Welcome to 2018, when most of us I guess, are all looking
ahead with a sense in the collective unconscious of a mixture of bewilderment,
some incredulity and if we are honest, some fear for the future. Only incurable
optimists will be confident all will be well.
The year starts interestingly with a very unusual January,
as this is an exceptional “blue moon” month. The phrase “once in a blue moon”
which basically means “rarely”, derives from the unusual event of a full Moon
occurring twice in one month, and this month is such a month, with the
significant added rarity of the second one being a total lunar eclipse. The
first standard full Moon is on the 2nd at 2.24 GMT at 11 degrees of
Cancer and the second one, the special Total Lunar eclipse, is on the 31st
at 13.30 GMT, at 11degrees of Leo.
If one has a
personal natal planet at the same degree as the full Moon, or at the opposite
degree, (same degree in the opposite sign) it is likely to impact you
personally, more powerfully than others.
Full moons bring a tendency for the eruption of the
unconscious and there is a mood of rather untamed events, which will out, and
the unpredictable and primeval is in the air as are culminations and endings.
Things rise to the surface. Tides are high as are inner tensions. We reap
consequences on the full Moon. When the full Moon is also manifesting as a
total lunar eclipse, we can expect the same effect, but as if on steroids.
The new Moon falls on the 17th at 26 degrees of
Capricorn, a benign influence, where we sow and prepare new beginnings.
Saturn now firmly into his own home sign of Capricorn (since
December 20th and for 2 and a half years) points to the principle
that it is not money that is the root of all evil, but the love of it (greed)
that earns that crown and which holds huge power currently. The great economic
divisions and inequality in our global society will be a source of ever
increasing karma, as pursuit of monetary power and its fallout for further
inequalities becomes truly the driving mover and shaker of the globe and its
woes. The power of money has in many ways on the globe trumped democracy. Large
egos and authoritarian leaders, who see themselves as emperors, in many
respects are increasingly the trend. Trump’s
tax cuts for the wealthy and (temporarily) for the middle classes will
underscore the inequalities. Trickle down economics, (i.e. the theory that the
wealthy will invest for the betterment of the poor) has proved with Pluto
(power/obsession) in Capricorn since 2007/8 to be a wishful thinking fantasy.
Plutocratic wealth dominates.
Capitalism was originally based on the protestant
(Calvinism) work ethic, which was designed for the good and benefit of all
(trickle down). That has long been largely lost, as the uber capitalist ethic
has very visibly prevailed, especially over the last 10 years.
However because Saturn (in Capricorn) is the lord of karma,
and Pluto’s sign position (also in Capricorn since 2008 and till 2025) suggests
that abuse of power pays a big price. We are facing a rather significant
nemesis, even a meltdown, re our value system and a full on facing of the
fallout of our, (or the system’s) economic abuse of power and the drive of
materialism, consumerism and the seemingly unquestioned holy grail of “growth”. The planet/environment itself is as much the
messenger of this karma as anything else. It is already groaning loudly in our
face, in ways there is no necessity to elucidate.
Neptune in Pisces now (from 2012 till 2026) is however
simultaneously shouting out at us to focus on the planets survival, both
ecologically and of course climate wise, or all is lost. Without a sustainable
planet and ecosystem there is no sustainability for humanity. We can put some
faith in technology to help save the day, especially from 2025, when Pluto
(power) moves into Aquarius (technology… but there are concomitant dangers then
too, of abuse of power re technology) but we also have to change our collective
behaviour, not just compensate for it.
This issue is existential, even biblical in its implications,
like never before, because we know what we are doing, but it really is an
“inconvenient truth”, so therefore deniable to many of those whose total focus
is on money and growth.
This month is quite intense. It is after all, also the month
of Capricorn, so all pressure is on, re value systems.
Because the Sun and Venus both conjunct Pluto on the 9th
and 10th and on the 24th/25th, Mercury also conjuncts
Pluto, they will be significant dates, that point to potential crisis and abuse
of power in some context. Egos are highlighted. Danger and brinkmanship
Mars is also now in Pluto ruled Scorpio, (since December 10th
till Jan 26th). This is a powerful position and brings a ruthless
energy and often determination of a single-minded nature to achieve power, for
good or ill. This position is also very linked to sexuality (and money). Because Scorpio is very forensic in nature,
as a sign, revelations re sexual abuse and financial scandals have been to the
fore. The principal of power and sex is intense when Mars is in Scorpio and
with Jupiter also now in Scorpio for a year, these will be a predominant issue.
