current astrology of the outer planets (generational and global in influence)
i.e. Neptune now in Pisces, Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in the last ditch of
Capricorn, certainly suggests we are indeed at a point in human history, where
a revolution in world political value systems is going to happen, but in what
direction?? Idealism and sentimentality about a glorious nationalistic past
(one manifestation of Neptune in Pisces), will conflict with the idealism of
ensuring the survival of a more cooperatively achieved ecologically healthier
planet, along with a fairer, more compassionate world (the other manifestations
of Neptune in Pisces).
are always choices as the way to go with all planetary positions, and it comes
down to value systems and individual understanding of the problems, as to which
seems correct to the individual. The results of the EU elections have clearly
showed total polarised stances in the UK on the way to go forward. The rise of
the Green party throughout Europe is also indicative of a real awakening to
what will become, sooner than is palatable, overwhelmingly the most urgent
now, seriously Taurus (every aprox 84 years for 7 years) is now moving fast apace, having reached 4
/5 degrees. The wake up call re the state of our planet ecologically and
climate wise, is building. Uranus
symbolises shocks that are indeed awakening and enlightening but often
uncomfortable and Taurus is all about the earth and nature, as well as security
issues. Chaotic unpredictability and change re economies/money/security will
also become evident.
(power) in the last decan of Capricorn (establishment) is manifesting in the
nemesis of a system i.e. the fallout of neo capitalist ideology, which did not
heed the various warnings, not least, the financial shock of 2007/8. This has
now culminated in anger, rebellion and a certain amount of scapegoating, as
inequality has grown so much, as the trickle down theory of growth, opportunity
and wealth of the original Calvinist capitalist model, has become more trickle
up, to the few. Saturn (karma and reality) now nudging Pluto (power), certainly
over the next year will hold Pluto to account, relating to misuse of power and
its fallout for the whole planet too
anger and frustration by the so-called “left behind”, not least in the USA and
the UK, has manifested in many ways. Populism and the rise of the far right are
shows of knee-jerk anger and a desire to take charge of a system that has
failed many. Support for a leader who is perceived as a rebellious “character”,
who breaks the rules and who is applauded for his non-politically correct, anti
establishment stance, no matter how controversial, and who claims to want to
break the current value system, is being witnessed in many countries.
is interesting that the success of Nigel Forage’s Brexit party in the UK EU
elections was fairly obviously going to happen, for many reasons, but not least
from an astrological viewpoint. Farage’s birth chart (probably correct chart
from his reported memory of time of birth) had the Sun transiting exactly his
5-degree Gemini midheaven (shining public success) on the Sunday/Monday of the
results. This happens for only 1 day a year.
natal chart is very powerful. Sun, Mars and Jupiter are all in ambitious,
fiery, self assertive and driven Aries, with powerful, determined, if not
ruthless Pluto; and unpredictable, anti establishment and freedom loving
Uranus, both sitting right on his purist Virgo ascendant. His Moon is in ideologically
passionate and bluntly outspoken Sagittarius; (international as well,
ironically. His second wife is German and he has served as an MEP for many
years). His career point i.e. the Midheaven, is in Gemini (clever, changeable,
rather dualistic and great salesman qualities) and Venus conjunct that point
natally, indicates great career popularity. His Venus and Mercury are both in
fixed Taurus, earthy and pretty immoveable. He loves his financial security
at the most, in my opinion at least, correct and relevant England chart, (25
December 1066) Saturn will be sitting right on the natal Mercury position next
month (July) and also in November of this year. These periods will be difficult
for the economy and will bring a significant reality check re the potential for
progress in any negotiations and will bring a very serious, disciplined, if not
a significant challenge re acknowledgement of facts and figures about our
country’s global situation re trade and its status. Blocks may well be seriously
Johnson (whose chart details we know) is flagged up as a strong possibility for
being the next leader of the Conservative party. From the beginning of May
however, he has had Neptune conjunct his Chiron (every 165 years) which will bring, till mid August, difficulties
for him in his professional life (leader of his party or not) which will cause
him some pain and self reflection and indeed humility will be needed to address
within himself, the reasons for this. This will be repeated as energy for him
in March 2020.
during the first half of this month, he will have Jupiter opposing his Mercury
in Gemini (he has 4 planets, including the Sun in Gemini), which will be
testing and put him in over confident, impulsive and reckless mode when
communicating and he will need to think very carefully before he does, or
regrets will haunt him later.
