finally goes direct on the 2nd, after being retrograde for nearly 4
weeks, so delays, transport disruptions, blocks of any sort, both generally and
for individuals, should calm down and forward movement is possible, hopefully after
giving pause for constructive thought and re-evaluation, as a result of
difficulties. That is the main purpose of retrograde motion, i.e. pause for
Sorry this will be quite long, but much to be
flagged up.
month, Boris Johnson comes to mind for some reason.
UK can look forward to a crazy month and more, now he is in power, with his
appointed rather radical cabinet, that some have referred to as a right wing
coup/hostile take over. I talked a bit about Boris’s chart last month. (His
real name is Alexander).
astrologically, one can only see increasing lack of clarity between truth and
fantasy/lie, as the manifestation of the downside of Neptune in its home sign
of Pisces, so very potent now and since 2011/12. There is always a downside, as
well as an upside of every planetary position, especially the outer planets.
The downside manifestation of this planetary placement (the strong upside is
talked about later in this piece) seems to have has blurred all boundaries and
fantasy politics seems to be becoming the norm. We even now have literal
comedians being voted into power.
positioning has correlated (as both Pisces and its ruler Neptune classically
do) with strong smoke and mirrors, obfuscation; fantasy, distortion. A sort of
cartoon reality and escapism has taken over people’s minds and often the
collective unconscious. The sort of behaviour of those in power, that would
have been deeply condemned a decade ago, is now often overlooked, or even found
mildly amusing; and allowed to continue, as the old order of right and wrong
and the strength of an assumed moral compass; and indeed the power of the state
and the judiciary to uphold those standards, is dissolving away (Neptune). This
has resulted in so called authority figures not being held to account, as once
they would have been.
Living in an era where truth and facts are now so ignored,
confused, denied, or seen as unimportant by powerful figures (and indeed so
often by those, who vote) is quite disturbing.
These truths are sacrificed on the altar of ideology, populism and/ or
ego, and this phenomenon is often, of course, fed by the power of social media
(which exploded in influence whilst Uranus was in Aries and Neptune was in
busting, anti establishment type politics, are also now conveniently uniting
the privileged wealthy and many of the poorer populations. Hard liner Brexiteer
politicians in England and the far right in the USA are very happy with that,
as their policies will be infinitely to the advantage of the wealthy, but that
is not how they are sold.
Back to Boris. His tendencies to want to please and charm everyone (Libra
rising) are shining now. His renown for being mercurial, evasive, very
economical with truth, shape shifting, superficial and often wrong on detail,
whilst being strong and generous on promises, rather than on action, is plain
to see. He is also accident/gaffe prone, and has blown with the wind according
to what seems exploitatively popular. He will totally delegate; and often to
others who will be more ruthless than he realises, or does he? His 4 planets in Gemini, not least Mars in
Gemini and Mars square Uranus all tend to correlate with the above tendencies.
natal Jupiter opposition Neptune from his 8th to 2nd
house (financial dealings) shows he can be profligate, unrealistic and
promising much more than can be delivered. Money can be splashed on idealistic,
vanity projects to attract popularity.
Also, others he collaborates with financially may be not as they seem,
and he will not be sure when selling ideas to others or being sold to by
others, of the financial facts and implications himself. This will be especially true when
negotiating trade deals (Pluto from the 12th squaring his Mercury in 9th and
Saturn squaring his Pluto.) It is very easy for him to get metaphorically
stabbed in the back, re money and trade issues, and equally he could be the
convincing, trusting air of naivety, which has a childlike charm for many,
belies his lifelong desire for power. He has an ability to be a funny front
man, but behind which, now, much more ruthless, nihilistic forces, prevail,
(Pluto in the 12th) i.e. people who want total market
libertarianism, with a bonfire of protective regulations i.e. a no deal Brexit.
His Moon in Scorpio also shows the power of assertive and intense women to
impact and influence him too.
sees Johnson as a soul mate, even flattering him as his alter ego for the UK.
