Mercury moving direct from the 5th will be very
constructive for many, as goals get furthered and communications become
clearer. Strong multi planetary
emphasis on Virgo (purity and environment) this month will also flag up
environmental issues, with increased realisation of a need for change to a more
sustainable and planet protecting policies. Mars moving into in Virgo from the
5th will underscore this. Not least because of current extreme
weather events worldwide in Asia, India and the USA, which will alert people to
the real effects of climate change, despite the deniers.
Talking of climate change deniers,
in the first week of the month, Mars will be at 29 degrees of Leo, which is
exact on Trump’s ascendant, having on the 31st of August, triggered
its own place in his chart, hence he will be rather explosive in temperament,
re foreign policy in particular, in those opening days of the month. There is
however, if we get past this period unscathed, a small, if temporary respite
from the warlike noises of July and August thankfully and Uranus is in positive
mode, as is Pluto, so there should be at the least a feeling of more optimism
and progress in constructive news on the planet.
Trump still (since the beginning
of July) has Saturn conjunct his Moon and moving to oppose his Sun from the 26th
staying there till half way through October.
This protracted every 30-year assault/learning curve from Saturn brings
events and karma that are not easy.
However with Pluto still squaring his Jupiter (since July and every
aprox 124 years) he will remain in fighting mode till mid December. This
transit also creates significant power struggles with others with powerful
wills (including family).
The last few days of the month
sees Saturn square up to the natal degree of Neptune in the USA chart. This
will see the dawning of very significant reality checks in that country, not
least in economic terms and in international standing and reputation, but also
re its president, as wake up calls are huge.
The last week of the month sees Jupiter oppose Uranus in the
heavens. This once every 12-year event will embolden many to take a rather
risky leap into a future, perceived as freer and more exciting. An adrenalin
rush is in the air. It may also manifest as a feat of technology that is
revolutionary, but with possible unpredictable outcomes.
The problem with
leaps in technological capabilities however, is that they are not always
matched by leaps in wisdom.
Neptune (an outer planet so it has generational effect in
its influence) now in Pisces till 2025/2026 and since 2011, creates a backdrop
of a renewed sense of a need to honour the natural world and has awoken us as
to how much we have sacrificed it on the altar of our consumption and greed. However, all born with Neptune in Pisces
will be a generation greatly affected by this awareness and in their essence
there will be a powerful desire to value and protect nature and its creatures.
They will realise that the natural world can sustain our
need, but not our greed.
This month days when there are however some smoke and
mirrors and deceptive circumstances geopolitically very pronounced are on the
4/5th, the 20th, and the 24th/25th. The Sun, Mercury and Mars respectively will
then be opposing Neptune and this creates confusion and possible misjudgement
of facts and slight of hand. This energy is also an influence on us all
individually too.
The Moon is full on the 6th at 13 degrees of
Pisces, (exactly on Teresa May’s natal
Mars.) Some eruptions are in the air on that day (not least for her
perhaps). The full Moon brings things
to a close, as truths will out and the brooding unconscious is unleashed.
The new Moon is on the 20th at 27 degrees of
Virgo. New starts are in the air and a renewed sense of confidence.
It really is a
month to concentrate on everyday routine work and to rationalise this if
Before the 10th,
focus in terms of communications is on romantic and creative life.
However, from the 5th, when Mercury moves direct, breakthroughs will
feel a relief. After the 10th, again, work needs your
Before the 20th,
for all born after March 27th, the affections and romance and
enjoyment of life and creative skills are enhanced.
After the 20th,
once again, work and health issues are in a very positive light
the 5th, all born after April 16th are in determined
mode. Creatively and in romantic areas there is a drive and a will to
achieve in a very successful way. Again, after the 5th it’s
back to more mundane issues.
is enhancing the relationship area for all born April 10th to 18th.
Other people are generous, other cultures may dominate your life, and there are
general benefits from others, but don’t let other people tempt you into being
more adventurous or confident than is realistic.
there is a strong sense of the brakes being on for those born April 10th
to 13th. For this group there is discipline and hard work
needed and you are required to step up to the plate, so do what is necessary
and loyalty and duty and hard work connected to travel is a strong possibility,
but work done and duty done now will pay off in the long term.
