People are
holding their breath, re November 3rd.
everyone is asking me if the astrology shows that Trump will win the US election
The truth
is, in theory, no, he is unlikely to win, even if a pretty close result is
eventually declared, as the big picture in his chart generally now is difficult.
Indeed, it has been for some months and his life is seriously changing, fundamentally
for him from the 18th November, the rug is rather pulled from
under his feet and he will have to make many adjustments in life. His status
quo is seriously broken down then, continuing through December. This is all
because Pluto is then finally exactly opposing his Saturn (every 248 years.) My
view is that the election results however will not be definitive or even
accepted, till around the 14th, when Mars finally goes
direct again. Mercury does interestingly
however, move direct on the 3rd suggesting that, at the least, there
will be a sense that the waiting will be over, and the dice is finally cast. There will however be it seems, some
significant chaos generally between the 3rd and the 14th, while
results are delayed or angrily contested by the opposing party, no matter who
seems to be the victor.
Indeed, Mercury
opposes Saturn in the ecliptic from the 1st to the 8th
and that ensures fear, pessimism, delays and even much misinterpretation
Trump will
claim victory somehow, no matter what the outcome really is, and there are
likely to be troublesome eruptions as a result. The outcome will be somewhat anarchic.
The electoral college system does not reflect the popular vote anyway, so
distortion of the reality of the voting balance is part of the system. Added to
which, accusations of meddling with the vote of course, will be much in the mix,
no matter what. Also, between the 7th and the 14th Jupiter conjuncts
with Pluto on a global basis. This brings tremendous and indeed an obsessive drive
by certain leaders to gain more power. But be prepared during that period, to
see no stone unturned, no matter how ruthless, in order to get the results desired or
challenged , by all parties involved in any fight for supremacy, even if
results are more or less fully declared.
All that really matters is motive when Pluto
is involved, in terms of whether the outcome is for the greater good or for
pure ego gratification. Unfortunately with narcissism being a common trait in
so many of our leaders now , the latter is so often the main driving factor.
Trump is in
many ways not really an ordinary human. He has an ability to fight even inevitabilities
to the end, via complete denial of truth.
His niece,
Mary Trump wrote “He’s always trying to see what he can get away with and has
always got away with everything. No one holds him to account. “
He brazens
things out.
This period
and indeed the astrological forces at work now, should indeed be his reckoning,
but because he is not (seemingly so far) subject to final culpability, or a
nemesis (avoiding cosmic laws) and as he seems to have no conscience, he could seriously
try to thwart the outcome . The worse scenario is that he may use a scorched
earth policy i.e... if he cannot win, no one can, and he could make a drastic,
dangerous move in policy decision.
In fact he does interestingly also have Jupiter opposing his Saturn and then
opposing his Venus in the last half of the month and that can manifest in
carelessness, false confidence, false claims and misjudgments about outcomes…
but also an ability to feel free to leave behind the past. Also, it can
indicate some emotional turmoil in personal relationships too.
If/when he does have to accept that he is out
of the White House, he will not hang around in Washington, or indeed the States.
He will try to escape any inevitable repercussions. That every 248-year Pluto
opposition his Saturn will tend to sweep away his infrastructure, particularly
including his domestic situation (Pluto rules his roots). It is also possible
that some latent physical repercussions, re his Covid experience, may well
appear, as Saturn links to health in his chart.
By contrast Jo Biden has Jupiter (his ruling planet)
sextile his Mercury from the 1st till the 8th, being
exact on the 3rd/4th (every 6 years) and that is indeed
very promising in terms of popularity, public support and good news and it’s a feel good factor in terms
of being applauded for his message. From the 12th till the 27th
he has Saturn sextile his Sun, and immediately after and till December 8th,
it sextiles his Venus, (both only every 15 years) all indicating the weight of
public responsibility and duty on his shoulders in a constructive way. Late November, he also has Jupiter opposition
its own place (every 12 years) a celebratory energy. December generally looks a
positive time for him, as between the 5th and the 16th,
he also has Jupiter sextiling his Sun and Venus; all auguring well for him. One could say that these positive transits may
all just indicate a happy relief, from not having to take on the responsibility
of such high office, but it does not look like that to me.
Anyway, for sure we may have to be prepared to
wait till at least till the 14th for general chaos, frustration and real
anger, both in the US and indeed globally, to start to subside.
I must also
note, that If Trump does in fact manage, by fair means or foul, somehow to get
declared the winner, I will say that he has defied astrological energies… but then it
seems currently that all the norms of our world are in trouble or challenged
now. Whatever his public position is in late November and December, he has
certainly then, for sure, a very chaotic time, with much break down anyway, of
his very infrastructure.
The US
economy looks drastically troubled in the second half of November, as Saturn
then moves to conjunct the US natal Pluto. A serious fiscal reality check will
be flagged up and so the then president has a huge challenge.
the Covid nightmare continues and Xmas looks blighted and indeed it is not
really till early January that the world can see any real light in terms of the
development of a successful vaccination. Saturn and Jupiter both have joined in
Aquarius by then, a sign focusing on the future and innovation.
The science
will then flourish and there will be a shift of priorities away from just the
pure economic disaster (inevitable) that Covid will manifest. Also, any change
needed in our whole value system that this virus has illuminated, will start to
reveal itself more clearly, not least environmentally. Jupiter and Saturn’s
move into Aquarius points in 2021 to a more environmentally aware and a more
revolutionary style of thinking and that would also indicate that our elected
leaders, will be, and indeed should and have to be, more focused on that priority.
So long as Neptune is in Pisces 2012-2026 (invisible
spread and elusive energies, among other things) the world will need to realise
and be humbled as to the power of nature. We need to honour it, as it will
continue to have the last word until we do.
Vaccinations and treatment can certainly bring solutions for the results
of these powers at work but addressing the fundamental causes of unnatural
manifestations of viruses and indeed of the general destruction of our ecosystems,
species and our climate, are a must. The power of Saturn and Jupiter both being
in Aquarius together for a year (rare) and Saturn staying there till March
2023, points to hope in that direction from a scientific viewpoint. Neptune in Pisces also will continue to make
the preciousness and beauty of nature and its total importance, when totally respected,
to our planet’s health, crystal clear to those with clear eyes and hearts.
Uranus (shock, unpredictability/change) now in
Taurus (March 2019 -May 2026) is inevitably a challenge to monetary issues and
to our value system (Taurus) and indeed related to the literal earth beneath our
feet (Taurus). It now speaks clearly about the unpredictability of mother earth,
in terms of eruptions and its delicate balance and its ability to create uncomfortable
occurrences… This combined with Neptune in Pisces, is a major focus on the
power of nature and our values systems’ interaction with it.
This month does
have some positive pointers generally, but do not hold your breath, in terms of
calm, easy resolutions, in terms of power contests.
The New moon
falls on the 15th at 23 degrees of Scorpio falling between Jo Biden’s
Mercury and Sun. New moons are new starts/new chapters. There is however a Lunar
eclipse this month on the 30th at 8 degrees of Gemini which falls on
Biden’s Saturn. This is quite difficult and suggests then some serious
challenges in his life and status… maybe the reality check of a hugely
challenging responsibility.