This is the month of Aquarius, the sign ruled by Uranus. A
sign of the innovative, even the maverick and also the intuitive, the
humanitarian, the inclusive and the outside the box, big picture vision and of
the future. It also directly relates to the technological and what can be made
possible through this. That is all-fine, as long as the motive is for the
greater good of all and the planet, and not just related to money and greed.
Jupiter is now established in Scorpio till November 8th.
This is a position of intensity, insight and forensic in nature. Finances and
economic issues loom large in consciousness and truth will out re the failings
of economic systems and re secretive misused power in that arena and also, as
has already been shown, the failings in our sexual attitudes. Powerful stances
will be made as strong principles are highlighted and felt and demonstrated
powerfully re money and sexuality. Insular desires for self-protection and
nationalism however will remain strong.
Mars has left Scorpio finally. He was there from December 9th
till January 26th. That position is powerful, secretive and can
bring significant use of power and real standoffs, because of fixity and
refusal to compromise, that can be dangerous. Mars is a trigger planet and when
in Scorpio those triggers pulled can have powerful consequences… Again motive
is everything. Great good, or the opposite. Scorpio power can be likened in its
intensity to either that of saint or sinner.
Globally, Scorpio puts emphasis of discovery of abuse of power
financially and related to sexuality
From Mars’ new position in Sagittarius, he is more
international, idealistic, open and adventurous. Globalised issues and the fight for equality and human rights
will be addressed more vociferously. Global dynamics will be an increased
When Jupiter moves into Sagittarius next November, a new
chapter of reclaiming the benefits of working together globally will be
Saturn now established in Capricorn, since December 20th
2017 and where he will stay till December 2020 will be trying for
England, (Capricorn country) economically and structurally. No prizes for
seeing that one coming.
It will be difficult
for Trump in this month and next as Saturn squares his Neptune (every 15 years)
and then opposes his Mercury (every 30 years), bringing disappointments/reality
checks, disillusionment and blocks to his plans and also challenges re
finances, relating to his own and other countries, despite the recently much
vaunted US economic boom.
Teresa May will also
be facing Saturn challenges and reality checks and frustrations connected to
her personal reputation and authority in March, April and May as Saturn squares
up to her Sun. (Every 15 years). She also has Neptune back on her Mars again
this month, which indicates a weakening of her position and hidden smoke and
mirror forces and conspiracies from men in her orbit.
The second half of this month sees Venus in Pisces from the
10th and Mercury and the Sun in Pisces from the 18th.
This globally will bring some idealism at best and supports the arts and the
outpouring of emotion and creativity, but negatively it can bring lack of
objectivity, smoke and mirrors, deceptions, over idealism and even potential
delusion, notably around the 25th/26th when Mercury
conjuncts Neptune (in his home sign of Pisces for the long haul).
The arts (particularly music and film) are particularly
favoured around the 22nd/23rd when Venus conjuncts
Around the 17th and 18th, when Mars
squares Neptune undercover issues are strong and lack of clarity is dominant.
Also there is also a potential sense of emasculation in the face of some global
There is a partial solar eclipse on the 15th at
27 degrees of Aquarius, exact at 20.52 GMT. This is in good relationship to
Uranus and Mercury This will signify a furtherance of a renewed fighting for
human rights and humanitarian issues, not least women’s rights and the fight
for equality. Changes and crises that may happen then can ultimately be a force
for good. The eclipse also opposes
Trump’s Mars suggesting major changes in his position as a result of events and
challenges from others.
A month of
working together with others for a cause, which also can be sociable, is
flagged up and your leadership potential and shine.
Indeed, all of
you before the 18th will have excellent communication skills,
contributing to a common goal.
Before the 10th,
if born after April 7th, love and friendship can combine and
affections are forthcoming from others with whom you collaborate.
Mars, now in
Sagittarius, is bringing for all born March 22nd to April 10th
a pioneering attitude to travel and your determination and courage is
underlined, as is success and ambition.
