Friday, 31 December 2021



2022 is complicated, not least as Jupiter is inconsistent, floating between Pisces and Aries… Two hugely contrasting energies.

 Jupiter left Aquarius on the 29th of December, and has now moved into in Pisces, till May 10th, (having visited Pisces temporarily between May 13th and July 29th last year.) He will then, from May 10th, dip his toe into Aries, staying in that sign till late October, when he returns to Pisces again till December 20th, 2022, when he will return finally to Aries, till mid May 2023.   This sort of extreme meandering of Jupiter, which also happened last year between Pisces and Aquarius, and now between Pisces and Aries, continues to imply a real and now even stronger ongoing conflict and confusion of values, systems and priorities for humans.

 This conflict/contrast increases this year, as Aries is the first sign of the 12 signs of the Zodiac and Pisces is the last sign, and therefore they could not be more different signs.  Aries is fire and Pisces is water, potential enemies of elements.

 Fire boils water and water puts out fire… but also, potentially so different, they can’t even fight, as their whole language of life can be indecipherable to the other.

Fire is ambitious, determined, worldly and driven by desire, enthusiasm, competition and often a considerable ego, whilst water is about the emotions, creativity, spiritualty, sensitivity and often escapism/illusion.

 Jupiter, when traversing a sign, underlines that sign’s characteristics and brings a sense of success and a priority of emphasis on that specific sign’s value systems, often to an excessive degree.  Clearly the huge contrast between Pisces and Aries qualities, alternating in power by Jupiter’s shifting presence, will therefore create a significant conflict between these two signs priorities and a yoyoing of these two contrasting values

 Jupiter in Pisces certainly also suggests there will be a real need for emotional satisfaction from the arts and will inspire artists and writers to great things. It will also very much put the preciousness of the environment, nature, its creatures and especially the Neptune ruled sea, as centre stage for many and spiritual values of whatever sort, will be craved. The power of the heart, the soul and the humanitarian side of humanity will be strong.

 However, in Aries, strong ambition, desire to win and a fiery, competitive determination, will also be underlined… as well as great courage to achieve.  All that matters is the motive and its morality. Negatively it can bring ruthless, worldly, material self-seeking and determination to win at all costs, in terms whatever satisfies the ego.  It also underlines the power of the autocratic leader and the narcissistic personality.

The down sides of both can be a danger, of course.

 In Pisces case, the negative is an overdoing of fantasy, and some paranoia about the power of the state and the great power of the spread of fear/and conspiracy theory. It can also bring powerful and damaging escapism. Social media will be truly powerful, obviously, in this respect. The no boundaries principle will be enhanced by Jupiter in Pisces and that of course can be applied to the spread of anything., whether pandemics or conspiracy theories.  As Pisces totally relates to the sea, the issue of migratory crossings will grow increasingly as an issue.  Not only to escape political/economic oppression, but also increasingly to escape climate change effects.

 This Pisces quality can also ironically, make some vulnerable to the cult type, hypnotic power of leaders who exploit their hunger for any strong men in power to give them something to believe in. It can in extremis, bring a blindness to the dark side of leaders, as their rose-coloured spectacles can be a sort of self-protection from the truth.

 So, the manifestation of these two qualities will be interesting and divisive and with little mediation between the two. Socio-politically the simple conflict of values re Pisces and Aries will certainly be between the clash between growing dictatorship/authoritarian tendencies in governments and true democracy.  Also, between the ongoing desire to see eternal economic growth versus a need to reset our values, so that survival of humanity is made possible.

The earth will always survive of course, and logically, it knows currently it will be much happier without us, if we don’t change our abuses of it.  Hence its current messaging...  The power of Pisces is in many ways, the power of nature to teach us.

 It is important to say that after Jupiter finally leaves Pisces, on December 20th, 2022, (not to return to that sign for another 12 years), he will then again re-enter Aries to complete his work there, and where he will stay till May 16th, 2023.

 Saturn remains solidly in Aquarius all year and till early March 2023, giving an ongoing, steady, progressive and serious emphasis on science and the advancement of this, when used for the benefit of humanity and the planet. He will also, being the karmic schoolteacher, highlight the dangers of the potential hubris and nemesis of the misuse of science and technology.

 Neptune, however, also currently powerfully remains in Pisces all year and (since 2012 till Feb 2026 and only every 165 years), continuously now, underling the power of that sign in the big picture. The outer planets, especially Neptune, emphasise long lasting significant global existential issues/generational influences; and Pisces certainly, corresponds to invisible spread from whether it be technological or epidemic power, but also, yes, it can also too underline paranoia and smoke and mirror.

 The most positive feature of course is that because it underlines human compassion, sensitivity and humility, it brings a very potential powerful and positive motivational force, for the direction of humanity, in terms of climate change awareness.

  It shows us that Nature doesn’t need us, but that we need nature.

Pluto (power) still in Capricorn (current neo liberal economic system) till 2025 is symbolic of the ruthless march of the power of money, despite all its fallout.

 2025 will be the start of a game changer, when Pluto moves into Aquarius

 Uranus remains in Taurus all year, suggesting ongoing unpredictable and sudden shifts and changes in the earth’s infrastructure. Mother earth itself will bring surprises and distress… related to its sustainability. Environmental security is threatened. Because Taurus also rules money and economic stability/ security, economies for sure, are in for some ongoing shocks.

 Back to this month. Mercury goes retrograde on the 14th till February 4th. Always this brings frustrations, delays and a necessary, enforced rethink of so many things, not least about the balance of the economy, versus public health, so what’s new?  Frustrations will abound and there is likely to be a sense of quite profound anger, impatience and confusion, which will affect people’s mood and mental health.   However, the balance of power in terms of value systems will be shifting, as the humanitarian heart will be strong.

 Venus moves direct on the 28th and that will be felt as a boost to plans to move forward, not least for Boris Johnson (Venus is his ruling planet) who has been hiding somewhat, since it went retrograde on the 19th of last month.

 The tricky and unpredictable periods this month will be between the 12th and 17th when Mercury is squared by Uranus. Crazy, mixed messages and unexpected changes of plans and some shocks/reversals are in the ether. The 30th also sees some chaos and shock potential when the Sun squares up to Uranus too. These Uranian times too are the most likely periods for potential geophysical disruptions on our planet.

 Intense events, when power can be used for great good or the opposite, are around the 16th and the 29th when Pluto conjuncts the Sun and Mercury respectively.

 Days of some deceptions, lack of realism and smoke and mirror type events or utterances, are around the 11th/12th when Mars squares up to Neptune.

 The positive days are around the 1st (New Year’s Day) when there can be some sense of breakthrough or hope., and the 5th, which is good for the power of the heart and indeed the arts.

  It looks like an ongoing time of some confusion and angry rebellion against the status quo in many conflicting ways and with definite highlighted clashes in value systems.

 One thing is sure this year, is that change will be enforced upon us uncomfortably, if we do not collectively, especially governments, have the humility and the acceptance of the need to revolutionise our damaging predominant value systems.

 The spiritual versus the material, is growing in conflict, or even the sense of the archetypal good versus evil.

 I wish us all and the planet all possible benign progress for 2022.




Tuesday, 30 November 2021


Jupiter moves sign approximately every 12 months, and he finally moves from Aquarius at the end of December (the 29th) into Pisces. He did temporarily dip his toe into Pisces, for a trial run, from mid-May till the end of July this year but is committing to that sign from late this month. I will talk more about the implications of this shift later.

 Whatever sign Jupiter is in, there is a great focus in those signs’ qualities, both the very positive potential, but potentially also where there can be an overindulgence of the downside.

Till late December the power of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius is strong. It is a rational, big picture, innovative air sign. it rules logic, science /technology/alternative ideas, and study (including astrology) and can signify a rebellion against the status quo and a desire to rebel against small mindedness and conservative attitudes, politically as well. There has been a notable surge over the last few years in the interest in astrology, not least encouraged through technology/social media.  Aquarius is also a sign of humanitarian values and because simultaneously Jupiter has been accompanied by Saturn, (a rare coming together of these two planets in that sign) the emphasis has been hugely on challenges to the best minds, re how to deal constructively with existential problems that have been consuming our planet and its people, not least re climate change and the pandemic.

