen. After the 6th, money again is a focus.
After the 21st,
you are able, if born up to May 10th,
to explain yourself very clearly and relationships with siblings can be
After the 6th,
Venus, your ruler is in your sign, bringing for all born up to May 16th a sense of love, happiness, joy.
You look good, you feel good. Warmth is in the air and love life is
looking good.
After the 4th,
all born up to May 9th will
feel energised and able to take on challenge, whether that is physical or
intellectual; and the power of your mind and the ability to convince others is
strong and travel is underlined too.
Jupiter goes direct from the 9th which does suggest that many Taureans may find that work
issues become more fortunate in some way from that date.
Neptune is now sextiling the Suns of all those born May 4th to 6th.
Your empathy and sensitivity to others, particularly friends, and in working
towards a cause, are underlined now. You need to enjoy a more spiritual
dimension and you will, but that same quality can also make you more
emotionally easily affected. Your inspiration to do with the arts,
particularly around music and film, is strong and spending time near the sea is
very positive. Your desire to be there for others, rather than yourself,
is strong, as your ego is downgraded on the altar of the greater good; and your
ability to read other people and absorb their feelings is strong.
If born May 8th
-11th, Pluto has moved to
directly and positively affect your Suns. This only happens once every
aprox. 124 years. It gives you the opportunity to have a sense of
calling, destiny and empowerment to do what you need to do; and what you’re
born to do, particularly in the field of study, education, academia; and other
countries may hold the key to the flowering of your power. Legal issues
may also be underlined in a positive way, but your sense of ideology and
passion about the world and politics is also empowered. Do not waste this
time on ego, but on realising that you are able to use this power for the
greater good and it is certainly not just for your own
This is your month and you can shine, but after the 6th, with your own ruling planet in your
own sign, giving it double strength, all of you will have extra communication
and intellectual strength, but just ensure you listen to other fellow and let
him speak.
Before the 6th,
all born after July 14th may
find that friendship and romance get intertwined and your ability to have love
and cooperation with friends and in collective collaboration and projects is
brilliant. Your social life can be very valuable. After the 6th, many of you may well find that your
good heart is shown in more private ways behind the scenes.
Mars is in your sign before the 4th, only affecting however this month,
those born after June 18th.
For this small group, just be careful in those first four days that your
assertiveness does not become slightly aggressive or intimidating to others,
but your energy is high. Direct it well and be aware too of the impact of
other people, who are very strong willed, and you have to handle them wisely.
After the 4th,
energy and drive does tend to look as if it is in the direction of increasing
financial security.
Jupiter is very well places now for those born June 3rd to 5th.
He is exactly trining your Suns and is giving you a real boost romantically, to
do with offspring issues and creatively. Luck is in the air and a positive
sense of well-being and enjoyment particularly after the 9th when advantages become more tangible
and external.
Saturn however is, as he was last January and February,
reminding you of issues that need focussing on. Other people are blocking
you in some way. Restrictions are in the air. Saturn may be forcing
you to review your goals; or to ensure that you keep knocking on that
particular door with more patience than maybe you anticipated. Reality
checks about others are strong and you need to find out whether other people
are being karmic schoolteachers, and to have the humility to accept that, or,
that they need dealing with in a more courageous way. Look after your
health as well. Get sleep.
Uranus is now bringing to those born after June 16th a year of excitement, change, freedom
and the ability to look outside the box; and other people are catalysts for
change. Enjoy. Other countries may be the catalyst for this.
Academic gain is potentially strong.
However, if born June 4th
to 6th, be very conscious of
potentially being easily deluded or over easily influenced by others who may
not be all that they seem. Keep real. Keep grounded.
Double-check the credentials of everything that you hear and particularly in a
professional capacity. It is likely that you will be yearning to do more
in your work to fulfil your heart centre rather than just to please your
Before the 6th,
if born after July 11th,
friends may be valuable for giving good advice and wisdom and your
communications with them are also appreciated.
Between the 6th
and 21st many of you may well
be ruminating privately about issues.
After the 21st,
if born up to July 12th, many
of you will find you have confidence in your ability to really stand up, be
centre stage and get heard, but be careful about being overly subjective in
your thinking. Do listen to others and allow other people to have their
Also, before the 6th,
Venus is in your Solar 10th
House, affecting those born after July 16th
who need to be careful about sycophancy at work. Use your charms by all
means, but do not overdo.