Another major astrological fact for this year is that in
May, Uranus moves from Aries, (where he has been for 7 years) to Taurus (the sign
of his fall, as the planet of Uranus and the sign of Taurus are incompatible
energies). He stays there initially for 6 months, then reverts back to Aries,
to rubber-stamp a few issues no doubt, and then returns to Taurus for the long
approximately 7year haul, in March 2019.
In Aries (the
individual), Uranus (unpredictable change/technology/revolution) indeed
revolutionised individual’s power via technology/social media and created
“surprise” unpredictability and rebellion (anti establishment mood) and a
desire for independence and brought a change in peoples voting motivation,
aided and abetted of course by technology.
Taurus is about feeling and instinct, safety and
security/money (earth) while Uranus (air) is about the power of mind, the new
and revolutionary, and takes risks and wants liberty, and change, often for its
own sake. He is about the future,
rebellion and the innovative, not least in technology. He can create chaos.
Uranus in Taurus means therefore that we can expect a
revolution in the way we deal with money especially because of new technology
and digitisation. . From Taurus the focus for change will be in what
constitutes security and our material values that will be subject to
revolution, and it will bring to many a feeling of much insecurity as the old
security systems simply break down. Unpredictable and game changing shifts in
the economy and how money works is pretty well guaranteed.
The great US depression, the fallout of the Wall Street
crash, and the dropping of the gold standard, correlated with the last time
Uranus was in Taurus (1934-1941), healed incidentally only by the advent of
World War 2.
Back to this month, Mr Trump has got Mars conjuncting his
natal IC and squaring its own natal place and his natal ascendant, all between
the 19th and the 27th. He will likely to be angry,
impulsive, and dangerously confrontational then, not least in relation to
foreign policy and legal issues that may directly affect him and family.
Fortunately Mars globally, currently is not in conflict with
other planets, and is even very constructive between the 8th and 10th.
However between the 5th-8th when Mars
conjuncts Jupiter, (crusading determination) there is a great confidence and a
go getting energy in a pioneering and zealous way, amongst powerful players on
the world stage, that can tempt bold moves that need squeaky clean motives, or
over reaching can have troublesome consequences.
The 12th-15th sees the Sun and Venus
square to Uranus. The unpredictable is in the air then, including potential
geophysical events (earthquakes, volcanic disturbance etc)
Theresa May has a difficult period in the second half of the
month, courtesy of Mars, and the whole Brexit issue will rumble on with ever
more complications thrown up, till exhaustion will take over for her in
February. Her position looks very shaky
then, but With Venus (and possibly her Moon.. no birth time known) conjunct
Pluto in her birth chart, she is however steely in her determination to maintain
power and not be defeated. If she survives February and March politically, the
last 3 months of 2018 will probably see her power radically undermined in some
Nationalism and protectionism is an instinct that feels safe
and redemptive and is becoming an increasingly strong tribal drive in the face
of and in reaction to what is seen as the downside of globalisation, but it
carries the real danger now of a breakdown in global cooperation, when never
before have we needed it so much, in order to cope with the huge issues on
every level that face us/the planet… Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces
will bring to us all over the coming decade, the message that we need to start
again somehow and to totally reconsider our prevailing economic value system
which is largely redundant and self-defeating. A necessary total economic and
political breakdown may be, just maybe, the only way that can happen…
There are however potential phoenixes out of the ashes.
The good news is that Jupiter sextiles Pluto this month,
exactly in the second half of the month, which augurs well for constructive
determination for renewal and regeneration with the collective power to
achieve. All that matters is the motive.
Keep on your
toes career wise. It’s a good period, but avoid over-confidence.
Indeed, all
after the 11th need to be sure that their communications are clear
,as there is a lot of room for misunderstanding.
Before the 18th,
if born after March 28th, your charms in the workplace are
significant. Don’t misuse them.
After the 18th,
if born up to April 7th, friendships provide love, support and
harmony and fun and love is in the air.
After the 26th,
for all born up to March 24th, there is a surge of energy that is
very constructive. It is very positive for internationalism, the law and
academic studies. Your ruling planet is baptising you with courage and
Saturn, now
established in Capricorn, is currently squaring the Suns of those early Aries,
born up to March 26th. Some restrictions and difficulties are in
the air. This is short lived. Be mature. Step up to the plate.
