Saturday, 30 November 2019


Jupiter moves out of Sagittarius into Capricorn for a year on the 2nd. He will join Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn.. These 3 planets have only been together in the same sign a couple of times in the last 2000 years. Jupiter in Capricorn is conservative by instinct and is concerned with caution, favours the establishment, plays safe and values social status.

By contrast in Sagittarius, where he has been for the last 12 months, Jupiter has represented a passionate, philosophical desire for justice and freedom and a changed future.. Hence the Gilet Jaunes movement, the Hong Kong rebellion and also the Extinction rebellion having been so passionate and indeed high profile.  The power of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn has equated with the attempts to repress these movements, subtly or not so subtly; and Jupiter joining them in that sign will also tend to undermine these movements to some degree, and more oppression may well be the outcome.

Dark forces are in the air and it feels like a race to the bottom in terms of authoritarian politicians misusing power. Blatant lying, oppressing truth and manipulating the media is more the norm and impunity seems more and more the outcome of this increasing trend. When global crisis is in the air, denial and authoritarianism dominates.

Neptune so strong for good or ill, in Pisces has shown its negative profile, i.e. deceptions and sleight of hand in social media presentations, being embraced now by all political parties. Being economical with the truth and smoke and mirror politics and indeed denial of reality in significant cases has become almost the norm.

 Another negative Neptune in Pisces manifestation is sentimentality about the past being manifest and people putting faith in the heroic vision of apparently strong leaders, who claim they can lead us to a great, almost fairy tale future, whilst ignoring the pathologies of ongoing misuse of power and wealth and indeed wanting to further that very trajectory. This is based on narcissistic fantasy rather than reality. This contrasts powerfully with the positive side of Neptune in Pisces, which sees the dark realities and is fighting for a change of direction and values, not least for global climate change action; and for justice, fairness and compassion for the planet and its people.  It feels like the final confrontation.

Mankind, particularly among those in power, cannot stand too much reality, if it threatens their egos and the establishment, which gives them their power and financial advantage, so they indulge in denial and in more ego bombast, so as to gain more self-protective power in an increasingly ruthless way. Fear can create dark behaviour.

Saturn now and through January is joining together with Pluto in Capricorn in the last decan (last 10 degrees, the final chapter, bringing results of action undertaken during the first 2 decans).  This has been creeping up for some time. This coming together in Capricorn is a rare event, last experienced in early 16th century, and is echoed through 2020. This has big implications for the world in general. Saturn conjunct Pluto feels like the ultimate in a nemesis when it comes to the fallout of abuse of power especially related to economic and political establishment systems, which is represented by Capricorn.

The sense that the era of neo liberal capitalism is facing its final fall is now interchangeable with a feeling in the collective unconscious that this equates, terrifyingly, with the potential, (I stress potential) end of our world, as we know it, in terms of environmental destruction, and linked climate chaos. This is a nemesis resulting from many decades of the extremes of globalised capitalism and its worship of money and its eternal mantra of the pursuit of economic growth, which has now become both an existential and politically ideological crisis, that are fundamentally inseparable. This, to many, rightly feels like a matter of life or death, no less, or to put it in a moral context, an archetypal war of good versus evil, or future or no future.

Saturn equals restrictions and blocks, resulting from confrontation with karma and reality checks. Pluto is plain intensity and power, often of a dark quality, and always comes back to punish, if abuse of power has been in operation. Pluto is associated with death (metaphorical and literal) endings, implosions.  Saturn will now either temper Pluto by restricting abuse of power; and those who have abused power will be held to account, or, Saturn will be infected/owned by Pluto and will do his bidding in a structured and sternway. Currently, it seems the latter may prevail, as I can’t automatically see morality presiding as yet. Morality has become a very diminished value system, in many political regimes.

The USA has both Saturn and Pluto opposing its Mercury in January and February, creating major metaphorical earthquakes in its global identity, economic issues and in foreign policy. Trump’s chart is very challenged in late December, and especially karmically in early 2020 and indeed for more or less the whole of next year, on and off. Pluto will oppose his Saturn and Saturn will oppose its own place, as well as his natal Venus, for much of the year. Status issues and possibly health issues are seriously under pressure for him. There are significant endings of chapters in the air. This month, a critical few days for him will be around the 4th/5th, when challenges to him are ruthless and he responds typically ruthlessly.