 Saturn remains in Aquarius till early March 2023, so plenty of time for more focus of that planet on those areas, but Jupiter in that sign also, also, has brought an additional huge boost and relatively successful public recognition of the benefit for all of us, that such things as the vaccination and collective efforts to limit climate disaster can bring. It has indeed bought a beneficial, popular, and successful insight into the great advantages of wisdom and scientific knowledge, and the greater awareness of the talents that humanity has, for trying to put right, things that have gone wrong. Global cooperation is a must when Jupiter is in Aquarius   It is just sad that it takes an extreme and obvious crisis, for this to happen, when those in the know, (climate change scientists and epidemiologists) have been waiting for such events to hit us hard, for some time.

The shift of Jupiter into Pisces in late December, committed there till May 10th, will certainly underline the more emotional, spiritual, compassionate, sensitive, profundity of caring for the planet and the creative side of humanity, and will emphasise the power of nature and indeed positively, it will also bring a greater passion about nature’s value and beauty and the very urgent need to protect it and to change our ways in order to do this, for our very survival.

 However, ominously and at its worst, this planetary position will bring a potential lack of rationality.    All signs have their downsides and Neptune ruled Pisces, can lose touch with reality, and sometimes become convinced of the potential dark side of science. A bit of paranoia and a rather dark imagination can creep in, as can excessive idealism ..

 Neptune of course is now very strong in its own sign of Pisces (2012-2026) and with Jupiter there too, it can underline some of the more uncomfortable aspects of this position. Jupiter (plenty /excess/growth) will show in Pisces, how it can enhance this sign’s great ability to overwhelm us, not only in the power it gives to the growth in invisible spread, epidemic wise, but it  will, simultaneously speed up the corresponding increase in the growth of the no boundary, spread of conspiracy theories and social media propaganda, with all its dark smoke /mirror and blatant misinformation potential, re the epidemic and indeed possibly, re many other things.   Neptune and Jupiter, both in Pisces, has the unavoidable double power potential of both the very positive qualities of this sign, but also the downside of the extremes of this sign.

 For sure what we are being reminded of now, is the power of nature (Pisces) and its remarkable ability to challenge us and remind us that it will not sit back and let us do what we like. The concept of God, as I see it, is not so much in biblical terms, but as being about the power of the “Grand Originating Dynamic “(GOD). It is impossible to grasp the complexity of this dynamic, which is emanating from the whole universe. Its morality and laws are powerful and beyond our understanding, but it will draw a line when it is threatened by man. The existential principal of hubris and nemesis I believe always applies.

 The power of Pisces becoming so strong now, underlined by Jupiter about to enter that sign, will certainly grow our awareness of the limits of our power and the unlimited power of nature, to redress a balance, if necessary, by whatever means.

 All December, Saturn is hovering in square position to Uranus, (exactly so from the 23rd to January 1st) This is a real clash of the Titans and indicates a real conflict between the needed discipline/limitations (Saturn) and the hungry desire for freedom (Uranus). No doubt it will manifest re the Covid rules and precautions, and a clash between the social yearnings re Xmas, versus the fears and limitations attempted to be reimposed, because of new Covid variant dangers.

 Mars has been in Scorpio since the beginning of November and remains in Scorpio till December 13th. This is a powerful position, bringing uncomfortable truths and ruthless behaviour to the forefront of our consciousness. Boris Johnson has been challenged by this planetary position in November, not least between the 21st and 24th when Mars opposed his Jupiter and was in conjunction with his Neptune, a time when he realised that loyalty to him is not unconditional and that forensic detail in one’s work, really matters, not just ego.

 Jo Biden has had Mars transiting many of his planets and significant points since early November continuing till late December. This is a tough period for him, not least related to behind scenes challengers, who are enemies from the past. (His 12th house has been very activated)

 Venus, now in Capricorn, moves retrograde on the 19th and remains so till January 29th. Personal reflection will be underlined for many, and relationships revaluated, and much soul searching will be needed. There will also be a need for people to reassess their relationship with themselves. Venus retrograde puts the emphasis on profundity and inner strength and takes away from material values in favour of more spiritual ones .it is meditative and profound in its positive potential, but it can cause psychological withdrawal and some alienation. Again, one wonders if this is a reflection on the limits of socialising that is imposed on many during that period, because of the new Covid variant, and how we are forced to turn inwards, and rethink so much.

 Days of intensity re emotions and events are the 10th-15th, when Venus conjuncts Pluto, and again on the 30th, when Mercury conjuncts Pluto. Uncomfortable feelings and truths and profound communications will be apparent, individually, and big picture wise.

 Days of confusion, some deceptions, or at least lack of clarity, plus smoke and mirrors re facts and potential chaos, are manifesting on the 7th/8th and the 12th when Mercury and the Sun square up to Neptune respectively. Additionally, Mars squares up to Jupiter on the 8th, suggesting also then, that we all need to be wary of the powers of the metaphorical used car salesmen then, and to be fair… saleswomen too.

 The 1st, 6th, the 20th, have the best potential in terms of astrological profile.

 There is a solar eclipse on the 4th at 12 degrees of Sagittarius, which can be a time of the new and the refreshing. The full Moon falls on the 19th at 27 degrees of Gemini, a time of some eruptions that are inevitable and endings of chapters, that have potentially been building for some time.

 I think I should confirm that I see myself as a person, and as an astrologer, as a realist, but some people see me as a pessimist. If they are right, then I can only ever be pleasantly surprised by unfolding events.

 I wish you and us all collectively, the very best for this Christmas and 2022.





Sunday, 31 October 2021


 As the world’s challenges seem to grow and when there is a sense of cumulative crises, with no apparent final comprehensive solution, a sort of existential sense of stress and anger rises, manifesting in many unpleasant ways, both individually and collectively.  The pandemic and the climate crisis, being the prime issues of course.

 This is a period where most politicians are completely out of their depth, as their knowledge of what to do is very limited and experts are often ignored or side-lined, if it clashes with an inbuilt political and economic ideology and the ego of political leaders. …

 The gap between experts in their field and politicians is huge and has been growing so much bigger over the last decades, and the problems we face now are increasingly complex, and global. In many ways politicians are merely bystanders as the consequences of many decades of habitual human behaviour are coming home to roost.  Big empty promises are increasingly apparent.  Even with the best will in the world, politicians are mostly out of their depth. However, in so many cases, experts are sacrificed on the altar of the power of politics, especially money/economics, and populism.

  Astrology is very relevant to this rant.

This month will seriously reflect all this, as Scorpio dominates, especially as Mars is so strong in that sign (his own, co ruled with Pluto) all month. Scorpio is intense, ruthless, forensic and driven to win, at all costs, no matter what one is fighting for, and serious clashes of values may well be apparent.  The planetary power of Scorpio currently is in direct opposition to the power of Uranus, now in Taurus.  That is quite ominous.

 The COP26 climate conference may well reflect this mood. Promises made by those in power, will in many cases, be just that… with little follow up.  Frustrations and anger will be the result. Absences will be telling. Mere ticking boxes by many politicians, is increasingly obvious., creating extreme responses of frustration. There may be some confrontations that are upsetting. Between the 8th and the 13th Mercury conjuncts Mars in Scorpio. That is very powerful in terms of negotiations that can be ruthlessly progressive and determined, or potentially, stubbornly immoveable and angry.

 Boris Johnson, who is hosting the COP26 conference, has on the 7th and 8th his Sun conjunct to his Neptune and opposition his Jupiter, which speaks loudly of his characteristic wordy over selling, over idealism and fantasy, and a desire to be a hero, with little interest in detail. There is much smoke and mirrors on our planet, in terms of our leaders and business, who’s promises are without plan or sincerity. Johnson will also feel out of his depth, as he knows too well that the conference will not live up to the hopes of many.  Faux environmentalism is rife among many leaders.

 Days when events on our planets are disruptive, dangerous and surprising, both politically and especially geo physically re our earth’s infrastructure, are significant around the 5th, and very powerfully around 17th/18t, especially as there is also a lunar eclipse on the 19th. Uranus is being very activated on all those dates, and events will be disruptive.  The 13th/14th will also bring some unexpected communications and decisions, made public.