They do indeed share their mutual Geminian planetary energies. Trumps natal
Jupiter close to Johnson’s natal ascendant, will also feel very beneficial to
Johnson; that is until Trump wants his pound of flesh.
is no denying astrologically their strong collaborative potential, but motive
is questionable.
is much talk of the power of narcissism as a quality in many political leaders
these days. You may wonder how this narcissism is astrologically explained.
Well certain planetary/sign qualities and aspects do resonate with the
potential for narcissism, but it is complex.
narcissistic personality type often come to believe their own lies to be true,
as a form of ultimate self protection; and the power of this belief is such,
that others believe those lies to be true too. Such is the conviction and the
brainwashing effect, a narcissist can have on many of their followers/admirers,
i.e. if you want it to be true, it is true. This is all self-comfort and
confirmation bias, or an echo chamber effect, in a time of deep collective
insecurity, caused by a political system/establishment of huge inequality, that
has failed so many. As a result, people so often feel the need for a “Strong
Man” seeming saviour type figure, as leader now.
in Pisces again, globally, as it effects our world, does attract this down side
of the saviour syndrome and many so called self proclaimed saviours, behind
that caring, egalitarian front, have, either scarily obviously, or subtly, a
narcissistic trait, which means they are often in reality, plain power hungry,
self-seeking, totally ego driven and who love adoration, The power of
self-seeking dictatorial/oligarch type leaders, are becoming more frequent on
the world stage. While Neptune is in Pisces, escapist and idealistic ideas of
redemption, by romanticising and being virtually hypnotised by these types of
leaders are evident (again the saviour syndrome.)
very positive manifestation of Neptune in Pisces response however, is when
motive for action is pure, selfless, heart and soul driven, inclusive, with no
ego drive, or desire for personal gain or power, just intrinsically for the joy
of seeing the betterment of what will be in all our interests. It is a quality that exists, but we rarely
see it in our politicians.
sort of powerful positive response (thank the gods), is manifesting in many,
especially young, people, and it has hugely increased sensitivity to the
environment and to climate issues. This has created for significantly large
swathes of humanity, the passionate desire to work to save, and protect the
natural world and therefore the human race, against our ecocide, as the ravages
of human behaviour and global heating, is now manifesting so clearly.
is always everything.
Uranus now in Taurus for 7 years, certainly will bring increasing financial
insecurity, not least to England, after a no deal Brexit and the increasing
Uranian disruptions to our Earth (Taurus) re the climate crisis and geophysical
upsets, which will become more the norm, will lead to panic. This will put so
many of the usual political/economic concerns into perspective. Priorities will
change of necessity radically, especially as we approach 2025, when the basis
of modern day uber, neo liberal capitalism, becomes clearly unsustainable.
Pluto then, after approximately 17 years in Capricorn, leaves and enters
is the planet that always reveals the power of hubris and nemesis.
of intensity, power and some ruthlessness generally this month, are the last
week, when the Sun conjuncts Mars. Disruptive days, when the unexpected occurs
socio-politically and /or geophysically, are around the 1st/ 2nd
/3rd when Venus squares up to Uranus and also on the 15th/16th/17th
when Mercury squares up to Uranus.
are 2 new Moons this month.
first falls on the 1st at 8 degrees of Leo at 3.12 GMT and the
second falls on the 30th at 6 degrees of Virgo at 10.37 GMT.
full Moon falls on the 15th at 22 degrees of Aquarius at 12.29 GMT.
Note to my readers.
I sometimes have readers commenting on how in some
months, their birthday period in a specific sign is not highlighted in my
monthly forecasts.
Sun sign forecasts are in fact extremely limiting, as the Sun is only one factor of many in your birth chart, and only your Sun position can be definitely known solely from just your birth date & month. The Sun’s 12-month orbit means it returns virtually to the exact same degree at the same time each year (your birthday) & hence basic Sun sign forecasting. In some monthly forecasts, your particular birth sign Sun degree is not necessarily being influenced by any planet & hence the lack of comment.
