Some months ago when I checked this month out, I was struck
by the complex challenges it presents to the world.
(I cannot stop thinking of W.B. Yeats’ poem The Second
Coming, when I reflect on the current global mood/condition… Please do look it
You certainly don’t have to be an astrologer to recognise
that we live in “interesting times”, to say the very least.
There is currently an unusually significant amount of
planetary retrograde activity. Not least, Mars is now retrograde (since June 26th)
and stays in that mode till August 27th… and Mercury moves retrograde also on
the 26th of this month, till August 19th
Retrograde Mars is particularly significant and happens on
average, only around once every 2 years, and is a period when there is
significant frustration, as internalised energy and ambition is thwarted or
immobilised. A paralysis can be evident, creating a build up of anger, which
can ultimately turn into seething fury, which later can become explosively destructive,
if there is a lack of reflective wisdom. Or, if this retrograde energy is used
wisely, it is a time, because of the impasse, to stop and allow energy to be
internalised intelligently and consciously and used to profoundly reconsider
and accept that a change of direction may be needed and to reflect on the
rightness or otherwise of previously unquestioned action and stances. It is a
time to take stock of the bigger picture and re-evaluate the predominant
direction of travel and be more existentially, spiritually and psychologically
reflective and indeed courageous. This demands humility, a quality that is not
common in many of our political leaders.
Demonstrations against the status quo may be powerful this
month, as voices of the unheard, disenfranchised and the intensely frustrated;
will demand attention now, as fears rise re misuse of power, by the powers that
Apart from being very significant in global issues, events
and behaviour, this energy is also activated and reflected of course in each of
our personal lives too; taking place in an area of our life that is indicated
and delineated by our personal birth charts.
Mercury retrograde (a more common occurrence than Mars
retrograde) is more a break down of communications and frustrations and blocks
in that area (including related to travel, transport and technology), but also
it is a time where we are asked to reconsider ideas and perceptions.
On top of this, there are 2 eclipses this month, on the 13th
there is a partial solar eclipse but more ominously, on the 27th
there is a total lunar eclipse.
Eclipses are in effect in their energy, like ultra powerful
new moons (solar eclipse) and potent full moons (lunar eclipse) in their
energies and influences (these events on steroids).
Planetary activity is tricky too this month. The first
period of some significant and potentially unpleasant intensity is around the
11th-13th when the Sun opposes Pluto. This is a period of
potential power struggles, standoffs and crisis, as abuse of power is possible,
however the solar eclipse of the 13th may modify this, as there is a
sense of new, and more positive beginnings simultaneously in the ether.
Lunar eclipses
however hold potential for eruption of a discordant kind, when the power of the
unconscious explodes and previously controlled/repressed dark forces of the
reptilian brain, can be unleashed, bringing endings of chapters and expose the
power of primeval anger. Civilisation can be punctured, in a way that can
expose uncomfortable truths. Again, this
works on a global level and in individual lives.
Significantly, the lunar eclipse of the 27th coincides with
some rather challenging and certainly unpredictable planetary transits also.
The Sun is opposing Mars and the Sun squares to Uranus all of which are strong
between the 24th-30th. On top of which, in very late July
and strongly in early August, Mars will also exactly square up to Uranus. These energies indicate potential for
eruptive events, with anger, confrontation and the unpredictable and anarchic
being chaotically released. There is
also a greater than likely potential for challenging geophysical upheavals,
such as earthquakes, tidal waves or volcanic eruptions being triggered during
this period.
Uranus is a trigger planet for such upheavals (causative or
correlative; the jury is out) and the lunar eclipse can also affect
upheavals/eruptions in the natural world, as well as in the human psyche. We
are all connected.
Suffice it to say that with a lunar eclipse being thrown in
to that period, it is globally a little unnerving
However, around the 5th, , 8th/9th,
14th, 22nd and 28th
there are positive energies at work , so not all challenging news
I can’t resist in
these challenging times, keeping an eagle eye on the charts of Theresa May…no
time of birth known (but I think Scorpio or Aquarius is her ascendant) and that
of Donald Trump.