There is a huge clash and gap now, more than ever before, between science and political/ socio economics. This is because the former is now revealing uncomfortable truths about our planet’s condition, which is largely counter to mainstream political and economic goals and ideologies. This is totally correlating with the movement of Saturn and Jupiter now through Aquarius (science and big picture truth) versus traditional politics, short termism and economics, underscored now by the critical last lap of Pluto in Capricorn (money, establishment and power) which has dominated since 2008 and ongoing till 2026. This last lap will see the ultimate conflict between the powers of neoliberal capitalism with the profound, necessary changes needed for our civilisation’s survival, which in truth, needs to overthrow our prevailing global economic value system., which has, over generations created this global environmental collapse. Greed and wealth are the root of it all.

 These next-door signs of Capricorn and Aquarius could not be more different in their perspective, and the clash now is obvious with these so contradictory planetary placements.

 It is very telling symbolically that Greek mythology tells of the god Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, devouring his sons, one of which was Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, because he had been advised that one of his sons planned to overthrow him, and he could not accept that.

 Jo Biden, who is a powerful Scorpio (4 personal planets in that sign) has had Saturn opposition his Pluto (every 30 years) from the 23rd of October and continuing till November 17th. This speaks of the frustration he is, and will be experiencing, re the real limits to his power, which he feels both internationally and ideologically.  Those frustrations will be expressed this month, not least when the Sun conjuncts his Mars around the 5th and then when Mars conjuncts its own place around the 18th.

 Ongoing Neptune in Pisces (2012 till 2026) is now creating 2 powerful forces.

 Firstly, a totally necessary and increased sensitivity to mother earth and nature, with a horror of what humanity has done to achieve so much destruction of our planet; and with a desperate desire to limit at the least, that damage, most notably among young people (a movement which will get massively stronger in the coming months and years.) Personal ego is totally downgraded on the need to ensure the survival of our species, by ensuring our valuable infrastructure of nature, is totally respected, healed and regenerated.

The other response to the current Neptune position, has simultaneously created the power of conspiracy theories, denial of facts, smoke and mirrors, that are hard to deal with for many, (the truth is too hard to handle) aided and abetted of course by social media, which can breed lies, in a way that is almost hypnotic.  Neptune, like all the planets, have their pluses and negatives.

These two manifestations are classic of the wonderful upside and the scary downside of the power of Neptune, so very strong now in its own home sign of Pisces (every approx. 165 years).  

 It is also noteworthy how certain leaders on our planet have in the last few years taken on a role of self-styled and increasingly immoveable leaders, reducing democracy and trying to create virtual dictatorships.  They are often in denial re such issues as climate change or downgrade it. Delusions of grandeur and narcissism have crept in. Again, this is a real downside of the power of Neptune in Pisces, when ego gets distorted and self-styled illusion and fantasy dominates.  This is often created as a result of significant psychological damage forged in childhood. In fact, mental health issues have been increasingly flagged up as an important factor in some leader’s behaviours. The trouble is, like cult leaders, their influence on many is undeniable, even hypnotic. They are seen as saviours. They can do no wrong in the minds of their followers, who are often themselves dominated by selective perception, to protect themselves, in order to suit their own ego.

These sorts of leaders always end up in some sort of ignominy, but it can take too long, and much damage is done beforehand.

Neptune Idealism can be so constructive and wonderful when motivated by compassion, sensitivity realism and for the genuine good of all, but delusion, the downside of Neptune, can be so damaging.

 November is a tricky month for us all and much uncomfortable truth can be exposed, and that partial lunar eclipse on the 19th in Taurus, will likely underline this.





Thursday, 30 September 2021



With Mercury retrograde till the 18th and since September 27th, frustrations and delays abound, not least in England.  All month, till the around the 24th Mars and the Sun are both in Libra nudging each other. This can only bring an atmosphere of barely disguised tensions and anger in people and global politics and a there is a ruthless desire to win This will however be bathed, in some disguise of charm and claims of fairness and this will be especially strong on the 8th.

 However, the mood is clearly dangerously intense around the 2nd, 17th and 18th and around the 22nd when Mercury, the Sun and Mars all respectively, square up to Pluto.  Power struggles that can be dangerous, are in the air, particularly on the 22nd.

The fight against climate change, so illuminated now by the facts and by direct and plentiful global experience, is growing as a priority for many, for obvious reasons, and it is increasingly creating serious eco anxiety, especially in the young, whose future is felt to be seriously threatened. However, so many people in power, are still in reality, very much still side-lining the issue, in favour of financial interests and growth, although lip service is being paid to it by many leaders.  There are of course leaders who totally acknowledge the vastness of the problem and are doing their best to address it, but it is only collective global cooperation which will make a significant enough difference.

 A huge existential clash of values now is coming to a head globally and with Neptune in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus now, nature is doing its best to wake us up, which is as clear as day , especially again to the young, but the old establishment socio/economic order (Pluto in Capricorn 2008 till 2025) is dominating and creates such a strong sense of ego , that it is just too much for many with power to face the inconvenient truth of a massive needed change of values and priorities.

 The technological development we are seeing is rapid and mind blowing in so many ways, for both good and ill, especially now Aquarius is so strong with both Jupiter and Saturn in that sign, but sometimes it seems we have become too smart for our own good, with wisdom becoming side-lined, again, often on the altar of money, power and ego alone.

When Pluto ,which equals power..( think of the words Plutonium and Plutocracy) moves in 2025 into Aquarius, (innovation, big picture, technology), it is hoped that power in that area will be combined with a humanitarian outlook and a collective wisdom, but because Pluto seems to revel in personal power, ego and control, there is a worry that technological advancement can then be used as a tool for dangerous control, manipulation, power and even warfare, without having to drop a single bomb.   Technology allows countries potentially to be held to ransom by other countries, if they can powerfully infiltrate technological systems. We are already seeing widespread misuse of technology, and this could become dangerously socio-political very easily.

 Motive is everything with Pluto, magnificently regenerative and healing when used well, or very destructive and dark, when used for reasons of selfish gain and power.

 The Gray Zone concept is looming as a reality.

 Boris Johnson has Mars on his ascendant between the 1st and the 4th.suggesting thar others will be problematic to him in their challenge and he will be under some duress … not least re economic issues, and looking at the England birth chart, Jupiter is currently square to the natal Neptune, which certainly points to an over optimism, a lack of clarity and reality, plus a desire for heroic jingoistic glamour, when it comes to innovative international relations.

 Biden’s chart continues to be stressed and from the 23rd when Saturn opposes his natal Pluto (every 30 years) till November17th.  International relations are very difficult for him then and his power is at least totally limited, and at worst, really threatened.  Saturn is also squaring his Part of Fortune, most of the month, quite literally implying that his luck is at a very low ebb.

 There is still for the USA chart, a powerful transit of Pluto opposing the natal Mercury (Since March 2020 and till January 2022) suggesting a powerful and protracted period of stress, relating to the international reputation of the States (Since March 2020 and till January 2022)

New world orders are developing, broken alliances are manifesting with new, seeming illogical ones formed. Shape shifting and obscure agreements, are being announced, without clear reason, other than, it seems, the desire for immediate power of certain egocentric leaders and short-term economic gain, regardless of long-term consequences or risks. This is notable now, in the terms of new international agreements and deals, regarding increased proliferation of nuclear weapons.   This is indeed a manifestation of the downside of Neptune in Pisces, since 2012, which does indeed create behind the scenes smoke and mirrors and deceptions, resulting from the often fanciful, ego centred motives of certain powerful, but often foolish men, who only see the future in terms of their own glamourous tenure of office and who are wilfully ignoring the risks. The good of the world is sacrificed on the altar of perceived individual, national heroism and ego … A sad but increasingly common fact, re many of our world leaders.

The full Moon is on the 20th at 27 degrees of Aries and the New Moon is on the 6th at 13 degrees     Libra. Libras born around the 6th/7th October may well feel at the time of the New Moon, as if a new chapter is unfolding, whilst for Aries, born around the 17th of April, there may be around the 20th, a sense of an ending in some context, that must erupt in some way.  Things come to a head.











Tuesday, 31 August 2021


 The Taliban takeover of Afghanistan was alarmingly confirmed on Sunday 15 August, when they took Kabul. With hindsight, the chart for that day was very powerful in Kabul.   There were 2 strong fixed T squares of planetary influences at work, triggered by the Moon going through Scorpio, involving the Sun, Uranus, Saturn, the Moon, with Jupiter also nudging his way in. … all in fixed signs.  To top that, on the 15th around the middle of the day in Kabul, for a few hours, Scorpio was rising and conjunct the Moon in that sign, which totally rubber stamped the power of the almost Fixed grand cross created.

