drama of Brexit and the Trump tale continues.
As mentioned last month, from the
1st-12th, Saturn is bringing reality checks and significant
challenges to the power, in both the birth charts of Trump and Theresa May,
with not a little karma thrown in. If there is a clear conscience, it will be
accepted with humility. If not, it will be painful and fought.
moves direct from the 6th when events can be released from
paralysis, both in individual lives and indeed globally.
Friday the 7th is a particularly interesting few days for Theresa
May, when Mars, the trigger planet, conjuncts its own place in her chart.
England birthchart, that seems always to make sense on terms of what is happening and
be correct, is the one for the 25th December 1066 (the birth of a new
constitution after the battle of Hastings). This chart makes us a Capricorn
country with Aries rising. The whole Brexit saga has been clearly etched on
this chart, since day one. In February
2016 when the referendum decided “leave”, Uranus (shock, radical change, anti
establishment and push for freedom) was sitting on the ascendant of this chart
(every 84 years) and has been edging through its defining first house ever
also has been haunting the area around the Sun and Midheaven (Identity and
national standing) of this chart (every 30 years) for much of this year and
will finally and definingly be conjuncting these crucial points from the
beginning of this month till the 21st. This is a reality check that is massive
in terms of what it demands of England.
also from last May (2018) Neptune has opposed the natal Saturn in the England
chart (every 165 years). This influence is particularly strong from March 2019,
lasting till February 2020. It has and will continue to indicate huge
uncertainty, a sense of a meltdown and a dissolving of the old system; a
certain loss of security, a sense of unsustainability and a huge wobble
ideologically and materially, with a distinctly thick fog, confusion, acute
division, and blindness along the way. It represents a profound discomfort with
the fundamentals of the status quo, a sort of divine discontent, but with no
clear road map as to how to move forward to better ground. There is also a
sense of quick sand also being all around and no compass is helping to guide. This
phenomena was/is, it seems, inevitable, no matter whether change seems wise to
us or not.
of any sort, or no Brexit, this Neptunian journey is a major power at work for
England over the next 14 months at least; and those in control of the country
are in reality, just as lost.
downside of Neptune in negative manifestation, is that he represents, idealism,
sentimentality, illusion and delusion and even unwitting self sacrifice, despite
his potential for sensitivity, creativity and inspiration in the right artistic
/emotional/spiritual context.
globally, Uranus (rebellion/ future) now fully back in Aries (the individual)
till March 6th, is testament to the need for the individual to have
a voice, reminding us all of the power of populism and nationalism. Recent
demonstrations also about the failure to tackle climate change /environmental
destruction and a feeling of the lack of wise priorities in governmental
policies re poverty, housing problems/ mental health/children’s well being, education and
a downgrading of the importance of the arts, in the ruthless pursuit of
austerity, are gathering momentum.
to this, Pluto, the planet of power, and which tests for the responsible or
otherwise use of that power, is now in the last 10 degrees, also of Capricorn
(the financial establishment) and will be till 2025, when he finally leaves
that sign. This period will therefore bring to a culmination all the
nemesis/fallout resulting from the obsessional (Pluto) pursuit of financial
growth, irresponsible capitalism and the power of corpocracy, that
has been left unchecked since 2008, when Pluto first set foot in Capricorn
(every aprox 248 years). Pluto also ensures that abuse of power ultimately
equals self-destruction.
(lessons/karma/humility) now also in his home sign of Capricorn (establishment)
till December 2020 and since late 2017 (every aprox 30 years) is now
simultaneously underlining the reality of the failings and complacency of the
established global system over the last decade or so. The fallout of the
peoples’ response to the imposition of inequitable austerity (Saturn) for the
majority, although lauded as being cruel to be kind by many in power, is now hitting
establishment upholders hard.
karma (Saturn) of the realisation by the powers that be (Capricorn) that the
people are not tolerating growing inequality any longer, leads to false
promises of redress by establishment figures (even though, like Trump, they may
sell themselves initially as anti establishment). Eventually these promises
come back to bite them when not delivered.