Mars, a critical planet now, is hovering this month around
the opposition point of Theresa May’s natal Uranus and conjuncts her Chiron.
Chaos, the unexpected, the painful and political accident proneness haunts her.
Male colleagues are beyond her control. This is a very destabilising period for
her, but Jupiter in Scorpio now, just keeps her going, as it currently trines
her Pisces Mars.
Her Venus conjunct Pluto in her natal chart plus an almost
certain natal Moon conjunct Pluto, makes her tenacious re power.
Trump’s “interesting” birth chart (he was born on a lunar
eclipse) currently has transiting Saturn square his Neptune till July 11th,
and although on the face of it, he seems impervious to the leaning curves that
are writ large by astrological transits in his chart, but in objective reality
there is currently a very strong, if denied and repressed, sense of
disillusionment/disappointment/reality checks in his life and politics. It may
indeed be connected to his immigration and child separation policies and indeed
to the not so great economic consequences of his new trade tariff policy and
also having to face up to the realities of North Korean disingenuity.
Every day is somewhat mind blowing currently in the big
world picture and watch out for hints of coming big changes in the monetary
system, now Uranus is in Taurus.
On a positive note, Neptune so powerful now in its home sign
of Pisces; there for 14 years, every 165 years (Neptune rules the ocean) has
brought massively to our attention the parlous/apocalyptic state of our oceans
re plastics, acidification and warming and rising sea levels. The focus on this
issue and its wake up call is massive. The global awareness and the compassion
for our seas that has indeed been awoken with this Neptune transit, has no
boundaries (like the oceans) and will ensure it is indeed an ongoing collective
effort and goal.
Neptune now in
positive sextile mode to Pluto will help give pragmatism, power and inventive
determination to this colossal and vital effort and next year Saturn sextiling
Neptune will make this a continuing practical necessity.
However global climate change is another issue, that as yet is
totally politically divisive, despite in our face evidence of it enormity.
Lip service to its
reality and action to combat it, are not chiming in harmony.
To accept it as a fact that needs radical action interferes
too much with business and profits. Denial is far more convenient. While the sign of Capricorn (business
/economics) dominates with Pluto (power) there till 2025 and now Saturn there
till the end of 2020, the focus on profits and economic growth at all costs
will tend to dominate.
Focus is very largely on home and family this month and
before the 26th many of you
will be also able to successfully navigate through very astute conversation and
communication issues connected to love life, children, creativity and
However, after the 26th,
when Mercury moves retrograde, there will be a sense of hold-up. It is a
time to review.
Mars your ruling
planet is now retrograde and will make many of you feel paralysed and
emasculated somehow, not least possibly socially. Just be careful of not
internalising anger to your physical detriment. Be reflective and reconsider your knee-jerk trajectory.
For all born after April 8th,
living life to the full and enjoying love and affection is underlined and good
times with offspring are potentials.
Indeed, if born March 23rd
to 30th, your leadership
abilities and cooperative efforts with others and positive input from friends
make you smile.
Saturn, however, is currently squaring the Suns of those
born March 23rd to 27th, as he did in January/February and this
is bringing some hold-ups, some blocks, some frustrations, particularly
connected to career. Don’t lose confidence. Look after your health
and self-discipline and patience is your friend.
Pluto is also a challenge for those born April 8th to 11th.
Again, work and public standing is involved. Power struggles with others
may well emanate from within yourself, as there is a definite battle to get
your power and your frustrations heard. However, because of the often-unconscious
nature of Pluto, this can manifest in a rather eruptive, uncontrolled
way. Be conscious and know when energy has to be recognised, but in a
calm way.
It is important to remember that for all born up to May 15th, there is a need to be very cautious
and careful when communicating with family. Misunderstandings are rife,
particularly after the 26th
when Mercury goes retrograde. Check that communications have got through
and recognise that much is put on hold from that date. A time for review
and to re-think.
Additionally with Mars retrograde now and square to your
sign, notably affecting those born April 23rd
to May 1st there is a need to be patient and compromise, maybe in career, as
things are feeling blocked and you are frustrated and challenged and angry, but
try and rethink values. This is a time to stop being a human doing and be more
a human being.