After the 6th,
for all born up to July 18th,
friendships are a great bonus in your life and your ability to enjoy social
life is underlined. Warmth and affection is around, as is romantic
Mars moves into your sign after the 4th, but in those first four days, it is
important that many of you do not seethe with anger about issues. Get
things out calmly, at the right time, in the right place, to the right
After the 4th,
for all born up to July 11th,
you or others should not underestimate your assertiveness and determination.
Just do not let that assertiveness morph into a pushy or even slightly
aggressive mood. Use your energy well and advisedly, as it is very strong on
every level.
Jupiter is now bringing for all those born July 4th to 6th,
a sense of real self-indulgence, particularly in the home and in the domestic
area. Think twice before spending money that maybe you could regret
later, but indulging family members and having good times is flagged up; but
avoid over-confidence.
Uranus has now moved to directly square the Suns of those
born July 18th to 22nd. This every 42-year transit is
going to affect you for approximately 1 year, probably in your working life,
where there will be unpredictability and uncertainty and restlessness on your
part. There is a need for change, but stop and think carefully before
impulsive decisions. The unexpected is around. Let it work for
you. What starts off as insecurity and disruption, can end up as greater
liberation. Be patient.
Neptune is now inspiring those born July 5th to 7th.
Other countries call. Spiritual experiences also call and sensitivity is
underlined and inspiring.
However, if born July 10th
to 12, be very conscious that Pluto is now opposing your Sun and will be on and
off until the end of next year. Avoid power struggles. Be
conscious. Draw boundaries around the abusive power by other people or
yourself. Transformations are in the air and endings and new beginnings are the
The Moon is new on the 24th in your sign,
directly impacting those born June 23rd-25th. For you this can set the scene for a new
impulse for the initiation of the new, with a view for future growth and
benefit… You feel at one with self and your unconscious and conscious are
working together to bring a certain determination to believe in your current
June can be quite a sociable month for all Leo’s and this
year, particularly powerfully so between the 6th
and 21st when friends and
associates will be informative and stimulating and communications in a social
context will be satisfaction.
However, before the 6th,
if born after August 11th,
there will be the potential for alternative facts, confusion, misunderstandings
in one’s dealings with other people on a professional level and you can be held
to account in difficult circumstances.
Before the 6th,
Venus, for all born after August 17th,
points to opportunities for romance. There may be some financial gain in
other countries and legal issues can be satisfactory and travel will
potentially go hand in hand with love life.
After the 6th,
for all born up to August 17th,
one has to be very careful about any level of hypocrisy in one’s working
life. Or promising more than one can deliver. Charm is one
thing, but solid reliability is another.
Before the 4th,
there is a window of opportunity for those born after August 19th to have excellent negotiations and
communications with other people and friends can be energising and constructive
for this group; and your ability to make things happen in a group context and
in a leadership role are significant.
However, after the 4th,
all of you need to be aware that any anger or frustration that you feel, needs
to be dealt with, rather than repressed; and dealt with in a cool, calm manner,
otherwise there can be a seething effect of rage, which can be explosive and
Jupiter is currently protective of those born August 5th to 7th.
He is bringing a certain amount of wisdom, benevolence and there are
opportunities for growth of understanding and insight; notably after the 9th when Jupiter moves direct.
Even Saturn is currently supportive of those born August 15th to 19th.
Hard work will be demanded and discipline, particularly connected to duty and
obligation and notably when dealing with romantic issues or with offspring; and
in any speculative dealings. Being honourable and loyal will be
For those born after August 18th, you are just embarking on a year that is quite
exciting, awakening and enlightening, with opportunities in other countries and
a sense of liberation from the old and the outworn.
You need to shine in career this month, but not at any
cost. Before the 6th, if
born after September 11th,
travel is flagged, as is long distance communications in a very favourable way;
and your ability academically to prove yourself is also significant.
After the 6th,
however, before the 21st, you
all need to be aware that communications on a professional level can very
seriously get confused or misunderstood. Check everything out and don’t
just assume you have got the gist of things.
After the 21st,
all born up to September 11th,
will find friendship and collective goals rewarding.
After the 6th
also, all born up to September 17th
have Venus suggesting that love life and travel go hand in hand; and study of
something that one loves can be very rewarding, notably the arts. Your
affectionate and warm nature can shine more easily than usual.