Uranus is
still really exciting the lives of those born April 16th to 19th.
There is a continued restlessness, which you have experienced for a while
now. The unexpected is in the air. You surprise yourself and others
and events are very left field. Just keep calm. Enjoy the
journey. Try not to throw babies out with bathwater, but know you are
awakening and enlightening to a new consciousness and this will go on until
early 2019, so don’t push the river. Don’t rush. Watch the change; and
even changes that are uncomfortable ultimately are part of your destiny.
Pluto, since 2016, has been squaring the Suns of those born April 5th
to 8th. This continues until the end of the year.
Some power struggles and profound changes in your work have been dealt and will
continue to be, hopefully wisely. Fate is around. Keep good motive.
This is a month for enjoyment, fun and
sociability. Notably for those born after April 29th.
After the
5th, a lot of issues that have been difficult, blocked, or
restricted or frustrating will clear.
After the
10th, for all of you, communications with offspring, spouses, lovers
and all creative ventures go very well; and your mind is articulate.
the 20th, all born after April 28th will be feeling very
indulgent and enjoying the good life. Just be aware of lacking
after the 20th for all born up to May 4th love life is
underlined. Affections are strong and offspring are a joy; and those with
a creative bent, flourish.
the 5th however, Mars is slightly challenging for those born after
May 17th. There is a definite need to stop and think before
you react or speak, particularly around home and family, as you are a little
bit like a bull in a china shop. Impatience is in the air and others will
not respond kindly to this.
after the 5th, for all born up to May 8th, you’re in
constructive mode and nothing’s going to stop you creatively and constructively
dealing with projects that involve enjoyment, love life and offspring.
is continuing to inspire and sensitise the lives of those born May 2nd
to 4th. This long transit, since March, continues strongly
until March 2018; and during this period you will find that your desire is to
have your heart satisfied as well as your idealism and your humanitarian,
compassionate and sensitive side. Your creative side needs celebrating
and understanding and accepting. Certain psychic qualities are also
likely to be triggered.
for all born May 6th to 9th, Pluto continues in his
long journey to inspire, empower and re-invent your life somehow.
Opportunities that are long distance and connected to expanding your mind and
consciousness are all around and you can recognise potential and power (use
wisely) that you have never really felt before. Enjoy.
Home issues predominate. Focus lies
with family. Your ruler, Mercury finally moves direct on the 5th,
allowing your thoughts and speech to be clearly understood and for blocks and
restrictions to life to lift. After the 10th, all of you
again, will find that there is a great need for expressing yourself and
communicating on the home front.
the 20th, those born after May 28th are able to combine
heart with mind; and your charms and your empathy are strong. Writers
after the 20th, for all born up to June 4th, your desire
to enjoy life and to indulge may exceed the bank balance; and spending
generously on the home and family needs a little caution.
the 5th, however, all born after June 18th have a very
strong sense of determination to get heard and that may be because of the
frustrations of your ruler being retrograde. However, your actions and
your courage are noteworthy and positive.
After the
5th, for all born up to June 8th, your energies may be
causing some problems, as you are easily irritated and rather impulsive; and
you may waste time on bickering. Impatience is strong. Have a care.
however is gracing the lives for those born June 11th to 20th.
Creative talents are flourishing. Confidence, travel, loves life has all
got great support and optimism; and relationships are particularly beneficial
and happy.
for those born June 11th to 14th, despite Jupiter’s
protection, are feeling that something or someone is blocking their path to
complete happiness. Get rest, Be patient. Step up to the plate and
do what is necessary in terms of duty, obligation and pragmatism. At
least Jupiter is acting as a cavalry effect..
however, is still giving all those born June 18th to 20th
a boost in terms of awakening you and enlightening you to new possibilities and
making you restless for the innovative. Friends and groups are inspiring
you. You are discovering new dimensions of self and life; and technology
and the innovative can be a great boost. This remains with you, on and
off, until March 2019. Enjoy.
those born around June 2nd to 4th are still dealing with
Neptune’s square to your Sun, which will be with you strongly until March
2018. This continues to bring over-idealism and potential confusion, or
look through rose coloured spectacles. You have had to be very careful to
honour your heart and to realise that there is a need to let your career
express your emotional side, not just your strong rational side. Watch
out for deceptive circumstances round others and be true to yourself, but enjoy
nature and the arts, as that is very healing.
