Monday, 31 August 2020


 Mars, so powerfully extra strong now in its home sign of Aries, since the beginning of August, is certainly and loudly, creating turmoil and anger on the world stage. This rare long placement, lasting till January 6th is bringing out rather primeval impulse and rage.

 Saturn and Pluto are still closely conjunct in their oh so rare configuration in Capricorn which equals restriction(Saturn) on power(Pluto) and on economies and because Mars (drive, ambition assertion) as last month, is still squaring this conjunction, this is creating a serious ongoing tension and notable frustration. A conflict is continually growing between a resumption of the economy, versus a need for serious caution re public health, of course.

 It is fair to say generally, that currently, and indeed from the beginning of this year, everyone who has a birthdays around 13th to 19th of January, July, October or April (which equates approximately 22 degrees to 27 degrees of these signs) are currently being personally very impacted by this powerful and rare combination of planets, that existentially has been and is still so significant now on our entire globe. Indeed, also many who have their Ascendant or Mid heaven, or other important natal planets in any of these degrees of these signs, will also feel the power and the challenge personally in their lives and within themselves,

But very importantly, from the 9th of this month, Mars moves retrograde and stays in that mode till November 14th. The addition of a retrograde motion of Mars, will serve to significantly complicate issues.

 This retrograde movement of Mars happens on average every 2 years for approximately just over 2 months and often shows itself as bottled up simmering anger, because of restrictions and blocks to action and power, personally and globally… and when in Aries , this is underlined to the nth degree. In fact, this retrograde planetary positioning demands a huge need for patience and a need to re plan and reconsider future action and to recognize that things/progress need to be more fundamentally reconfigured out of wise necessity.

Things will take longer than would be liked, especially in relation to the mastering of the Covid pandemic. However, because Mars is in assertive “go for it” Aries and is also potently squaring up to Pluto and Saturn, this cautious stance and the need for patience and re-evaluation will be resisted and defied. Wisdom is likely to be ignored on the altar of the powerful force of frustrated anger and the great desire for a return to “normality” and for power and control, despite any blocks. Impotence however will be felt in the face of failed or foolish plans and will likely create bitter frustration among leaders and the populace.

Behind the scenes, purely ego driven manoeuvres will also be powerful now among the powers that be, and secrecy of tactics will be the order of the day.

This is a dangerous, reckless and foolhardy time. An almost civil war mood will be brewing.

The most powerful configuration is from September 20th and operative till the very beginning of October when a tricky T square is created between Mercury opposing Mars which in turn are squaring Saturn and nudging Pluto by square too. Dangerously angry days will be flagged up then, when an obsessive desire to take quite ruthless control by leaders within their own country are highlighted, or an international challenge, resulting from displaced anger can manifest. Diplomacy will be trounced by anger. The fall out in the 1st half of October will be significant .

This tense mood can be palpable also between ordinary citizens, and within families as well as in an international political context.

The environmental mood will not be kind either and this will be reflected in the weather and in manifestations of the fallout of nature’s reactions to our environmental meddling.   Low yield crops, not least.

 Days of potential deception, fake news, fantasy, smoke and mirror happenings, unrealistic ambitions, and falsifying accounts of situations are between the 11th and 13th when the Sun opposes Neptune.  Although this period, can work well for the power of music, film and the arts.

Trump, all month, has Saturn opposition Venus (every 30 years), which equates to harsh reality checks re his public standing in the polls (Venus rules his natal Midheaven, which is all about career /status). It will also unavoidably flag up areas of his responsibilities which he has failed to address, or he will find himself blocked from doing what he wants to do. The economy too will be a real challenge. He also simultaneously has Jupiter square Natal Jupiter all month (every 6 years) and this will mean he will compensate for these frustrations, by over doing, over promising and potentially reckless overreaching and daring in certain other actions and policy decisions. Late month, he will also have Mars squaring his Venus, and sextiling his Mars which will make him desirous of power over others in a rather primitive and potentially bullying way, especially when dealing with politicians of the opposite sex. Also, a ruthlessness over finances, both his own and the economy, are flagged up then. However, he will also simultaneously have renewed confidence and determination to do as he wishes, which may bring him significant support and admiration from his followers.

Jo Biden who has his natal Sun, Mercury , Venus and Mars in  Scorpio ( positions never to be underestimated) with Sagittarius rising, has Saturn opposition his natal Jupiter (his ruling planet) all month, which does not augur well for his confidence or sense of progress to be honest, but realism will dominate. By contrast Kamala Harris, his Democratic running mate, has Jupiter trine her natal Venus all month , which will enhance her popularity , which she will need, as also Mars is squaring her Moon, all month , suggesting that she will be very frustrated in her dealings with men in a political context and she will be challenged significantly… but she is a fighter.  She is a Libra, with Gemini rising, and Moon in Aries, opposition her Sun (full Moon birth). Mercury, her ruler, is in forensic Scorpio.

 Boris Johnson's chart is looking unscathed by the current intensity, probably because he is not calling the shots and is being rather elusive.  He has again the exact recurrence of Neptune squaring his Mercury all month, as he had exactly when he came down with Covid. My guess is that he is backing off major leadership activity, because of some possible ongoing physical impairment and/or, because he is keen to avoid making decisions and reaping any resulting flack. This once in a lifetime (every 82 years) planetary combination can not only affect the health, but also creates much avoiding of the truth and a tearing up of the rules of accountability and also underlines a habit of making empty, fanciful statements and promises. Much secrecy of true intent is surrounding his position now.  Plenty of delegation is also the order of the day in his chart. Power without responsibility. This current year long intermittent combining of Neptune/Mercury energy has been haunting him since April this year, strong again this month, and continues its influence till March 2021.

Positive days this month generally are the 2nd/3rd when the Sun trines Uranus, which is good for scientific breakthroughs and positive, possibly surprise change; and the 9/10th when the Sun trines Jupiter, auguring well for optimism, progress, confidence and international cooperation. But do not underestimate the effect of retrograde Mars in Aries from the 9th!

The Moon is full on the 2nd at 10 degrees of Pisces and new Moon is on the 17th at 25 degrees of Virgo…

You reap consequences of actions on the full Moon and sow new seeds for the future on the new Moon.