However, before the 4th,
in those brief few days, all those born after September 19th need to be wary of potential pitfalls
of some conflict or disagreements in a professional capacity. Impatience
and impulsiveness will do you no favours and will only attract animosity.
However, after the 4th,
if born up to September 11th,
constructive energy can be used positively to coordinate groups and to be
energised in the company of others.
Saturn is not so favourably disposed this month towards
those born September 15th to 19th. As last January and February,
there are blocks and frustrations and a feeling of negativity in the air.
This may focus on domestic and family issues and one has to step up to the
plate and be mature and disciplined and do what is necessary, with a certain
austerity in mind. It is also important to look after one’s health.
Neptune is currently still squaring the Suns of those born
September 6th to 8th. This is an ongoing transit of
some potential confusion, over-idealism and vulnerability to other
people. Do not put people on pedestals. See them clearly and
do not be drawn into the world of martyrdom or rescuing too easily, if not
really deserved.
However, if born September 10th to 13th,
Pluto is starting to be a very significant empowering influence and will be so
until the end of next year. This takes away shyness. It gives you a sense
of purpose, particularly creatively and in the romantic world; and to do with
offspring. Enjoy a new courage and a new determination, which allows you
to achieve much for self and others.
Excellent month for travel and for academia and between 6th and the 21st, all of you will find that your communication skills and
your effectiveness in understanding concepts are at a peak.
Although, after the 25th,
if born up to October 13th, be
very careful that you don’t assume you understand everything, or indeed that
others understand everything that you convey.
Before the 6th,
if born after October 17th,
Venus is in your Solar 7th
House, suggesting an input of romance and affection in relationships that is
slightly exceptional. You give out and you receive.
Before the 4th,
in that short period of time, for all born after September 20th, there will be a rush of
constructive drive and energy that takes you into positive places, spiritually,
physically and psychologically.
However, after the 4th,
if born up to October 11th,
Mars is suggesting some friction and impatience and intolerance, particularly
connected to travel or in ideological arguments. Be as calm and as
patient as possible. Others will also be quick to assert themselves with you.
Jupiter in your sign is wonderful now for all born October 6th to 8th;
and indeed, as last November, this transit is bringing growth, expansion,
confidence, luck, wisdom and very happy successful travel, particularly after
the 9th, when Jupiter moves
direct in your sign. This transit does last until early July, so enjoy.
Saturn is also being constructively helpful now, if born
October 16th to 20th. He is bringing groundedness to
your thinking. Pragmatism, good with detail. Hard, disciplined work
is easy to do now and your communications are cautious, careful and thorough
and bring good rewards. Hard work does pay off with this. You had
this in January and February this year and now you have to complete the
Now, newly for the coming year, those born after October 19th, have Uranus opposing their Suns.
This every 84-year transit will bring change and unpredictability from other
people. Unexpected events are disruptive and may be disturbing, but are
ultimately designed to kick start you into a new future; and other people’s restlessness
in some respects can release you, but do not be impulsive. Watch and
wait. Do not push the river.
Finally, those born October 11th to 14th
have until the end of 2018 Pluto squaring your Suns. For many of you this
will be a time of change and desire for empowerment and to get away from things
that have held you back, particularly domestically or family wise. A time
to look deep into you and understand what growth is needed and you have the
courage to do it without unnecessary contentiousness or rebellion.
For many of you, this month may we one where one is
considering the very much more profound aspects of life, looking even more
deeply into things than usual and certainly having to consider the deep and
more complex issues connected to finances in your life.
Before the 6th,
if born after November 11th, it
will be important for you to listen to others and their communications can be
enlightening. Between the 6th
and 21st, certainly discussions
about intimate issues and financial issues will be important.
After the 21st,
if born up to November 12th,
travel and long distance issues, including communications and legal issues, are
flagged up positively.
Venus moves into your opposite sign from the 6th, benefiting all born up to November 18th, with increased affections, love,
harmony and bringing opportunities to receive significant benefits from other
After the 4th,
if born up to November 11th,
efforts and assertiveness, in a constructive way, can benefit you legally,
academically and through overseas issues and travel. Intelligent energy
is yours, which is successful.