Donald Trump’s chart (Gemini Sun, Leo ascendant and Moon in Sagittarius. He was
born on a lunar eclipse) is certainly looking stressed from the last week in
June till half way through July, when his expansive goals are blocked (Saturn
square his natal Jupiter) but it will be January and February next year, when
real and resounding challenges hit him significantly. Saturn and Pluto then
really do combine (very rare) to oppose his natal Saturn; and then Saturn moves
to oppose his natal Venus too. Hubris and nemesis as energy, shouts loud then
for him and indeed in many ways for the planet.
is interesting how politicians with strong Gemini in their charts are often so
popular, as they are great salespeople: notably Trump and Boris Johnson and not
least, Nigel Farage with his Gemini Midheaven.
dates this month when there is socio politically, rather covert tension,
potential ruthless power struggles and dangerous behaviour prompted by rather
subconscious forces are around the 16th to the 21st when
Mercury joins Mars in conjunction in Cancer and both then oppose Pluto.
between the 13th-16th when Mercury and Mars opposes
Saturn; there is much potential for angry frustration within us all generally,
both personally and collectively.
squares to Neptune (in Pisces) that are created this month around the 9th
and 13th- 24th suggest significant confusion, deceits, truth being
distorted and a general smoke and mirror politics and potential
self-delusion/collective delusion. This quality will be dominant on the world
stage and will be spawned by the large, powerful but delicate egos currently in
power, or who are indeed vying for power.
the forces of ego, greed and a gratuitous desire for power (Pluto wading
through the last 10 degrees of Capricorn) defeats truth, integrity, wisdom,
humility and a genuine desire to serve the common good, we are in a dark place.
voices of truth, reality and constructive wisdom will most likely be audible
around the 3rd, 7th and 14th.
problem is, as TS Eliot said, “human
kind cannot bear too much reality”.
Note to my readers.
I sometimes have readers commenting on how in some
months, their birthday period in a specific sign is not highlighted in my
monthly forecasts.
Sun sign forecasts are in fact extremely limiting, as the Sun is only one factor of many in your birth chart, and only your Sun position can be definitely known solely from just your birth date & month. The Sun’s 12-month orbit means it returns virtually to the exact same degree at the same time each year (your birthday) & hence basic Sun sign forecasting. In some monthly forecasts, your particular birth sign Sun degree is not necessarily being influenced by any planet & hence the lack of comment.
Without more personal specifics; year, place and & preferably time of birth, astrologers cannot make deeper comments regarding the other, very influential planets that comprise a full astrological birth chart (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto). These have hugely individual, varying orbits (unlike the Sun) & are exerting frequent, differing significantly powerful influences, which affect each one of your individual planetary positions at different times in your unique personal birth chart.
If you are interested in a detailed, personal forecast for a period of either 1, or 2 years, you can find ordering options on the services page of my website:
I would also need your name, full date, place & preferably time of birth & contact details, which you can send through my contact page.
Sun sign forecasts are in fact extremely limiting, as the Sun is only one factor of many in your birth chart, and only your Sun position can be definitely known solely from just your birth date & month. The Sun’s 12-month orbit means it returns virtually to the exact same degree at the same time each year (your birthday) & hence basic Sun sign forecasting. In some monthly forecasts, your particular birth sign Sun degree is not necessarily being influenced by any planet & hence the lack of comment.
Without more personal specifics; year, place and & preferably time of birth, astrologers cannot make deeper comments regarding the other, very influential planets that comprise a full astrological birth chart (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto). These have hugely individual, varying orbits (unlike the Sun) & are exerting frequent, differing significantly powerful influences, which affect each one of your individual planetary positions at different times in your unique personal birth chart.
If you are interested in a detailed, personal forecast for a period of either 1, or 2 years, you can find ordering options on the services page of my website:
I would also need your name, full date, place & preferably time of birth & contact details, which you can send through my contact page.
can also simply contact me by email:
Communications are important to you this month and need
careful focus.
After the 27th, if born up to March 24th, creativity,
writing and love life benefit from your intelligence.
After the 9th, if born up to April 18th, your communications
are absolutely combined with the power of emotions and heart. In fact
your head and heart combine, giving you much charm and attractiveness and
However, Mars, your ruler, is now in your Solar 4th House
bringing for all those born April 1st to 19th a sense of energy that can be
discordant in the home life, either from you to others or vice versa.
Impatience, intolerance and a little bit of potential eruption is in the
air, so stop and think before speaking or acting, unless you want a showdown of course..