Face facts and get rest.
Uranus is still
directly emphasising the principle of change, restlessness and potential
liberation if born April 13th to 15th. This
is gone by March. Look back on the last year and acknowledge the
If born April 7th
to 10th, Pluto is still on your case, as he has been most of last
year and indeed will be this year. Inner struggles need to be
conscious. Power struggles at work need to be carefully thought through,
controlled and do not let your active anger get the better of you. Draw
boundaries. Veto others’ behaviour and yours, if it is in any way
coercive or controlling.
Long distance
and legal issues are flagged up and indeed after the 11th, all of
you may find that communications, learning, study and travel are all agreeable
and constructive.
Before the 18th,
you are also likely to encounter the harmonious and the love in long distance
contacts and study will give you joy.
After the 18th,
if born up to May 10th, don’t overdo charm to get your own
Before the 26th,
if born after May 4th, Mars in your 7th house is creating
some potential war-drums in your social life and in your relationships.
Others are immovable and challenging. Do not match with equal
stubbornness, but know to draw boundaries.
Jupiter is enhancing the lives of those born May 6th to 13th.
Fun, expansion, optimism and potential travel is yours, but be careful about
over confidence and over-trusting in others who may encourage extravagant
behaviour. Be your own master.
Saturn, now in
Capricorn, is constructive in a very practical and mature way for those born up
to April 26th. Duty and obligation connected to travel or
study is strong but it is all very practical and giving you a good
foundation. Discipline and hard work comes easily.
Neptune is
still continuing to inspire on a spiritual, creative and emotional level all
born May 1st to 4th. This yearlong influence has
softened you for more empathy and more emotional vulnerability. It brings a
very inspiring dimension.
Finally Pluto
is bringing for those born May 8th to 11th, in this very
rare positive transit, a sense of courage, insight, destiny, power and
self-reinvention. Not least in relationships. This is regenerative
and transformative. Enjoy. It is yours for the next year.
You may have no
choice but need to accept that everything is quite profound this month and complex financial issues need focus, probably
in a good way.
Before the 11th,
all born after June 7th will have excellent communications skills
and news and discussions with others will be fruitful, enhancing and your input
is valuable.
After the 18th,
all born up to June 8th are also likely to be experiencing happiness
and emotional fulfilment in a long distance context and working hard on an
academic or a study issue will bring joy. Love, travel and study can all
Mars, however,
for those born up to May 26th will, at the end of the month, in the
last six days, bring some confrontations with others. People may block
your path and you may be easily irritated. Stop and think before you
For those born
June 14th-16th, Uranus is in his last lap of providing
some inner inspiration that has been going on for nearly eighteen months.
This journey is coming to a close, but it has brought inspiration from others
too. Awakening you to ideological views, more humanitarian concerns,
friendships that have provided catalysts and an ability to work for the greater
good. You are looking more outside the box more than you were two years
Neptune has been a little confusing for about a yearor many born June 1st
to 4th. There has been some vague smoke and mirror input,
possibly professionally. You have possibly been vulnerable to other
people who have not been as straight as they could be and you have certainly
needed to be straight yourself. Confusion and uncertainly and a sense of
some lack of security has been in the air and it’s possible you have been
over-idealistic about something, but it has inspired you creatively and brought
your heart centre into strong focus. Greater clarity will emerge in a
month or so.
are a focus. After the 11th, all of you may find that the power of
communications extremely helpful and gratifying.
Before the 18th,
if born after June 30th, romance, affections are underlined and your
ability to attract others with charm and a good heart is notable. This is
Before the 26th,
all born after July 6th will find that your desires and your
passions are inspired both in the arts and in love life. Energy is
productive and creative, psychologically, physically, spiritually is
constructive and needs to be taken advantage of.
Jupiter also is
very much supportive of those born July 8th to 15th.
He is enhancing creativity, love life, fertility in all contexts and bringing
fun, enjoyment, optimism and positivity and growth. It is also very pleasant
for travel, combined with Romance.
However, Saturn
is in the opposite sign to yours now and will be for two and a half years and
in this month he is directly opposing those born June 23rd to 27th.