Neptune is still sprinkling some magic dust on the lives of
those born November 6th to 8th. He is bringing idealism,
sensitivity, empathy and more spiritual dimension, particularly connected to
romantic interests and with one’s offspring. There is a need for a soul
mate and to connect on a level that is different to a material
connection. Appreciation of the arts and beauty is much stronger than it
has been in your life before and your emotional response is profound, as is
empathy and compassion. For those who have always wanted to be involved
with the arts, now is your time. This is true and with you until early
2019. Enjoy and take advantage.
Pluto, your powerful ruler, is now starting his once every
124 year constructive relationship with the Suns of those born November 10th to 13th.
This is bringing tremendous insight into truths. You have the ability to
speak with truth and power to other people. Your mind is clear and
incisive and power of your intellect should not be underestimated. It
allows you to regenerate and transform yourself and indeed others by your
inspiring ideas, thoughts and advice. You can regenerate the weaknesses in
your life. This has been with you since the beginning of the year so you
are already familiar with its power and you have until early 2019 to exploit
it, hopefully wisely and selflessly.
Relationships will be significant this month and it is
important that you focus on improving them, particularly between the 6th and 21st
when Mercury, ruler of your Solar 7th
house, is passing through your Solar 7th
House, opposing your Suns.
Before the 6th,
if born after December 15th,
love and romance is in the air, as is creativity and artistic expression and
you’ll want to enjoy yourself and that would be appropriate.
Before the 4th,
in those first few days, all born after December 18th, (you late Sagittarians) need to be aware that other people
are a little contentious, challenging and will not let you get away with
anything. Disputes are in the air. Stop and think before you
Jupiter is now very positively angled to the Suns of those
born December 4th to 6th. This is a long transit, which
will be with you until early July, and it does imply a good social life,
positive input from friends, working very well with others; all to your
advantage and joy. Travel is also a potential, particularly after the 9th of this month, when Jupiter moves
However, it cannot be denied that Saturn is back again to
challenge the Suns of those born December 14th
to 18th. You had this in
October and November 2016 and he is back again to test you for hard work and
patience, as there will be restrictions and blocks around you, possibly
connected to others. Avoid negativity or depression, but with hard work
and focus and pragmatism, you will work well with this. Step up to the
plate, but get rest.
However, positively, Uranus is very much benefiting now, and
will be for the next year or so, those born after December 17th. For this group of late
Sagittarians, there is a renewed sense of waking up to new potential, being
stimulated towards the new and the alternative. Love life and arts can
bring a new freedom and the unexpected is liberating and you yourself want to
be more true to yourself and you can be more successful romantically,
creatively and in attitude towards life.
However, if born between December 5th and 7th
Neptune is continuing, for a few years, to indicate that you need to be very
aware that change is going on subtly. There is a melting of the old as
the new is invisible but gradually evolving. See clearly, get lots of
rest, check everything out carefully, including people and let the trade winds
guide you with consciousness.
The full Moon falls
in your sign on the 9th. This affects directly those born December
10th-12th. Be prepared for some eruptions of energy that
come from deep within the unconscious, from self and possibly triggered by
others and despite the feeling of primitive energies being released, it marks a
necessary purging and likely marks the finalisation of a process.
This is a good month for attending to the practicalities of
life, organising yourself and having a good health routine, but after the 21st relationships are flagged up strongly.
Before the 6th,
if born after January 14th, be
careful you don’t say “yes” to too many people and bite off more than you can
chew socially.
However, after the 6th,
for all born up to January 16th,
love is in the air, issues with offspring are very positive, and creatively you
are inspired and a need for good times is valid and probably achieved.
After the 4th
however, all born up to January 9th
need to be aware that there will be people around you either personal or
professional relationships who are rather obstructive or challenging. You
need to be careful that you do not invite this with your behaviour. Be
patient and stop and think before you react, but know that the worst can be
brought out in people.
Jupiter is encouraging all born January 3rd to 5th
to be very self-indulgent, rather over-confident, possibly a little arrogant
(although that is not typical of your sign), but pride is there. It is
all particularly potent in terms of work. Don’t over-reach, or
over-assume too much professionally. Be confident, but with
Uranus is currently, and for the coming year, creating a
little bit of unexpected turmoil within and without for those born January 15th to 20th.
The unexpected is around to do with family, home and real estate
potentially. You are restless and wanting change and this needs careful
thought. Impulse is your enemy. Change will come. Don’t force
it, but know that you need to accept evolution is some way.