However, before the 10th,
many of you born after May 9th
need also to be aware of being a little too lavish or extravagant when spending
on home and family.
However, after the 10th,
all born up to May 14th are
likely to feel happier, more abundant, the power of love is stronger and
aesthetic sensibilities are powerful. Enjoyment is in the air.
Jupiter however is now bringing to those born May 3rd to 5th
a sense of enjoyment, expansion and confidence. Travel is in the air and
relationships can thrive, but just beware of over-confidence, biting off more
than you can chew and extravagance.
Saturn however is a very positive, maturing influence on
those born April 23rd to 27th. Travel may be for duty, but hard
work, discipline and focus is easily come by and ultimately rewarding, as is
Uranus, for course, is now in your sign, (for the coming
aprox.7 years, you will all at some point be influenced by this significant
energy) directly impacting currently those born April 22nd to 24th.
This is a rather tumultuous time. Change is in the air. This once
every 84-year hit is very significant and liberating and awakening but
disruptive. Be patient, but know change is inevitable.
Neptune is very harmonious now in relationships to those
born May 6th to 9th. This once every 42-year transit
affecting your Sun is inspiring. It brings your heart, your compassion, and
your sensitivity to the fore. Your spiritual and creative senses are also
underscored. Enjoy.
Finally, Pluto is once again, as much of last year, directly
empowering the lives of those born May 9th
to 12th. Higher learning,
academia and travel are all areas of destiny and transformation.
Focus on money can be advantageous.
Before the 26th,
all born up to June 16th may
find your communication skills always good, particularly sharp and
However, after the 26th,
when Mercury your ruler, goes retrograde, confusions and delays are
inevitable. Double check.
Mars now retrograde is affecting your solar 9th
house. Travel and learning can be unusual in it’s meaning somehow, but any
sense of frustration felt is a chance to internalise energies and be less
assertively driven
Before the 10th,
if born after June 9th, heart
and mind combine successfully so you can charm your way into agreements.
However, after the 10th,
if born up to June 15th, be
wary of some over-indulgence towards family and home and excessive
For those born June 6th
to 8th, there is a very
distinct possibility now of some confusions, smoke and mirrors, or even
deceptions from self or others around what is happening in your working life
and about your self-image and status in general. There is idealism but
there is also a sense possibly of escapism, or projected perceptions onto
things that you would like to see about self or others. Keep grounded and
keep real. Enjoy the power of your heart in terms of love and creativity
but know the difference between fantasy and reality.
Your birthday month is usually a time of being centre
stage. Enjoy, but there is also quite a considerable focus on financial
security this month which you need to take advantage of.
Retrograde Mars in
Aquarius now, may potentially create a shift in mood and uncomfortable feelings
re complex financial issues and potentially in matters of intimacy.
Blocks and
internalised frustrations are global now and you are not exempt.
Mercury retrograde
from the 26th will also create potential frustrations re finances
and security for a few weeks… Double check everything re finances..
After the 26th
hiccups and delays around that area need to be accepted with patience and an
opportunity to re-align your goals.
After the 10th,
all born up to July 16th have
the opportunity to be bringers of peace and harmony to others and your thinking
and communications are laced with charm, which can further your projects and
Jupiter is extremely well disposed now towards those born
July 5th to 7th. Love life, party time,
children’s issues are all blessed. There is a feeling of confidence, luck
and progress and at the very least protection and travel is also flagged up as
a possible enjoyable event.
However, Saturn, by contrast, is challenging the Suns of
those born June 24th to 28th. As in January and February, this
makes one feel a little blocked or restricted by other people and it is a time
to be patient, mature and self-disciplined and to discriminate between those
who are genuine advisers and those who are perversely standing in your
path. Also, get rest.
Uranus newly into Taurus, is bringing a once every 42 year
sextile to the Suns of those born June 22nd
to 25th. New concepts,
new groups, new people, new friends and wake up calls are yours which bring a
new sense of freedom and your intuition should be listened to.
Neptune is bringing for those born July 8th to 10th
his once every 82 year influence of inspiration, sensitivity, desire to push
one’s horizons in a more inspiring way, both spiritually and creatively.
