Sunday, 31 January 2021



The USA is in very different and more wise hands now, despite the shadows of pre inauguration events and Trumps ongoing manoeuvres. Global cooperation is in view. We do indeed also now have amazing and  more respected and applauded science, developing at breakneck speed to get a grip on this virus and to get out the right vaccines. Wisdom re the logical way forward is acknowledged more universally, but it is not without its significant difficulties. The new variants and the logistics of vaccine rollout are a huge challenge. Saturn and Jupiter, now rarely together in Aquarius since late December (as I have previously emphasized) and for the long haul, are all flagging up the principles of Aquarian focus, i.e., the innovative scientific work, to challenge and defeat these current massive global issues and indeed climate change.  Of course, this is also the month of the Sun in Aquarius, and additionally we also have, Venus and Mercury in Aquarius too, for much of the month, so that sign is huge in influence right now. Aquarius is very much about knowledge, enlightenment and the future. 

The air signs i.e., Aquarius, Libra and Gemini, are about the power of the mind and rationality.

Apart from this hopeful Jupiter and Saturn’s relatively new positioning, either causing or correlating (who knows?) with the shift in focus of values and direction of our planet’s goals, it is also very important however to note that this month, Mercury, although currently in Aquarius, is also stressfully retrograde, i.e., moving backwards (from 30th January) and stays in that retrograde mode till the 22nd of February.

This Mercury mood brings hiccups and lack of clarity, confusion, frustration and often delays, (related to Aquarian issues) and it is however, also a time to step back, because of problems faced, and rethink, re-evaluate, and learn from these issues.  Aviation/science /technology /vaccines/medical science and what indeed is wise and good for the future of humanity/the planet, are an unprecedented challenge, not least the hiccups of the Covid crisis. This is severely underlined and tested by retrograde Mercury.  Already we are seeing confusing, uncertain information re the vaccines, the timing of doses and its efficacy and potential blocks to supply chains. Experts, not to mention politicians, are learning as they go along. We are even having shaming squabbles related to vaccine nationalism.  Travel too is always limited, blocked or unpredictable, when Mercury is retrograde. Uncertainty and confused messages generally are all around us. All, so typical of this planetary influence.

This retrograde Mercury also proves frustrating for many of us individually on a personal life level in terms of delays, blocks and paralysis, as well as having a global effect.

 However, after the 21st, when Mercury resumes forward motion, many of the difficulties, confusions and delays will start to be alleviated and more clarity, and hopefully progress re the Covid battle will emerge.

 This Jupiter and Saturn combining in Aquarius is totally about working with the new, the innovative, the science and the outside the box, big picture future. However, although Jupiter represents positivity, insight and progress re the qualities of whatever sign he is in, he can also create too much optimism re success and progress, as indeed Boris Johnson has demonstrated, all too often. Overoptimism can indeed be lethal.

 At least with pessimism, you can only be pleasantly surprised.

 Realism is what is needed, that is the task of Saturn (karmic schoolteacher) and by contrast to Jupiter, he is simply showing us that no road forward, regardless of how worthwhile and laudable the effort, is ever without its potholes and bumps. Saturn always brings reality checks, truths, delays, blocks and challenges… and a need for great patience   This is all in the name of learning and humility, ultimately in order to achieve deferred gratification. If the road is truly worthy and pursued with wisdom, hard work, determination, then the efforts will eventually, significantly pay off and for the long term …and currently related especially to issues characterised by Aquarian energy.  All that matters is the integrity of the motive.

Saturn often also reminds us that what we want and what we need, are often two different things. Combined with retrograde Mercury right now, till the 21st we will all need to be very patient and tolerant.

When Saturn dipped his toe into Aquarius temporarily from late March to mid-June last year, he gave us a taste, re necessary limits to aviation, and this has returned profoundly, right now, as he commits to that sign for several years.  Air travel, which is ruled by Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, is an important focus now in terms of blocks, (especially with the additional current Mercury retrograde.).  Flight is something we have taken for granted, as globalisation has become the norm, but Saturn is now having to intervene painfully in that industry, on the altar of fighting the virus.