Jupiter, however, is well disposed now towards all those
born April 7th to 12th. Travel, internationalism, publishing and legal
issues are all very favoured.
However, you will all need to earn that, because Saturn is
also simultaneously squaring your Suns. Saturn is the benevolent despot
and is forcing you to really work hard for your luck and the harder you work,
the luckier you get. Patience will be needed, particularly at work, not
to mention, fortitude and determination.
Finally, Pluto is bringing for all born April 12th to 14th,
in his once every 248 challenge,( that will last until the end of 2020), to
find your power, your destiny.. and this may come with a struggle, but ensure
that you're conscious of this. Endings and new beginnings are in the air.
The more you repress the energy, the more eruptive it will be, but have
There is a focus on finances and communications about those
areas this month.
After the 4th and before the 27th, all of you will find that
communications are well directed and successful.
After the 27th, if born up to April 24th, (early Taurus),
miss-communications are a possibility.
Before the 9th, all born after May 10th have charm on your
side and you exude a sense of well being, caring, loving, nurturing and also
you are particularly attractive to others.
Mars is also very supportive of all born May 1st to 20th.
Your communications and actions are well timed, courageous, focused and
Saturn is testing for endurance and hard work, loyalty and
duty and particularly constructive for having to travel for work purposes, if
born May 7th to 18th. You rise to the occasion but self-discipline is a
Uranus, now in your sign, once every 84 years, is now
directly affecting those born April 24th to 27th. This is on and off for
a year and will bring change, liberation, uncertainly, awakening and some
disruption. All meant to be; and ultimately and potentially very
positive. Remain flexible. This may affect work.
Neptune is however, remaining inspiring, creatively and
spiritually and empathetically for all born May 8th too 10th. Your heart
is strong and your intuition and almost psychic powers can’t be underestimated.
Working for causes you really believe brings the best out in
Pluto is currently still working very well and particularly
regenerative for all born around May14th and will so do till approximately the end of 2020. It empowers your philosophical viewpoint
with forensic insight and wisdom and issues to do with publishing, legal
matters and areas of higher study and international interests are potentially
really empowered and expanded too. Relationships can also be regenerated or be
regenerating, and certainly somehow also empowering.
Your birthday period, and your articulation and
communication skills are at their peak, particularly before the 4th if born
after June 13th. Your mind is like a washing machine in action, so
After the 27th, if born up to May 25th, again communications
are on top form.
After the 9th, however, Venus moves into your sign, bringing
for all born up to June 19th a great sense of personal attractiveness, harmony,
charm and great aesthetic appreciation. Love is in the air.
Jupiter is also in your opposite sign now, bringing
particularly benefits relationship wise to all born June 8th to 13th. For
this group there is a real sense that people coming into your life now are
likely to stay and be beneficial for you in the long term.
Internationalism and confidence with others is also underlined, as is
luck and a sense of blessing.
This returns in September and October.
Neptune can be tricky now, as it has been for a little
while, for those born around June 9th to 11th. There is definitely some
confusion and sense of deception in the air. You need to be clear with
others, as others need to be with you. Dissolving of certain issues and
certainties are felt in your gut and some uncertainty to do with home and
family is a possibility. Float. See where this journey takes you, but it
may be not until April 2020 when you understand the true transition, but your
heart is calling for something different.
Some behind the scenes dealings may be necessary this month,
but after the 4th all of you will benefit enormously from the power of
excellent mind, communications and insight, as Mercury will be in your sign.
Before the 9th, all born after July 12th will find that
friendships and groups and your goals are all very happy and satisfactory.
Admiration and consideration of others and from others to you, is strong
and supportive. Social life shines.
Mars is currently traversing your own sign and this month
it’s directly affecting those born after July 2nd until 22nd. This gives
energy, drive, determination, and assertiveness. Just ensure it doesn’t
turn into combativeness. Energy is high and needs directing, constrictively.
With wisdom, much can be achieved.
Saturn however is opposing now the Suns of those born July
9th to 13th. There will also be for this group, some feeling of blockage or
restriction or obligation from others. Only you can decide whether this
is valid or not. Also, pace yourself, as you may not be quite so
resilient physically as you think.
Uranus is now very positive in terms of awakening and
enlightening the uniqueness of those born June 25th to 28th. This transit
lasts on and off for about a year and brings out the humanitarian in you and
the desire for some change and evolution in your life and indeed in the lives
of others who you feel need it. Intelligent change and confidence is in
the air.