rare coming together of these two testing planets, Saturn and Pluto, in
Capricorn is affecting both England by conjunction (Capricorn) and the USA, by
opposition (Cancerian country) most powerfully and a failure to pass their tests
in many ways, speaks loudly of the inevitable serious undermining of our
current global system, not least in these locations. Coming economic distress for these countries, will be a major
issue on the journey.
a global level also when we have an existential crisis hitting us, like climate
change and species extinction, it is psychologically and spiritually, both
individually and collectively, profoundly disturbing.
on our personality type, we can either choose to face it, with great angst,
anger and distress and decide to fight for change, or we can just despair with
a sense of paralysis and depression, as it seems too big for the individual to
do much about it. Alternatively we can just plain deny it, or choose to be in
denial, in order to protect ourselves psychologically and our material values
and trajectory.
global uber capitalism is at total loggerheads in its values, with the
environmental needs of our home planet , its creatures and their ability to
survive. Hence, again Pluto and Saturn
together in Capricorn (financial establishment/system) are again forcing us to
face the huge karma also of the environmental and climate fallout of the blind,
ruthless pursuit of the values of this system.
Paul Ehrlich said “The perpetual
pursuit of growth is the creed of the cancer cell”
Neptune now so strong in his own sign of Pisces (2011- till 2025) brings a
permeating influence that does indeed sharply polarises us on this matter and
creates either a sense of total longing to save the planet, or a delusional
total avoidance/denial of reality. Such are the two manifestations of Neptune
power of nature will ultimately always have the last word in terms of nemesis.
The phrase Hubris and Nemesis is not used, understood or revered enough
especially by narcissistic personality types, that are so often found in
positions of power, for obvious reasons.
burgeoning new generation however, who are born between 2011 –2025 have this
Neptune position actually in their birth charts. Hence they will be intensely
sensitive to this life/planet threatening issue and its manifestations; and it
will indeed totally dominate their lives. They will never forgive us, if it is
not fundamentally addressed now.
is an excellent month for travel for many of you. Mercury is direct from
the 6th, making plans around travel and finances more concrete.
the 1st of the month, those born around April 19th may
find that love really does win.
currently is very much favouring those born March 24th to April 2nd.
Creativity, literally or metaphorically is shining. Your confidence is
strong and love life can bring joy, as does social life.
there is an overlap of Saturn, who is also creating, for those born March 27th
to April 2nd, a challenge, possibly around work. Hard work and
reality checks are abounding, but which can, with patience, be worth it, in
terms of facing up, and biting the bullet.
is once again bringing for those born around April 19th or 20th
another shake up, which is over by March.
Pluto for those born April 8th to 10th, is in his last
lap of influence, over by the end of next month, allowing you to understand
what the power struggle has been about, within you and externally; connected to
your goal, your status and work situation. This may not be comfortable,
but it does leave you by the end of January to an understanding of the journey
that began back around March 2017.
between the 1st and 12th, will bring for those born after
May 17th, heads up to what other people are saying.
Communications might fall in deaf ears and you must listen as well as
the 6th, you will get the message and so will other people and
progress can be made.
the 2nd, Venus in Scorpio will bring for you all born up to May 14th,
a definite input of the power of affections and love from other people.
You will be popular, admired and other people are there for you.
is extremely constructive now for those born after April 28th.
Your leadership skills and your ability to use constructive intelligence and
action in helping others and pursuing your goals is admirable and your energy
is tireless.
is a rather strict schoolteacher, but an extremely constructive one now for
those born April 26th to May 2nd. He is bringing a
serious, grown up duty and hard work and work may involve long distance issues
and travel, but the discipline that you are feeling and the maturity will bring
you great admiration if your execution of what is necessary.
continues to inspire those born May 3rd to 6th in this
long journey awakening to your spiritual, creative and emotional truth and you
need to value that; and your desire to know your ego on the altar of helping
others is strong.