When this pandemic crisis is seriously reduced in its severity, there will be, over the coming few years, because of the Aquarian focus, a great drive to make necessary, but challenging changes to the nature of flight, not only because of its potential as a virus spreader, but also re the nature of its fuelling, in order to help combat climate issues.

 Aquarius is also very much about independence, nonconformity and freedom of thought and action, but with Saturn (limitations) in that sign now, the passionate libertarians are not at all happy about the stringent virus induced measures that are being imposed on our freedoms. They are challenging the logically prescribed, collective obedience asked of us all to obey, even though the measures are in the name of all our physical safety and survival.

 Jupiter is running ahead of Saturn in Aquarius, by about 6 degrees.  The ongoing alternation, therefore, between Jupiter and Saturn influence, i.e., optimism initially, versus later resulting harsher reality checks, strongly continues as a theme this month.  

 Saturn (the brakes/discipline/responsibility and duty) however, is always stronger than Jupiter (freedom) in its effects.  Without Saturn we would have anarchy.

 Global problems must be dealt with by a global consensus and equality. Aquarian energy certainly points to that, and an acknowledgement now that no one is protected, till everyone is protected. That means global mass vaccination, in order to achieve maximum herd immunity. It is about cooperation, not competition.

Uranus (disruption, change) continuing in Taurus (value system, money safety, reliability and groundedness) since March 2019 and till the end of April 2026… has seriously threatened our sense of security and assumed norms around employment, the economy, planet earth and indeed social norms in general … and literally has manages to ground aviation (Uranus).

 The fallout for mental health, during this pandemic, is undoubted, for us all, both adults and children. The negative side of the current Neptune in Pisces position, till April 2025, not only is about invisible spread of the virus and indeed powerfully about the spread of conspiracy theories/fake news, but also the invisible spread of increased mental sensitivity and fragility. The positive side, of this every 165-year planetary position, is its underlining of our compassion and appreciation of the good and the pure in humanity, and not least realising the value, beauty and fragility of the natural world, and our urgent need to respect and protect it and its creatures, if our planet is indeed to stay beautiful, habitable and indeed more virus free.

Trumps current chart transits are creating a situation that is still hugely difficult (probably impossible) for him to accept. All month he still has Pluto opposing his Venus (ever 248 years). This will continue to hugely frustrate and undermine him. His allies will not be so loyal and his relationships both personal and with those in power, will be very diminished.  In the very early days of the month before his impeachment trial, he has Jupiter opposing his Pluto. He will then be looking for revenge and be leaning heavily on powerful individuals, in order to try to advantage himself.

 Late month, when Mars conjuncts his Midheaven and squares its own place, he is very angry, and will be still hugely pushing for power.

Biden is in generally positive mode chart wise, but in the second half of the month he may find international relations and economic issues very limiting, when Saturn opposes his Pluto (every 30 years.)  His challenges are significant then, but do not underestimate his wise, positive power and determination, that his natal chart shows.

 Johnson’s chart continues with Neptune squaring his Mercury by transit, indicating ongoing lack of clarity, false statements, disinformation, general confusion and fogginess, no detail or indeed often much logic. This happens approximately every 84 years and he has had it on and off since March 2020 and it fades from March this year.

 From the 15th-24th of this month when globally, Saturn squares up to Uranus as a current transit, that will be a powerful period of slow down, limitation and more blocks to freedom in many ways for all. Reality checks are also strong.  The 25th and 26th are more positive dates and progress can be seen.

 The New Moon falls on the 11th at 23 degrees of Aquarius and the full Moon falls on the 27th at 8 degrees of Virgo.   The new Moon correlates with hopeful new beginnings, and the full Moon with potential eruptions and closures of chapters.