Saturn, now in
Capricorn, is challenging those born March 24th to 29th.
Restrictions and problems at work are likely. Have patience, be real and
get rest, but there are reality checks around.
Uranus is still
haunting those born April 14th 17th. This will be
over by the end of March when you will look back and see what revolutions have
occurred in the last year or so and what change has been affected that has
catapulted you into a more aware sense of self and the future.
Finally, Pluto
is still bringing to those born April 7th to 10, the potential for
some power struggles within oneself and with others in authority. Ensure
you do not abuse power or indeed allow others to. Be conscious,
controlled, but know you are in a period, particularly career wise, of
transformation and self-reinvention. Just keep control.
There is no
room for taking your eye off the ball at work, where you can shine, but be
careful that you do not over-reach or be over-confident.
For all born
after May 7th, it is important to remember that before the 10th,
sycophancy may not pay off.
All of you need
to ensure that your communications are thoroughly understood in the work place.
After the 18th,
all born up to May 10th will have excellent ability to receive and
give wisdom from and to friends and leadership communication is
After the 10th,
all born up to May 13th will enjoy the opportunity that friends give
for harmony, affection and living life to the full.
Jupiter in your
opposite sign is now bringing to all those born May 11th to 15th
a feeling of exuberance, confidence and belief. It’s good for travel but
it could also lead to a little bit over-zealous expectation or
over-expansiveness. Enjoy, but with some care.
Saturn however
is a very much a mature, constructive disciplining influence on those born
April 24th to 29th. Work may be to do with travel
and serious attitudes are needed in study and in legal issues. Duty is in
the air, but it is all-progressive. Discipline and patience is needed,
which gains you admiration.
Neptune is
continuing to baptise all born May 2nd to 5th with a
sense of empathy, sensitivity, emotional richness and a need for emotional
connection with soul mates. Creativity is hugely underlined and the heart
and the spiritual cannot be avoided.
Finally all
born May 9th to 12th are still enjoying the incredible
empowerment that Pluto is bringing. Wisdom, study and positive influences
can come from long distance. Regeneration, transformation and a sense of
destiny is yours, provided it is all used for the greater good.
This is an excellent month for travel and planning for
such; and for legal and study issues.
After the 18th,
all born up to June 10th however, need to be aware that carelessness
at work or not stopping and thinking before you speak or do, can
backfire. Don’t assume everybody gets the message.
After the 10th,
all born up to June 14th need to be careful about schmoozing up to
other people for the sake of personal advantage. Hypocrisy could be in
the air.
Mars may be
bringing a temptation for a little bit of irritability and impatience for all
born May 24th to June 11th; and this may well come from
other people. People are standing up to you and some tact and diplomacy
would help on both your parts.
Uranus is about
to finish a long year period of creating the new and the exciting in terms of
opportunities and more freedom for those born June 15th to 18th.
You are now recognising a sense of your own uniqueness and how it can benefit
However, if
born June 2nd to 5th, you are still susceptible to not
seeing clearly and being self-deceptive or deceived by others in your public or
working life. Sensitivity is yours, so is over-idealism and potential
projected fantasy about others or self. Keep real.
There may be a
need to focus on deeper truths in relationships as well as on complex issues
connected to joint resources.
However, after
the 18th, if born up to July 1st, one’s ability to learn
and to be successful in academic issues and through persuading other people of
the truth and having excellent communication skills should not be
under-estimated. Travel too and long distance dealings are very favoured.
Also, after the
10th, for all born up to July 15th, love, combined with
travel and study somehow may be underlined.
Jupiter, now
happily relating to your sign is bringing benefits to those born July 13th
to 17th. Full enjoyment of life is possible. Confidence
and belief in self. Love life and children bring joy and creative skills
are unleashed. Buoyancy and growth is indicated.
however, is about to complete his final journey of causing some disruption and
unpredictability in the lives of those born July 16th to 19th.
