Sunday, 31 May 2020


There are two eclipses this month. A lunar eclipse is on the 5th at 15 degrees of Sagittarius and a solar eclipse is on the 21st at 0 degrees of Cancer.  This makes for a quite a powerful month. Also throughout the month the Sun in Gemini is within a trying mutable square angle to Mars in Pisces. This will be exact on the 5th when the lunar eclipse occurs. Suffice it to say; this suggests the mood music will be at the least impatient and frustrated and at worst, angry, eruptive, warlike and confrontational. Long fermenting anger will explode. We have already seen this sort of activity in the States and in Hong Kong late last month.

 Mercury, now in Cancer, famously goes retrograde on the 18th and stays so till July12th.

This represents delays, confusions, breakdowns of communication and technology. Misunderstandings and miscommunication and so often, travel hitches, are all possible for us all. Patience and a need to rethink strategy and to fine-tune thinking and communicating is demanded.

 It will also be an almighty feeling of significant frustration, with the triumph  of human ingenuity  over the elusive nature of a tricky, morphing Covid 19 virus being seemingly beyond management … or at least delayed.

The lunar eclipse on the 5th will be tense and have a sense of explosion of frustration and anger about much that has been seething. Dark unconscious eruptions manifest into the consciousness.   Those born around December 6th-8th are most likely to feel the power.  If born around June 5th-7th, eruptions can manifest from others.

By contrast the Solar eclipse on the 21st, has a far more benign sense of the positive and the new being born, uplift. If born around June22nd, this may be a very good time for new chapters.

It is however a uniquely critical time in the world and the pandemic is also at a critical moment and at least in the UK, the easing of the lockdown is a step that to many is controversial/risky/dangerous, and to some to be totally celebrated and indeed in some countries the lockdown has been resisted by presidents and indeed significant parts of the populace too.  It is a matter of the huge pressure of the importance of the economy. Pluto in Capricorn is obsessed with that.

Jupiter in Capricorn is now also moving into close proximity with Pluto, this month, which brings determined optimism and quite ruthless determination related to getting the economy back on track.

 In the UK, several “Sage” scientific advisers are indeed fearful and have urged more caution re loosening the lockdown, but economic advisers have prevailed. The problem is that this current combination of and sign placement of planets in Capricorn can bring quite an unconditional desire to particularly protect big, powerful international business e.g. the aviation industry, and holiday companies, and there is desperation for them to resume, as was.

 It is all a question of weighing up risk to life versus a risk to the economy, and with the economy being so much of a motivator with all this Capricorn strength in the ether, clearly that will be very underlined and totally prioritised. Governments desperately need the economy to bounce back, as it is obviously so much in their interests in terms of the ongoing functioning of society. Human psychology is also hugely stressed by the privations psychologically and economically, of lockdown, so it all is no surprise. The pressures to be once again as we were, are huge. However viruses and nature are not to be underestimated… nor should we underestimate the urgent need to rethink our big picture value system. After all every crisis is an opportunity. If we don’t learn, it is wasted, and another bigger one will be in the wings.

At the beginning of July when Saturn (the brakes/lessons/reality checks) leaves Aquarius and moves back into Capricorn, there will gradually be an undermining of economic optimism. Of course also then, the massive rather unimaginable fallout, for the economy and peoples jobs/living circumstances, as a result of the last few months, will then become all too distressingly obvious. Saturn is karmic schoolteacher, not least about economic factors from July. There is also a very significant likelihood then of a beginning of a significant bounce back of the virus manifesting over the coming months, as a result of over pushing our risk, in trying to resume normality.  That can lead of course to worse privations on the economy.

Neptune in Pisces (invisible spread/permeability) is so powerful still and the elusive quality of Covid will remain a conundrum, despite the excellent global work that scientists and epidemiologists have done during Saturn’s visit to Aquarius since March 22nd (he returns there for the long term in mid December) .

Mars (energy /focus) has been in Pisces (nature, the obscure, emotions) too since May 13th and remains there till the 28th of June. Positively this has brought a huge appreciation of nature, as we have paused our noise and some of our assault on the natural world. It also creates many emotional /psychological vulnerabilities because of a yearning for love, connection and humanity, which we have been deprived of, but which we have seen so powerfully exhibited in carers and health workers. It also creates idealism, and that has contributed to a natural and desperate desire to get our physical connections back with others, and for many people, a chance to rethink how we treat the planet.

