Thursday, 31 December 2020



We have all learned at least one thing in 2020 and ongoing; and that is that we should not take life and our perceived normality, for granted.

Periodically we must remember how much we just assume continuity and that things stay the same, but in truth, there are only two certainties in life, and one of them is change.

 This is indeed a game changer. The world has now necessarily woken up to; and been reminded of the power of what nature can do to us… especially when we mess with it.

We now are entering a period of significant change, obviously and astrologically, totally catalyzed by this pandemic and its power. We need to really understand why this has happened. We cannot just “get back to normal”. We also need a retrospective, essential scrutiny of our lives, our civilization and to develop a big picture awareness of what we can do to try to redress balance and understand the dynamics and consequences of our actions on our planet and therefore on ourselves.

 This Covid period has brought out the most selfless, and indeed sometimes the most selfish behaviour in humanity. Each one of us, I am sure, has done a lot of personal reflection on our lives during this time.  It really is true that every crisis is an opportunity.

 The concept of ruthless, eternal, global economic growth at all costs, has been slowly growing over the last century, emphasised by the negative side of Pluto (power) in Capricorn (economic drive) since 2008.  The fallout is hitting us hard.

The realisations implicit, have been very much indicated by the dawning new emphasis on the power of the air sign of Aquarius, tasted in late March till July, when Saturn then temporarily dipped his toe into that sign. This Aquarian energy however has just again been truly, powerfully activated, when in the second half of December 2020, Jupiter and Saturn, virtually hand in hand, committed to a move together from Capricorn and into Aquarius.  A very rare event.

 As an energy, it is reminiscent of the old late 60’s hippy dream/song of “The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius.”  

 Basically, the message is that the power of the carelessness, ignorance, ego, greed and often the heartlessness of mankind, must be superseded by wisdom, a more existential big picture awareness and a far humbler reverence for our planet. This is achieved by using our brains (Aquarius), as well as our hearts (Pisces), for the greater good of humanity, the environment, and therefore for all our physical, spiritual and mental health.

The power of Neptune in its own home water sign of Pisces still, since 2012 till April 2025, has been struggling to awaken our senses and hearts to the value of nature and its delicate, complex balance.

 We need to remember that we need nature, nature does not need us.

There have now been many manifest warnings re climate change. This has now become very visible to many… even the deniers are becoming quieter.  However, with Pluto (power) in Capricorn (economic system) till 2025, the struggle of the transition in our value system will be not an easy one for many of those in power, for whom the old competitive and ruthless economic system is the only perceived and understood way and so is hung onto.

Come the end of 2024, Pluto also will concede the power of necessary change of emphasis, as he will then also move into Aquarius., where he will stay till 2044.

We have had in 2020, and now continuing powerfully, the crucial interaction of scientists with governments, in trying to beat the pandemic, and that has involved humility needed by people in power. This is a very difficult task for many of them if it involves a downgrading of their own power/ego to achieve other goals. Global cooperation, as opposed to competition and nationalism are the only way forward to beat the massive global problems we have and that is what the emphasis on Aquarius now (and Neptune in Pisces) demands. England is a Capricorn country, and the old colonial, sovereign empire mentality is still clung on to by many and will not serve us well in massively changing times.

The power of Jupiter (positivity and optimism) and Saturn (discipline, hard work and necessity) entering the big picture, awareness, rational, and alternative thinking sign of Aquarius has indeed brought, along with the vaccine roll out, a boost to the prospect of a successful combining of rays of hope in many ways. Jupiter in Aquarius has started an increased sense of global environmental collaboration and progress, wisdom, innovation, necessary and amazing scientific advancement to help us through this immediate health crisis, internationalism and a feeling of optimism and protection.  Saturn in Aquarius has also started to demand the challenging need for discipline, necessity, hard work, sense of responsibility, humility and organisation, and importantly patience, and even privation in the name of impersonal, universal progress, based on logic, and a necessary vision for the future. The combining of these energies is powerful. Saturn is the benevolent despot and karmic schoolteacher. We need his focus, discipline and humility now.

 It is interesting how much we realise we do not really need during these times, and indeed we are realising that sometimes less is more, in terms of consumption i.e., what is essential versus what is not. A very Saturnian lesson.  A change of priorities is essential.  The future will be different and needs to be.

The symbolic figure of Aquarius is talked about as “the water bearer” and people often think it is therefore a water sign because of that, but in fact that seeming water she pours from her urn, is symbolic of the flow of knowledge and wisdom

However, we need to be also aware that Saturn can bring blocks, delays and logistical complications and a huge need for patience, such as on the roll out the safest, most effective vaccines, on a desired time scale in the correct way. It is hugely important with Saturn in operation, for all to not put speed, the ticking of boxes and the ego fulfilment of politicians, ahead of scientific certainty and caution.

Jupiter, at the very end of December, overtook Saturn in the combining of the two planets and so started to lead Saturn in the journey through Aquarius.  

