The big astrological news this month is a shift of signs of
the major outer planet Uranus.
From the 15th he moves from Aries into
Taurus. On average he spends 7 years in
each sign, as he makes his every 84-year complete revolution around the
ecliptic (the complete zodiac)
A planet is what is happening; and the sorts of energy that
is being expressed according to the symbolic characteristics and energies of
that planet and its function in our lives …and the sign it is in, represents the
area or theatre of life associated with that sign in which it is being
expressed…. both in the world around us and also in our individual lives.
Uranus is about change, the new, revolution, the future,
technology, the unpredictable and the innovative. It is a planet of adrenalin
and the maverick and it is about essentially the unpredictable, the unexpected
and is very outside the box and big picture.. He is an awakener and enlightener
too.. This can work for the greater good or the opposite; depending of course
on motive and the wise handling of the potential energies he commands and
Taurus is about security, finance structures, the economy,
the stubbornly adhered to. It is a fixed sign, and is connected to our value
systems and is conservative in its instinct with a fear of change and can be
overly subjective re the new. It is also a sign that is connected to mother
earth and has an instinctive affinity with nature and the simple and pure..
Also with a natural aesthetic appreciation of natural beauty, it is earthy and
grounded, loyal and rather stubborn,
Hence when looking at Uranus qualities and its rather
contrasting characteristics to that of Taurus, it is not hard to see how
interesting and challenging this is going to be for our planet when these two
principles are entwined.
At the very least there will be revolutionary changes in our
financial system and money issues. Technological changes will make much of the
way we use money radically different and the concept of banks will change totally
too.. Cashless society may well become the norm. Sudden upheavals round money
such as banking meltdowns and economic shocks are all possible and likely, not
least as cyber warfare (technological power, ruled by Uranus) could shut down
whole country banking systems At best,
old ways of dealing with money and transactions will be dismantled and the new
will be born.. Unexpected shocks round finance systems is pretty assured and as
always with Uranus, in a very unpredictable way.
Outmoded thinking re the establishment and security systems
will be subject to sudden shocks.. People will be brought to task re money
(especially with Pluto continuing in Capricorn). The whole concept of what an
economy could or should be about may well be revolutionised and rethought,
after the old proves unworkable and unsustainable somehow. The power of money
and its predictability will be in doubt… and needs redefining.
The last time Uranus was in Taurus correlated with the Wall
Street crash and WW2 and how that affected the economy.
Nature will also start to really be subject to changes that
will shock us. As climate change etc evolves, we will be at the mercy of
nature’s unpredictable power and behaviour, in terms of weather and temperature
chaos, Gulf Stream issues and shifts in our natural environment are likely that
we cannot second-guess. Animal/insect and ecosystem changes will be chaotic,
shocking, unpredictable and be much out of our control. Nature will be
rebellious and punitive and there will need to be an urgent revolution in our
attitudes towards it and our handling of it. Just as our scientific and
technological abilities and relentless pursuit of growth, have in many ways
screwed up our natural world, now we will be forced, if we are to survive, to
utilise technology in order to rescue it from our abuses… and this could become
a global priority above all others.
The whole basis of Uranus is about the unpredictable and to
say the least, surprising, but in a way that is truly awakening to truths and
to ourselves. So it will be in money issues/ value systems and the natural
world that will be most subject to these energies… both for ill and good.
Technology may be forced to unite the world by recalibrating
a new and stabilising system that somehow gets the balance between our economic
model and a respect of and preservation of our planet.
We will get a taster
of the above issues and changes from the second half of May till November, but
then Uranus will return to Aries from November till early March next year,
during which time he will rubber stamp the issues of revolution , change and
unpredictability and surprises in the populace re attitudes and political
stances that we have seen manifest over the last 6 /7 years or so, and how the
power of technology (Uranus) and social media have been an influence on or even
manipulated these shifts in attitudes
and also how technology has changed our
behaviour and affected our ego and sense of self (Aries) for good or ill over the last 7 years.
But then from early March 2019 Uranus returns to Taurus till
January 2026, and will then fully commit to his work from that sign, as
identified above.
Meanwhile this month the trickiest and most unpredictable
time is around the 12th to the 19th, when Uranus is active, and brings
potential shocks, and the unpredictable and some danger on either a socio-
economic, socio-political or a geophysical level… or possibly all three.