Your heart is truly awoken. Enjoy.
However, Pluto in his once every 248 visitation to your Sun,
continues as last year, to haunt those born July 11th to 14th
with what feels like power struggles with other people, who could be misusing
their power. Draw boundaries and walk away. Do not sink to their
level, but know this is a wake up call for you to try and understand what dynamics
are being unleashed.
The partial solar eclipse of the 13th directly
impacts those born July 12th-14th. The dramatically and refreshingly
new is likely to be in the air, and a feeling of release is very possible.
There is a need to review your past and to spend time on
some self-reflection this month.
Mars in your
opposite sign now is unusually now fully retrograde. You may feel frustrated
and frozen anger, which can seethe unhealthily. Or you can use it to
internalise a new energy that is directed inwards to carefully reconsider and
review your relationships and your responses.
Beware, especially,
if born July 26th to August 3rd that Mars is directly targeting
you. Other people will not be pushovers and they will confront you and
challenge you in all life contexts. Be honest about the validity of their
Also, Mercury in your sign is directly influencing all born
up August 16th and before the
26th much communication can be
successful. However, after the 26th
there is a definite feeling of frustration, when he moves retrograde.
Things don’t necessarily go your way from then and patience will be needed and
some reassuring self-reflection.
Before the 10th,
Venus is also in your sign, affecting all born after August 11th; and this can bring a boost to the
affections, an increased feel good factor about yourself and you can look and
feel good. Enjoy.
Jupiter is also tempting many of you, if born August 5th to 7th.
to be very self-indulgent, careless, over-confident , even if at the time it
all feels good and fun. Over-confidence and arrogance can also be a
dangerous area to get into.
Uranus, now in Taurus is challenging for your sign.
This once every 84-year visitation to the sign and every 42-year angle of some
stress to your Sun, is now directly affecting those born July 24th to 26th.
This is a definite challenge to status and the unpredictable is in the
air. You will be feeling restless, impulsive and maybe even
claustrophobic, but rashness will not help. There is a danger of throwing
out the baby with the bathwater, but be aware that change is inevitable and
will happen without you pushing the river, but instability is around for a good
reason. Trust and be cautious.
The total Lunar eclipse of the 27th, may well impact
you if born around July 27th-29th. There is a sense then of drama re
others, as truths will out and denouements are possible. The unconscious and
repressed will break through, for good or ill, but probably necessary.
Friendships may be important this month and group effort.
After the 10th,
all born up to September 16th
will be feeling fairly sociable, self-assured, and confident of your
appearances and attracting the bonus of affection to your door. Your
charms are working well for you.
Mars retrograde now till late August may suggest you need
extra rest as energy and drive may be low and your ability to achieve goals and
ambitions may be put on hold for a reason so don’t fight it but acknowledge the
need to rethink and review.
Jupiter is very cooperative now if born around September 2nd to 4th.
Long distance other shores call. Confidence in your communications with
others is assured. Intelligent dealings, which bring luck, are also in
the air. This is also good for dealings with siblings.
Even Saturn is very much on the side now of those born
August 26th to 20th. Progress can be made through
mature realistic dealings with offspring, in love life and in creative pursuits
and also in investments. Hard work and discipline pay off and feel
easier than normal.
Uranus, now in Taurus, is very good news for your
sign. This once every 42-year influence on your Sun is now directly
affecting those born August 24th
to 27th. This really awakens
and enlightens you. It brings opportunities and insights connected to
travel, higher learning, academia and legal issues, which can kick start you
into a better future. A sense of confidence and intuition is yours and
eureka moments can be liberating. This influence lasts until early 2020,
on and off, so see it as a journey, not an arrival, but know that it will be a
good one.
Neptune is currently opposing the Suns of those born
September 9th to 11th. This once every 165-year transit
brings the danger of illusion, self-deception and deception from others.
Hypersensitivity is yours now, as is wishful thinking. Check the small
print and credentials of everybody. Keep grounded.
Finally, Pluto is empowering to those born September 12th to 14th.