Pluto, for those born May 10th to 12th continue to
empower your wisdom, insights and belief in your destiny.
month of the importance of relationships and after the 6th your
ruling planet moves direct which allows you to then feel that plans are back on
track in work and with others; and communications after the 6th will
be powerful and positive in helping you move forward.
the very first day of the month if born around June 19th to maximise
your love life.
for all after May 30th
there is a danger of a potential misunderstanding or confusion,
particularly in your profession. Impatience and over-emotionality is not
your friend. Make things clear and avoid any smoke and mirrors.
all born May 24th to June 3rd, you can have an extremely
indulgent time and enjoy yourself but there is a danger of pushing the boat out
too far, or allowing others to tempt you to do so.
born around June 19th have an opportunity now, until early March to
return to issues strong in April and May, which allow you to move forward with
a unique freedom for yourself.
if born around June 3rd to 6th, it is important to not
let confusion and uncertainty undermine you. Things are changing, but
they will take time. Trust that this is a circuitous journey, which will
lead you to the right track, and the divine discontent that you are feeling is
for a purpose. By late February you will have clarity.
the 6th, confusion abates and the trajectory reinstates itself in
terms of your communications, love life and work.
all born up to July 16th social life, enjoyment, and the power of
cupid is very much in play, as are creative skills.
is also on your side if born after July 1st. Efforts at
earning and energy put into broadening your mind and travelling; and indeed
legal issues pay off. You have greater sensitivity and emotional
however, is a little challenging now if born June 29th to July 5th.
Other people seem to be the source of problems as they block and frustrate you,
or demand of you issues that are hard to deal with. Energy is low, but
reality checks need to be faced. There is a difference between obligation
and depression.
is some disruption in the lives of those born late July 20th to 22nd
and you are reminded of what you were feeling in spring. Unpredictability
and restlessness at work is for a reason, and even if uncomfortable, it does
kick start you into a better future, which you will understand completely by
continues to inspire if born July 5th to 8th, both
creatively and philosophically.
however, maintains his hold on those born July 11th to 14th.
This long transit, since March 2017 is trying in terms of other people and
power struggles, but you’re well on the road to resolving this, provided you
draw boundaries around abuses of power within yourself and more importantly
other. Do not sink to their level.
Moon is full on the 22nd falls on the very 1st
degree of your sign, directly affecting those born around June 22nd/23rd.
This can create energy at that time of quite eruptive energies from deep within
yourself, or indeed reflected in the behaviour of others.
be quite a fun month, with the Sun being in your Solar Fifth House,
appropriately for the season.
Mercury is retrograde till the 6th so delays or frustrations are
around till then. From the 12th, however you will benefit if born up
to August 16th, by powerful and constructive happy communications
with others.
born around August 22nd, use the first day of the month for
optimising social life and love life.
in Sagittarius is now extremely beneficial if born July 27th to
August 5th. He really gives a boost to your positivity,
optimism and, fun loving side and brings bonuses and benefits in love
life. You just feel as lucky and loved.
those born August 21st to 22nd, you are now once again experiencing
some excitement as you did around April/May time, and indeed last summer.
This is the final hit and by March 2019 you will have completed the cycle of
liberty and progress and awakening in areas of your life, especially related to
study or overseas issues. At the very least you just feel freer to be
true to yourself. Relationships that have gone through a period of change
are ultimately change for the better and your advantage, and you’re
understanding of life and your big picture philosophy will tend to become more
profound. You are becoming a little bit more advantageously detached and
may well be a focus this month and your ruling planet Mercury moves direct on
the 6th to allow you to feel more clearly understood and plans start
to work out and you can get your points across successfully, particularly in
family issues.
the 2nd, all born up to September 17th, have added charm
to your communications; and the heart and the mind blend well.
is an issue with Mars this month, which is opposing your sign, directly
impacting those born after September 1st. For this group you
need to be wary of others who are being no push over and blocks and challenges
to your energy may be subtle but very emotionally strong. There may be
indirect challenge, but it can feel quite potent. Don’t assume you have
not also been the challenger, subtly or otherwise.
is tempting many of you born August 27th to September 5th.