Your mind is sharp and alert this
month. However, after the 5th you will really notice the
benefits of this, when Mercury moves direct. Communications with others,
particularly siblings, will be enhanced. Notably after the 10th
when your mind is in good form.
After the
20th all born up to July 5th will have an extra dimension
of love and harmony and sensitivity added to your thoughts and communications;
and augers very well for the writers amongst you.
After the
5th, all born up to July 9th will feel strong willed and
determined and constructive in your thoughts and utterances. People
listen and admire. Your constructive strength should not be
If born
July 13th to 21st, Jupiter is currently squaring your
Sun, which does tend to a little over-confidence, possibly some arrogance and
maybe pushing out the boat too far. Have a bit of caution, but do enjoy
this expansive period.
for those born July 19th to 22nd, is however continuing
with his square to your Sun, which does hang around until around March 2019;
and this energy can feel; and has done for some time, quite disruptive,
particularly in your working and professional life. There is restlessness
and there is the unpredictable in the air; and other and work conditions may be
going through a stage of uncertainty. This will ultimately liberate you,
but just watch, ride and be flexible. This is a journey.
All born
around July 3rd and 4th are being truly inspired through
to early 2018. Other countries and higher learning are bringing out your
most sensitive and aware self. Empathy, caring and compassion is
strong. Spiritual and creative pursuits are very favoured.
all born July 8th to 11th are continuing to find that
life has got a fated quality about it and that certain relationships are going
through significant changes, as you realise that you cannot be controlled or
manipulated. By the end of the year this will have been resolved.
Meantime, stay strong, draw lines, do not abuse power and do not sink to other
people’s levels of behaviour if they do. Endings are followed by
phoenixes out of the ashes.
The focus is very much on finances this
month, being Virgo’s month, which is your Solar Second House; and from the 5th,
any blocks or restrictions that you have been experiencing are likely to lift;
and from the 10th, finances may run a little more smoothly.
the 20th, Venus is in your sign is, for all born after July 28th,
enhancing your charms, and bringing love and affection to your door.
Enjoyment predominates. However, from the 20th, financial
dealings and favours can enhance your life.
the 5th, Mars is in your sign and very much affecting you if born
after August 19th. There is drive and ambition for this group, which
can tip into assertiveness – which is excellent for the rest of us.
Courage and determination is at the least yours.
After the
5th, many of you may find that others and yourself express assertion
in financial issues.
is supportive now of all born August 13th to 21st.
A certain amount of luck is yours and intelligent action, which can bring
progress; and certain benevolence is also yours too.
On top of
which, Saturn is for the very small group of those born August 13th
to 16th, pressurising you to be very mature, pragmatic, dutiful,
loyal and face up to facts and step up to the plate and achieve what your
obligations tell you to. Responsibilities in love life, around offspring
and in speculation are yours to see through.
For all
born August 19th to 22nd, you still have Uranus trining
your Suns. For this group, there is an ongoing sense of liberation,
freedom, the new, the innovative, particularly connected to legal issues and
overseas issues; and possibly being awakened, through study, to new dimensions
of consciousness. Belief in uniqueness is strong and enabled and other
people are very much catalysts for this new consciousness that is liberating.
This is your month when there is lots of
emphasis on your sign, so power to your elbow and a great sense of the life
force is being focused on you. Your ruler, Mercury, moves direct on the 5th,
which will bring a relief, particularly a psychological relief, that finally
maybe things can start moving forward, having been on hold since the middle of
August; and indeed after the 10th, all of you will really feel the
strength of your mental skills finally being put to good use, appreciated and
bringing good results and your communication levels will speed up
the 20th, if born after August 30th, there will be a
sense of well being in your inner psychological self; and behind the scenes
good deeds will be very much appreciated.