The election in Britain on the 12th is clearly a close thing. Johnson natally has Jupiter opposition Neptune in his chart, which leads to being fantasy prone, and gullible when it comes to the realities of his own ambitions. Certainly not realistic. He sees what he wants to see and screens truth and discomfort out.  He has Mars in Gemini natally (very afflicted), indicating that truth is conveniently manipulated into a web of unrealistic ideas and fantasy. He is a used car salesman to himself, as much as to others...and because his Mars squares Uranus natally, he is very accident prone and risky in all ways. In fact he loves adrenalin and risk.

On the 12th he notably has Mars conjunct his Neptune opposing his Jupiter (happens once every two years). This absolutely suggests that his ability to win is underpinned by his ability to weave a veneer of charm and smoke and mirrors around his goals and ideas, which proves very powerful to many voters and he is, I think, likely to triumph, but only in a very precarious way. Deals will be done, he will promise the earth.

The 12th is a full Moon day at 19 degrees of Gemini;(it is exact at around 5.13 GMT.) This is the exact degree of Boris Johnson’s natal Mercury. A full Moon brings subconscious issues erupting to the fore, so in some way this period will resonate deeply with him and even bring some sort of last minute crisis for him, privately, or indeed, not so privately.

Corbyn meanwhile (no time of birth known, so a big disadvantage astrologically, in terms of forecasting) has no obvious signs of great victory,( unless born around 8.00pm, when Pluto would be trining his Moon by transit). He definitely however, has Mars squaring his Pluto on the 12th, and he has that square natally, which brings significant power struggles and anger into his life and around the 12th. Dark forces are likely to prevail then for him, and his anger is seriously underscored. It is a fight to the metaphorical death of someone’s status around him, or indeed his own.  Uranus will square his Jupiter in the following days, which also suggests a disruption to his position, which may be very difficult for him.  But I reiterate, no knowledge of his time of birth, indicates some significant unknowns on the day.

Also, Jo Swinson’s chart, again with no known time of birth, has no major obvious significant transits on the day, but again there is much missing information.

Globally, The12th and 13th see Venus conjuncting Pluto and Saturn and therefore are days that are decisive, intense and which speak truth in a forensic way of the mood music of our planet.

Meanwhile, also on the global stage, Uranus (upheaval and shocks) in Taurus (earth/nature) powerfully since last March and indeed till Spring 2026, keeps on reminding us disturbingly of the plight of our natural world under the influence of our climate crisis. Floods, droughts and fires are now screaming loud and clear to us all, about what is an imperative global priority to deal with. Additionally, Mars in Scorpio all this month will bring harsh truths to bear about our collective global state and very intense energies are around us for great good or, more likely, to be honest, and of necessity, for the opposite, are potentially in the ether. This is a time necessary shocks and jolts.

Apologies for the length of this piece, but it is a powerful time indeed.

Notice to readers re Sun sign forecasts.

 Starting in January 2020, I am very sorry , but I will only be posting a monthly global astrological overview, as I am afraid I will be discontinuing the monthly Sun sign forecasts. This honestly is mainly because of pressure of work, but also, when it comes to forecasting, Sun sign astrology is so inadequate, as it is such a limited part of an individual’s unique birth chart map.

I will however include in the monthly overviews, important shifts of major planetary energies when they happen, and how these shifts will impact the relevant affected Sun signs.

I hope the monthly global overviews will offer at the least information of interest for many of you.  

You can contact me at:


December is a great month for travel for your sign.  Anything international in fact and your mid is also expanded. 

Also, after the 9th, when Mercury moves into Sagittarius you will all find that communications about abstract and metaphysical issues are of extreme interest and again, connections with other shores attract. 

Before the 20th, all born after March 28th may find that work holds much love and enjoyment but beware that charm alone won’t get you where you want.

However, after the 20th, if born up to April 14th, friendships, social life, enjoyment abounds, appropriately for the season.  

The first two days of the month are also significantly positive for those born in last few degrees of Aries.  Luck, largesse and travel again abounds.  

However, as Jupiter moves into Capricorn on the 2nd, suggests that all born up to March 28th, after that date there is the possibility of over-confidence, over-exuberance and a little bit of possible pushing the boat out too far, so be careful.  

Saturn continues to challenge those born April 7th to 13th as he did in the first five or six months of this year.  Work feels burdensome and focus is needed.  Restrictions and delays need patience, but you also need to be realistic about the implications of how you are feeling.  

Also Pluto is now squaring the Suns of those born April 11th to 14th. Again, work issues may cause power struggles both within and externally from others. Don’t sink to any abusive levels of behaviour..