This has been true on and off for about a year and now you are genuinely
feeling the true message of finding your courage, strength and your destiny in
creative and romantic matters, but also connected to offspring.
Focus on work is necessary with care and for all born up to
October 17th, social life looks
powerful and instructive and communications are beneficial.
Mars can be very constructive for those born September 26th to October 4th. Good news, progress and courage,
intelligently focused is advantageous in love life, the arts and around one’s
children. You know whom you are and where you want to go. However, and it
is a significant however, Mars now retrograde till late August suggests also
that you may feel a little disempowered or those close to you and around you may
feel this too. Inhibitions and internalised energies are intense and need
review, in order to stop and take stock of life and values.
After the 26th,
note that Mercury moves retrograde, when there is a great room for
misunderstandings and delays and finding yourself in the wrong place at the
wrong time, when meeting friends. Check schedules.
Venus, before the 10th,
is bringing, for all born after October 12th,
fun, enjoyment and love from others, particularly associates and friends.
Saturn however is bringing a few drawbacks for those born
September 26th to 20th. Saturn, as in the beginning of
this year, is bringing a few challenges on the home and domestic front.
You’re tired, so get rest and blocks and restrictions are there for you to be
mature and patient with and it’s a time to re-think.
Finally, Pluto is directly squaring, as he did much of last
year, the Suns of those born October 12th
to 15th. Some issues
domestically, or to do with real estate or family are challenging. Your
own power is hungry for release and frustrations with yourself can manifest as
frustrations with others. Be conscious, understand and reflect on what it
is that you are struggling with and deal with it intelligently and acknowledge
its validity.
Other countries call. Holidays and travel for
Mars, your co-ruler however, is challenging this month those
born October 26th to November 3rd. On the domestic and family front
there is some potential for showdowns. Fixity and lack of flexibility is
your enemy. You are a little bit like a bull in a china shop and other
people will let you know. Impulse and anger need containing and to be
calmly dealt with. Impatience is your worst enemy too. This is all
especially true now, as Mars is now retrograde till late August. Your desires
and ambitions will feel blocked, paralysed and you really need to internalise
some issues and question your motivations and values , rather than seethe.
For all born up to November 17th communications at work are powerful,
but can be difficult. Be sensitive and tactful.
After the 26th,
this is particularly true, when Mercury is retrograde and communications can
really get screwed up and misunderstood and frustrations and blocks are in your
path. Be patient. Re-think.
However, before the 10th,
all born after November 11th
will certainly be able to use their charm for your progress. Career
wise. Just ensure it doesn’t slip into sycophancy.
After the 10th,
for all born up to November 15th,
social life can get a boost and friends show their support and affection.
Indeed, friends can turn into romantic possibilities.
Jupiter however is in your sign and now sitting directly on
the Suns of those born November 3rd
to 4th, which is a great
bonus. Travel, luck, confidence, opportunities, enjoyment are very much
underlined. This happens every twelve years, so enjoy.
Saturn is also constructive for those born October 26th to 30th,
which will help offset the Mars influence. He brings discipline and
control and patience, particularly in matters of love and dealing with
offspring and in creative matters.
Uranus, newly in Taurus, is very significant for your
sign. This is a once every 84 year transit and over the next 7 years he
will revolutionise all your lives to some extent at some point. Initially
those directly affected are born October 24th
to 27th. The impact of
change will come from other people, which at first may be uncomfortable, but
ultimately is an awakening process that serves you well. Even uncomfortable
change can ultimately be recognised as welcome. Hang loose, be flexible,
expect the unexpected and understand the inevitability of the journey.
Neptune is inspiring for those born November 8th to 10th.
Your creativity and love life are very much expanding of your heart centre now
and relationships with children are also blessed. Spiritual inspiration
is also underlined. Your heart cannot be denied.
Finally, Pluto, your ruler, is in good position still to the
Suns of those born November 11th
to 14th. This brings
insight, forensic vision, power of communication and the impact you have on
others through your speech and writing should not be underestimated.
Positive and transformative energies are yours..
Many of you need to get down to some home truths about the
profound issues of life to do with relationships and also joint finances.