After the
20th, if born up to September 6th, your own charms and
affections are underlined; and love life is strong and your ability to attract
love and money is underlined.
After the
5th, all born up to September 10th have Mars going
through your sign and over your Suns, which will bring a great deal of
assertiveness, determination, courage and constructive power. Just ensure
it doesn’t tip into slightly aggressive impatience. It will be hard for
you to take no for an answer.
Saturn is
rather challenging now for those born September 13th to 16th.
This has been going on for over a month, but will lift next month. There
has been a feeling of block and restriction in your actions and it may have
come from home or family issues, or to do with real estate. It is also a
time when you can feel tired and everything feels like an uphill
struggle. Keep disciplined, focussed and working hard, but patience is
your virtue right now. Get the rest that you need.
continues, in his very long protracted transit of your Sun, if born September 4th
to 6th; and will do so until March 2019. This is a journey
where you have felt very much an element of uncertainty, confusion and shades
of grey around other people. You may have idealised people and you may
also have been vulnerable to other people’s lack of sincerity or plain
deception; and it is important that you maintain your vigilance and do not take
everything at face value. However, it is also true that your desire for
your heart to sing is strong, for there is increased spiritual awareness and
creative appreciation and also appreciation of nature, which all needs to be
acknowledged and fed. Just beware of escapism of a negative sort.
Music and the film world can however be very healing.
Pluto is really empowering for those born September 8th to 11th
and has been since early 2016. This is a period of real regeneration and
transformation and self-reinvention through love life, children or creative
gifts. Enjoy.
The Moon is new
in your sign on the 20th at 27 degrees of your sign. Hence for those
born around the 20th, there is likely to be a sense on your birthday
of a new chapter being born and where you feel happily more at one with
yourself and confidently focused than usual.
After the 5th,
there will be a relief in terms of your goals and your social life becoming a
little more straightforward and less subject to confusion and misunderstandings
and hiccups will get resolved. This very strong emphasis on Virgo this
month would point to much behind the scenes activity, privacy and also dealings
with issues and people that are very much connected to the past; and kindness
to others and empathy and service will be flagged up. Not least after the
20th when your ruling planet Venus moves through your solar 12th
house; and love life takes on a rather private dimension.
the 5th however, if born after October 20th, your ability
to influence other people and to be a leader should not be
under-estimated. Social life takes on a strong force in your life; and
which you can use very much to your advantage and where you can be very much
the driver of a very good and positive outcome.
after the 5th, there is a need for you all to remember not to sit on
anger. Express it calmly to the right person, at the right place, at the
right time.
is very favourable now to those born October 14th to 22nd,
as he transits your Suns. He did this twice before – the end of December
2016/January 2017 and then again end of February and March 2017 and this is the
final hit, before he disappears for 12 years. This, quite simply, will
bring optimism, positivity, joy, luck, travel and at the least
protection. He will also bring wisdom and a certain amount of belief in
self and confidence that will carry you far.
for those born October 14th to 17th, there will be an
additional energy of Saturn, positively enhancing your discipline, focus,
patience and hard work capacity, which bring extra success. It also
brings intelligence and wisdom in thought and communication. A very
progressive period.
For all
born October 20th to 23rd, there is an additional energy
with the planet Uranus continuing to oppose your Suns. This dynamic and
rather unpredictable energy has been hovering around the Suns of this group
since June and will continue to do so until around March 2019. Other
people are the sources of disruption and their surprising behaviour or desire
for freedoms, or their inspirations to you can be life changing; and although upsetting,
ultimately will catapult you on to a new and better road, but equally, unusual
and unconventional and rather maverick people can awaken you to new conceptions
and new ideas, but just be cautious that you don’t allow other people to be too
Finally, if
born October 9th to 12, be aware that you are still in a phase of
life where you need to liberate yourself from the old in order to give birth to
the new; and internal struggles are part of the process, but keep conscious,
cool and calm and take charge of your destiny without anger.
Friendships and
goals, social life figure strongly this month; and frustrations around work
will be relieved from the 5th as clarity rules.