The Moon is new on the 15th at 24 degrees of
Taurus at 11.49 GMT and full on the 29th at 8 degrees of Sagittarius
at 14.21 GMT. We sow on the new and
reap on the full.
Uranus is now,
after 7 years, in his last ditch visit to your sign, which means that right
now, those born after April 19th are feeling in the first half of
the month, and again from November, until March next year, the final influence
of change thrust upon you, or desired by yourself from a very deep level.
You are awakening to a new chapter
.. All other Aries can now look back at
the previous 7 years and recognise the changes that have truly evolved.
After the 15th
and till early November, Uranus’ shift into Taurus may see the unexpected and
unpredictable around financial issues.and that does not have to be negative .
This influence will be continued from March next year.
This month many
of you should focus on money to your advantage and before the 13th,
those born after April 3rd can be impressive in communications,
intellectual insight and power of the mind.
Before the 19th,
if born after March 27th, your ability to combine heart and mind is
strong and also the ability to attract those to you through the power of loving
However, before
the 16th it’s important for those born after April 12th
to tread carefully at work and certainly not be too assertive or
contentious. War drums may be audible.
Saturn is
bringing some challenge now to those born March 27th to 31st.
Frustrations, delays, difficulties, even oppressive circumstances from those in
authority are possible and some dissatisfaction with the work
environment. Don’t let lack of confidence be the main enemy. Also,
look after your body; you’re slightly on the tired side.
Finally, Pluto
is now, for those born April 9th to 11th challenging you
to make sure that those around you and yourself do not misuse power. Walk
away from those tactics. Endings of chapters are indeed in the air,
possibly to do with work, but do keep squeaky clean and then this can be a
regeneration. An empowering time that needs conscious good motives to
really bring out its life changing potential.
The big news is
that the planet Uranus is entering your sign on the 15th; temporarily staying
till 6th November (experimental toe tipping and then he returns to
Aries on Nov 6th). This visit only happens every 84 years. It will initially
shake up the lives of those born around April 21st to 22nd.
Be prepared for some surprise, changes, both within you and externally.
Get ready. Uranus is the awakener and the enlightener, so by no means to
be feared. Once Uranus is established in Taurus, from when he returns in early
March next year, and will stay in that sign for approximately seven years and
then all Taureans will then have this energy ahead at some point during those
Being your
birthday month, you can feel centre stage and there is nothing wrong with that.
Indeed, after
the 13th, all of you will have a sense of enlivened mind, good
communications and extensive ones.
If born up to
May 5th, creative and romantic drives are strong and your ability to
charm others should not be under-estimated.
Before 16th,
if born after May 13th drive, energy that is constructive and
possibly connected for legal or overseas issues are your friend. You know
who you are, what you want and where you are going.
However, after
the 16th, if born up to April 27th, beware that your
impatience, impulsiveness or competitiveness could get you into a little hot
water, notably in the professional sphere. Or indeed others may be a
source of challenge to you.
Jupiter is now
enhancing the lives of those born May 4th to 10th, but
there is a distinct danger of going over the top in a desire to enjoy, indulge
or over-reach. Do not be over-confident, but with caution, this can be a
positive time, with luck in the air.
Saturn is
counselling caution, wisdom and maturity for those born April 26th
to May 1st. Travel may be for duty or present some challenges,
but your ability to handle these is underlined.
Neptune is
currently bringing blessings and a responsive heart to those born May 5th
to 8th. He is bringing empathy and compassion, sensitivity and
creative gifts and great joy through friends. Enjoy.
Finally, Pluto
is continuing to empower those born May 10th to 13th.
A sense of destiny is in the air. Determination and knowing who you are,
relating to others and also to your own philosophy of life. Empowerment
can come through study, legal and overseas issues.
The new Moon in
Taurus the 15th directly affects those born around May 15tth/16th,
and can mark a new chapter in some context.
It is a very
good time for communicating with friends, if born after June 3rd and
leadership skills are strong too.
After the 29th,
those born after June 20th will also have your intellect and
communication skills very enhanced.
Before the 19th, the power of Cupid are likely much in the
air for you and inspired times creatively for those born after May 28th.
Your own particular personal charms and attributes will be very much enhanced,
physically and emotionally.