For all born up to December 17th, your ability to negotiate and communicate in higher
matters of consciousness in academia and long distance issues are very much in
excellent shape. You are listened to and admired.
However, after the 26th
beware that when Mercury moves retrograde, things can get put on hold and your
communication skills are not quite so as effective, so get as much done as you
can before that date in terms of your message that you need to get across.
Another complication now is that Mars is retrograde till
late August and this is likely to act as a bit of a block to normally driven
ambitions. Events globally, or outside your control are likely to paralyse you
to some extent, but you may also willingly take time out to review your
thinking and you knee-jerk goals; a time for inner reflection is better than
inner anger.
Before the 10th,
Venus is, for all born after December 11th,
also bringing blessings from long distance, travel, from other countries and
good news academically. Love and travel go hand in hand.
Also, if born November 25th
to December 3rd, your
determination and courage, particularly intellectually, is underlined in a very
constructive way. You really can make a difference in persuading people
of your viewpoint. You are physically and mentally courageous.
Neptune is still squaring the Suns of those born December 8th to 10th,
as he has been doing over the last few months. This once every 82-year
transit is bringing the danger of smoke and mirrors to your door - confusion,
uncertainty and a feeling that the ground beneath your feet is not as safe as
it was. There is a divine discontent, which you need to listen to.
This journey will around you until February 2020. It is a transition in
which there is a metamorphosis going on in your consciousness. Be kind to
yourself. Get rest and allow the change to evolve, but believe in your
heart, but keep grounded and check everything out thoroughly. Domestic
certainty may also be undermined, but have faith, let go and let God (the Grand
Originating Dynamic) whatever that is….
Relationships figure largely for focus this month.
After the 10th
all born up to January 14th can
enjoy the very best of travel and love life and long distance issues are
linked. It is also good for study, for happiness and also for legal
Mars now retrograde
till late August and this can bring some feeling of frustration possible
socially and it is a time for stopping and reconsidering goals and social
groups, and to rethink priorities and avoid any seething anger. Let go .
Mercury also moves retrograde on the 26th and
this brings delays and frustrations in communications and possibly in financial
dealings. Prepare to accept a time of review rather than just frustration till
at least the 19th of August
Jupiter is well orientated now towards those born December
31st to January 2nd. Goals are furthered, confidence
in projects is underlined, and friendships and groups are supportive and help
you move forward. There is a feeling of progress and confidence in the
air and travel can also be very much part of that. A psychological sense
of well-being is also indicated.
However, Saturn is in your sign and is currently, as he was
earlier in the year, sitting on the Suns of those born December 24th to 28th.
For this group, there are tests and there are also challenges to step up to the
plate, to get real, face facts and also to look after one’s health.
Tiredness is possible. Rest is needed, but so is focus, concentration and
pragmatism. This is a time to look at the structure of your life and
re-build if faulty. This challenge will be around you until the end of
the year, by which time you can look back and know that the hard work pays
Uranus, newly moved into Taurus in his once every 84-year
visitation to the sign, is good news for you if born December 23rd to 25th.
Quite simply, he is bringing a sense of the new and the awakening and the
enlightening, particularly to do with love life, children’s issues and
creativity. He is bringing a desire to be more confident and to take a
leap into, more exciting future. A bigger picture is opening up to
you. Enjoy. This journey will not be over until early 2020, on and
off, so be prepared and positive.
Neptune is inspiring for those born January 9th to 11th.
Your heart centre is now equally as strong as your intellect and you are forced
to acknowledge that; and your creative gifts and inspirational gifts and
spiritual gifts are also not to be
ignored. Empathy and compassion is powerful.
Also, for those born January 9th to 12th,
Pluto is once again bringing a huge dollop of destiny to your door. Your
true purpose in life is showing, as is your true power or regeneration,
transformation; not only for yourself, but also for others. Your insight
is intense and powerful. Don’t underestimate your potential but just make
sure that your motives are squeaky clean and for the greater good.
The Solar eclipse on the 13th may well resonate with those
born around Jan 10th-12th. A time of some liberation may
be apparent and the birth of the new to be embraced.