Neptune is also bringing for all born July 10th to 12th and
has been for a few months, a great sense of emotional sensitivity, empathy,
compassion, spirituality and indeed artistic desires and abilities. Your
ideological beliefs for the greater good are very activated. Enjoy.
Others will benefit too.
Finally, Pluto is bringing some obstruction from others, if
born July 14th to 16th. This is ongoing for a year or so. Power
struggles are possible. Keep calm. Do not sink to their level and walk
away if necessary, without losing dignity.
Social life and working with and on behalf of others to your
advantage is underlined this month.
After the 27th, early Leos, born up to July 27th will find
communication skills particularly poignant and positive.
Before the 9th, all born after August 13th, need be careful
about being hypocritical when dealing with other people in order to gain
advantage, particularly at work.
Beware sycophancy.
After the 9th, if born up to August 21st, relationships with
others, particularly friends, who can become more than friends, is also
strongly underlined.
Jupiter is very much the friend now of those born August 9th
to 15th. He is extenuating love, creativity, bringing joy around
children’s issues and can be quite lucky around speculation. Confidence
is in the air.
Uranus, now in Taurus, is bringing a rare challenge to the
Suns of those born July 27th to 30th. Challenges are in the air to do
with work, often coming from lesser other people. Unpredictable events,
decisions, communications and restlessness on your behalf is strong and you may
feel the need to break away, or out of something that is no longer working for
you. No matter how long you’ve been repressing this, it now becomes
important to look at. This is with you for about a year. Don't be too
impulsive, but know the need for change.
Career is a focus this month and after the 4th all of you
should know that communications with friends and contacts in other countries
are very empowering and positive and social life is inspiring.
Before the 9th, Venus, for all born after September 2nd, is
excellent for travel, internationalism and study and love life and happiness
can all mix very well with those areas. It is also excellent for
However, after the 9th, if born up to September 21st, don’t
believe everybody’s charm on the working front and don’t be hypocritical in
your communications with others, in order to gain advantage.
Mars is constructive now for all born September 2nd to 23rd,
particularly in terms of working towards your goal and your ideals; and
particularly when in concert with other people connected to something you
passionately believe in. Social life is also very active in a very
constructive way.
Jupiter is now squaring the Suns of those born September 9th
to 15th. Also for this group there will be the possibility of over-confidence
or even a little arrogance, although that is not typical of your sign, but be
careful about over-generosity or over-expansion to do with home, property or
Fortunately however, Saturn acts as a very great cautionary
tale for those born September 9th to 12th, as he is trining your Suns which
gives you a grown up, considered, hard working, practical, grounded energy,
that’s successful.
Uranus, newly in Taurus, is now very enhancing to the
energies of those born August 27th to 30th. This influence is on and off
for about a year and effectively brings intelligence and intuition that brings
change that is needed, to allow your uniqueness to show, particularly connected
to long distance issues, academic issues, philosophical and legal issues.
The brightest and the best are brought out in you, as is confidence.
Neptune, however, is continuing, as he has done for the last
month, to oppose the Suns of those born around September 11th to 13th, advising
you to have a care in relationships and to beware smoke and mirrors and the
projection of what you want to see and believe in, in others.
Pluto however is
very positive for those born September14th-16th. This regenerative
power is with you till late 2020, and it allows you to show your real insight
and creative power as well as regeneration of confidence and life via important
romantic connections and potentially re offspring.
Travel may be high on the agenda this month, as may academic
Before the 4th, writing, studying , long distance issues and
legal issues all go hand in hand very successfully.
After the 27th, all born up to September 27th will find that
communications with friends and social life are very beneficial too.
Venus in Gemini, after the 9th, is also helpful in terms of
love life and the art, mixing very well with long distance issues and travel;
and love of what you are learning, if born up to October 20th.
Mars in Cancer is potentially a little troublesome for those
born after October 3rd. Impatience and eruptive events from you to others
and others to you are likely to manifest in your professional context and
others can see your ambition as being a little forceful. Count to
Jupiter is supportive now of those born October 10th to
15th. He is bringing wisdom, confidence, optimism and opportunities and
certainly good communications.
However, simultaneously if born October 10th to 14th, Saturn
is squaring your Suns, which means that one has to be aware of lack of
confidence or some conflicting issues connected to home and family, that are
causing some block, but whatever difficulties you are dealing with, Jupiter is
there as a cavalry to help; and just pace yourself. Patience is a virtue.