From the 10th,
the power of your communications to make your goals happen is restored.
Beware before
the 20th, if born after October 30th of being
hypocritical or sycophantic at work.
After the 20th,
if born up to November 6th, your ability to show love and affection
and creativity in terms of your leadership abilities and your goals and working
with others is admirable and friends can turn into romantic partners.
a warning to those born after November 19th that before the 5th,
there is a slight danger of you being a little bit too assertive in your
working capacity. Irritation and impatience can your worst enemy and do
not be coercive. Indeed you may also suffer the same at the hands of
others. Handle it with wisdom and calm.
after the 5th, if born up to November 10th, your
techniques and drives and confidence are well-expressed and constructed for
self and others.
is very much a sensitising influence now for all those born November 4th
to 6th. This influence, which has been going on since earlier
in the year, continues to be strong until March 18th and indeed you
will never lose it completely. It has sensitised your soul, has put a
focus on your heart and your emotions, particularly when it comes to love life,
the arts and one’s offspring. It has awoken a more spiritual and less
material side, with empathy and compassion and sensitivity and intuition about
others has flourished.
your ruler Pluto has been sextiling the Suns of those born November 8th
to 11th since early 2016 and continues to until the end of the
year. This has, and continues to bring intelligent power to your door,
particularly in directing and helping other people with leadership skills that
are intelligent, sensitive, regenerative and transformative; and provided these
skills are used for the greater good and not just for yourself, this is a very
satisfactory period.
Quite a lot of focus is on work this
month as there is so much emphasis on your solar tenth house of Virgo.
after the 5th, there may well be a feeling of relief for many of you
as communications and progress clarifies.
For all of you
there is still a need to be absolutely certain that you are all talking from
the same page, particularly professionally.
the 20th, for all born after November 28th, love and
travel can go hand in hand and general feeling of harmony with other
predominates. Harmony comes from study and travel.
After the
20th, however, if born up to December 5th, ensure that
you are genuine at work and not exercising charm, just to get your own way, bur
certainly charm will help.
From the
5th, Mars will, for all born after December 17th bring a
great feeling of determination, courage, focus, especially connected to study,
travel and legal issues. You are ideologically very passionate as
after the 5th, for all born up to December 9th, beware
that impatience irritability and over-assertiveness does not rebound you
negatively in the working environment. Also beware of people in authority
maybe throwing their weight around a little. Confrontations are possible.
for all born December 12th to 20th, Jupiter is smiling on
you. It is a great time for friendships, for helpful people, for good
contacts, for networking and for leadership skills. Travel, confidence
and potential growth and luck is in the air.
some of you will really need this protection as Saturn is sitting on the Suns
of those born December 12th to 15th. This is a long
drawn out stressful transit that you have been enduring. Blocks,
restrictions, tiredness, some financial anxiety possible have all be haunting
you. This will resolve with patience, determination, focus, hard work by
late October. Get rest when you can.
however, is still inspiring for those born December 18th to 21st.
Areas to do with creative world, love life, enjoyment is all being exercised
with excitement and the unpredictable and you are being liberated on many
levels to a new sense of your own uniqueness.
for born around December 4th, you need to continue to keep vigilant
about escapism, over-idealism and maybe even trusting too much. Getting
plenty of sleep and being near the sea will help.
This is an
excellent month for travel and for long distance issues and holidays for many
of you. Also legal issues can be favourable, particularly after the 5th
when Mercury moves direct, when travel hiccups are smoothed and academic
progress is underlined.
From the
20th, for all born up to January 4th will also find that
love life and happiness is very much hand in hand with travelling and
learning. An enhanced consciousness is yours.
After the
5th, all born up to January 8th will have a great sense
of constructive energy, ambition, determination and intelligent action.
Notably in travel and in study; and success is assured in those areas, although
prior to that, many of you may be putting a lot of effort into enduring complex
financial are sorted out and indeed intimate relationships as well.