Deep thought is a big issue for you now.  Superficiality won’t cut it.  

Before the 9th, all born after May 8th will find that important negotiations with others get to the root of matters and can be very significant.

Before the 20th, for all those born after April 27th, affections and harmony emanate from countries and through wisdom and insight.

However, after the 20th, if born up to May 5th, beware hypocrisy.  It may be strain to be continuously polite.

Mars in your opposite sign is now a challenge for all born after April 27th until May 19th.  Other people are quick to react in maybe not such a kind manner.  There is definitely a feeling of challenge around you so tread carefully. 

However, after the 2nd, Jupiter newly in Capricorn is very kindly disposed to those born up to April 27th, bringing optimism, positivity and sense of the future, which is good.  Jupiter will be in Capricorn until 20th December 2020, a very supportive place for all your sign. 

Saturn is ensuring that all those born December 10th to 15th have got their nose to the grindstone.  Travel may be dutiful, study may be challenging, but you are prepared to step up to the plate and do your best, which eventually brings good deferred gratification.  

Uranus is still shaking up the lives a little of those born April 21st to 24th. Change is definitely in the air and your restlessness and desire to be true to self is strong your insights are sudden and intuitive…. but do not throw out the baby with the bath water.

Neptune is bringing to those born May 5th-8th a sense of idealism and a yearning for beauty and a more spiritual sense of satisfaction.

Pluto is empowering to those born May 12th-14th and this helps gan confidence and a sense of determination and belief in self in relation to philosophy, wisdom, legal and international issues..


Relationships are a major focus this month and probably in a good way.

Between the 9th and the 29th you will all find that your ability to communicate and receive and give wisdom with good results is particularly strong. 

After the 20th, if born up to June 5th, love and travel go hand in hand and harmony in general is indicated.  Money too can manifest in a long distance context and learning and love go together. 

Jupiter moves out of your opposite sign of Sagittarius on the 2nd, giving in the first two days, for those born June 18th to 20th, a real boost of happiness, extravagance, expansion, travel potential and real high. 

Neptune is once again squaring the suns of those born June 6th to 9th. You are no stranger to this transit as it has been in the ether since April 2018.  A time to check things out, to be clear, to watch out for deception or self-deception, but idealism is strong. Nothing wrong with that but also keep grounded and indulge in the art, music in particular and the sea is very good for you; and there is a need and a desire somehow to make your career represent more of your heart.  Check out the small print is all documents related to work as well. 

Be aware that on the 12th, those born between June 9th and 11th will a full moon.  This can bring eruptions from your unconscious, which has been lying dormant for some time.  Take note of its implications.  


Jupiter moves into your opposite sign of Capricorn on the 2nd where he will be for approximately a year and initially this will bring for all born up to June 29th a real boost to confidence, particularly in relationships, the only downside is over-doing, over-reaching, over-confidence.  Other people can bring benefits.  

Every day work issues matter to you and you may want to get house in order in some way and you feel up to the job. 

Before the 9th, if born after July 9th, communication with children, in love life and your relationship with arts is particularly pleasing and successful 

After the 29th, if born around June 22nd/23rd, relationships with partners and significant others benefit enormously from your communication skills. 

Before the 20th, love life gets a boost for all born after June 28th.  Venus is your Solar 7th House brings love, harmony, and generosity from others and your feel very embraced by this. 

Mars, between the 7th and 27th is bringing for all born June 28th to July 21st a boost and a competitive edge in your creative skills.  It also allows you to thoroughly enjoy romantic challenge and your energy is high both in love life and creatively. 

Saturn is still in your opposite sign of Capricorn and this month is directly affecting those born July 9th to 22nd.  You have had this before this year, notably in the first half.  Once again you are faced with challenges from other people, reality checks, were you have to work hard to ensure relationships are flourishing, but also where you have to face some facts where there are problems and where you are feeling repressed and do what is necessary. 

Uranus is currently exciting and stimulating change for those born June 23rd to 26th.  He is making you more humanitarian and looking outside the box and your desire for constructive change is exciting and needs noting. 

Neptune harmonises still with the Suns of those born July 6th- 8th. Spiritual and psychic feelings are strong and creative, inspirational talents are awakened.

Pluto now is opposing the Suns of those born July 12th-14th. Beware coercion by others.. Avoid dark situations that feel threatening or dangerous, but importantly do not let abuse of power affect you. If necessary, walk away if the alternative is unacceptable..