Pluto is challenging still the Suns of those born round
October 16th (since
February). Inner power struggles about direction and purpose in life are
possible and it may involve reflection deeply on stuff from early roots and
childhood. Endings are on the air, as is a sense of fate/destiny and it is
important to allow these energies to be conscious, so you can control and
understand them, rather than they control you. This energy hovers till late
2020, so carefully monitor re journey
You have no choice but to be rather profound in your
thinking and feeling, although that is fairly well the norm for you.
After the 4th, all of you will find that your thinking
qualities are very existential, big picture, philosophical and your ability to
enjoy travel, because of enhancing your mental capacity and communication
abilities should not be underestimated.
After the 27th, if born up to October 28th, one may need to
stop and think before one speaks.
Venus is in your opposite sign before the 9th, enhancing the
relationships of all those born after November 12th. Love is given and
received, as is support and help from other people and you are able to give the
same. Cupid is around..
Mars is also very compatible now with the energies of all
born November 2nd to 22nd. Very constructive action is indicated
and courage, determination and intelligence in moving towards your goals.
It is also excellent for travel that has a real goal attached to it, and
for adventure.
Saturn is also constructive for those born November 9th to
13th. He is bringing rounded common sense, careful patience and hard
intelligent work that bring goals closer to fulfilment and your mind is serious
and wise, but also very practical.
Uranus, now in your opposite sign of Taurus, where he is
every 84 years only, is now in rare opposition to your Sun, which will be with
you on and off for about a year, if born October 27th to 30th. This
position basically brings disruption and unpredictability and change, maybe
emanating from others, which leads to an awakening and a new chapter in
relationships particularly. Disruption that may upset you may eventually
be very advantageous to you. Expect the unexpected from others and from
Neptune, is however now still very inspiring and gentle for
those born November 10th-12th. Love life has a real spiritual
idealism connected to it and empathy compassion and idealism is strong, as is
creative potential and inspiration.
Soul mates are sought.
Pluto your ruler is now bringing huge forensic insight and
impressive depth to the minds and communications of those born November 14th-16th.
The power you have now needs to be used for the greater good and not just for
personal power. This influence hovers till late 2020.
Relationship issues are high focus this month, with the Sun
in Mercury and Venus for much the month being in your opposite sign.
Good communication before the 4th is very possible if born
after December 14th and that can go a long way towards forwarding plans and
also after the 27th, if born up to November 26th, there is good legal
communication and good long distance travel plans.
After the 9th, for all born up to December 20th, love life
is enhanced and fondness and affections and good people are in your life and
Jupiter, of course is in your sign now, particularly
enhancing the lives and the luck and the sense of expansion of those born
December 9th to 14th. Pushing out boundaries, confidence, travel,
opportunities, growth are all in the air, as are celebrations.
Neptune is, and has been for the last month, squaring the
Suns now of those born December 10th to 12th. For this group there is a
need to be certain of detail. There is room for confusion and deception
from self or from other people, consciously or unconsciously. A
dissolving of certain issues to do with the domestic scene is in the air.
Sacrifices are being made and change is rippling, if not made, but you
know it is coming as something is dissolving so as to make the way for the new.
Be patient.
Everyday work issues are focused but as is very strongly
relationship issues as well.
Indeed, after the 4th you will all get opportunities to
really communicate fully and honestly and have that reciprocated from others in
a way that is very constructive to further your life. Listen as well as
Before the 9th, with Venus now in Taurus, all born after
January 10th, will find that romance and celebratory issues, fun, creativity,
children’s issues, can all be very life enhancing.
There is a warning that Mars is now in you’re opposite sign
of Cancer, directly impacting those born January 1st to 20th. That
implies some war drums emanating from other people. Other people being
impatient or unpredictable, eruptive or slightly aggressive in their tone.
You must make sure that you do not invite this in, but relationships do
seem a little fiery.
Saturn, of course, is also as you probably know, in your
sign now and currently is directly contacting the Suns of those born January
7th to 11th. For this group there is a lot of hard work, focus, reality checks,
some potential for depression, negativity or even lack of confidence, which can
haunt Capricorns, but practical re-thinking of structure is necessary.
There are delays and frustrations as well, which force a re-think of
direction. Also it is important to look after the health. Get rest,
but do what has to be done, rather than what can wait. It is a very maturing,
grown up time, but hard work done now, will pay off in the future.