The downside of Mars in Pisces is weakness, impotence and delusion about what is possible. Fire (Mars) is quashed by water (Pisces). It has highlighted the impotence of many of those in power (Mars) relating to fighting and managing this virus (Pisces). There has been some delusion /illusion, smoke and mirrors too.  Denials about the power of the virus and about its origin have arisen. It has been called a myth; fake news, a Chinese hoax, caused by technology etc and false optimism about its imminent demise have also been rife…. Populist leaders have had their narcissistic tendencies underlined, as their egos have been threatened by their helplessness and lack of muscle in the face of the virus, hence denial of the importance of, or the power of the virus has been expressed, or they have made ridiculous, false claims that they have the answer to it.

The virus has also underlined massive inequalities between the poor and wealthy, in terms of their vulnerability.

Mars (drive/competitiveness/ambition) in Pisces (over idealism/fantasy) has created some grasping at techniques that are claimed to be ultimate answers to the problem. The test, track and trace tool that has worked in other countries because of dedicated organisation has seemed to fall off its pedestal, as the solution in the UK. The more egotistical a government and its leader are, the more Mars traversing Pisces brings problems of unreal claims and oversold, overoptimistic, perceived solutions, often simply because of insufficient attention to timing, reality, detail and practical organisation.

This planetary position also creates an increased likelihood of buried sleight of hand in terms of pushing through controversial policy decisions, by those in power, under the cover of the focus on and distraction of, the global health crisis. Smoke and mirrors can abound with Mars in Pisces.

Obfuscation of reality, or avoidance of directness is a negative manifestation of this planetary placement and it can also often draw people to controversial, extremist social ideology. Mars in Pisces is often secretive and likes to be hidden and private with its power.

 Dominic Cummings, Boris Johnson's chief adviser has Mars in Pisces at birth.

Neptune demands no selfishness, no ulterior motive and no ego involvement, in order to ensure good outcomes

Between the 12th and 15th when Mars conjoins with Neptune now trolling through Pisces (Neptune is the ruler of Pisces) this really gives huge power to this energy. There may then at worse, be a real impetus to the growth of the virus and more serious deceptions being undertaken or exposed.  Over idealism and ideological vigour can also take on an obsessive quality then.

Boris Johnson has a pretty tough month ahead, with little mitigation, especially in the second half.

Mars squares his Mercury between the 10th and 13th and that might be a very tricky time for him, in terms of difficulties with challenges from others at home and especially in international issues and he needs to look after his lungs then too. (Mercury rules the lungs and he is a Gemini, which is ruled by Mercury)

More seriously, Saturn is squaring his Moon from June 14th till July 2nd as it did in late March/early April, when he contracted Covid 19. This is potentially significantly challenging for his career status, health and also issues connected to women.

Emotional/physical stress is strongly indicated and his career can suffer as a result. This square will return for the final 3rd time in the second half of December this year, with a definitive challenge. It will not so affect him in this way, again for aprox another 15 years.

He will also experience between the 24th and 27th, Mars squaring both his Sun and Venus, which will be vexatious for him in terms of others threatening his position and he will not be given an easy ride by them.

Neptune generally haunts Johnson by square to Mercury all this year (every 84 years) and it got under way last March  (again can create vulnerability in lungs) and can weaken his public position generally, especially in questions of trustworthiness and capability and this stays with him on and off, in operation till April 2021.

Trump has a very tricky time this month too.

Neptune is now squaring his north node till late August. This every aprox 84-year transit brings confusion as to identity and purpose and a meltdown of the old assumptions about self. However, when someone is very insecure, or damaged and can’t face up to mistakes or a need to rethink identity, then anger, as a confused reaction results and a lashing out to blame all around, rather than to review oneself and one’s trajectory in life. As mentioned, Neptune does not work at all well with ego.

Between the 12th and 17th when Mars squares his Sun and Moon, anger and war like impulses are indeed in the air, and petulance and impatience, that can be dangerous. There is also considerable likelihood of him taking very risky action in the week before that period, when Mars squares his Uranus and then the unpredictable is very strong in himself and emanating from others in power.  However with Jupiter strong in his chart by opposition to Venus also mid month, it is likely he will feel emboldened and will seemingly confidently push the boat out wildly and too far, to compensate for a feeling of stress, confusion and impotence in power.

So hang on to your hat folks. Stay safe.