For those
born January 11th to 19th, Jupiter is currently squaring
your Sun. This does imply that there is a danger of over-reaching or
over-ambition and even for you a rather unconfident side may be a little bit of
arrogance in ambition. At the very least you will be having a good time with
self-indulgence. Just ensure that others don’t feel that you are pushing
too far, particularly in the working environment.
however, is still causing some unpredictability and restlessness within and
without for those born January 16th to 19th.
Domestic circumstances and family issues may be making you feel as if you are
on the edge of your seat. This long transit is a journey, not an arrival
and ultimately wakes you up to new dimensions.
is inspiring those born around January 3rd. The heart is
opened and your thinking is combined far more with your emotions than it has
been before. Your sensitivities and your artistic and spiritual nature is
if born January 6th to 9th, you are until the end of the
year, completing a period of real transition in terms of your power.
Endings of chapters have been in the air and continue to be so. This is
about self-reinvention, transformation and regeneration; and sometimes you have
to go through the dark to get to the light. Destiny is in the ether.
It is quite important this month to focus
on intimate relationships and complex money issues; and after the 5th,
relationship issues in general can start to become more concrete and
the 20th, if born after January 26th, romance and love
life flourish and your charms attract positive vibes from other people and you
attract affection.
the 5th, however, if born after February 15th, there is a potential
for attracting who are rather assertive or even aggressive.
Confrontations are possible. It is important that you are not too rigid,
fixed or impulsive in dealings with others.
if born February 9th to 17th, Jupiter is bringing good
fortune from long distance connections. It is very good for travel and
holidays. This is very good for academic success and growth and a general
feeling of well being, inner and or outer.
If born
February 9th to 12th, Saturn is bringing much stability
through hard work and discipline and patience and maturity to your lives.
Obligations and duties are accepted with honour and consciousness, with
constructive, positive results in the offing, particularly in obligations to
other people in leadership roles.
ruler Uranus continues to bring out your Aquarian best if born February 15th
to 18th. Your mind is super intuitive. You have eureka
moments and you are able to communicate to self and others in a way that is
outside the box, universal and even existential in its understanding and
insight. Study of the less mainstream subjects inspire you.
It is
very much about other people and relationships this month. From the 5th,
when Mercury moves direct, you will find that you can really sort problems out
with others, as communications become much clearer.
After the
10th, for all of your, there is a great sense that people everywhere
are listening to you; and you receive very good and intelligent communications
from others as well, which are constructive.
After the
20th, if born up to March 4th, love life can take a turn
for the better and there is definitely a feeling that Cupid is in the air and
you attract much affection and what you give is reciprocated.
After the
5th however, one needs to be a little bit aware that if born up to
March 8th, Mars may well bring into your orbit some people who are a
little on the challenging side; and you have to be careful that you do not
invite this, by being over-assertive yourself. Others may confront you
and test your resolve. Stop and count to ten before you react.
Saturn is
less than helpful if born March 11th to 14th.
Responsibilities, obligations and duties feel onerous and burdensome and blocks
and restrictions prevent you moving forward and your tiredness is significant
and needs respecting. With patience and perseverance you will get through
this block, but reality checks need acknowledging.
however, is maintaining his mesmerising grip on those born March 2nd
to 4th. There are two ways of dealing with this long transit, which
will not be completely over until early next year; and which is creating two
possibilities. Either escapism, over-idealism and non-reality, or real
inspiration, empathy, compassion, sensitivity and a desire to really excel in
creativity. New spirituality is around as is almost a psychic awakening
but do keep rounded and avoid running away from realities, but do also listen
to your heart.
Finally, Pluto
is, for those born March 6th to 9th, giving you a
tremendous sense of insight, intelligence and power to affect the lives of
other people for the better; and therefore to improve your own
self-image. A time of intelligent insight as to what your destiny is and
how you can help others. Use this power wisely and not for ego, but for
others. You are the steward, not the owner of the power.
The full Moon is at 13 degrees of Pisces on
the 5th. This suggests that those born around the 3rd-5th
of March, are likely to feel a sense of potential eruption that comes from ones
own unconscious machinations or from another’s on that day. This may indicate a
need to bring a chapter or situation to a close, or at least to confront and
maybe clear away much baggage