 Fixed signs are the most immoveable, stubborn and durable of the signs.

 Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but an astrologer can’t be looking at every country every day.

 This was ominous for not only that country, but with significant global implications, especially with a powerful disruptive Uranus involved, and notably when challenged by Saturn, which is still happening now .

 Saturn challenging Uranus is basically a challenge to freedom, and those challenges to freedoms can be for either the collective good, or to the detriment of all, depending on one’s ideology, temperament and viewpoint.  We have seen this with the whole epidemic dynamic; and this clash of these two planets has indeed been around, on and off globally, since the appearance of Covid.

With Afghanistan, the likely limits put on the population’s freedom by the new regime, are now very much perceived by most of the world, as repressive and creating a frightening and very dangerous situation for many.

Now, looking at events in Afghanistan, we know why, as I mentioned in last month’s blog, that Jo Biden’s chart was so tough then.

 His chart is not looking easy at all this month either, as he has an every 30-year Saturn exactly opposing his natal Pluto from the 3rd till the 30th.  This limits his power enormously, especially in international dealings, as Pluto is in his 9th house in his natal chart (international and legal issues).

 He will not achieve what he wanted, during this time, but when Saturn says no to Pluto in anybody’s chart, it is often because that person is not meant to have what they want or assumes they will get, as other lessons are needed to be learned and therefore their power is often very stymied. What one wants and what one needs, are often very different. This energy returns with a vengeance in his chart, from the 23rd of October till 17th November this year too, and in truth, it never really goes away throughout September till late November. 

However, because Saturn is in good relation to Pluto in his natal chart, he will manage this challenge better than many leaders would, as he will have some humility and will adjust.  It will however be a tough time for him.

Talking of leaders, Boris Johnson has Mars squaring his Sun and Venus around the 12th and 13th of this month, when he may have much to struggle with, in terms of some nemesis coming back to haunt him from his past behavior and decisions, and around the 20th he will be in an uncomfortable situation again, especially on the 21st when the full Moon will square his Sun and Venus.

 Being the month of Virgo, there is also a strong activation of Johnson’s 12th house in his birth chart, indicating that much energy in his life will be focused on behind-the-scenes secrecy and there will be potential obfuscation of truth. The 12th house relates strongly to past and karma.

 Importantly this month, Mercury on the 27th, starts on his notorious, customary retrograde period (approximately 3 times a year). This continues till October 18th. He is passing through Libra for all this period.  Hence, as always, this will be a period of delay, frustrations and blocks globally. This not least will be connected to problems re the principles of Libra, relating to issues of harmony, worldwide diplomacy, negotiation and a block on fairness and justice. This will also affect us all personally too, to some extent, especially in the areas ruled by Libra in our personal charts. Many Sun sign Librans will be more aware of this, than most. Boris Johnson has a Libra ascendant and so will certainly feel the strain during this period., especially next month.

The thing to remember about Mercury retrograde, is that this event should be used as an opportunity for a rethink and recalibration of issues, as when this block is there, it is a time to learn from, and not to just to make us frustrated and angry. Also, patience is demanded, if we are on the wisest track.

 Climate change issues have loomed ominously large in the last few months and technology is now in no position to dawdle in terms of innovation to ameliorate the problems the world faces; and indeed, the now ongoing position of Saturn and Jupiter in the futuristic, humanitarian and technologically innovative sign of Aquarius, are in the spotlight.

 The problem is, we need global motivation from all governments, to invest in these areas, and that involves a need for wisdom and a lack of corruption, in terms of dubious vested interests. Those short-term interests may be good for those in power and their ego, but not for the whole of humanity and the planet.   Pluto in Capricorn (2008-2025) is still fighting its corner, a planetary position which is mainly concerned with preservation of the power of the old status quo and the old ruthless, consumerist economic order and the idea of eternal economic growth, at all costs to the earth… Neo liberal capitalism, no less. The unsustainability of this ideology is now screaming out.

The biblical quote “money is the root of all evil” is incorrect. The correct quote is “The love of money is the root of all evil”.

 Short term gratification, governmental flag waving and paying mere lip service to the need for change, is feeding egos only and it must concede humbly, to the urgent action to bring real long-term gain for the health of the planet, and therefore for us all.

 It is becoming obvious, I think to many, that corruption of governments is the 2nd biggest threat to our planet, after climate change.

The sensitivity to and appreciation of nature, as brought to us by Neptune in Pisces (2012-2026) is totally seeping into our collective consciousness, in terms of what really matters, and it isn’t the exploitation of the planet, for personal wealth. Also, Uranus in Taurus (2019- -mid 2026) which is all about shock and change in our earthy infrastructure, is certainly also doing his bit to urgently wake us up.

We all need to beware of deceptive circumstances around the 2nd and 3rd and the 14th, when Neptune is opposed by Mars and the Sun respectively. There will be then the danger of smoke and mirrors and confusion.  Things will not be as they seem, although the arts can be inspired in some way then. The 23rd and 24th see Venus in Scorpio opposing Uranus, when the unexpected is in the air and some shock and revelations are possible, personally and globally.

 Days of potential progress and breakthroughs are the 6th and 7th and the 17th bringing strength, regeneration and breakthroughs in some way.

Sunday, 1 August 2021


The very powerful, and existential climate change impacts, that are affecting our planet now, are more intense and faster in development than even many climate scientists anticipated … and that my friends, is genuinely scary and if ever nature is trying to warn us, it is really speeding up on that process now.

It seems that the whole Covid crisis is like a mere practice run for the massive threat of climate issues now burgeoning upon us, and it is a daunting, but essential challenge, as to how we must cope with these cooperatively, on a global level.

Astrologically, Uranus in Taurus, since May 2018 till May 2026, is the most significant indicator of this energy. Uranus is synonymous with unpredictable change, disruption, some chaos and necessary shock, (feels negative) but which demands action on a whole new kinder, innovative, technological, revolutionary, and essentially on a humanitarian level (positive). Taurus relates to literally the earth, our security and value systems, and the practical functioning of our planet. Hence the status quo and our infrastructure must, as a matter of emergency, be radically addressed in terms of a necessarily changed value and economic system. Respecting nature and its complex delicate balance and interactions, need total honouring, and indeed our own survival depends on it. 

 We need nature. It doesn’t need us.

Jupiter back now again in Aquarius (Innovation, progress, technology), since the end of last month, and staying there till the end of December this year, augurs well for ongoing enlightened, benign progress (positive Jupiter) in relation to scientific breakthrough… which has already served us well re vaccination progress… It also will now need to focus increasingly urgently on how technology can bring change and radically limit our man-made damage to the planet.

It is also true that Jupiter’s potential for advancement and growth can have a downside .. and his journey through Aquarius this year, has also correlated with the huge increase in power that technology has over us all and there has been a very significant rise in the tech companies’ economic worth and power. As a result, we have in many ways, a world dominated now by a technocracy, which holds massive power for ill, as well as good, and which can certainly dominate our governments. Its genius potential can be used for dark motive, and it can completely outwit and indeed even control our rulers. Certain world leaders can now also use it to gain advantage and power over other countries rulers, who mostly are completely blindsided by technology’s dark potential.

 When Pluto (power) enter Aquarius in 2024/25 (for 20 years) the potential then re technology is rather daunting.

Saturn, a benevolent despot, or to put it another way, a karmic schoolteacher, (discipline and tough lessons) is also now in Aquarius, (since December 2020 and till March 2023) and is therefore showing us the necessity principle, and brings harsh reality checks about difficult, even revolutionary changes that must be made. Since Uranus rules Aquarius, the whole principle of Jupiter and Saturn being in that sign, accentuates essentially the need for growth in innovation and an enlightened insight and revolutionary change on a global level. These planetary placements serve as an essential wakeup call, that must honour the need and huge discipline required, in how we collectively do things for the benefit of our planet and all on the planet. 

The downside of Saturn (discipline/lessons) in Aquarius is rebellion against the blocks on freedoms, even if they are necessary. The libertarian right wing of political parties, find imposed discipline, even if for the greater good, an insult to their ingrained sense of entitlement and to the assumption that eternal economic growth is the only valid creed… and even of course, greed.

 When money is the only God, we are in deep trouble.

