Wednesday, 30 September 2020



 The incredibly rare planetary dramas continue this month, in fact even more powerfully, as retrograde Mars is now moving more dangerously in his power.

 Mars is still retrograde till November 14th (since September 9th) in his own home sign of Aries and continues to flag up a truly angry, very frustrated and seething energy, in a rather dangerous way. Patience is not its finest quality to put it mildly.

Mars, having manifested its frustrating square to Saturn late September, is now challenging Pluto by square from the 7th-12th and therefore will be more ruthless and indeed almost primaeval in its expression of pent up anger and creates a great desire in people to gain control and destroy,  in any way , what is seen as a threat to their freedom or power . A kneejerk survival mode is in the air. The downside of Pluto is abuse of power, and this tendency will be rampant both politically globally; and indeed, simmering also potentially on a personal level for many. The microcosm will reflect the macrocosm. Ego will dominate over rationality or fairness. Boundaries will be ignored, and breath-taking defiance will manifest, as will radical libertarianism, not least in relation to the Covid virus and its seeming lack of controllability. Between the 14th and 19th (when the Sun also joins in to oppose Mars and then squares up to Pluto and then Saturn) obvious abuse of power is flagged up.  Additionally, around the 17th- 21st when Mars also squares Jupiter, there will be much arrogance and overselling of self on the political stage and narcissism (growing as a global quality) increasingly dominates. The used car salesman syndrome will be at its most ruthless.

To add to the delay, block and frustrated anger of Mars in retrograde motion, Mercury also moves retrograde on the 14th and stays in that mode till November 3rd. A testing month indeed.  Under “normal” circumstances, Mercury retrograde just indicates confusions, delays, hiccups and blocks in communications, agreements and contracts. It can also point to breakdowns in technology and potential travel disruption. It also is a time when a reconsideration of plans and action is necessary. Patience is demanded. It is a bit like writers’ block.  However, under current circumstances and combined with Mars retrograde, it is all that, magnified, and combined with anger and ruthless frustrations too.

Instead of a pause and a much needed complete rethink of the  values and infrastructure of our planet (which many who are not in power are doing)  and which retrograde planets are actually there to flag up the need for , there will be a huge push by the big movers and shakers in power to blindly move forward on a drastic and ruthless ego driven trajectory to  attempt to achieve results that will be at the least totally unwise, often illegal and certainly immoral and probably impossible.… with a potentially disastrous fallout. If it was not so dangerous, it may almost be comical to observe.

 The feeling of potential anarchy / civil war is in the ether, as has been noted by many commentators, and the planets positions now certainly point in that direction.

Jupiter in Capricorn is now moving to conjunct Pluto (and will do so exactly in the very significant second week of November, re the fallout from the final results of the US elections on the 3rd.)  Power drive under this influence is enormous, with passionate ideology and strong desires. all that matters is motive, i.e. for the greater good, or pure personal gain. It can go either way.

 Astrologers recognise this whole period as a game changer, as is obvious also to many, just self-evidently. However  several significant leaders on our planet  have little or no regard for the big  planetary picture and nature’s messaging,  hence it is hard to be cheerful, except to say that we often  have to go through the dark to get to the light . The phoenix can rise from the ashes if we recognise the need for a phoenix.

It has been said about the powers of Pluto’s influence… “Pluto throws open the gates of Hades to the unwilling victim at their own unconscious request “. It seems planet earth is currently putting us through this  taste of a Hades period, in order to wake us up to what we need to change fundamentally, in terms of planetary health, wisdom and indeed our species survival… or we risk so much worse in the future.

The upcoming U.S election is of course all caught up in all the above predominant energies. The vicious claims and counterclaims and ruthless desperation of Trump to keep power, for many personal ego reasons will dominate , and there is anxiety by many about his potential to gain power again, by possible fraudulent activity, or to lose, but then call it voting fraud. Either way, this will create mayhem …. a major crisis.

 October will be an ugly month globally; but you do not need an astrological analysis to see that.  Saturn remains opposing Trump’s Venus, as it did all September (every 30 years). Venus rules his public standing/status, so that will be sorely challenged, and Pluto continues to oppose his Saturn (every 248 years) which will culminate to be exact from the 19th November for a month. This is a powerful force that can indeed sweep away/or at the very least, hugely challenge the status quo of his current life. This influence on him will be over by January 2021.

Jo Biden is still struggling with Saturn opposing his Jupiter in October (every 12 years), which downgrades confidence and underlines blocks to is progress, but this lifts in late October and certainly lifts more in November.

 Boris Johnson is still, throughout October, having his Mercury squared by Neptune, (every 84 years and it was very strong in September). This creates vulnerability to mistakes, his own and others, mental and physical tiredness, confusion, and “mis- speaking”.  It also indicates much game playing with facts, especially in international dealings, deceptions, dishonesty, and many smoke and mirror pronouncements. It can also indicate behind scenes secretive planning. He can be manipulated, or a manipulator of others, with this energy.

 Around the 31st is a significantly powerful date too this month, as the Moon will be full at 8 degrees of Taurus and is also therefore simultaneously conjunct Uranus; and the Sun therefore, by definition, is opposition to Uranus.  This is hence quite an exceptionally challenging day, full of unexpected, significant surprise eruptions in any socio-political context, but also, not least, potentially in a geophysical manifestation.

 Next month will be interesting …