Some potential conflict or reality check about a relationship is in the
air. There is a sense of challenge and a need to face facts about
somebody. Obligations and duties are also underlined. Know what is
reasonable and what isn’t. Delays and blocks are there to make you re-think
issues and people.
Uranus is
coming to the end of a long period of creating some disruption and uncertainty
and insecurity in the lives of those born July 16th to 18th,
particularly in terms of your status in life. This is gone by March and
security will be more tangible. In the meantime know you have been on a
journey, although uncomfortable, that has probably kick-started you into a more
valid future.
Also Neptune,
again in a rare transit, has been inspiring those born July 2nd to 5th.
He has brought inspiration, creatively, spiritually and through travel.
Your heart is even bigger than it was before.
Finally Pluto,
in his once every 248 year opposition to your Sun is still bringing for those
born July 10th to 13th. Some feeling of a power
struggle is still lingering. Be conscious. Don’t sink to dark
motives and draw boundaries around those who would.
The 1st full
Moon in the month is on the 2nd in your sign and effects those born
around July 3rd/4th. Issues
are brought to a head… and it can act as a clearinghouse.
The work ethic
needs underlining this month and sorting out a lot of unresolved issues.
However, before
the 11th, if born after August 9th, creativity and
enjoyment is on the cards. Communications with offspring and love life
will be important, but make time for work too.
After the 18th,
if born up to August 10th, romance is flagged up. Your charms
are undoubted and you can attract favours from others, as well as
However, before
the 26th, if born after August 6th, there are some people
on the family front who may be challenging and disruptive and your stubbornness
or strong will can create domestic conflict. Others are no pushovers.
However, after
the 26th, if born up to July 28th, your desire for play,
pleasure and enjoyment is strong and your will is constructive and confident.
Jupiter, now in
Scorpio is, this month, a mixed blessing for those born August 8th
to 15th. He is bringing self-indulgence, over-confidence,
over-optimism and possibly over-reaching. Good times can be had, but only
if there is measured moderation and humility. Avoid a sense of
Uranus is in
the last ditch of his once every 42-year inspiration to those born August 16th
to 18th. He has brought a sense of awakening and enlightening
from long distance issues and in academic study. He has awoken you from
your subjectivity and are now taking a more objective viewpoint. The
bigger picture matters more to you now than it did and you are to some extent
more liberated as a result.
The total Lunar
eclipse on the 31st impacts those born around August 4th.
For this group there is a real possibility of significant events that are
aligned to a need to face up to issues that are shouting out for attention.
Make time for
leisure, pleasure and love life this month.
After the 11th,
all of you will find that communications with both partners, romantically or
otherwise, and with children are very beneficial.
Indeed, before
the 18th, all born after August 31st will find affection and
love life comes easily, as indeed does creative skill.
Before the 26th,
for all born after September 6th, there will be a sense of power of
communication and insight that will be advantageous. Your actions, your
thinking and your attitude will be constructive.
However, after
the 26th, if born up to August 29th, tread carefully on
the home front. Family may be quick to be irritable and you may seem a
little bit like a bull in a china shop to others.
Jupiter in
Scorpio is beneficial now to those born September 8th to 15th.
He is bringing extra wisdom, good communications and news from siblings and a
sense of insight and luck and confidence is yours.
Even Saturn,
now in Capricorn, is providing pragmatic progress for those born up to August
29th. Serious, responsible attitudes are needed
and evident.. Loyalty and maturity of approach to love life, children’s
issues and speculative issues will give you long-term advantage. Hard
work comes easily.
Neptune, still
opposing the Suns of those born September 3rd to 6th, is
coming to a close in his influence by March. This rare and long-felt
feeling of uncertainty and confusion from others and over-idealisation of
others and a need to be black and white about all things has taught you some lessons,
but it has also inspired you creatively and your heart has been opened, if not
a little vulnerable.
Finally, Pluto
is continuing in his rare trine to your Sun to empower those born September 10th
to 13th. He is giving you courage, determination and destiny
in love life and creativity and not least possibly around offspring.
Focus on family
and real estate and home issues is important.
Before the 11th,
all born after October 10th will find that your communications and
your insights and wisdom are to the point and work for you.
After the 11th,
you will all need to ensure that your communications are crystal clear and
there is potential for confusion.
After the 18th,
all born up to October 11th can enjoy leisure, pleasure, indulgence
and love life. Relax and enjoy.