Work has been uncertain, changeable and unsettling, but now you are realising
that the journey is now more consistent and taking you to a more logical place
for you.
Neptune is
still truly inspiring for those born July 4th to 7th.
Higher consciousness, higher learning, spiritual pursuits and creativity and
extra sensitivity is yours.
If born July 11th
to 14th you are still of necessity, being forced to deal with
possible relationships that are coercive, pressured and challenging and you are
required to be very conscious and controlled and to walk away if necessary, but
draw boundaries. Endings of chapters are around.
are full on this month and they may hold the power. In fact, for all of
you, communications are of paramount importance, but be sure you listen as well
as speak.
Before the 10th,
all born after August 9th may find an extra dose of Cupid charming
your life but people’s generosity should not be taken for granted.
Mars is also on
your side all month if born July 26th to August 13th.
He is bringing confidence and competitiveness and constructive energy into all
areas to do with romance, creativity and in speculative ventures. You’re
fiery and determined and ambition can be successful.
However, if
born August 13th to 17th Jupiter can bring a tendency to
be over-confident, or over-expansive, or a sense of
entitlement may become a problem, particularly to do with real estate and family
issues, but positivity is yours if handled with caution and some humility.
Uranus is just
about to finalise a long eighteen-month period where those born August 16th
to 20th have benefited from opportunities for growth and
enlightenment from long distance issues, legal issues and intellectual
learning. This entire group will become slightly less subjective and more
big picture orientated, which brings a positive and more enlightened view of self
and the universe. You are more super-conscious now.
Everyday work
issues may need some rationalisation to your advantage and it’s also true to
say that you can work hard successfully on health issues this month.
Later in the
month, relationships come to the fore and indeed, after the 18th,
for all born up to September 12th, communications with those close
to you, can be seriously enhanced and you receive very positive feedback from
Equally, all
born up to September 15th can attract love and affection and
generosity from others.
However, for
those born August 26th to September 13th, Mars is causing
some irritation on the home front. Other people are bumptious,
contentious, irritated and you yourself may be creating waves with a sort of
clumsy approach, around family or on the home front.
Jupiter however
is very constructive now for those born September 13th to 17th.
He is bringing the confidence in speech and thought, extra wisdom and belief in
self, as optimism and positive thinking is underlined.
Saturn too is
constructive now for those born August 27th to September 1st.
He is bringing a very mature attitude towards love life and a great sense of
responsibility and duty towards offspring. Hard work and discipline pays
off creatively too. Progress and enjoyment are the results of discipline
and hard work.
Neptune is, for
those born September 4th to 7th, still creating an
atmosphere of over-idealism towards others, of perceiving them as either being
heroes to worships or victims to save. They are neither and you need to
check out the credentials of people on a very realistic basis, but inspiration
and idealism is yours; and appreciation of nature is a positive angle of this
opposition from Neptune.
Finally, those
born September 10th to 14th are being empowered to
believe in you and to enable
self-transformation and re-invention creatively, romantically and with a sense
of destiny. This continues until May 2019. Enjoy.
This can be a
month of fun, enjoyment, creativity and party time. Romance too is very
much part of the picture; and very good communication with offspring is
underlined and it is also very good for writers.
All born after
October 10th will have the favours of Cupid flagged up, as your
charms attract those of others.
Mars is also
constructive now if born September 26th to October 14th.
You’re assertive in a very constructive way and can argue your case. Your
mind is powerful and persuasive and successful, as is your written and spoken
Saturn is
square to your sign now and is bringing some challenges to those born September
27th to October 2nd. Some issues to do with real
estate or family may feel problematic or restrictive or confidence may be
lowered. Delays are in the air, but if you are on the right path, a
little more focus, discipline and patience will pay off, but look after your
body and get rest.