Uranus, now in Taurus every 84 years, is directly benefiting
those born December 26th to 29th. He is awakening your more maverick
side, your desire for freedom, uniqueness, difference, change and this needs to
be noted, or it maybe will feel like a no choice thing, not least romantically,
creatively and maybe connected to offspring.
Neptune is now great
for those born around May 9th.
Humanitarian instincts, compassion empathy and spiritual drives are
strong and valid, as are creative
inspirations. Friendships and group goals are all very inspiring, special,
rewarding emotionally and constructive.. Enjoy.
Pluto of course, still in your sign is continuing to bring
this once every 248-year energy to bear, on those born Jan 12th-14th.
This is big and revolutionary. Endings of chapters and regenerations to follow
are in the ether. Intense experiences
are likely and give a sense of destiny that can be a great opportunity, but
above all have humility on the journey and know that you are happening to a
certain situation, not that it is happening to you… The only true friend of
power is humility. Even difficult
occurrences are all about ultimately regeneration of your soul and
consciousness in some very profound, if very private way.
This is a very creative month, both in terms of romance and
in terms of your own artistic ability.
Before the 4th, communications with children and in a love life
context is very favoured if born after February 11th.
After the 27th, if born up to January 24th, communications
with others are particularly fruitful as well.
Before the 9th, many of you may find that if born after the
10th, there is a self-indulgent quality about your lifestyle and spending in
your home and on yourself, but after the 9th, for all born up to February 17th,
there is a real positivity and a great aesthetic drive, which really underlines
your creativity and also love life.
Jupiter is constructive and lucky now for those born
February 6th to 11th, but you need to take advantage of this luck. It is
particularly sociable. Luck in new friendships. You are good for them.
They are good for you and bring you a great ability to enhance the lives
of other people when you are working in a collective, focus. Your
leadership skills are excellent.
Uranus, your Sun ruler, is, newly from Taurus, is now
squaring the Suns of those born January 24th to 27th. This is bringing
some disruption, some uncertainty, some feeling of change, some eruptive,
impatience within you that may be connected to family issues and the unexpected
is in the air and there may be some change going on to do with real estate. You
want to be more free, to be uniquely you in your expression, possibly to do
with where you live, but don’t be impulsive. Don’t throw out the baby
with the bath water, but know change will evolve over the coming year.
There is lots of focus on home and domestic issues this month.
After the 4th, all of you will have the opportunity to
express your writing skills and creative skills and communications with
romantic partners and children are excellent.
Before the 9th, also, Venus in Taurus, for all born after
March 10th, brings an ability to combine love with reason in a brilliant way
that not only helps with communications, but also creatively.
However, after the 9th, if born up to March 18th, be careful
about over-indulgence towards self or others, particularly on the family front
and domestically.
Mars is excellent now for the energies and drive for all
born from March 1st. Once again, creative skills are hugely stimulated
and are very powerful and intelligently driven and indeed drive in love life
should not be underestimated, as is general fertility.
Jupiter however is possibly bringing a little bit of
extravagance or over-confidence into the lives of those born March 7th to 12th.
At work one has to be a little more modest maybe, or not expect too much
of self or others, or go over the top to get success.
Fortunately however, Saturn is acting as a cautionary energy
in this respect, particularly if born March 7th to 11th. He is bringing
good advice from friends, logic, rationality, roundedness, hard work and
intelligent caution.
Uranus is also positively now oriented towards those born
February 23rd to 26th. Newly in Taurus he is inspiring this group to
awaken intuition, your need for the new, the innovative and the liberating,
particularly in your thinking. Enjoy.
Neptune your ruler could not be stronger in his own sign and
still sitting now on the Suns of those born around March 9th.. This
is an extreme Pisces influence only happening every 165 years. It is a force
for huge creative expression in many ways and or spiritual inspiration, massive
empathy and compassion and brings intuition and even potential psychic powers
to bear. It hugely sensitises and also potentially can cause excessive escapism
because of hypersensitivity and that can lead to rather destructive and
possibly addictive behaviour in extreme cases, so beware.
All planets have their positive and their negative
Pluto is now well positioned to help those born around March
13th to experience a real strength in leadership and in working for
the greater good with and for others, and for personal goals. These drives are
fuelled with confident insightful intelligence, which pushes to achievement.
This is around till the end of next year, so enjoy. Also people in your orbit now can be powerful and empowering for
you, so appreciate.