 Pluto however (ruthless power for good or ill) is still in the sign of Capricorn (2008- till 2025) which is a sign linked to traditional, conservative, established economic systems and infrastructures, and often the very antithesis of Aquarian values. (England is a Capricorn country). This indicates an ongoing conflict therefore between the necessity, of the new and positive, revolutionary big picture values, versus the clinging to the old social and economic hierarchies, even though the survival of humanity is at stake.

The planet itself, however, will always survive, with or without us… and probably more happily with the latter, if the current status quo is not changed.

 This is a unique moment in human and planetary history.

Neptune is in his once every 165-year visit to Pisces (2012-2026) and so is now playing a powerful role on people’s consciousness and value system. Pisces is about the power of the spiritual and the simple, not least related to the appreciation of the value and beauty of nature and indeed, that of the creative arts too. Because Neptune rules Pisces, the hunger to value these qualities is felt doubly strongly now and will be a very powerful, inbuilt generational characteristic for all who have been born during those years when it is in its own sign (As above). Pisces and its ruler Neptune are also about metaphorical and literal, invisible spread (already obviously globally verified, pandemic wise) and about the power of the collective unconscious. Negatively, potential insidious influences, especially illusion/ delusion/lies, can now more easily be spread, for obvious example, by the power of social media.

Emphasis on Leo during this month is always a cause for more extrovert, expansive and confident behaviour, but the downside of that sign, being that an excess of those characteristics, can lead to a price to pay later. The increased power of ego and entitlement can create a mood of overconfidence and overreaching, re the emergence from the epidemic.

However, carefully considered optimism, backed by some evidence, is not necessarily proved wrong.

Around the 2nd when the Sun opposes Saturn, there are essential reality checks for us all, as the spirit of personal adventure and ego, may well clash with necessity of collective consideration.

Around the 4th Boris Johnson has Mercury squaring his Neptune, when his predisposition to be vague, evasive, and to proclaim big, empty ideas, or be economical with the truth, especially re finance/economy, will be very strong. However, he has a very positive boost, after that date, when Jupiter trines his Sun till the 15th. He will then be in celebratory and confident mode, validly or not, either privately or indeed publicly.

 Jo Biden needs care and caution round the 5th-22nd when Jupiter squares his Sun and Venus, he is in danger of over promising or being overconfident, however, a simultaneous Saturn trining its own place in his chart, will give him some wise and self-reflective grounding. August is not ever really the best month for Biden, as the Sun squares up then to all his 4 powerful Scorpio planets.

 Days of some stress for the planet in general, and unpredictable eruptions, not least potentially geophysically and climate wise, are around the 7th, when the Sun squares up to Uranus. And around the 8th there is for many, much confusion, smoke and mirrors and lack of clarity about the trajectory of our collective travel.

Days of potential breakthroughs/ progress re our world, are the 3rd, the 12th the 20th, 23rd and the 26th, when positive aspects from the inner planets to the outer planets, can then augur generally well for us.

The new Moon falls on the 8th at 16 degrees of Leo, and the full Moon falls on the 22nd at 29 degrees of Aquarius. Those born around August the 9th, may find the that the 8th of this month therefore brings opportunities for the initiation of the positive new, whilst those born around February the 19th, may find that the 22nd brings to a head stresses that have been building, and which may finally manifest then, quite eruptively. It can indeed mark the closure of a chapter.






Wednesday, 30 June 2021


 Jupiter entered Aquarius on December 20th last year, in his once every 12-year visitation …  He worked through that sign fast, bringing a speedy, much needed scientific triumph in vaccination development and research and recognition of the humanitarian universality of the need for cooperation in this issue (all Aquarius values). He then temporarily entered Pisces on May 14th where he stays till the 28th of this month, and then he returns to Aquarius till December 29th, 2021, to complete his welcome goals there.  From Pisces, positively, he has really underlined the focus on the value of our environment and love of nature and the urgency to wake up big time, to the need for protection of and the beauty of nature (all Pisces values) … and a strong focus on sea health (Neptune, God of the sea and Pisces ruler) has also been much emphasized.

 He has also brought a longing to get back the power of the arts and music into our lives, another Pisces focus a need for the soul to be fed. Negatively the power of Pisces has underlined the spread of conspiracy theories re mind control and dangers via vaccination, Pisces is a sign, that in extremis, is vulnerable to fantasy and some paranoia… and can bring confusion too about direction of travel re Covid control.

 The power of the continued conflict between need for freedom versus the ongoing need for caution re Covid, still hovers, as Saturn (restriction) still challenges Uranus (freedom) by rare square aspect in the heavens. This totally eases next year.

 On the 3rd and 4th, there is a rebellious unpredictable feeling in the air, both individually and globally, when Mars squares Uranus. Economic shocks and poor judgment are a possibility then too. Accident proneness and impulsiveness generally can be an issue. Indeed, it will be wise for us all, not least politicians/leaders, to stop and think before action, notably If Leo or Taurus, born between the 4th and 8th of May or August.

 Mars in Leo till the 29th underlines the collective urge this month to live life more to the full, to chase the Sun via holidays and to express social creativity and feel the life force …hard to repress, even if needed… especially for Leos.   Around the 13th sees a particular high passion in many, re enjoyment of life, not least in love life, and in the arts, when Venus conjoins with Mars.

Jo Biden has a few challenges this month, conflicts and blocks loom large around the 1st, the 16th and 26th. Strong egos are likely to frustrate him, at all costs, on principle, rather than logic.  Also, Pluto is opposing his Jupiter all month and the 1st half of next month. He will therefore be in real determined mode in order to achieve his goals. which, in turn will attract a strong ruthless desire by others to sabotage his actions.

 Boris Johnson has a very careless and a strong sleight of hand orientation around the 6th and 7th when Mars squares up both his Jupiter and Neptune. The used car salesman in him will be dominating. Having Saturn's ongoing, every 30-year conjunction to his Part of Fortune point, has not helped his position in terms of good judgment.

 Days of frustration and reality checks, generally for us all, are around the 1st/2nd and the 7th when Saturn forces us to slow down and get real, without anger, both in our personal and collective lives.

 The 17th/18th brings a once-a-year Sun opposition to Pluto.  The quite explosive power of determination and confrontation is significantly in the air then. Power struggles no less, and the 25th, also has the flavour of a real ideological power struggle, when Mercury opposes Pluto.  Ruthless arguments will dominate the ether. Trying to change others’ views will then be futile.

Pluto can bring obsession and potential abuse of power, from self or others when in challenging mode.  His ongoing journey through Capricorn (2008-2025), which rules the established economic order, has undoubtedly brought abuse of power re neo liberal capitalist philosophy, including massively increasing financial inequalities, tax evasions and a rise in power of monopolies and corporations etc…  If you combine that with Uranus (unpredictability /change /innovation/risk and technology) now in Taurus, since March 2019 till April 2026, a sign about money and values, (happens every 84 years), this points also to an ongoing revolution in the way we do money.

Cashless society is becoming the prevailing mode of financial transaction and Uranus, being the ruler of technology, has also seen the significant rise of crypto currency, with all its unpredictability and ephemeral qualities.  However, because Uranus also rules shock, and unpredictable danger, we have also seen a whole global economic crisis because of the shock of the epidemic and a huge loss of income for so many, whilst indeed others have thrived.

We are all in the same storm, but certainly not all in the same boat.

 Also, with the massive power of technology and its increasing unpredictable uses and abuses, not least re money, there has been an underreported huge rise of serious online and phone financial scams, which many have been vulnerable to, and authorities seem to have little ability, or maybe the will, to prevent this.

We must remember that Neptune ongoing in Pisces now, has a downside of confusion, deception, and smoke and mirrors, which can make many vulnerable.

We live increasingly in a technocracy., especially with the power of the sign of Aquarius which is so powerful re technology and Uranus (which rules Aquarius), now so strong. This power can be used for amazing progress for the greater good, or indeed otherwise.

 The energy of every planet has its downside and how we choose to use the powers of our planets (and our signs) are a matter of a mixture of personal choice, morality, wisdom, ideology and the prevailing value system of our society’s influences on us.  That is the human condition. As humans we have this struggle, but never more has the choice of our use of power, either for the greater good, or for personal gain, been more vital and indeed existential, as for the first time in human history, the survival of the entire planet, or not, can depend on those choices.

 Astrology has an implicit morality, as it reveals the choices we have and indeed importantly, the resultant karmic lessons we need to learn as a result of how we individually and collectively choose to express the power potential implicit in our charts.