Uranus long
opposition transit is finally coming to an end now for those born October 17th
to 20th in his influence that has been rather disruptive in terms of
relationships. Others’ chaotic behaviour has been uncomfortable but
actually has opened new doors for you that maybe would not have opened for
yourself and they are leading to better places; and awakening you to your true
Finally, Pluto
is still affecting those born October 11th to 15th in a
way that is not always comfortable. Be aware that you are struggling with
yourself as much as others, but others will trigger some disruption, notably on
the home front. This is about you finding your own true purpose. Do
it gently, with consciousness and rise above power struggles of a disruptive
Home, real
estate, family is big issue. Communications connected to these is very
important and it is vital that you have no room for misunderstanding from you
to others or others to you, particularly with family.
If born after
November 9th, be wary of hypocrisy and also of over-extravagance
towards home and family, or even over-optimism.
However, after
the 18th, all born up to November 12th will be very able
to communicate with love and affection and also creatively.
After the 10th,
all born up to November 15th will attract fun, love, and affections.
Sociability is strong and harmony with offspring is highlighted.
Jupiter, now in
your sign of course, will be bringing for those born November 13th
to 17th a once every twelve year boost to confidence, growth, luck
and possibly financial gain. Travel is also hugely implicated. Just
don’t push your luck with arrogance.
Saturn is
constructive and maturing if born October 27th to November 1st.
He is bringing thoughtfulness, caution, care, and reflection to your thinking
and your speaking which is ultimately constructive and focused.
Discipline is yours.
Neptune is
still enhancing the lives of those born November 4th to 7th,
with some magic that brings extra creative skills, particularly to do with
music, the film world, and a love of the sea. Great appreciation of
children and love life has an idealistic fantasy level about it, but in a
rather happy and constructive way. The heart centre is powerful and
empathy is too.
Finally, Pluto
your powerful ruler is, for those born November 10th to 14th,
still underlining your Scorpionic insight, profundity, strength, courage and
truth. Just be conscious of using this power wisely, constructively and
for the greater good; and you can move mountains.
Your mind and
communication skills are extra sharp and you can combine love and reason very
effectively before the 10th, if born after December 9th.
However, after
the 18th if born up to December 12th, be aware that there
is room for some misspeaking or confusion or misunderstandings on the home and
family front.
After the 10th,
if born up to December 15th, over-indulgence of others or
over-expansion and over-spending is also a possibility, connected again to home
and family.
Mars is in your
sign now, directly impacting those born November 25th to December 13th.
For this group, assertion, determination and ambition is strong. It just
needs to be reigned in, in case of a temptation for aggression or
over-assertion, but determination can bring courage and success, not least
related to foreign adventures.
Uranus is
finalising his long period of over a year of inspiring those born December 16th
to 19th. He has awoken many of you to the power of love,
creativity and to the exciting impact of offspring. He has liberated your
uniqueness, which you are now more proud of.
However, for
those born December 4th to 7th, there is still an
on-going sense of a metaphoric rather blind voyage on a sea with not compass,
no oars. Trust the trade winds to get you to another place, but in the
meantime value your heart, but get rest and a sense of the dissolving of the
old, which can make one feel insecure, is a very necessary part of this
journey. Just don’t push the river out of panic. This is a
circuitous voyage. Trust.
Finances may
figure more than usual, although they are often a focus for your sign anyway,
but after the 18th for all born up to January 10th, your
mind is particularly sharp, insightful and imaginative.
After the 10th,
if born up to January 13th, your charms and ability to combine
harmony and beauty with your intellect is impressive.
Jupiter, in
harmonious angle to your sign now, is bringing for those born January 11th
to 15th an extra sense of sociability and friends are very positive
influences in your life, as is travel. Your luck in groups and in
leadership is shining. Confidence is yours and growth too.