If born around January 5th,
there is also a notable increase in your sensitivity to others. Your heart and
your mind are combining in your communications more and a sort of psychic
awareness and a more spiritual sense is more powerful. Let your heart
express itself and the arts and being near the sea for healing.
Finally, for those born January 8th to 11th
you now have a major Pluto transit, which is very rare for the coming two
years, on and off. This will bring destiny, fate and empowerment in some
way, in a very profound and deep level; and endings may be inevitable, but they
are part of your life’s journey, but you will have depth and profundity like
never before, but remember the power that you have, needs very careful and
humble handling.
This can be a month of fun, enjoyment and romance in many
Before the 6th,
if born after February 7th, it
is important to ensure that family does not misunderstand your communications.
Between the 6th
and the 21st, all of you will
enjoy extra richness in all your relationships through good communication; and
also writers will flourish.
Before the 6th,
if born after February 12th,
your communications are tinged with charm and love and you can easily persuade
After the 6th,
for all born up to February 14th,
be careful that there is not too much indulgence going on financially or
emotionally, relating to others, particularly to do with family and home.
This is a wonderful time to enjoy social occasions on your own turf. Just
watch the bank balance.
Before the 4th,
for those first few days, for all born after February 15th, there is courage, determination, and
high energy, particularly related to creative and romantic issues and connected
to offspring. Intelligence and determination combine successfully.
Jupiter is also extremely positive now for all born February
1st to 3rd; and this particularly positive period
will last until early July. It is a wonderful time over the coming six
weeks or so for travel and long distance negotiations and dealings and for
legal issues. Academic issues also thrive with success. Notably
after the 9th, when Jupiter
goes direct.
Even Saturn is a friend now to those born February 11th to 15th.
He is bringing a sense of responsibility, loyalty and duty and admirable hard
work, when working for a cause or when seeking cooperation from others.
Friends are also a source of strength and wisdom and you are a source of that
same quality to them. Detail, patience, pragmatism is very positively
yours. Saturn is a benevolent despot and brings deferred
Much focus is on home, family and real estate this month,
but after the 21st, romance ,
good times and creativity get a very powerful boost.
Before the 6th,
for all born after March 9th,
you will have intelligence and communication skills boosted also.
Between the 6th
and the 21st, for all of you,
it is very important that communication within family is a focus and there is
no room for misunderstanding for you to them, or vice versa.
After the 21st,
for all born up to March 10th,
communications romantically and with offspring are bountiful and
positive. Creativity and writing skills flourish.
After the 6th,
Venus moves into Taurus, bringing for all born up to March 16th a powerful heart linked with your
mind. Your communications will be flooded with charm and others will
return love to you.
Before the 4th,
there is a small group of you, born after March 17th who need to be aware that there is a potential for other
people, particularly on the home and family front, to be irritated and
impatient. And you too are in a similar frame of mind. Impulse is
your enemy. Stop and think before you say or do, particularly connect to
the home front.
However, after the 4th,
if born up to March 9th, there
is a great rush of energy that is very constructive and positive
intellectually, spiritually and physically and also romantically, and is yours
for positive use. You are keen for enjoyment and fulfilment and
endeavours can be successful because of your intelligent use of drive and
Saturn however, is challenging the Suns of those born March
13th to 17th. This you had last October and
November and now he returns to remind you that there are challenges on the work
front, particularly; and patience and hard work and reality checks are in the
air. Do not be defeated. Be courageous. Do what is
necessary. Do not let a lack of confidence win, but it is a time for
re-considering many issues. Get rest.
Neptune, your ruler, is now absolutely in his once every 165
year visitation, sitting on the Suns of those born March 4th to 6th;
and will be so affecting you until early 2019. This is a time of
extraordinary Piscean influence, taken to its ultimate. Creativity,
spirituality, psychic qualities, sensitivity, empathy and compassion are all
over-whelming. Make them positive. Negatively, one has to be aware
of over idealism, unrealistic plans and avoid potential deception from self to
others or vice versa. Check everything out for reality. Keep grounded.
Communing with nature, the arts and the sea is at an apex of benefit.
Finally, those born March 8th
to 11th have Pluto bringing
power to transform and change other people’s lives and by so doing, yours.
Depth and insight are considerable and you have power and destiny to use this
for the great good. That is with you until the end of next year. Be