Without more personal specifics; year, place and & preferably time of birth, astrologers cannot make deeper comments regarding the other, very influential planets that comprise a full astrological birth chart (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto). These have hugely individual, varying orbits (unlike the Sun) & are exerting frequent, differing significantly powerful influences, which affect each one of your individual planetary positions at different times in your unique personal birth chart.
If you are interested in a detailed, personal forecast for a period of either 1, or 2 years, you can find ordering options on the services page of my website:
I would also need your name, full date, place & preferably time of birth & contact details, which you can send through my contact page.
Sun sign forecasts are in fact extremely limiting, as the Sun is only one factor of many in your birth chart, and only your Sun position can be definitely known solely from just your birth date & month. The Sun’s 12-month orbit means it returns virtually to the exact same degree at the same time each year (your birthday) & hence basic Sun sign forecasting. In some monthly forecasts, your particular birth sign Sun degree is not necessarily being influenced by any planet & hence the lack of comment.
Without more personal specifics; year, place and & preferably time of birth, astrologers cannot make deeper comments regarding the other, very influential planets that comprise a full astrological birth chart (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto). These have hugely individual, varying orbits (unlike the Sun) & are exerting frequent, differing significantly powerful influences, which affect each one of your individual planetary positions at different times in your unique personal birth chart.
If you are interested in a detailed, personal forecast for a period of either 1, or 2 years, you can find ordering options on the services page of my website:
I would also need your name, full date, place & preferably time of birth & contact details, which you can send through my contact page.
can also simply contact me by email:
August is a compatible month for your sign, being a fellow
fire sign and it is positive for enjoyment of life.
Mercury moves direct on the 2nd, which does
herald a sense of breakthrough and a resumption of positive communications,
particularly after the 11th, when you will all feel that progress is being made personally and people really listen to
Venus in your sign is very favourable now for those born
after March 24th. Love life, enjoyment, the arts and children’s issues
are a source of great positivity.
Mars in your sign until the 18th is giving for all born
after April 9th a great boost to energy, competitiveness and constructive
progress, not least in love life and in anything to do with celebrating the
creative side of life.
Both Jupiter and Saturn are directly affecting those born
April 4th to 7th, simultaneously Jupiter very positively and Saturn, in rather
a challenging way. One will rather offset the other. Jupiter on the
one hand is bringing positivity and opulence in love life, creativity, fun, and
enjoyment; while simultaneously Saturn is causing a few blocks, restrictions,
and reality checks, possibly on the home front. At least you have Jupiter
acting as cavalry.
Pluto is still hovering, squaring your sign, particularly
strongly influencing those born April 10th to 13th. This has been around
you for a few months now and is part of a journey forcing you to find your
power, particularly to do with career direction. Make sure you do not
abuse it, but a sense of endings and change is inevitable.
Mercury goes direct on the 2nd and before the 11th it is
then very positive for all born after May 13th. Things slot into place
and start to finally move forward again.
However, after the 11th, you may all find that renewed
clarity will be particularly with family,
From the 29th, those last few days will be excellent for
communications for those born April 22nd to 24th, particularly creatively and
with offspring.
Before the 21st, Venus in Leo will be tempting those born
after April 25th to significant extravagance on the home front, but love and
enjoyment is very underlined, possibly in an over the top
However, after the 21st, all born up to May 4th will feel a
very constructive sense of harmony, affections and creative skills flourish.
Mars does flag up however, before the 18th, for all born
after May 9th, to beware about being too assertive at home and with family.
Impatience and intolerance is around, from you to them and indeed from them
to you. There are a few bulls in china shops around.
Saturn is however constructive in a very disciplined and
mature way for the actions of those born May 4th to 7th. Duty and
obligation is strong with a willingness and happiness to fulfil those roles.
Travel may be to do with work or duty, but hard work really does pay off.
It is all about deferred gratification.
Uranus, now in your sign, is directly hitting the Suns of
those born April 26th to 28th, as last month. He is going go be bringing
the unexpected and definite change. This is long journey. Stay
flexible. It’s liberating in an unexpected way, even if jolting.
Neptune continues to sensitise and inspire those born May 7th-10th..