Saturn, in your
sign now for two and half years, is currently directly impacting those born
December 25th to 30th. You are no stranger to your
ruling planet, but he is, for this group, bringing a sense of a reality check,
a block, a restriction and a need to look after your physical being, but hard
work and discipline, which you are no stranger to, will bring deferred
Uranus is about
to finish his voyage, which has lasted for about a year and has impacted those
born January 14th to 17th. You will now see that
the unpredictability that has haunted you around family, home, real estate and
the feeling of uncertainty is now coming to a close and you will understand the
journey and its conclusion and why; and feel in a more liberated space.
Those born
January 2nd to 5th are still experiencing the magic of
Neptune in his long transit of your Suns, by allowing your brain to be less
practical, less materialistic and more inspired, empathetic, passionate and
creative. You and others will appreciate this.
Finally, those
born January 9th to 12th are still feeling the
empowerment of Pluto on your Sun in this once every 248-year chapter.
Power is the key word. Use it wisely. Know your destiny is
there. Endings are following by amazing new starts, but the only true
friend of Pluto is humility and non-selfishness.
Your month; you
can shine and you may find yourself the centre of attention both intellectually
and affection wise.
However it is
important too after the 10th to keep an eye on finances, which
through intelligence and a good value system, can bring you advantage. The arts
maybe also be a source of gain to you too.
For those born
January 23rd to February 10th, your leadership skills and
skills in coordinating groups is excellent and your determination and courage
and ambition really pays off.
However, there
is a danger for those born February 10th to 14th of a
little bit of over wielding of power or over-confidence or even a touch of
arrogance or sense of entitlement on the work front, as Jupiter squares your
Sun. However, success is well within your reach. Just have the
humility. Also be cautious about over
generosity to self or indeed others… and beware of trying to do too much, or
metaphorically biting off more than you can chew, at the expense of
carelessness in some form.
Uranus, your
ruler, has been favouring for about a year, those born February 13th
to 15th. This journey is over and it has, for many of you,
brought an even greater bigger picture understanding of your own uniqueness and
what vision you can offer to others. You are liberated to be more true to
yourself and the power of technology may have been revolutionary in a very
positive way and you are more trusting of your intuition and your eureka
moments, as a result of the past years journey. You may even look slightly
different as your appearance may you feel be needed to match your awakened
strong sense of self.
There is a
partial solar eclipse on the 15th in your sign at 27 degrees. This
will directly affect those born February14th-17th. This indicates a
rejection of /freedom from the dark and outworn and the inviting in of the new
and progressive.
Many of you may
feel a little escapist or private, or are feeling just very watchful this
After the 18th,
if born up to March 10th your communication skills should be used to
the maximum advantage, but do listen as well as talk.
After the 10th,
if born up to March 13th, your appearances and charms and charisma
are emphasised and you can attract much love and favours to yourself.
However, Mars
is a little challenging to those born February 21st to March 11th.
There may some war-drums on the work front and there may be irritation
from others, professionally or vice
versa. Do not be impatient or too forceful or too ambitious. Others
may feel threatened.
Jupiter is very
helpful now if born March 11th to 15th. It is an
excellent time for travel and international dealings and bonuses legally are
there too. There is a general feeling of well being, luck and
progress. Enjoy.
Saturn is
bringing some austerity, but in a constructive way, to those born February 22nd
to 27th. Duty to others and even obligation is strong, but
your social conscience is telling you that you have got karmic obligation to
others which, if accepted, will bring much satisfaction.
Neptune, your
ruler, is still going through his very powerful once every 165-year conjunction
to the Suns of those born March 2nd to 5th. This
has been with you since the beginning of 2017 and is not over until January of
next year. This journey is bringing inspirations, spirituality,
creativity, hypersensitivity, but negatively also escape or delusion or some
smoke and mirrors from others or from you to self. Use this positively
for inspiration and for the power of the heart, but don’t lose touch with
Pluto is
continuing, and will be until of 2019, to bring to those born March 9th
to 12th, a sense of destiny in terms of leadership, being empowered
by others and experiencing strong friendships, which are healing, and you are
capable of being transformative to others. Courage and insight is
yours. Use for the greater good. It can be magnificent.