There will be a
strong feeling of greater philosophical wisdom after the 16th if
born up to May 28th and long distance issues and travel benefit from
energy put into those areas and academic enthusiasm is strong.
Uranus leaves
Aries on the 15th to enter into Taurus, which means that before the
15th there is a final flourish of Uranus benefiting those born after
June 19th. Friendships, goals, humanitarian interests,
the unusual, the awakening and the enlightening are all in your court to take
advantage of and this is true for the first half of May; and again in November
2018 until early March 2019, but this group will certainly get a flavour of the
interesting and the exciting and the awakening this month. From Taurus
changes hinted at between this month and early November, will see possible
shifts in a subtle way in your inner self , maybe connected to your processing
of the past.. to be continued from March next year.
Just a warning
for those born June 5th to 8th…. Neptune is
dissolving certainty in some ways and it is very important that you check the
details of everything and the credentials of everybody. Things may not
always be as they seem.
Friends will be
important to you this month and after the 13th communications will
be very successful and you can impress others with your intellect.
After the 19th,
Venus is in your sign, enhancing the appearances, the creative talents and love
life for all born up to July 7th. Your charms are intense.
However, before
the 16th there is a need for all born after July 15th to
be aware that other people may be a little confrontational. Stopping and
thinking before you react to others may be beneficial, as it potentially is a
little explosive.
Jupiter however
is very much enhancing the lives of those born July 7th to 13th.
Luck, fertility, joy, fun, living life to the full is in the air and joy can be
got from the arts and one’s offspring.
However, Saturn
is challenging, possibly through other people, the lives of those born June 28th
to July 2nd. In his once every 30-year opposition to your Sun,
he is bringing realisations of other people’s problems and attitudes as they
affect your life. Restrictions and delays are possible and obligations
and duties are flagged up. Only you can decide which are valid.
Uranus is
leaving Aries on the 15th of this month, until November, when he
returns. The first half of this month will see those born around July 21st/22nd
feeling a little restless and rebellious and prone to impulsive
behaviour. Have a care, particularly at work, where the unexpected is in
the air. These issues will return in November for around four
However, for
those born at the very beginning of Cancer, around the 23rd June,
Uranus is now sextiling your Sun from the 15th until November and
will give you a taste of what’s to come for a year from March 2019 and this
will be good. More excitement, intuition, eureka moments and awakenings
from other people are on your doorstop.
If born July 7th
to 10th, there is a definite mood, which is ongoing until the end of
the year, of inspiration, empathy, compassion, almost a psychic capacity and a
great joy from the arts, nature and the sea.
However, if
born July 12th to 15th, Pluto continues to oppose your
Sun, powerfully until the end of the year. Draw boundaries around those
who are manipulative, controlling or exploitative. Intense experiences
are in the air. Make sure you respond to them, consciously, with wisdom
and with good motive and understanding.
Focus on your
successes will be quite strong for you this month.
Before the 13th,
all born after August 5th may be very involved with long distance
communications, legal issues and travel. Positively.
There will be a
feeling that other people can be very useful to you and harmony with others is
underlined and love and friendship can get intertwined.
However, if
born early Leo, up to July 30th, be aware that Mars from Aquarius,
after the 16th, can definitely bring some confrontation with other
people who challenge you.. Consider the validity of the challenge. Don’t
Jupiter is also
challenging those born August 6th to 14th. You need to be
careful about over-confidence or even arrogance. Good times can be had,
but over-indulgence, complacency or sense of entitlement can be counter-productive.
Uranus leaves
Aries on the 15th for Taurus, (but returns in November to directly
affect those born from about 19th,st August) so this
month in the first half; and then again from November this group will feel the
new and the exciting is in the air and restlessness and positive possibilities
are around through travel, internationalism and academia.
However, from
the 15th, those born at the very beginning of Leo, around about the
July 23rd/ 24th will experience a sense of some stress or
de-stabilisation, restlessness, unpredictable feelings, unpredictable events,
particularly around work and personal status security. There will be a
taste of this until November and then it will return around March and April
2019 when Uranus settles permanently for seven years in Taurus, so those born
at the end of Leo are saying goodbye by the 15th to the excitement
brought by Uranus, at least until November; and early Leos are having a taste
in the second half of this month of a little bit of uncertainty and un-predictability
for a few months. This, for early Leos will only be a hint of what is
going to become more powerful in March of next year.