Idealism and compassion are strong and your heart and soul breaks through in
your dealings with life.
Pluto is also still empowering (rarely) those born May 11th-13th.
Your sense of destiny and purpose shines and is empowered, especially related
to long distance issues, legal issues and academic /higher mind issues.
After the 2nd, your ruler Mercury moves direct, having been
retrograde since early March, so you will find that your excellent
communication skills will be on the ball once more and blocks are lifted.
Indeed, after the 11th, all of you will find your normal
skills , articulacy and writing will be on top form.
Before the 21st, Venus in Leo will also be bringing, for all
born after May 25th, an additional heart factor combined with your intellect
and your charms are great, so that you can achieve a lot and communications and
affections are well given and well received.
However, after the 21st, if born up to June 4th, there is
the potential for some sycophancy, or being overly charming in a way that may
not be 100% genuine and also good times can roll, a little bit too much.
Before the 18th, Mars is very much on your side
if born after June 10th. Confidence, passion, creative, artistic skills are all
very fully displayed in a way and fully works.
However, after the 18th, if born up to May 31st, impatience
and impulsiveness in communications need avoidance.
Jupiter is also bringing for those born June 4th to 7th a
tendency to over-reach, over-extend and maybe trust too much in other people
and other people may tempt you to push the boat out too far, but with care and
discretion, good times can still be had, especially socially.
Those born June 8th to 10th must please remember that
Neptune is still squaring your Sun, with over-idealism or deceptive
circumstances (from self or others) in the ether, especially professionally.
Mercury moves direct on the 2nd, which means that all born
after July 15th will find that progress, communications work with ease and
promote your causes.
After the 21st, if born up to July 6th, your ability to be
very diplomatic, charming and caring shows in your relationships.
After the 18th, all born up to July 1st are forces to be
reckoned with in your very constructive abilities to persuade other people of
your viewpoint and your energies are well directed and intelligently so.
Saturn, however, is now opposing the Suns of those born July
6th to 9th as he did late January/ early February this year. This second
chapter of the transit is bringing up some issues that needs to be dealt with
to do with relationships. Others are either teachers or oppresses - only
you can decide which is correct. You need to address the factors
Uranus is now very positively lined up to the Suns of those
born June 28th to 30th and will be for another 18th months. This will
bring you a very humanitarian streak and desire for change, freedom and to work
for the greater good. You are awakened and enlightened. This is a
journey of liberation. Of your own uniqueness and also encourage you to
work for the betterment of all. Enjoy the journey.
Neptune is inspiring
emotionally and creatively now for all born July 9th-12th. Travel
and study can truly fulfil your heat and spirit. The arts call as does empathy
compassion and intuitive sensitivity to others. Your ego bows you to a higher
order of importance.
Pluto however does
demand that you be aware of and conscious of the rather coercive powers of
others and possible resulting power struggles. Keep boundaries drawn and walk
away, and don’t sink to the same level of behaviour. This energy hovers till
the year-end. Know it for what it is, a rather primeval force awakened in your
life , probably emanating from another , but somehow unwittingly attracted by
Its your birthday month, so you can shine, like the Sun,
your ruler.
Mercury moves direct on the 2nd of the month, suggesting
that some psychological frustration, may well clear and you can move forward.
After the 11th all of you will feel, when Mercury enters your
sign, a great sense of communication success, but do listen to others.
Venus is in your sign before the 21st, favours all those
born after July 28th, in a way that brings love and affection to
your door. Your charms are at full pelt and finances can also be benefited as
can your status.
Mars, also in your sign before the 18th, is bringing for all
born after August 11th the definite sense of
assertiveness, competitiveness and of being very proactive in your
goals. Just make sure this enthusiasm doesn’t tip into over-forceful,
dominating assumptions.
Jupiter is really helpful now to those born August 6th to
9th. He is bringing positivity, optimism, success and travel. It is
particularly good for creativity and romance.