Work is a focus this month and also for all born up to
February 13th, communications
with those close to you, significant others, is very important and can be very
successful. However, after the 26th,
this window of opportunity is not so constructive. When Mercury goes
retrograde, confusions and frustrations are in the air. Ensure the best
communications are made before that date.
Also, before the 10th,
Venus, for all born after February 7th,
is really enhancing the potential for love life. Improving relationships
and bringing warmth and affections from others and vice versa and your charms
are productive.
Mars is in your sign this month, currently directly
affecting those born January 23rd
to 31st. Your energy,
drive and ambition and assertive qualities are very much flagged up. Make
sure that they do not tip into aggressive, over-competitive qualities.,
especially as Mars is retrograde now till late August, so your energies may
feel or actually be blocked or restricted and possibly paralysed in some
way. Equally, other people may challenge you so that you have to stand up
for yourself, but you feel emasculated.. However remember everyone feels this
frustration now, so seething frustrated anger from self and others can be
dangerously explosive, as it easily can be misdirected.
Jupiter is bringing a touch of indulgence and maybe
over-confidence to those born around January 30th to February 1st.
Good times can roll, but so can biting off more than you can chew, or assuming
too much, particularly when it comes to you status and career. Don’t
over-reach and avoid arrogance.
Uranus’ new entrance into Taurus, which only happens once
every 84 years, is now directly impacting those born January 22nd to 24th.
This once every 42-year influence on your Sun is going to bring some feeling of
insecurity and change, possibly on the domestic and family front. A shake
up is needed and you may be feeling restless. Uranus is your ruling
planet so this is significant. This influence will be with you on and off
until early 2020, so watch and wait and be flexible and do not make sudden rash
impulsive moves or changes. They will happen in their own time and you
must use them with consideration, but changeability is around you and indeed
The total Lunar eclipse on the 27th will directly affect those born January
24th to 26th. Expect some significant
showdowns and eruptions from the unconscious, both within yourself and possibly
from others. Some finalities may be in the air.
This month can be great for fun, love life and children’s
issues; and artistic creativity.
Mars now
significantly retrograde till late August, may however bring a sense of a need
for isolation, desired at times, so you can spend time working out your real
valid direction and goals. There maybe a sense of stasis and paralysis about
rather profound and private issues. Some calm contemplation is needed.
Mercury also moves retrograde on the 26th for
just over 3 weeks. Check all
communications are received and delivered clearly, especially at work, and all
delays need patience, and give you an opportunity to reconsider direction and
ideas. Try and get the best from your communications before the 26th as thereafter there is indeed room for
frustration and block.
After the 10th,
for all born up to March 14th
and the power of affections to and from others are very much underlined and
your charms work to your advantage.
Jupiter is also very well placed now for those born February
28th to March 2nd. Travel and holidays are
particularly emphasised as being very positive inputs. Long distance
issues and general and legal issues also bountiful. It is a feel good
factor and brings positivity and confidence.
Saturn is also helpful now to those born February 21st to March 1st. Hard work is easy to do. There is maturity,
confidence and self-discipline. You step up to the plate and achieve what
at other times may feel difficult, particularly when helping friends or
pursuing a goal collectively with others.
Uranus’ move into Taurus last May is now in his once every
42-year angular relationship to your Sun, affecting now those born February 19th to 22nd.
For this group, positives energies will bring insight, intuition, eureka
moments and chance to look outside the box and take a leap into a new, more
exciting, more innovative future. This will last, on and off, until early
2020. Enjoy and let your intuition, as much as your heart, play a
Neptune, your ruler is now in your sign, which only happens
once every century or so; and now is currently directly affecting all those
born March 6th to 8th. For this group, you are more
Piscean than you have ever been. This is your ruling planet and is
bringing out the very best, which is inspiration, creativity, spirituality,
empathy, sympathy, but is also bringing the potential for the worst, which is
escapism and delusion and being vulnerable to deception, both from self and
others. Try and ensure it is the former that you enhance and experience.
Finally, Pluto is continuing to enhance the lives of those
born March 9th to 12th. He is bringing determination,
incisiveness, a forensic power and force to influence other people through
intelligent insight. Just make sure it is for the greater good.