You may be feeling a little over-indulgent or spendthrift on the home
front. Also, beware of over-confidence and over-generosity.
just as a protection on this one, Saturn is also bringing caution to those
born August 30th to September 5th. A mature,
steady, hard-working, disciplined and focused attitude is yours.
important now for all born September 5th to 8th is to be
aware that other people may be less than straight or honest. Deceptive
circumstances are in the air and also you may be over-idealising somebody and not
seeing clearly. You are emotional, sensitive and inspired, but also
possibly gullible.
if born September 12th to 15th, enjoy your strengths,
your power, your insight and your transformative ability, both creatively and
in romantic issues and also connected to children.
intellect is strong and your communication skills are admirable this month,
particularly after the 6th when Mercury goes direct; and also choose
the first day of the month, if born around October 21st/22nd
to show your excellent taste and also ti enjoy the power of love.
is very kindly disposed, now in Sagittarius, to those born September 27th
to October 6th. You will be feeling a great deal of positivity
and optimism and your communications have wisdom and power and travel is very
beneficial. There is just a feeling of well being , confidence and
Saturn is a bit of a spoiler if born September 30th to 6th
October. He is also demanding there are areas of life mostly to do with
family and domestic life, that demand duty, obligation, action and which may
feel as if it is blocking your progress on some level. Do what is
necessary but stay grounded and get rest.
is also creating some upheaval if born around October 22nd. It
is an ongoing thing that started early last year and is over by March, but it
is the last chapter of some shift and change and liberation, connected to
Pluto is also still on his long march of challenge to those born October 12th
to 15th. The battle within you, the power and assertiveness
are strong. Be conscious of it and do not project it unnecessarily onto
others. You are learning to be true to you, and your power to be patient
and honest.
the 12th, communications are very strong as a powerful issue with
undoubted impact is in the air. if born around November 21st, but
after the 6th, breakthroughs are indicated, and after the 12th,
financial issues can get much more back on track.
the 2nd, Venus is in your sign, bringing for all born up to November
16th, a great sense of enhanced charm, is good for buying clothes,
enhancing yourself generally and also for the power of love from within
yourself and from others to be pleasing.
is also very constructive now if born after November 1st. He
is really sensitising your energy so that you are acting intelligently and
intuitively for the benefit of other people and your love life is enhanced by
your sensitivity and your careful, but constructive actions. Issues
around children are favoured too. It is particularly powerful for musicians and
artists in a successful way.
if born October 31st to November 5th, is bestowing you
with a sense of pragmatism and practicality and the gift of hard, constructive
work, which brings admiration and progress.
is also wonderfully and continuously inspiring for those born November 5th
to 8th. The artist and creator in you is truly inspired and
your sense of spirituality, empathy and emotional sensitivity to others is very
noticeable. This chapter makes you far more successful when dealing with
Pluto your ruler continues to empower those born November 11th to 14th.
He brings a forensic insight as never before and this has been going on since
early 2017. He empowers your intellect and your communication.
is your month so you can shine. Mercury moves direct on the 6th, which
means from the 12th all of you born up to December 22nd,
when Mercury enters your sign, will feel that you really are in a position to
communicate very successfully, powerfully and get listened to and you can make
your plans progress.
the 1st of the month, all of you born around December 21st,
can enjoy friendship and celebrate the warmth of other people.
Mars is not so kindly disposed to your sign if born after December 1st.
From Pisces, he is squaring your sign and bringing some sense of block,
restriction and impatience and possibly a lack of clarity in the motives of
others on the home and family front. Real estate issues may have an
element of frustration. Your own anger can show itself as emotional
distress. Try and create patience and forbearance and don’t be underhand in
any way.
in your sign is a very advantageous one in his once every twelve-year
visitation and is now directly benefiting those born November 26th
to December 5th. There is a great feeling of protection,
blessing, growth and contentment. Since Jupiter is your ruling planet,
this is a particularly powerfully, happy period and at the very least
protective. It is also excellent for travel, wisdom and general
is also very stimulating now for those born around December 20th and
the change that you have been seeking since summer 2017, is now beginning to
manifest. A sense of excitement and liberty is in the air.