 The outer planets particularly, which are generational in influence, as they stay for years in each sign, test the collective motives and morality of prevailing global values and direction of travel at any given period.

 To be unusually positive, the days of potential breakthrough and inspiration are the 5th 12th, 15th and 20th, when wisdom, insight, inspiration and positivity can dominate the energies.

  The Moon is new on the 10th at 18 degrees of Cancer and Full on the 24th at 1 degree of Aquarius.




Monday, 31 May 2021



Mercury, currently in Gemini, moved retrograde on the 29th of May, and stays that way till the 22nd of June.  It has and will certainly bring delays, blocks, confusion, misinformation and uncertainty in terms of messaging, not least re pandemic information and travel guidance. This will continue to be the case for much of the month. On many levels, when Mercury is retrograde it demands a rethink, rather than a stubborn, blind and often pride driven push forward, despite that push often not being logical.

Jupiter visits each sign for about a year, every 12 years, and he is now temporarily and so sensitively in Pisces from May 13th till late July, but he will then later return to complete his work in Pisces twice more, before he finally moves away from Pisces in late December 2022.  His journey through Pisces in this 12-year cycle, therefore, is very unusually interrupted by a short return to Aquarius, then a 6 month visit to Aries, before returning to finally complete his task in Pisces, in the last 2 months of 2022.  I feel that this quite unusual meandering of Jupiter, is to make us all aware quickly, of the healthy balance humanity needs to address and achieve of necessity, between compassion, emotion, spirituality and the heart (Pisces), science, rationality, realism and innovation (Aquarius) alongside the power of the ego and the principle of survival (Aries).

 Negatively, from Pisces Jupiter can bring some over idealism and delusion over realities and an overenthusiasm about celebrations, notably re the demise of the pandemic. This is understandable, but combine confusion of messaging with over idealism, and some red flags are likely. Invisible spread of disease, or merely insistent spread of rumour or fantasy, is classic of the downside of Jupiter in Pisces.

Jupiter in Pisces is however wonderful for the power of all the arts and for spiritual concerns, but in extremis, it can create delusion, illusion and misguided conclusions.

 It is certainly true that many people in many countries, have vaccine fear and an out of proportion belief in its great potential harm. Jupiter in Pisces certainly underlines the potential power of an overactive imagination and spread of delusional information and fake news. Jupiter in Pisces can however be so positive when positively connected to the power of the heart, compassion and caring, not least re the preciousness of nature and our planet.

Saturn is concurrently in Aquarius now (science/humanitarian concerns) from last December till early March 2023, is however strutting forward magnificently in terms of his task (Saturn) of rolling out the vaccine availability so well in so many countries, but the current Pisces input can also simultaneously cause an irrational response in many...including a potential unrealistic idealism about our complete ability to now happily grasp unhindered freedom from restrictions.

 Pisces is a sign ruled by ruled by Neptune, God of the sea, and is also co ruled by Jupiter itself. Currently and rarely, Neptune is still moving through his home sign of Pisces (2012-2026 and only every 165 years), so now, with both the rulers of the sign traversing it, there is a double powerful influence of Pisces on humanity. This combining brings, among other things, therefore a great longing in humanity for the joys of being near the sea, even for many, a desire to live near the sea and it will drive many to want to travel to be near the oceans. Positively, it will also put much emphasis on the need to protect the seas/oceans from further damage by humanity.

 It is notable that Boris Johnson has Saturn continuing to conjunct his part of Fortune in his chart (every 30 years) till the 19th of this month and indeed it has been hovering there since the end of April. It will notably be exact around the 11th of June, and his luck then is likely to be a little challenged, and uncomfortable stuff will likely catch up on him, especially as Uranus from the 12t of June, will also be squaring the same point (every 42 years). This brings left field, unexpected eruptions to his plans, and disruptive outcome of unwise ventures.

 The 6th sees Mars oppose Pluto on a global level, this has potential for anger, violence and rather primaeval power struggles and abuse of power on the globe and indeed we all need to be aware then of tensions potentially rising in our personal lives as well. The USA and Jo Biden may be acutely aware of this power around that time. Biden also has a powerful, rare Uranian transit opposing his Mars for the first half of this month. This can bring unexpected upsets in his professional path related to the erratic behaviour of others… and he will also need to look before he leaps.

 Also, around the 3-7th will be a time for all of us to remember that the truth of information given and received, will be very hard to detect and ascertain, as Mercury squares up to Neptune then. Sleight of hand and plain potential deception and confusion is in the air. We all need to be careful and try to be clear in given and received information… especially as Mercury is also retrograde then, ensuring that frustrating chaos can ensue, and nothing is as it seems.

Around the 13th/14th the Sun also squares up to Neptune when much smoke and mirrors will be in the global ether.  Things will not be as presented.

 The 23rd/24th sees Venus oppose Pluto. This brings passion and intensity and can be very enthralling and hold potential for the power of personal desire to dominate and cause abuse of power and control issues. All that matters is motive with Pluto. If the motive is genuinely for the greater good for all, Pluto can be magnificent and healing. However, if it is for personal selfish gain, it can be a power that is destructively coercive, both in personal experience and on a political stage.

 The ongoing clash (square) between Saturn and Uranus continues. This has been especially in manifestation, related to Covid, i.e., the clash between disciplined caution (Saturn) and freedom (Uranus).  The signs they are in, point strongly to the clash between the realities and constraints of science and epidemiological facts (Aquarius), versus the need for the freedom to unleash the economy (Taurus).

This current planetary global conflict of energies has been operative since last April, and is continuing erratically till next September, when it eases, but then recurs strongly from November this year, till around February 2022. This time span will bring some tricky problems for politicians around paths forward and resulting frustrations for many.

 There is a Solar eclipse on the 10th at 19 degrees of Gemini. A solar eclipse can augur especially well for the birth of the new. It favours all born around June the 10th.

The full Moon falls on the 24th at 3 degrees of Capricorn and is often a little eruptive in terms of outpourings of repressed problems that can bring some inevitable endings of chapters, or at least, a clearing house of issues, that need to be left behind. This will potentially personally impact most those born around June 25th and December 25th. It can of course, be just a mild and private wake up call.

 Globally, a full Moon can cause some outpourings of natural eruptions in nature, or some potential socio-political crises in certain countries, where tensions have been quietly rumbling.




Friday, 30 April 2021



 There is an important planetary shift this month. Jupiter moves into Pisces.

Whatever sign Jupiter is passing through is where his benefits and gifts are underlined.

Jupiter moves through each sign every 12 years and spends on average 1 year there, demonstrating his task in that sign’s energy.  People with strong Pisces in their birth chart will be pleased.

 On the 13th of this month, Jupiter, makes this shift and moves away from Aquarius and temporarily only, dips his toe into Pisces, where he hovers in the very early degrees of that sign till July 28th. From then, he returns to complete his task in Aquarius, staying in that sign till December 29th.

From December 29th however, he will then return into Pisces, to commit to finalising his job there, until May 10th, 2022.

He has been in Aquarius since December 20th, 2020 and he has indeed during this period, been working alongside Saturn in the same sign, which a rare combining. This has demonstrated the amazing speed of scientific development for the greater good, not least re the development and roll out of vaccines and shifted the mood towards a need for greater humanitarianism and equality … not least racially.  The results of the pure drive of capitalism and ruthless economic growth (Strong Capricorn over the last decade or so) is showing its downside and is looking less robust in value and a realisation of the need for bigger picture wisdom, is showing its face, not least in climate change awareness and the essential need for global cooperation re planetary health, as opposed to nationalism. Big picture, more existential realisations are emerging (Aquarius).

The move into Pisces by Jupiter this month, will give us all a taste of what is to come from the end of this year, in terms of areas of development.

  The water sign of Pisces, ruled by Neptune of course, is all about the emotions, the heart, the spiritual and the artistic and indeed nature. It is a powerful influence for compassion. there is a greater sense of intuition, which sometimes, in extremis, can lead to astral illusion, not free of egotism … Positively, however it brings a great need for the heart and soul to be honoured, as opposed to just the mind and the material. Sensitivity is totally underlined, as is empathy, humanitarianism and compassion.  The sea (Neptune ruled) will become also of major focus in terms of its health and importance on our planet and love of it will really be powerful. Indeed, the human heart will be much more aware of the value of the whole natural world, for our psychological wellbeing and indeed for the health of the whole planet. The arts too will become an increasingly strong and hugely focused area, especially after recent starvation of that quality in humanity. Some major creativity of great significance in all areas of the arts will be manifest.