Uranus however is now squaring the Suns of those born July
29th to 31st. The rare transit will bring a few unexpected shake-ups over the
coming year. Be flexible. See this as a journey and expect the
unexpected in your career to be a bit upsetting. Ultimately on the other
side of the unexpected and maybe uncomfortable, it is liberating and allows you
to be more true to who you really are.
Your ruling planet Mercury moves direct on the 2nd which
will make many of you feel less frustrated as things start to move in terms of
your projects.
After the 21st, Venus moves into your sign, particularly
benefiting all those born up to September 6th. This brings grace, charm
and harmony into your life. You attract and give love and affection.
Appearances are also boosted.
Mars also moves into your sign on the 18th, bringing for all
born up to September 2nd a great sense of assertive determination, confidence
and the ability to achieve. It is just important that you are not
over-assertive. Your usual self-effacing persona will be much more adult and
out there, just make sure it doesn’t go over the top.
Jupiter in Sagittarius is now squaring the Suns of those
born September 6th to 9th. For this group there is a tendency to bite off
more than you can chew, to be self-indulgent and go OTT in anything to do with
domestic, family or real estate matters. Over-confidence can be a problem, but
good times can certainly roll, provided there is some caution.
Saturn is a wonderful stabiliser now however for those born
September 6th to 9th. He is bringing the gift of hard, focused concrete
work that brings great success, even if it is deferred and also brings a
serious and constructive approach to dealing with creative affairs, romantic
and children’s issues. Efforts are rewarded.
Uranus too is very much on the side of all those born August
29th to 31st. Enlightenment and eureka moments come through travel, academic
issues and internationalism and indeed legal issues. Breakthroughs are
possible and it is important over the coming year to realise that you really
can actualise your true being and let it shine. You are liberated.
Pluto is encouraging
the ability to use intelligent power, regeneration, determination and
successful courage, in all creative, romantic and offspring issues. You have a greater sense of belief in self
now and this can serve you well, provided you remember humility too, when
Neptune, still opposing your sun sign, is still challenging
those born September 9th-12th. Beware of others casting
smoke and mirrors around their dealings with you. Keep grounded and avoid over
idealism, and projecting onto others what you want to see. However it is very
inspiring creatively and the arts and the sea can be healing and you psychic
sensitivity to others and their pain is evident, but beware being taken
advantage of
Mercury, moving direct on the 2nd, will be a relief to many
of you, even if it’s subtle, both in terms of career and your goals, as the
green light is turned on.
After the 11th, you will all benefit through friendship and
via achievements of your aims, particularly collective aims.
Before the 21st, all born after September 28th have social
life flagged up very successfully; and love life and friendship can combine and
your warmth and enthusiasm enhances group projects.
Also, before the 18th, all born after October 12th, your
drive and determination to achieve your goals, particularly collectively with
other people, is admirable and your leadership skills are shining. You won’t
give up on anything easily. In fact you will enhance its journey.
Jupiter is also smiling on the energies of those born
October 7th to 10th. He is enhancing the power of your mind and communications
and your wisdom. Luck is brought to your door through your own
However, Saturn is affecting that very same group in quite a
challenging way, so you will need that Jupiter as a cavalry effect.
Basically, issues around home and family may be little frustrated, whilst
issues socially and to do with friendships are advantaged, but it is important
to get the balance between these two areas of your life. Get rest and
accept that frustrations demand hard work, while the bonuses are to be
Finally, Pluto is still a challenge for many of you born
October 13th to 16th. This will be over by the beginning of 2020, but
meanwhile you have been struggling within yourself and possibly with others to
assert your full powers and potential. Always be conscious of the intensity of this,
otherwise it will take you over. You are changing and empowering
yourself, but always keep good motive.
Mercury direct from the 2nd will allow delays and
frustrations around travel or legal issues to be reversed and indeed career
issues also start to move forward.
After the 11th, you will all feel a sense of great
communication, ability and success in your working life, but ensure that
over-assertiveness doesn’t dominate and make sure you listen and not just
Before the 21st, all of you born after October 28th may be
tempted to use a little too much charm in your working life which can work, but
do not become a sycophant, or try and buy people’s affections.
