significant astrological shift is occurring this month. Saturn is moving out of
Capricorn and into Aquarius on the 22nd.
This is a temporary toe dipping exercise till the beginning of July,
when he moves back into Capricorn, in order to finalise his work in that sign,
completed by mid December 2020. He then commits to Aquarius to test the
principles of that sign till March 2023.
an individual level when Saturn is in Aquarius, natives of that sign, also Leos
and to some extent, Taurus and Scorpio, will go through significant learning
curves and reality checks, which ultimately are strengthening. Initially
however between late this month and till early July, it will only affect people
born around the 22nd of January, July, April and October.
is a benevolent despot, or can be described as a karmic schoolteacher.
a global level, from Capricorn, which Saturn rules, he has continued to show us
the downside of the validity of the prevailing socio/economic and political
system and the current establishment. (Especially for Capricorn ruled England
and Cancer rued USA) and makes evident the fallout of the ruthless pursuit of
economic growth at all costs, even in the face of existential issues such as
climate change. Saturn brings a certain nemesis to bear, but the establishment
figures cling on furiously to this model (Saturn, negatively, tends to stick to
the perceived safety of old habits)
the air sign of Aquarius, (ruled by Uranus and sub ruled by Saturn) Saturn,
will force a wake up globally to the more powerful karmic fallout from the
power of technology and its abuse. (Uranus rules Aquarius and is very linked to
technology and futuristic issues for good or ill and is also a humanitarian
sign). From Aquarius, the system will
be forced, maybe uncomfortably so, to look outside the box and recognise
alternatives to our habitual value system.
Positively, when we face certain problems that Saturn always flags up,
we are, during his Aquarian journey, forced to work hard, out of necessity and
often reluctantly, to combat and change things that have gone wrong with our
thinking (Air signs relate to the mind and Aquarius enables the need to think
out of the box/divergently). Saturn in Aquarius will point out undeniably, how
we need to use technology for only the greater good.
will cause basically a clash between the ongoing desire to pursue technological
power for selfish, monetary/political gain, and the realisation that out of
urgent necessity (Saturn) we have to direct technological progress (Aquarius)
to develop more quickly, for the greater good of humanity and our planet.
will have to find more new ways, of necessity, to change sources of energy and
to apply many new technological abilities and breakthroughs to make headway to
reverse, or stop the ongoing impact of our abuse of the environment, that has
been underway over many decades. It will also bring a need to recognise a need
to be free from the same old, systematic patterns of how we use power, and what
power means.
the ruler of Aquarius, now in Taurus (May 2018 till May 2026)
seriously waking us up and shocking us (the job of Uranus) to the fragility and
value of our natural world and environment (Taurus), as chaos on our planet
(floods, fires, drought) run amok, largely as a result of misuse and abuse of
human power over it. .
from Aquarius will also be squaring Uranus (ruler of Aquarius) strongly in 2021
and that will really be a true clash of the titans. However because Saturn will be in Aquarius (ruled by Uranus and
co ruled by Saturn), the need for freedom from old outworn systems and values,
versus the desire to stick with the old power systems, (especially as
championed by many of our increasingly despotic leaders) can really become a
serious battlefield. The clash between
freedoms to do as we individually wish, versus our collective responsibility to
the planet, will be very real. However this combination will likely evolve, so
as to only allow us to have freedom (Uranus), when it is combined with a huge sense
of global responsibility (Saturn). This may even become a matter of global
acceptance, as it becomes so obvious and in all our faces.
achievements will bring huge breakthroughs that are not related to the power of
mere wealth. There will be a realisation of the need to set aside ego and see
things in the light of impartial, impersonal law. A need for a sense of global
responsibility will become undeniably apparent.
still in Pisces till April 2025 is bringing to our attention the lack of
boundaries that a globalised world has and how what happens in one part of the
world affects us all in some way now, not least the impact of climate change,
technology and globalised capitalist economic forces. Neptune knows no
boundaries and in Pisces, his own sign, his invisibility and permeability are
extra strong, so this is totally underlined now. The Corona Virus (Covid 2019)
issue is a classic manifestation… and its global affects on the economy. To try to separate ourselves from a
globalised world is impossible now.
idea of setting a nation up as an independent power, cutting off from many
other countries, is totally a rebellion against an inevitable need to work
together in a very interrelated world, in order to combat huge globalised problems,
have talked a lot previously about the significance of the current Saturn
conjunct Pluto and that continues on and off for most of the year. This rare
combining in Capricorn, of necessity also forces us to rethink our lives and to
differentiate between what we want and what we need. It puts us all to the
test, both individually and socio-politically/economically… about our choices
of how we live, with repercussions that are existential, as never before, in
their fallout.
remains retrograde till March 10th, so there remains till then a
sense of uncertainly, confusion, delay and blockage, but actually it is really
a time to stop, take stock and reconsider issues; a necessary and important
pause for reflection, both personally and globally.
Moon is full on the 9th at 19 degrees of Virgo; and is new on the 24th
at 4 degrees of Aries.