 The arguments against climate change happening, is already redundant and with the new Pisces influence, the power of oneness, caring and cooperation needed to protect our planet, will be indisputable. Neptune is currently (since 2012) powerfully moving through its own sign of Pisces (every165 years for 14 years) …. and now add Jupiter to the mix, and the power of this sign is clearly going to be increasingly self-evident.

 The powerful, destructive leaders in the world when it comes to their values of pure interest only in money and power, will become increasingly redundant and the forces for the heart and soul will gain in strength We have already seen the transition in the USA, in terms of leadership values and priorities and the same shifts will need to happen in many other countries, not least Brazil[LO1] .  Lip service alone to a change in values will not cut it.

 Of course, there is always a downside to any planetary position and Jupiter when in Pisces, can be OTT in that sign’s principles and qualities and therefore can bring over idealism, emotionalism, excessive fantasy, illusion and therefore escapism, including a danger of addictive behaviour, which is often a manifestation of a sensitivity to realities that are felt to be too great to tolerate and deal with.  There is also the danger of deceptions (negative Neptune). Strong emotions and idealism can be taken advantage of, and it can invite dangers via the already familiar dangers of the powers and illusions of social media influence, bringing distortions of truths and its appeal to people’s vulnerability, to a more damaging degree. The border between reality and illusion/ fantasy/lies can be very blurred when negative Pisces is manifested. The danger of the influence of ego seeking and indeed often delusional cult leaders is also flagged up, i.e., those who take advantage of others’ vulnerability, idealism and gullibility.

 The positives of this planetary position of Jupiter in Pisces, can be truly heart-warming, joyous, beautiful and indeed, evolutionary, but the dangers can be destructively illusionary. We need to be very careful and discriminating.

 The good news is that with Saturn totally remaining in Aquarius till early March 2023, we have the rational balance of his influence, alongside Jupiter in Pisces... to underline the science, truth and the pragmatism of our collective humanity’s needs and the wise use of our hearts, souls and minds, all combined in balance.

The Sun exactly conjuncts Uranus on the 1st of the month, but its influence is at work for several days either side of that date, so this period is a potential time of eruptions, literally physically, such as earthquakes and volcanic activity and/or metaphorically i.e., socio-politically. Being in Taurus, it is likely to do with our planet’s physical energy fields and possibly connected to economic issues.

 Anyway, expect the unexpected around those dates.

 Mercury in his home sign of Gemini from the 4th and then moves retrograde on the 29th of the month and stays in that mode till June 23rd.  This will, as always, be a period of delay, blocks and frustrations. and is also flagging up a period where patience is necessary, as well as probably a necessary rethink, set back and reassessment. Geminis be aware, not least Boris Johnson.

There is a total Lunar eclipse on the 26th at 5 degrees of Sagittarius. That will be a time of endings of chapters and eruptive reality checks, that have been bubbling up for some time, for some who have significant natal planets involved in that degree… Obviously though, for those born around November 28th and May 27th.

  The new Moon falls at 21 degrees of Taurus on the 11th which can be a time of new beginnings in some obvious or private way.  Again, especially true, if it connects with any strong planetary chart position you may have, but strongly anyway, obviously, for all born around May 11th/ 12th.



Wednesday, 31 March 2021



April 2021 blog

The sign of Aries influencing the planet currently till the 19th, ruled by Mars, is a confident, assertive and competitive sign and likes to take the initiative… It likes a confrontation and is fiery in response …. It does not like to be dictated to or lose control. There will be some obvious stand offs between nations re principles, ideology and policy and the military might will be on show. We already have Myanmar and China in defiant mode and even Europe is in rather in irritated/divisive state re the pandemic and vaccines. Authorities are coming under scrutiny as they push their luck.

Even in the UK the police are being challenged by sectors of the population, about freedom to demonstrate and in the States the police are being called to account in terms of racial issues.…. Of course, a collective global anxiety about and impatience with the Covid situation is creating much psychological stress and it manifests easily in a desire to somehow take control of what we can … when so much is rather anarchic, scary and out of control.

 Particularly angry days when power struggles and confrontations are on the cards, are strong between the 15th and 19th when the Sun and Mercury are squaring up to Pluto.   That can manifest on a personal level as well as socio/politically. Pluto so often brings dangerous power struggles when challenged.

 Positively, the thrust of both Jupiter and Saturn continuing in the sign of Aquarius (science, innovation and detached big picture wisdom) is furthering the ability to move forward with progress in squashing the Covid epidemic. The problem is that politicians are making it become a little too much based on the altar of competitiveness and nationalism. The vaccination programme will move forward, if we can rise above the ego angles related to the successes.

 However, the very constructive alignments this month of Mercury and Venus with Jupiter and Saturn are very hopeful.

 What we do need to be wary of is the ongoing tension now between Uranus and Saturn, which continue to square up to each other.

Uranus, positively, is very innovative, but also potentially alarming as he fosters necessary change/awakenings and has an unpredictable, impulsive quality, that can be very liberating, but can, negatively, be impulsive, rash and rebellious. Saturn, by contrast is pro status quo, cautious and clings on to safety and indeed practicality and brings reality checks. Negatively that can block progress, but positively, the reality that Saturn reveals, can be a constructive block on excess, rashness and unwise risk. As a pair they have always clashed, but in good coordination one can offset the extremes of the other. They must cooperate.

 Uranus is now in Taurus for the long haul till the end of April 2026 and Saturn is in Aquarius till March 2023, but because Uranus rules Aquarius, we have the potential for great compromise between these planets, despite the uncomfortable square alignment. There can be a mixing of the old with the new, positively in terms of progress.   The problem lies in a need by many for a libertarian approach to life on principle, as humans’ hunger after freedom(Uranus) and because some see it as an insult, or an oppression, to have restrictions .   However, in contrast to that, with Saturn, there is a need for collective discipline, if necessarily imposed, to protect us all. That conflict is still running on and will in some capacity, for another 12 months.   This is a major theme of the pandemic, freedom versus restrictions, or the economy before restrictions. 

This balancing act is fundamental to the outcome.


We have the phrase being repeated of “until everyone is protected, nobody is protected “re the vaccine rollout.

That sums up the principle of the current combination of both Saturn and Jupiter being in Aquarius (the future/humanity) and underlines the need to get that compromise between Uranus and Saturn, even though they are uncomfortably aligned. Freedom through responsibility, is the only way to move forward.

Where Uranus, continuing in Taurus is also very definitely awakening us in terms of tumult and unpredictability, is on the effect of climate change on mother earth, which Taurus is very linked with … Eruptions re our planetary infrastructure are thick and fast now and Uranus is certainly bringing the alarm signals in that context, about what we really need to address.

The issue of money, security and value systems are also Taurean issues and that is going through a chaotic period of change and transformation that will last till May 2026. It is unpredictable … but it will awaken us to a whole new vista as to our relationship with our current financial system and its necessary revolution/evolution. The extreme of this, is misuse of technology in terms of money and gimmicky financial innovations, that are transient and with little long-term substance.

 Capricorn is a sign that in extreme form equates with conservatism, ambition and is very much a traditional sign of class, power and capitalistic values, and a clinging to the past establishment. England is a Capricorn country and indeed nationalism and a superior colonial attitude are still strong among many conservative politicians, and indeed within the psychology of many of the population.

Pluto (power and intense determination) remains steadfastly in Capricorn (2008 till the end of 2024) and is hugely driven to underline and protect the status quo of political and financial power (Capricorn) and cling on to the past. This is contrasting with the very different next-door sign of Aquarius, which is where Saturn and Jupiter have been since the start of 2021. Aquarius is about the future, not the past and the need for change and the need to look at the bigger existential, progressive picture and to incorporate a humanitarian, rational and fairer value system. Aquarius is linked to a more, what is perceived, as left-wing philosophy. Hence that clash between two value systems is now being seen so strongly in several countries i.e.  between authoritarian regimes and a populace who want freedoms and democracy.

  It is interesting how since the beginning of the year the Royal family in the UK have experienced a basic divide within the family, between the old order and a rebellion against it.   Aquarius and Capricorn are now basically in battle with each other.  Pluto, it is worth noting, is however ruthless when threatened.