However, after the 21st, for all born up to November 6th,
your charms and your PR skills will be very much enhanced in a group situation
and friendships will be of great advantage - you to them and them to you.
Before the 18th, Mars, your co-ruler, will from Scorpio
bring for all born after November 11th a potential tendency to become a little
bit too assertive and impatient, particularly in a professional context.
Ambition can drive you too far, which can create some enemies.
However, after the 18th, if born up to November 2nd, your
actions and determination will be constructive and successful and leadership
skills shin.
Saturn is a very good guide and grounder for those born
November 6th to 9th. Your wisdom and your speech and your thinking is
conservative, practical, realistic and grounded. Your care and caution are
constructive and successful. Keep on your toes.
Uranus now slowly
travelling through Taurus for 7 years is currently opposing the Suns of those
born October 29th-31st. Shocks and surprises from others
are likely still, so be prepared to accept that their life changes, within and
externally, though disconcerting, can be the catalyst you need for change too.
Neptune continues to inspire emotionally, spiritually and
artistically, the lives and hearts of those born November 9th-12th.Love
life and offspring can be a source of emotional idealism and trigger huge
empathy and connection… Your visual senses are also powerfully aligned with
Finally Pluto your powerful ruler is currently enhancing you
best Scorpio traits, if born 12th-15th. Your insight, and
excellent powerful communications and intelligent understanding of the truth
empowers your life and indeed of those around you.
This is a good month for travel and holidays, seasonally
appropriately as the Sun is in your Solar 9th House.
After the 11th, when Mercury goes direct, you will all be on
top form again when it comes to academic issues and communications, long
distance travel and legal issues are also well starred. Your
communication skills are excellent.
Also, before the 21st, all born after November 26th have
Venus in happy partnership with your Sun, bringing love life and creativity,
very much linked to a love of studying and travel.
After the 21st, all born up to December 6th, there is just a
slight need to recognise that your charms can be very helpful at work, but
don’t over-egg the pudding for your own gain.
Before the 18th, Mars also in your solar 9th house from Leo
will be bringing for all born after December 11th, great energy and
drive to do with long distance issues and academic success. Goals are
sensibly, ambitiously and constructively sought out and achieved.
However, after the 18th, if born up to December 1st, Mars
will be squaring your Sun, which could indicate some impatience and irritability
with or from others in a work environment.
Jupiter, however, is in your sign, which currently adds a
huge boost to the lives of those born December 6th to 9th. This every
12-year transit heralds positivity, optimism, luck, significant travel opportunities
and progress. Enjoy.
If born December 9th to 12th however, just keep remembering
that Neptune can make you over idealistic and not very grounded. Keep
real and clear.
Issues around finances are focused this month, particularly
complex ones and shared ones, but after the 2nd, when Mercury moves direct and
particularly after the 11th, negotiations can start to go well.
After the 21st, all born up to January 4th are well
positioned for travel, particularly when it involves relationships and love
life and a love of learning is flagged up. Your charms are working well
too in all legal negotiations.
After the 18th, Mars is also on your side, for all born up
to January 1st, when your energy and drive is constructive and successful.
Again, particularly connected to long distance issues, travel and
Saturn, of course, is still marching through your sign and
he is currently once again, sitting right on the Suns of those born January 4th
–7th, as he was so doing late January and the first half of
February. This is a time when you can feel tired, weighed down with
responsibility and obligations. You feel serious. You’re in a
period of re-evaluation and maybe delay. It’s a reality check that needs
to be focussed upon. Don’t kick the can down the road. Saturn is
your rather disguised friend.
Uranus however is awakening and enlightening and rather
liberating now for those born December 28th to 30th. This every 42-year
transit, which is with you one and off until early 2021, is giving you a sort
of constructive rebellious desire to be authentically true to yourself,
particularly creatively and in love life. Enjoy.
Neptune is also very positive now for those born January 7th
to 10th. He is inspiring you to follow your heart and to understand a
better value system. Your compassion and empathy is strong and your
thoughts and your feelings cannot and should not be separated.
