There is already a sense of the prospect of change and of
light at the end of a tunnel. Indeed, this month, a major shift of Saturn and
Jupiter into Aquarius flags up a positive game changer for planet earth and
indeed they make a rare conjunction in that sign. Saturn moves into that sign
on the 17th followed by Jupiter on the 19th. They then remain in
exact conjunction till the 26th but stay close from then for most of
January and into February. Saturn will remain in Aquarius till March 2023 and
Jupiter remains there essentially till the end of December 2021, (but he
temporarily dips his toe into Pisces between May 2021 and late July 2021) then
returns to Aquarius to complete his work there.
The last time Saturn
and Jupiter were exactly conjunct in Aquarius was January 1405, (the period that
started to see the demise of the Mongolian empire, if that is of interest.).
This combining of
these two planets in Aquarius is not only rare but can be a very opportunistic
period for mankind.
Aquarius is an air sign,
which is all about the power of the mind; and is about vision for the future,
innovation, advancing science, technological breakthroughs, humanitarian concerns,
wisdom, equality, insight, and big picture, alternative thinking. This will not
only include initially the rolling out of effective vaccines but will shift
focus from the parochialism of nationalism to more global inclusivity. The
science re all urgent issues, such as climate change/environmental health, will
be furthered, supported and implemented. The power of money, conservatism,
establishment, tradition, as is signified by Capricorn, which is an earth sign,
will then be balanced against new
futures, new values and changes in more existential matters (Aquarius).
Jupiter is expansion,
wisdom, confidence, enjoyment, luck, growth, internationalism and positive
events, and at the least provides protection, but that planet can also, more
negatively, indicate excess, indulgence , over confidence and the power of the ego.
Saturn, positively,
rules serious application, detail, patience, hard work, practicality,
discipline, caution, humility, karmic obligation and self-control. He can also
uncomfortably bring blocks and delays, limitations and some serious and difficult,
but necessary reality checks and important lessons imposed upon us, if we lose
caution/reality. Hence, when Saturn combines with Jupiter, there is at work a
real combining of many of these principles, both positive and negative and the
wise balance of these two planets against each other is essential, in order to
maximise progress.
Therefore, self-evidently this conjunction can be a huge and
seriously progressive time, if all the positive qualities are emphasised. However,
when the conjunction is exact, as it is over the Christmas period
and if the then understandable Jupiter desire for freedom, socialisation/togetherness is over indulged, negating the essential limitations, discipline
and boundaries that Saturn often demands, then we will later likely experience a hard follow up
lesson about pushing our luck, i.e. a resulting significant rebound of Corona
Saturn has the job of karmic schoolteacher.
Clearly Trump lost the election as was indicated astrologically
, and he has probably realised by now that his challenges to the result are
pretty empty , but that does not mean that he will not want to leave his mark,
and to create problems for Biden , before he has to make way for him. Since November
20th, Pluto’s current position, has been exactly opposing Trump’s natal Saturn
(every 248 years), remaining there till December 27th. That period is a very
powerful, rare astrological influence for anyone and can equate, so often, to having
to realise that the rug is indeed totally pulled from beneath one’s feet, and
one has to adjust to a totally changed circumstance. Old assumptions about
security are stripped away.
The transition from Trump to Biden is symbolically totally
reflected in the rare, synchronised transition of Saturn and Jupiter, from
Capricorn to Aquarius. Capricorn equates politically to strong neoliberal
capitalism and nationalistic values (Republicans). Aquarius equates to the
values of increased social democracy and more international cooperation (Democrats).
The values of the Democrats, however can
be seen by Republicans as dangerous, very left-wing socialism.
This departure of Jupiter and Saturn from Capricorn
(economy) and their entry into Aquarius, leaves the power of Pluto then
standing alone in Capricorn, remaining in that sign till 2024/2025. That is significant,
as the checks and balances, constraints
and sense of responsibility of Saturn and the protection of Jupiter are gone in
the purely economic area, especially for Capricorn ruled England, now Brexit is
ominously looming, on top of the fallout from Covid. Crisis economically is
obviously predicted and assured and will seriously be in all our faces, from
late month.
Saturn squares Boris
Johnson’s Moon from the 17th-27th (every 15 years) which suggests
some anxiety and a potential uncomfortable reality check looming, re his
judgement and actions.
Meanwhile, the plus side is that this month we are seeing a potentially
more progressive period in terms of a coming balance of ideologies and a shift
of value system.
Mars is still in his home sign of assertive Aries. “Don’t
mess with me” is the manifestation.
Anger and impulsive action will still be manifesting on the world stage.
Political upheavals and rebellions are
still in the air.
Around the 14th /15th, there are
several very progressive hopeful energies at work, helpful to Biden. There is a
solar eclipse also on the 14th at 23 degrees of Sagittarius, which
can indicate a sense of the bright and the new at work.
The only period, which is seriously quite uncomfortably
intense this month, is around the 23rd when Mars squares Pluto, indicating
power struggles, or crises of power, and Trump’s chart is also very activated then, when Mars squares his
Saturn, creating potential for rather angry, frustrated, petulant behavior.
However, all month we need to keep grounded re the
background noise of Covid, as Neptune is strongly at work and invisible spread
is therefore powerful, as is a potential still for denial. Avian flu virus has also now erupted in bird
populations in Europe. We are collectively at the mercy of nature more now than
ever and we need humility to face up to and reverse our role in her demise,
which is also that of our own.
The full Moon falls on the 30th at 8 degrees of Cancer,
exactly on the degree of Trump's Mercury. Full Moons demand acknowledgment of the end of
chapters, but can also be very eruptive from the depth of the psyche.