Jupiter will be moving out of Sagittarius on the 2nd.  He has been supporting you from that sign for the last year considerably.  

This month is a positive month for your sign , notable in the fun and romantic departments.  

However, before the 9th Mercury will be in Scorpio bringing for all born after August 10th challenges from family in the sense of verbal arguments and a desire to get to roots of things, which may feel uncomfortable for you.  Stop and think before you speak.

However, after the 9th and before the 29th, Mercury in Sagittarius will bring for you all a relief from that and the good times will  roll and communications are creative and loving. 

After the 20th, all born up to August 7th have Venus going through their Solar 7th House, which does also bring a cavalry effect whereby love and charm bring you favours and other people are very much supportive in many ways.  The powers of your affections are strong.

However, Mars in Scorpio this month will be bringing for those born July 30th to August 21st some sense again of challenge from your roots, your family.  You may be in argumentative mode and certainly having to defend yourself, but may be perceived as a bit of a bull in a china shop by those around you..  This can trigger rather unnecessary caustic responses on the home front.  Stop and think before you speak, as others will struggle to understand or appreciate your attitude.

Uranus is now a little disruptive to those born July 24th-27th. From Taurus he will bring for this group, a sense of some instability and disruption, possibly at work. All is not as is expected.    Be flexible and ensure that you are prepared for some inevitable change that can ultimately be liberating, even if initially it is unnerving.


Jupiter’s move into Capricorn on the 2nd is very good news for your sign and it initially benefits this born up to August 31st.  He brings a bonus of a new sense of freedom and luck is is excellent for love life and the arts.  It’s uplifting. 

However, in the first two days of the month, as he leaves Sagittarius, for those born around September 21st/ 22nd, there is a need to be careful of over-indulgence or over-confidence.  Not a trait that is usual with your sign.  

Home will be important to your sign this month and before the 9th, if born after September 11th, to utilise your excellent communication skills and wisdom in communications with siblings, which will be fruitful and expressing your insight is admirable. 

However, after the 9th, you all may find there can be some misunderstandings.  

However, in the last couple of days of the month, if born around August 25th, there can be harmony breaking out again. 

Venus, before the 20th, is bringing for all born after August 30th, much love into your lives, as he will be going through your Solar 5th House. Romance and creative skills and the ability to create beauty; and excellent interchange with children is yours.  

Mars is also very constructive this month for all born August 31st to September 21st.  Your powers of insight and forensic qualities are sound. You get to the roots of things and your energy is well focused and incisive, particularly intellectual energy.  

Saturn, still in Capricorn, is for those born September 10th to 16th, will feel their work is cut out in some way, but hard work pays off, as does a sense of responsibility.

Uranus is god news for those born September 25th-28th, great for sudden enlightening travel and exciting informative study. Some eureka moments are in the air.

 Neptune is still opposing the Suns of those born September Sept 7th-10th.
 Some confusion and smoke and mirrors are around.  Beware of deceptive people and circumstances around others, whether you are the perpetrator or they are. Look after yourself and keep grounded.

Pluto is now in excellent relationship to those born September 14th-17th.
Inspired determination and a sense of regenerative power is yours, in relation to romantic connections and all creative issues and around offspring.


Jupiter’s move into Capricorn this month ends a year where you have all benefited from his position in Sagittarius, not least in terms of your insight and intellect.  In Capricorn, he brings a year where you will all maybe be feeling a bit over-indulgent and this month that’s true of those born in September.  This may be a warning for the Christmas spirit being taken a little bit too far. 

This is a busy month, but you need to clarify communications and after the 9th and up to the 29th, communications are thick, fast and positive, notably with family. 

However, in the last couple of days of the month, if born around September 25th, check you have got the right gist of things.

Before the 20th, all born after September 29th will feel very indulgent and will have a love of being at home, but just careful about over-generosity, over-spending, over-doing anything.  

However, after the 20th, if born up to October 8th, there is a real feeling of happiness, contentment, joy, and celebration and also there is a peak in one’s ability to feel great love for others.  Romance can flourish and it’s very good for dealings with children and offspring.  

 Saturn, still in Capricorn, is once again creating for those born October 10th to 16th a sense of some challenge.  This has haunted you a little bit this year.  It may emanate from family circumstances but you feel tired and somewhat stressed and lacking in confidence, but you are being challenged to face some realities and sort them out.  Be patient with yourself and get the rest you need. Saturn is a karmic schoolteacher, a benevolent despot.