After the 26th,
if born up to September 28th you are no pushover and your usual
self-surrender will be replaced by more constructive self-assertion.
Saturn in
Capricorn now is in square relationship to your sign and this month those
affected are born up to September 29th. Some family issues may
be showing their face. Lack of confidence, blocks, restrictions, and
frustrations are possible. Reality checks and some learning curves are in
the air. Step up to the plate and also remember that no one is getting
younger, including you.
Uranus is
nearly finished with his eighteen month long visitation to oppose the Suns of
those October 17th to 19th. Disruptions brought
into your life by other people’s unexpected change of attitude or stance
continues until February, but ironically their unpredictability can be your
Finally, those
born October 11th to 14th are still dealing with the
power of Pluto. The need for liberation to find your own unique power and
destiny is strong, but it may involve some struggles within self and with
others. Just keep aware, conscious and controlled, but do not repress
this need for change.
Your mind is
sharp this month and alert and indeed after the 11th, all of you
will be even more insightful than usual.
Before the 18th,
if born after October 31st, your charms combine with your intellect
to make you very persuasive of others.
After the 18th,
if born up to November 10th, there is a tendency for over-indulgence,
over-reaching and over-spending. Have a care.
Mars is now
seriously in your sign, directly by conjunction, impacting those born after
November 6th. For this group, you will all be extra assertive,
extra powerful. Extra wilful, extra determined, extra energetic. Use it
positively. Do not let it tip into hostility or control.
however, in your sign, will also be benefiting many of the same group, born
November 8th to 15th. Luck, confidence and
determination is yours. Expansiveness and travel is flagged up, but
beware over-confidence and do let an over-zealous nature and urge get you
carried away.
Saturn is
giving some steadying of the boat for those born October 24th -
October 29th He is bringing common sense, steadfastness, loyalty and
hard work, constructively so.
Neptune is
finalising his inspiring eighteen-month period for those born November 3rd
to 6th. Your creative side continues to flourish. Your
empathy and compassion is now being cemented. You’re sensitivity, idealism
and spirituality has also been and continues to be a real focus.
Finally, those
born November 10th to 13th have your ruler Pluto still
enforcing the power of your Scorpionic insight, depth, profundity of mind and
desire for the truth, all in a very positive way. A sense of destiny is
well established now.
Finances may
need some focus in a good way this month.
Before the 11th
all born after December 8th will find that your communication skills
and your wisdom will be beneficial in all areas.
After the 18th,
if born up to December 9th, your heart and your mind combine
effectively to persuade other people to back your goals and desires and
ideas. Your charms are strong.
After the 26th,
Mars moves into your sign, initially affecting this month all born up to
November 27th. For this small group, those last few days of
the month will see you assertive, determined, focused and disciplined; and
possibly even a little on the coercive side. Keep it constructive.
For all born
December 15th to 17th, you are coming to the end of a
long period of Uranus enhancing your spirit, need for freedom and
individuality. Since June of last year, this has been effective. It
has brought an awakening; an enlightening and opportunities connected to love
life, creative work and offspring issues. It has awoken you to so much
more about yourself and life. Celebrate this journey as it comes to a
close. You are now more uniquely true to self.
Neptune is also coming to the end of a long period (started in April 2016) of causing some confusion and uncertainty
in the lives of those born December 2nd to 5th.
There has been a feeling of dissolving of certainty about many issues in
life. Not least domestically, career wise and general insecurity.
The fact is the old is dissolving and is meant to and this journey has been a
rather blind one, but will take you to a place where you can be more true to
yourself and who you are. It is redemptive. Trust. By next year
clarity will be established.
Your month, so
you can shine and indeed after the 11th, you will all find the power
of your intellect and your communication skills enhanced.
Before the 18th,
if born after December 29, your charms and your ability to attract affections
is also accentuated. You give and receive.
Before the 26th,
for all born after January 4th, your power to be a leader and to
have people who are constructive in helping you and also you helping them, all
add to your ability to make progress in life and to contribute to the greater
social good.
Jupiter is also
very much your friend now if born January 6th to 13th.
Again, your social life and your contacts
are filling you with benevolence and your ability to be incredibly
effective for others should not be underestimated. Luck, opportunities
and protection and growth is in the air, as is travel.