One of the best
months of the year for travel for your sign and indeed after the 13th,
all of you may find that intellectual interests, philosophical and
international interests are particularly stimulating.
However, after
the 29th, very early Virgo’s, born around August 24th,
may have to be careful to double check that communications are clear.
Before the 19th,
for all born after August 31st, you need to be a little bit wary
about being sycophantic, particularly in the work environment, or hypocritical
towards others and over-indulgence is possible.
However, after
the 19th if born up to September 7th, friends are a great
comfort and joy.
Also, before
the 16th, all born after September 16th can really put a
lot of energy into creativity, enjoying life and indeed there is a strong
libido and love life can blossom.
Jupiter too is
very positive now for those born September 7th to 14th.
He is bringing luck that is brought through intelligent handling of situations
and wisdom in communicating with others brings benefits too. It’s also
good for travel.
Saturn is a
very calming, maturing and constructive influence for all born August 30th
to September 3rd. Discipline, focus and determination to do
with love life, children’s issues and creativity are all yours.
Uranus moves
into Taurus on the 15th (once every 84 years) where he will be dipping
his toe until November. This is good news for your sign and gives an idea
of what will be a more long term positivity from March next year, for a whole
year. The energy will be one of a desire for excitement, adventure and
awakening to do with long distance issues, travel, higher learning, insight,
more freedom and a desire to be enlightened. Initially those benefiting in the
second half of this month will be those born around August 24th/25th.
Neptune is
creating some smoke and mirrors and illusion or delusion around other people if
born September 7th to 10th. This is a long term
transit until around the beginning of 2020, so it’s subtle and in the
background, but one needs to be wary that you don’t project onto other people
what you want to see and you make sure that other people are not creating some
illusions for you to be taken in by.
Finally, Pluto
is very much bringing a sense of destiny and empowerment to those born
September 12th to 15th, particularly when it comes to
children’s issues, the arts, creativity and romantically and sexually.
You know who you are and where you want to go and how to do it, with
Uranus is
finally leaving your opposite sign of Aries (in the last degrees) and moves
into Taurus on the 15th (temporarily until November when he returns
to Aries till March next year). So, the
first half of the month will, if born after October 21st, and again
from November this year until March of next, bring some feeling of disruption
and unpredictability connected to relationships. The unexpected is in the
air, notably from external sources,.
A month of some
depth and intensity and before the 13th, if born after October 6th,
communications with other people will be vital, intense, positive and
Before the 19th,
travel and internationalism is definitely flagged up for those born after
September and love life can blossom, particularly if involved with
Mars is very
positive now for those born up to September 30th, notably after the 16th
of this month, when a determined desire to get your own way, particularly in
love, in speculative issues and around children, can work well. You have
intelligent assertion and the will to make things work in a constructive way.
Saturn is being
a little tricky for those born October 1st to 4th.
Home, family and domestic issues can be a little obstructive or stressful and
you need to make sure you get rest and pace yourself. Under-confidence
should be avoided, but care needs a focus
Finally, Pluto,
for those born October 13th to 16th is bringing some
crisis of consciousness or recognition of an intensity that needs to be dealt
with to do with an internal conflict, or possibly from someone else,
potentially around home, family, real estate issues. Inside you there is
a fight for change and empowerment. Be very careful and stay squeaky
clean and be conscious of these forces and how best to deal with them and
others kindly.
Uranus is
moving into your opposite sign of Taurus on the 15th for a temporary
toe dipping exercise (till November) which will, for all born around October 24th,
bring a nudge of what will be to come from March of next year, which will be a
feeling of change and restlessness, connected to other people, as they affect
your life. All Scorpios will be
affected at some point in this way, over the coming seven years.
figure strongly this month for all of you as we are in the opposite month to
your birthday.
After the 13th,
all of you will find the power of communication can help resolve many issues
that need resolving and also you can co-opt a lot of people onto your side and
to your way of looking at things.
From the 19th,
for all born up to November 7th, there is a harmony to do with
anything connected to higher wisdom, travel and legal issues; and love life and
travel can be good partners.
Before the 16th,
for all born after November 15th, your will and determination and
force of expression is impressive and you can achieve a lot.