This Jupiter leadership has and will create a stronger push for speed, an impatience and a tendency to be overly optimistic, (Jupiter trait) not least by our leaders, about the progress of our path out of the pandemic. There is a possible potential carelessness and underestimation of the necessary caution re the organisation of our management of the challenges. Jupiter power, because of anticipation of an imminent vaccine, has encouraged an overoptimistic relaxation in public compliance re the general health/ social rules, still needed and demanded by Saturn. With the new  Covid variant (s) we need to be reminded by Saturn that indeed patience is the priority needed, in terms of the time taken for any necessary tweaking of vaccines over the months to come. It would, in truth, be better for Saturn to precede Jupiter on this journey… but that is not possible as Jupiter moves much more quickly than Saturn, as indeed he often does in human nature.

 Jupiter and Saturn both journey together through Aquarius till the very end of December 2021, but Jupiter will dip her toe in to Pisces temporarily, from the 13th May till the 28th July this year. Importantly though, she recommits to Aquarius from late July to the end of December, to complete her Aquarian tasks. While temporarily in Pisces however, Jupiter will give hint at the flavour of what will be underlined from late December 2021, when Jupiter commits to Pisces, till May 10th, 2022.  The positive side of Jupiter in Pisces, being the power of the heart, the arts and likely increased compassion, idealism and sensitivity, especially to nature.

Saturn meanwhile is now only committed to travelling through Aquarius, continuously till March 7th, 2023, doing the necessary karmic work in that sign. When he enters Pisces in March 2023, that will be a whole different story.

Clearly, Trump’s power passing to Biden, is very much in keeping with the shift of values underlined now, and the fact that Brexit has been “settled”, I suspect in panic, are indicative of a no choice change of emphasis for Boris.

The date of Jo Biden’s inauguration on January 20th (when fittingly the Sun is also exactly entering Aquarius) sees Saturn trine his ascendant (every 15 years) and Jupiter oppose his Pluto (every 12 years) and Mars conjunct his Part of Fortune (every 2 years) which is a rare combining. These show a sense of responsibility and recognition of duty and economic challenge, all taken on very seriously, alongside a strong determination to make powerful, if ambitious advantageous changes, especially in international relations. Also, there is a strong sense of his will and ambition being combined on that day, with fate and positive success.  Challenges do await him in the second half of February though.

Do not underestimate Biden’s strong will. He is a powerful Scorpio, with Mars square Pluto. Motive is everything with Scorpio, but with Sagittarius rising, and his ruling planet Jupiter, so well and intelligently aspected, it is certainly not ego centred. The US chart (Independence Day 1776.) has Pluto opposing its Mercury now... which indicates radical challenge and change economically, and Biden has been blocked from moving the country forward, by Trump’s lack of cooperation in the transition period. This is indeed a crisis period for the USA, but it is now in wise hands.

 Trump continues to be haunted by a very difficult Pluto transit. Pluto has been opposing his Saturn since January 2020, (which is seriously undermining for anyone and only happens every 248 years) and from January 25th Pluto moves to oppose his Venus (also only every 248 years) which specifically rules his public status (Midheaven) which then will be totally broken down, as will his domestic situation. This influence lasts on and off for 1 year. At the least it is a totally new chapter.

Boris Johnson, last month seriously undermined public confidence in himself by his actions and changes of advice re Xmas social rules and he has alienated many in his far-right supporters re his last-minute heroic, as he saw it, compromise over Brexit, the details of which are still very foggy. He now has Neptune square his Mercury exactly (every 84 years and has been so affecting him, on and off all 2020). It is strong from the 23rd till late February. His health can be affected then, but more likely, it totally underlines his ability to be at the least, very economical with the truth, to make promises that cannot be delivered and to show a lack of any sort of clarity or detail in his plans and pronouncements. This will make the logistics of Brexit very confusing and chaotic for many. Positively he has now ensured an ongoing connection with the EU … but which has rather defeated the objectives of the ERG (extreme Brexiteers).

As always, he wants to keep everyone happy, but as a result, often keeps no one happy (the worst of his Libra rising).

This month, dates to be aware of are when the Sun conjuncts Pluto on the 14th and on  the 19th-22nd ,when Mars conjuncts Uranus . Powerful eruptive forces are at work then geophysically and potentially socio-politically, in terms of unexpected power shifts. The 26th looks shaky, the planet is in grumbling mood again when the Sun squares Uranus, and with Uranus now long term in Taurus, the very physical infrastructure of our planet is more unpredictable and volatile currently anyway.

Mars moves out of his own, fiery and impulsive sign of Aries, where he has been since July 1st, and into the more practical, plodding, patient energy of Taurus on the 6th of January, but Taurus is connected to mother earth/nature, so she will be showing her feelings from then.

The full Moon is on the 28th at 9 degrees of Leo, and Venus conjuncts Pluto on the same day. Eruptions are in the air the too then, especially in the behaviour of politicians and leaders, as closings of chapters hit home, and since it falls on Trump’s natal Pluto, that may well be a rather intense day for him.

 Be assured, a new, more enlightened consciousness is coming (rather late in the day) but now it is urgent, of total necessity and not always comfortable. It will also take more time than is ideal and much patience will be needed by leaders and the populace, for the growing new consciousness to be translated into action and results.

 All best for 2021