Moon is new on your sign on the 7th, directly impacting those born
around December 7th . For
these people there is an opportunity to initiate the new and innovative in
their life.
the 6th clarity is improving communications and after the 2nd,
all born up to January 14th will experience a boost to social life
and friends show their loyalty and support and you can further your
is also very helpful for all born after December 31st. Your
ability to express yourself and your insights and emotional power and
constructiveness is very influential on others. You blend your ideals and
intellect perfectly.
is however, let’s not forget, in your sign which he is for two and a half
years, every thirty years, and is currently affecting those born December 28th
to January 3rd. This is a time to look after your health, to
take it easy, but to be focussed, constructive, hard working, grounded and
mature. You will benefit if you are.
is a little disruptive now however if born around January 18th.
This is a continuation of what you felt around April/May and summer of last
year. Change and unexpected issues around home and family is in the air.
There is a kick-start into a new consciousness and future. This is over
by March.
however is incredibly inspiring now if born January 3rd to 6th.
Your thoughts and your communications are blessed with inspiration,
sensitivities and spirituality.
This is great for the artist and writer and empathy and compassion
Pluto in your sign is still bringing intense energy to those born January 9th
to 12th. Power is yours to use wisely and consciously.
Endings are in the air, sometimes painful, but ultimately the feeling of a
rising out of the ashes will transforms you.
the 6th you will all feel a little relieved that some confusions are
out of the way; and after the 12th particularly all of you born up
to February 13th will feel that plans can forge ahead.
the 1st of the month, those born around February 17th/18th
may enjoy a boost in the affections, particularly connected to long distance
born up to February 13th, however after the 1st, there
may be a temptation to be a little over extravagant this month, stop and think
before jumping into over enthusiasm and even at work, beware being over
charming for just your own benefit. Counter productive sycophancy is possible.
is very much a friend of all those born January 24th to February 2nd
this month. Your projects get the green light and you feel intelligently able
to move forward with wisdom and much support from other people. Social
life is particularly expansive and beneficial.
ruler Uranus is also smiling now on those born around February 17th.
He is finalising a journey that started in summer last year, which is allowing
a true uniqueness and intellectual insight to shine and be recognised and to
kick start you into a new, more appropriate position in life. It allows
your true originality and intuitive intellect to shine.
the 6th you will all feel a little relieved that relationship communications
improve and are constructive and after the 12th that will also show
itself in work.
the 2nd, if born up to March 14th, issues to do with
academia, learning, travel and internationalism all bring a boost to your
happiness and affections.; and love life can be specifically inspired.
is in your sign all month, is directly impacting those born after February 27th.
For this group you will have a real feeling of assertion, competitiveness and
determination to achieve what you want. You will want to engage and show
what you’re made of and you can do this constructively, particularly in the
creative and the spiritual world. Your emotions are powerful.
in Sagittarius is currently bringing, for those born February 23rd
to March 3rd, a tendency to be over enthusiastic or over-confident,
or take on too much, but beware of excess in ambition and action.
to compensate, Saturn is also ensuring that those born February 25th
to March 3rd are grounded and other people and friends will act as a
maturing influence and your sense of duty and obligation and common sense will
also benefit you.
your ruler, very powerful now in your sign since 2011, is now directly hitting
the Suns of those born March 3rd to 6th. For this
group, your sense of inspiration, creatively, spiritually is massive, but there
is also a downside, where your idealism and escapist tendencies and
hypersensitivity can be counter-productive. Used positively, it can bring
the most exquisite sense of being at one with the universe and at one with the
most creative potential you have; and your empathy and compassion for others
can know no bounds. It is almost too powerful.
Pluto is also very intelligently and powerfully constructive for those born
March 9th to 12th. He is allowing you to really
constructively use your intensity and insight and transformative abilities in a
group context and indeed for yourself. Intelligent action and insight is
yours and will benefit yourself, but above all others.