Be aware that
after the 16th, if born up to October 30th, you may find
that domestic harmony is less evident and you have to be careful about being a
little bit of a bull in a china shop and other people will challenge you on the
home front.
Jupiter is of
course in your sign now, which is excellent news this month for all born
November 7th to 13th. This once every twelve-year
visitation to your Sun will bring luck, confidence, a boost, travel and
possibly financial gain.
Saturn is
constructive this month for those born October 30th to November 3rd.
He is bringing caution, care and hard work which gets admiration and you have
wisdom of thought and communication too.
Neptune is
currently harmonising with those born November 7th to 10th,
bringing joy re, the arts, love life and offspring. Your heart centre is
strong as empathy, compassion, sensitivity and spirituality is
Also, if born
November 12th to 15th your ruler Pluto is giving a
powerful boost of will and determination and a forensic intellect and sense of
destiny. Enjoy. This is rare.
Uranus leaves
Aries on the 15th and moves into Taurus. While he has been in
Aries for the last seven years, he has inspired many of you to new awakenings
and awareness of new possibilities and more bigger picture awareness of self
and the planet. From Taurus it is
possible he will bring changes in work situations and health regimes.
This month,
before the 15th, those directly feeling this influence will be born
after December 19th. He will return to affect this group
further in this positive way, in November and will then stay on your side until
March 2019.
Before the 13th,
if born after December 5th, there is an excellent ability to
communicate well in love life, and with one’s offspring and to have extremely
good writing talent.
Before the 19th,
if born after November 29th, Venus in your solar 7th
house will bring extra affection, love, from you to others and indeed from
others to you. Cupid is smiling on you and your PR skills are excellent.
Also from the
16th, if born up to November 29th, your assertive
qualities are constructive and ambitions achieved through determination, in a
intelligent way, particularly in your ability to argue your case with
Neptune, which
is now for the long haul in Pisces, is currently squaring the Suns of those
born December 7th to 10th and will indeed, be doing so
until February 2020 on and off. For this group there is a need to be
aware that there a feeling of being a little bit all at sea in some areas of
life and the floorboards seem to be metaphorically slightly dissolving beneath
you. You need to learn to listen to your heart, but keep grounded and to
recognise that this is a slow voyage to another consciousness. The
imagination you have to trust, but do not make very unrealistic changes.
Idealism can get over stretched, and you’re hypersensitive now, which obviously
can be positive, but can also cause some vulnerability.
The full Moon
falls in your sign on the 28th affecting mainly those born around
December 1st. This cam mark an ending of a chapter and at the least
a manifestation of things that have been brewing for some time, that needs to
be aired.
This is a good
month for enjoyment of life and sociability and even romantic issues and it can
also bring fertility in all areas of life.
Beware that
before the 13th, if born after January 3rd, there is
potential for some misunderstandings with people, particularly on the home
However, after
the 13th, all of you will get a real peak in your ability to think
things out clearly, logically and communicate well with others, just try not be
too subjective and listen to others as well as talk..
Venus will be
entering your opposite sign of Cancer on the 19th, serving well all
those born up January 5th. Affections and admirations are
evident from other people and your PR skills and ability to create harmony with
others attracts more people to you. Love is in the air.
However, it is
also important to point out that before the 16th, if born after
January 13th, Mars in your sign is a force majeure and can drive you
to real achievements, ambitions, and
give determination, on the positive side. On the negative side, it can
also make you over-assertive or even slightly over-aggressive; and at the
least, you may also find that other people challenge you and you need to be
very controlled in response.
Jupiter however
is very helpful to those born January 5th to 11th.
Friends are good to you. Social life is positive. You can have an
enjoyable and lucky time in conjunction with other people and your leadership
skills should not be underestimated.
remember, is in now traversing your sign and is currently directly sitting on
the Suns of those born December 28th to January 1st.
This group need to take it easy, to look after their health, to get rest, but
also to be aware that blocks and restrictions are possible, as is a need for
discipline, patience and maturity, which can bring deferred gratification, but
instant gratification is unlikely. Do not lose confidence, despite
reality checks. This brings out your best-dogged side, despite the
Uranus is
moving into Taurus on the 15th and will stay in that sign
temporarily until early November. This will auger well for all born
around December 22nd/23rd, where there will be a feeling
of renewal of enthusiasm for life. Awakening and enlightening in all areas is
flagged up and through notable creativity and in love life there is a sense
also of awakening to new possibilities.