Pluto however is a challenge now to those born October 13th –15th and will be on and off for approximately a year. There is likely to be a sense of a need to empower and assert oneself, more than has been enabled previously’ and this may involve a family context. There is a potential for some power struggles, if not treading carefully, but at the least repressed energies and feelings may erupt, inevitably. It is important to be honest but calm and in control of self.


Jupiter’s move into Capricorn this month is very positive for your sign as he is in sextile relationship and initially those benefiting are born up to October 31st.  For this group there will be a sense of confidence in communications, learning and in a more positive outlook on life.  A lift to mood and a sense of intelligent positivity is around you. 

Finances may well be a focus this month as the Sun is in your Solar Second House, but before the 9th, Mercury is in your sign, bringing for all born after November 10th even more astute insight than normal.  The  You need to listen to other’s opinions, but your communications have an impact on others.  

Before the 20th, Venus in Capricorn can bring for all born after October 30th added charm to your intellectual prowess.  Communicating generally and especially with siblings can be successful, as you combine love with reason.
However, after the 20th, when Venus moves into Aquarius, for all born up to November 7th, an element of hypocrisy or over-extravagance, particularly in home and family area can be a slight danger. 

Mars however, is in your sign this month, bringing for all born October 31s to November 20th a tremendous sense of competition, determination, assertion and energy.  Just be wary that it doesn’t tip into controlling assertion or assertion, but the cut and thrust of your desires and your actions are powerful.  Check the motive is good. 

Saturn, in Capricorn, is bringing a very strong sense of discipline and focus and hard work for all born November 9th to 15th.  This has been a theme of the year.  Your thinking is grounded and pragmatic and you rise to the demands of what is necessary. 

Uranus is now opposing the Suns of those born October 25th-28th as last April/May and this will bring unexpected events and change connected to relationships, which can be disturbing or unsettling, but in some cases, these changes and the expressed need for freedom within others, can lead to some enlightenment and some freedom for yourself.

Neptune is in harmony now with those born November 7th-9th. Extra emotional and creative sensitivity and strong idealism is yours now and this can be very rewarding in terms of the arts, love life and in relation to offspring issues. A need for a spiritual dimension is also strong.

Pluto, your ruler, is sill empowering in a very deep way the lives and psyche of those born November 13th-16th. Insight and a forensic mind is yours and the power of your communications have an impact on others. Use it wisely.


Your month, so enjoy.  Jupiter is sadly leaving your sign this month, on the 2nd.  He has been bringing benefits of bonuses at some point during the year for all of you.  His move into Capricorn can possibly bring some extra sense of security around finances, although with Saturn also in Capricorn, that is an area where you all have to be careful too. 

Mercury however, moves into your sign on the 9th, where he stays until the 29th, bringing for all of you a very great ability to communicate very successfully and effectively with others and your enthusiasm and your articulacy is of great benefit.  You do need to listen as well as speak, but your mind will be active.

Venus, moving into Aquarius on the 20th, will bring for all born up to December 6th a charm and a loving connection with others, notably brothers and sisters, but also a sense that your communications combine emotional intelligence with rationality.

Neptune is currently squaring the Suns of those born December 7th to 10th.  This has been a familiar transit since April 18th, but comes to the end on February 20th and for this group, you have needed to be and still need to be, very aware of the danger of seeing clearly, of some self deception or deception from other people.  Uncertainty and unsure ness has been around you and also an escapist instinct may have been problematic at times, but you need to ensure that you are certain of what is going on around you and beware of smoke and mirrors, either from those around you or within your own mind, as your perception of the truth maybe distorted and it maybe too easily to be economical with the truth when communicating with others.


The good news this month is that Jupiter moves into your sign on the 2nd where he will stay for a year, which will bring for all of you at some point during this year a bonus, growth and optimism and positivity. This month after the 2nd, all those born up to December 30th are the direct benefactors.  Confidence, luck, opportunities, travel and a sense of protection at the very least is yours. 

Before the 9th, Mercury is Scorpio brings for all those born after January 8th a sense of excellent communication with friends and in terms of successfully negotiating your goals in life.  Your big picture insight is impressive to others and this is a good time for leadership and inspiring skills on your part. 

From the 29th of the month, Mercury just tips its toe into your sign, bringing for all those born around December 24th a sense of a desire to communicate and some hunger for interaction.

Before the 20th, Venus is in your sign, bringing for all born after December 29th, a sense of love and happiness and fulfilment at some point during that period.  You will look good and feel good and it is an excellent time for self-contentment and you give and receive affection well. 