Finally Pluto, still
marching through your sign in the final decan (last 10 degrees) is still
focusing his energies on the lives of those born Jan 11th-13th. This
a very powerful time and has been for many months. It brings internal and
external significant changes, endings and new beginnings. At the least, it
empowers you, after some testing. Most importantly, it is not a time to abuse
power or use it ruthlessly for personal gain. This brings the ability to be
healing and regenerative on a profound level for self and others, even though
some intensity of feeling and experience has to be experienced as a precursor.
There is much activity in your Solar 7th house of
relationships this month, so therefore they will flag up as having a strong
impact on your life.
Indeed, after the 11th, when Mercury is direct and in your
opposite sign of Leo, all of you will find great opportunities to make
breakthroughs through wise communications; and good news is given and received
and partnerships are improved through negotiation.
Before the 21st, all born after January 25th may find extra satisfaction
and love in the power of relationships, both new and current ones.
Also, before the 18th, Mars also in your Solar 7th House, is
bringing for all born after February 8th, the additional power of assertiveness
and drive in your relationships and this can tip into some confrontation from
yourself to others or vice versa, so just have a care.
Jupiter is in a gentle, positive connection now to the Suns
of those born February 3rd to 6th. Your goals are well favoured.
Friendships and group work can be successful and your intelligence and
your luck combined is also good for expansion, confidence and travel.
However, the planet Uranus, which is your ruling planet, is
currently going though Taurus. This is not in a great relationship to your sign
and at the moment he is squaring the Suns of those born January 26th to 28th.
This transit will be with you until early 2021 and it just basically warns of
the need to be very cautious, as there is potential impulse, rebellion,
carelessness and the unexpected, in your impulses and behaviour. Your
need for change and excitement may be valid, but do not lose sight of the need
to stop and think and have reflection. This may be particularly related
to home , family and real estate issues.
Before the 11th and particularly after the 2nd, Mercury
(which goes direct on the 2nd) will be aligned to the Suns of those
born after March 13th. Yours skills at communicating, both creatively
and on an every day level will be enhanced and your ability to have productive
conversations, particularly with offspring and in love life, will be
After the 21st, for all born up to March 4th, the power of
love and charm and attractiveness will be evident, as will relationships
flourish and new people can be of great interest.
Also after the 18th, Mars, also in your opposite sign of
Virgo, will bring for all born up to February 29th, the power of other people,
which can be positive, or it may feel a bit over-powering. You too may
well be the one that is a bit OTT. Be careful about irritation or control
issues, from you to others or vice versa. Other people may indeed be
Jupiter is now squaring the Suns of those born March 4th to
7th. This is a bit of a warning about over-confidence, arrogance, or
expecting too much of others or over-reaching, particularly in the professional
context, so have a care, but enjoyment can be on the cards.
Saturn, for exactly the same group, is going to counteract
that as he simultaneously sextiles your Sun. which will give you caution and
care, particularly when dealing with the progress of your goals and in a group
Uranus is well placed now from Taurus, to encourage those
born February 25th to 27th to think outside the box, laterally and divergently,
in a way that allows you to have insight, which will be productive for your
future. A need for excitement and adventure can be constructive.
Neptune your ruling planet is still hovering around the Suns
of those born Marc 7th-10th. Your Pisces traits will be
massively magnified, both positive and not so positive. Great for the art,
creativity, music, and dance and for empathy compassion and psychic potential
and for feeling others emotions acutely, like you are a sponge. However, beware
also over idealism, fantasy, chasing unicorns and rainbows and also avoid
negative escapism, because of hugely increased and sometimes painful
hypersensitivity to life. Avoid all deceptiveness, and beware your own
vulnerability to others being rather deceptive to you.
Finally Pluto is bringing a sense of destiny and empowerment
to the lives of those born March 10th-13th still. Your
humanitarian desires are strong and enabled and groups of like minded people
and friends are so good for you; and indeed, you are for them and leadership is
your too, if you wish it. Always, with Pluto, good motive is needed however.