 It was very telling when Boris Johnson last month declared, in a supposed to be private, political meeting, that the vaccine success in the UK was because of capitalism and greed, implying those qualities were therefore a force for good. He quickly redacted it when he realised what he had said, but it showed the true value system he supports, and a lauding of greed.

The truth is that the success was not about those principles. it was based on and motivated by the humanitarian necessity principle of scientific achievement and was mostly funded by NGO’s including the UN and the NHS, in order to ensure collective survival, which in certain times are the only way forward, even though money would be made too by the pharmaceutical companies as a fringe benefit for them. The motive was certainly not money, it was collective human survival.

 It is however interesting that we now also have much transference of large company investment away from coal and oil, into new green energy sources, not just because it is essential to save the planet from destruction, but because many companies now recognise that the new focus on future energy sources, is now where financial gain is to be made… The two are not totally incompatible, but simple greed alone is never going to be a way forward, in any context in the future.

 When Pluto moves into Aquarius in 2025 till 2044, we will see a huge shift in power and value systems, but wherever Pluto is, there is always huge power that can be handled wisely or abused. In Aquarius also, there is the potential for very wise use of, or indeed also abuse of the new, especially technology (an Aquarian area) and that will be the issue.  The quality of the motive is always everything in life.

 Hence what we have now is that Pluto (power) still in Capricorn (the established economic system), is doing everything to protect the economy and the current value system but having gradually to give way to and compromise with a new order, in which the value system must be about planetary and human survival and what values must be adopted to make that possible… (Aquarius). Without that realisation and shift of focus, the concept of current capitalism is completely defunct, as there will not be a habitable planet on which to enjoy the luxuries of what money can buy.

 The ongoing and very upside of Neptune in Pisces (since 2012 and occurring only every 165 years) has created a new awakened sense of the value of and beauty of nature. The lock down has underlined that new consciousness, as we now notice what was side lined in our busy lives before.  Note that all children born with this planetary generational placement i.e., between early February 2012 and February 2026, will be a generation who have a very strong love of and respect for nature and all its creatures; and they will demand it is all looked after and totally respected. This is no coincidence, it is timely and necessary.

 Our future survival depends on that happening.




Sunday, 28 February 2021



 Well, Mercury is now direct, so there will be less uncertainty in the air about direction of travel for us all. Mercury, still in Aquarius till the 15th, alongside Jupiter and Saturn in that sign, illuminates the fact that rationality, and innovative, progressive science looks like it really is winning. New breakthroughs in knowledge about Covid will continue to assist greatly in progress.

 Jupiter is trining Boris Johnson’s Mercury in the first half of this month, suggesting then that he really is trying to put wisdom before popularity, but from the 15th, this may get sacrificed somewhat on the altar of impulsive, over optimism and a bowing to pressure from other, more libertarian influences in his party. Reality checks will then loom large as a result. Mars also moves into Boris’s own home Sun sign of Gemini on the 5th and that will also spur him on with competitive if misguided confidence.

 Mars in Gemini has a strong reputation for producing much talk of ambitious plans, but with little detail and indeed with little resulting action.

 Notably around the 24th when Mercury, then in Pisces (heart) squares up to Mars in Gemini (mind), there will be a real risk of a clash of ideological values, resulting in impulsive, illogical actions and controversial decisions which brings confusion and anger. This can be an international manifestation. It will very much create challenge then for Boris in particular, as both planets will challenge his natal Pluto at that time.

 Trump has Saturn opposing his natal Pluto in the second half of the month (every 30 years), which will be a significant challenge to his desire for secrecy and a severe limitation on his power to protect that which he wants to keep private.

 Jo Biden, also has strong Mars transits this month, suggesting challenges from others that will test his mettle and block some paths, but not without an intelligent fight back from him. His assertive, more aggressive, Scorpionic mood will emerge.

 We will also see this month the bigger picture development of many futuristic ideas about progress re economic restructuring, in view of the fallout from Covid (not over yet) and new commitments to fighting climate issues, as a new enlightened intelligence comes together with a sense of increased urgency and cooperation. The floodgates of progressive science (Aquarius) for the greater good, will begin to merge with a new financial opportunism, as it will dawn on many entrepreneurs that prosperity lies in change and innovation, for the greater health of our earth. The old industrialisation model is becoming history… indiscriminate protectionism of the old is now totally outworn, as a new paradigm is born, and that futuristic bandwagon will now be increasingly recognised as the way to go, if we are all to survive. Pluto (power) entering Aquarius in late 2024, (scientific/technological future) will rubber stamp that, but not without some dangers of abuse of those realms.

 However, simultaneously, Uranus is an unpredictable outside the box, even maverick, influence and can be very unguessable, by definition, and his current place in Taurus (since March 2019 and until July 2025) which literally is about money /security, totally points to unpredictable and significant chaos there. The last time Uranus was in this sign was 1934-1942, characterised by the great economic depression and during much of the 2nd world war, which alone speaks volumes.

 The economic model we have had for decades, will become, over the next few years, very unstable and totally challenging to the old status quo. There will be very profound and unexpected financial shocks and significant losses.  Revolutionary changes will be apparent in the concept of our financial system, with additional seemingly eccentric notions, which will be hard to accommodate in the traditional model. Certainly, technology (Uranus)will play a huge part in this, again, with some more maverick, anti-establishment eccentricities (Uranus), emerging re money.  Obviously, the pandemic will be very much a huge challenge to the economic system in unpredictable ways. Money making in the markets will be at the least, significantly altered and desperate short-term gain, even if very unconventional, will become increasingly popular.

 Positively however, huge investment in advancing technology re the fight against climate change will however, become obviously more the way to go, as finally, profit and working for the good/survival of our planet become compatible and indeed financially logical and urgently essential.

 The rather chaotic unpredictability of Uranus in Taurus in terms of finances, will also be replicated in terms of upsets geophysically, as Taurus is also very linked to literally our relationship with the Earth.  There will be shocks re nature. This will manifest as extreme weather events and upheavals (already evident), as mother earth will be messaging us powerfully about what we have done to our earth’s delicate environmental balance.

The elements of Water and Earth are always totally harmonious and of course are an essential combination in nature, for growth. Therefore, the technological challenge and positive innovation of Uranus (brain/future) in the Earth sign of Taurus (since March 2019) now constructively working in harmonious sextile angle, with the spiritual, instinctive human desire of Neptune (heart/soul), so strong in the Water sign of Pisces (since 2012) is a very promising, cooperative partnership.

 During this pandemic, these compatible planetary positionings have seriously made us all appreciate nature, both for its beauty and value and importantly also, its power to show us massively how much nature can push back, if we mess with it, re climate the crisis. Critically also, we must face the root causes of many mutated viruses, which are a result of human invasion of nature’s sacred spaces, that should belong to its creatures alone. These facts are now becoming more in our faces, as a total emergency.

It is also essential that the mind (air) and the heart/soul (water) need to cooperate, for the survival of us all.

We still however have this month, Saturn in Aquarius squaring up to Uranus in Taurus, not as exact as last month, but still in operation. This is all about the hugely critical clash now in our society between the desire for the freedom instinct of Uranus, and the necessity of caution, restriction and discipline of Saturn. Both planets being in fixed signs, makes the clash stubbornly uncompromising.

 The argument between the great freedom of resuming a returned “normal” economic /social activity, which of course is very important, versus ongoing significant social constraint, in order to avoid risk of another pandemic wave and therefore more serious variants emerging, is totally fierce. Life and death, no less. It is also in truth, a political ideological argument, between the important economic needs, combined with the libertarian viewpoint, versus the compliance with the need for some authoritarian control of the population, based on the pure facts of medical science.   Scientific advice certainly however needs priority now, with Saturn (the necessity principle) being in the sign of objective scientific power of Aquarius, a sign which is indeed also co ruled by Saturn.

 Our society however is fundamentally based on the major value system of economic health.

 We cannot race back to the norm; patience is still now totally essential… as Saturn now demands. Short term gain will be dangerous, setting us back pandemic wise and therefore economically again, but with Mars moving into Gemini on the 5th, there is indeed a worry, that impulse and somewhat superficial political analysis, may win the day, not least in England.  

The full Moon falls on the 28th at 8 degrees of Libra and the New moon falls on the 12th at 23 degrees of Pisces.