Mars in Scorpio is also beneficial now for those born December 30th to January 19th.  He is bringing support and energy and drive in terms of your goals in life.  Friends are particularly able to pave the way for you but your own energy and drive, as a leader during that time in any project for self or indeed in collaboration with others is successful.

Saturn your ruler is however sitting now right on the suns of those born January 7th-.13th.. This has been in the ether, on and off since around last March.  This is the last time and suggests you need to address an issue finally, via hard work, maturity and facing reality.

Uranus is exciting for those born December 24th-27th. New sense of belief in own uniqueness is yours and a desire for freedom, with new and exciting opportunities in the ether, notably possibly in either a creative or romantic context. Neptune is a gentle influence on those born around January 5th-8th.. Extra emotional enrichment is added to your rationality and creative communications.  Imagination is enriched as is compassion and empathy.

Finally Pluto in your sign is very much affecting those born around January 11th-14th. This every 248-year event is quite profound. This can bring significant change and endings of chapters. Profundity is in the air. It also gives a sense of deep destiny and you come into contact with your own power, and this must be conscious and used with great responsibility and a clear conscience and for the greater good.


Jupiter moving away from Sagittarius, having been there for a year and now into Capricorn, will take away some of that pronounced positivity you felt in terms of fulfilling goals and now growth is more private and psychological for the coming year.  

Before the 19th, if born after February 8th, Mercury in Scorpio warns you to be very careful to stop and think before you speak to people as there can be misunderstandings and there can be impulse. Also communications can feel quite sharp and harsh, particularly in the work place.  

However, after the 9th, all of you will find that you are able to really effectively communicate, particularly with friends and in terms of collaborative efforts. 

After the 20th, Venus moves into your sign, bringing for all born up to February 4th, a real sense of harmony with others and self. You are  looking good and feeling good.  Love is in the air, you give and receive affection and kindness is yours.  Your charms are underlined.  

However, Mars is in square to your Sun position this month if born January 27th to February 18th. There is a rather sharp mood emanating from other people, again, possibly on the work front.  You too need to be careful about impulse in action as you can incur some enmity but others will not be pushovers. 

Uranus, your ruler, is back again shaking up to some extent your life if born up to January 25th.  Your uniqueness and your own strong incisive view on the world may be controversial and you are unpredictable and there may be unexpected events, possibly on the home front that needs attention.  Change is in the air, of an unplanned sort.


Jupiter’s move into Capricorn on the 2nd is good news for your sign. Whilst in Sagittarius, over the last year, he has encourages some of you to be rather over-expansive possibly, but from Capricorn he brings solid progress.  Initially this month for those born up to February 27th where friendships and goals are happily fulfilled and your intelligent handling of others in a leadership role is very impressive. 
You may be quite high profile this month, comfortably or not, but before the 9th Mercury in Scorpio will bring for all born after March 8th the opportunity for travel, for intellectual astuteness and communications Long distance issues and legal issues are likely to be successful and powerful.

However, after the 9th, communications need clarity, especially when dealing with friends or groups or in a leadership role. 

However, after the 29th, if born around February 22nd, you’re back in control.  

Before the 20th, Venus in Capricorn helps those born after February 26th to achieve a very active and happy social life.  Friends are supportive to you and vice versa.  Creative projects particularly thrive. 

Mars in Scorpio between the 7th and 27th will bring for all born February 27th to March 19th a powerful urge and competitive side when it comes to the intellect and travel may be a very great drive too and you competitive spirit and your determination should not be underestimated and your sense of global intensity is also strong. 

Saturn in Capricorn is still bringing, for those born March 7th to 13th, a great sense of responsibility and pragmatism and wisdom in the work that you do. 

Neptune your planetary ruler is still intensely relevant for those born March 5th-8th. This once ever 165 year hit to your Sun, emphasises Neptunian/ Piscean principles to the nth degree. Inspiration, idealism, hypersensitivity, escapism, compassion, psychic tendencies, fantasy and potential illusion/delusion are all powerful potential experiences. This has been waxing and waning in the ether since early 2018 and is, from now gradually fading away.  Hopefully the best of this influence has dominated.

Finally Pluto is sill sextiling the Suns of those born March 11th-14th. This is also gradually moving away over the coming year, but will still be resonating for about another twelve months.  This allows a deep intelligence and insight into others and allows leadership ability in order to make happen a collective goal that is in the interests of the larger community. Powerful connection with friends are inspiring .