For those born
after January 19th, the very end of Capricorn, there will be a
feeling of some disruption, some unexpected events, some change going on within
and without in the first half of the month and then it will return in March
2019 to real make significant and ultimately liberating changes over the
following year.
Neptune is
continuing to inspire, sensitise and open the heart centre of those born
January 5th to 7th.
Pluto is
sitting on the Suns of those born January 10th to 13th.
You will feel the impact of a tremendous push to express your power,
determination, confidence and destiny, but your influence over others will be
significant. This demands a great deal of consciousness and sense of responsibility
and a good motive. This is big and can be magnificent, but only if the
motive is for the good of all.
Family needs
focus this month.
Before the 13th,
if born after 2nd February your communication skills are at their
However, after
the 13th you will all need to be aware that you can find other
people challenging you and lack of clarity can be a problem.
Also, before
the 19th, if born after January 28th fun can be expected,
as can romance and children’s issues also, as well as greater creative talent
After the 16th,
all of you born up to January 27th will have a great force of
determination and ambition in yourselves. Just ensure that it doesn’t tip
into over-assertiveness and indeed, beware of other people who challenge you a
little too assertively as well.
Jupiter is
currently squaring the Suns of those born February 5th to 11th.
He is possibly tempting you over-reach or to be a bit over-ambitious, or even
possibly a little over-confident, particularly in the work field. Enjoy
and push ahead, but just be careful that it doesn’t come across as being a
little bit too much on the egotistical side.
Your ruling
planet Uranus leaves Aries for Taurus on the 15th . For those
born around January 21st/22nd, there will be a hint in
the second half of the month, of an energy working on and off till early
November, which brings some sense of disruption, possibly domestically, Maybe a
sense of change, unpredictability and a restlessness as your true desire for
Uranium freedom and awakening is underlined. This can be no bad thing,
but beware impulse. This same energy
returns in early March next year when Uranus starts true commitment to Taurus
for aprox 7 years.
For Aquarians
born after February 16th this means that this first half of the
month can be inspiring intellectually. Your intuition and your insight
and your big picture appreciation of life will be enhanced, and this influence
will return in November and remains till March 2019
After the 13th,
when Venus enters Taurus you will all find your communication skills are
impressive and your mind will be very busy with communications and thoughts,
although after the 29th very early Pisces may find that there is a
little bit of confusion.
Venus moves
into your compatible sign of Cancer on the 19th, bringing for all
born up to March 5th, an input of love, fun, creativity, enjoyment
of life and is also good for offspring issues.
Before the 16th,
if born after March 13th, your potential to rouse other people to
causes you believe in and to be an effective leader and also to show
determination in what it is you intend to do, can be impressive.
Jupiter now in
Scorpio is very enhancing to your sign, being another water sign, especially
now for those born between March 5th and 11th. This
is the perfect opportunity for travel and success in academic issues. I can
also bring good legal connections and a general feeling of well being and luck;
and also accentuated wisdom.
Saturn is
supportive now of those born February 25th to March 1st.
He gives a sense of responsibility, loyalty and pragmatic common sense and
others benefit from this.
When Uranus
moves into Taurus on the 15th there will, for those born February 19th/20th
, an energy enabled till November that will be a new sense of hunger for the
new, the different, the revolutionary, change, and an ability for thinking
outside the box and certain sense of liberation, both psychological and literal
in your life. This will return
next March.
Neptune, of
course, is still in your sign, now very heavily leaning on those born March 5th
to 8th, bringing out the extreme of Pisces characteristics in you,
as Neptune is your ruler. Positively this is tremendously a spiritual,
psychic, creative, empathetic, compassionate, caring and sensitising
energy. Negatively it can make you escapist, unrealistic, confused and
subject to some illusion, delusion or deception from others. Be conscious
and use positively. This can be a truly once and rare every 165
connection with the best and true side of Pisces.
Pluto is also
proudly now, in a very empowering way to all born March 10th to 13th.
He is bringing to your door a sense of leadership. A sense of
determination and courage and strength and indeed destiny is felt, often with
long distance connections. This is an empowering time that needs conscious
good motives to bring out its life changing potential.