Saturn however
entered your sign last month. He is your ruler, so he is a powerful
influence, but you handle Saturn better than most. Those most affected by
his conjunction this month are born up to December 27th. Look
after your health and take it easy. He is the lord of time and age. You
can feel tired quite readily and reality checks are in the air. Hard
work, focus, discipline and maturity are needed. Don’t let
under-confidence be your worst enemy and your usual one, get the better of you.
This can be a time to rise to the occasion.
Uranus is about
to finish his rather disruptive journey over the last 18 months for those born
January 13th to 15th, particularly on a domestic
level. The calm after the waves is approaching early next month, but you
have been awoken.
Neptune also
has nearly finished his journey of inspiring those born January 1st
to 4th. Your sensitivity, your heart centre, your creative and
spiritual self has been matured over the last year or so.
Finally, those
born January 8th to 11th are still dealing with the power
of Pluto in his once every 248-year visitation to your sign. You are
still being transformed, regenerated, re-invented and are confronting certain
destinies. This can be magnificent, but endings of chapters and new ones
being born, are in the air.
The new Moon is
in your sign on the 17th affecting those born around that date.
This augurs
well then for the initiation of the new and for a sense of building a new
Some privacy of
thoughts and contemplation is yours this month.
Before the 11th,
if born after February 5th, valuable communications with friends and
in groups are to be savoured.
After the 18th,
all born up to February 6th will enjoy a boost to your sense of
physical charms and you will attract and give love and affection.
Popularity is yours.
Before the 26th
Mars is in square position to the Suns of those born after February 2nd
transiting your solar 10th house.
For this group
there is a distinct need to be wary of over competitiveness and ruthless ness
at work or in pulling rank and that can come from self or others. Impatience is
yours and so is impulsiveness and possibly a refusal to compromise.. Watch out
for these qualities, as they can be troublesome.
After the 26th,
for all born up to January 24th, leadership skills are strong,
competitive skills are well placed and your energies are constructive and
Jupiter in
Scorpio in square to your sign is now affecting those born February 4th
to 11th. This is a mixed blessing. It gives you desire
for enjoyment and confidence and assertion, but it can make one over-confident,
or even a little arrogant, so be careful about pushing your luck, particularly
on the professional front.
Uranus, your
ruler, is finalising his long, once every 42 year sextile, which is very
positive to your Sun, if born February 12th to 14th.
This has brought even more big picture understanding, awareness, lateral
thinking and passion about the human condition in a very constructive way to
your consciousness. Your intuition is sound and insight invaluable.
Job nearly done.
The fact that
the total solar eclipse this month is in your opposite sign of Leo on the 31st
at 11 degrees, it is likely that those born around January 31st-
Feb.1st will feel its impact on the 31st.
This may
manifest as quite a powerful feeling that someone or something is necessitating
you to reassess some situation quite profoundly.
goals, group concerns are strong this month.
Before the 11th,
if born after March 7th, ensure, particularly in work, that you are
clearly understood. Misunderstandings are in the air.
After the 11th,
however, you will all benefit from good learning and communication with friends
and in social life.
Before the 26th,
for all born after March 4th, international issues, whether it be
travel or communications, are very favoured and very dynamic. Study too
brings enthusiasm as a constructive progress.
After the 26th,
early Pisces, born up to February 25th need a little caution about
being impulsive or impatient on the work front; and indeed others may be a
little difficult.
Jupiter is very
much your friend now from Scorpio if born March 6th to 13th.
Wonderful for travel or planning a holiday, and very good for benefits in terms of academic interests or study
and brilliant for extra wisdom and understanding on a metaphysical level. Luck
and progress is yours.
Saturn is also
constructive for those Pisces born up to February 24th. Your
mind is grounded and realistic and pragmatic and discipline is yours.
Neptune, your
ruling planet is bringing out the ultimate of Pisces traits and has been for
over a year, for those born March 1st to 14th. This
journey is nearly over, but he has completed a period of potential
great inspiration, great empathy, great spirituality and psychic powers,
or the possibility, more negatively, of over idealism, escapism, or deceptive
circumstances. The arts, however will have flourished within your life
and commitment to the natural world.
Finally Pluto
has been empowering for some time and will continue to do so for the next year,
the lives of those born March 8th to 11th. Enjoy
this journey. It has brought you powerful, important contacts and you
have been transformative and healing for others and others for you. It
has brought you courage, destiny, insight and power that need to be used wisely.
Not for you alone, but for the whole world is it called for..