Wednesday, 30 June 2021


 Jupiter entered Aquarius on December 20th last year, in his once every 12-year visitation …  He worked through that sign fast, bringing a speedy, much needed scientific triumph in vaccination development and research and recognition of the humanitarian universality of the need for cooperation in this issue (all Aquarius values). He then temporarily entered Pisces on May 14th where he stays till the 28th of this month, and then he returns to Aquarius till December 29th, 2021, to complete his welcome goals there.  From Pisces, positively, he has really underlined the focus on the value of our environment and love of nature and the urgency to wake up big time, to the need for protection of and the beauty of nature (all Pisces values) … and a strong focus on sea health (Neptune, God of the sea and Pisces ruler) has also been much emphasized.

 He has also brought a longing to get back the power of the arts and music into our lives, another Pisces focus a need for the soul to be fed. Negatively the power of Pisces has underlined the spread of conspiracy theories re mind control and dangers via vaccination, Pisces is a sign, that in extremis, is vulnerable to fantasy and some paranoia… and can bring confusion too about direction of travel re Covid control.

 The power of the continued conflict between need for freedom versus the ongoing need for caution re Covid, still hovers, as Saturn (restriction) still challenges Uranus (freedom) by rare square aspect in the heavens. This totally eases next year.

 On the 3rd and 4th, there is a rebellious unpredictable feeling in the air, both individually and globally, when Mars squares Uranus. Economic shocks and poor judgment are a possibility then too. Accident proneness and impulsiveness generally can be an issue. Indeed, it will be wise for us all, not least politicians/leaders, to stop and think before action, notably If Leo or Taurus, born between the 4th and 8th of May or August.

 Mars in Leo till the 29th underlines the collective urge this month to live life more to the full, to chase the Sun via holidays and to express social creativity and feel the life force …hard to repress, even if needed… especially for Leos.   Around the 13th sees a particular high passion in many, re enjoyment of life, not least in love life, and in the arts, when Venus conjoins with Mars.

Jo Biden has a few challenges this month, conflicts and blocks loom large around the 1st, the 16th and 26th. Strong egos are likely to frustrate him, at all costs, on principle, rather than logic.  Also, Pluto is opposing his Jupiter all month and the 1st half of next month. He will therefore be in real determined mode in order to achieve his goals. which, in turn will attract a strong ruthless desire by others to sabotage his actions.

 Boris Johnson has a very careless and a strong sleight of hand orientation around the 6th and 7th when Mars squares up both his Jupiter and Neptune. The used car salesman in him will be dominating. Having Saturn's ongoing, every 30-year conjunction to his Part of Fortune point, has not helped his position in terms of good judgment.

 Days of frustration and reality checks, generally for us all, are around the 1st/2nd and the 7th when Saturn forces us to slow down and get real, without anger, both in our personal and collective lives.

 The 17th/18th brings a once-a-year Sun opposition to Pluto.  The quite explosive power of determination and confrontation is significantly in the air then. Power struggles no less, and the 25th, also has the flavour of a real ideological power struggle, when Mercury opposes Pluto.  Ruthless arguments will dominate the ether. Trying to change others’ views will then be futile.

Pluto can bring obsession and potential abuse of power, from self or others when in challenging mode.  His ongoing journey through Capricorn (2008-2025), which rules the established economic order, has undoubtedly brought abuse of power re neo liberal capitalist philosophy, including massively increasing financial inequalities, tax evasions and a rise in power of monopolies and corporations etc…  If you combine that with Uranus (unpredictability /change /innovation/risk and technology) now in Taurus, since March 2019 till April 2026, a sign about money and values, (happens every 84 years), this points also to an ongoing revolution in the way we do money.

Cashless society is becoming the prevailing mode of financial transaction and Uranus, being the ruler of technology, has also seen the significant rise of crypto currency, with all its unpredictability and ephemeral qualities.  However, because Uranus also rules shock, and unpredictable danger, we have also seen a whole global economic crisis because of the shock of the epidemic and a huge loss of income for so many, whilst indeed others have thrived.

We are all in the same storm, but certainly not all in the same boat.

 Also, with the massive power of technology and its increasing unpredictable uses and abuses, not least re money, there has been an underreported huge rise of serious online and phone financial scams, which many have been vulnerable to, and authorities seem to have little ability, or maybe the will, to prevent this.

We must remember that Neptune ongoing in Pisces now, has a downside of confusion, deception, and smoke and mirrors, which can make many vulnerable.

We live increasingly in a technocracy., especially with the power of the sign of Aquarius which is so powerful re technology and Uranus (which rules Aquarius), now so strong. This power can be used for amazing progress for the greater good, or indeed otherwise.

 The energy of every planet has its downside and how we choose to use the powers of our planets (and our signs) are a matter of a mixture of personal choice, morality, wisdom, ideology and the prevailing value system of our society’s influences on us.  That is the human condition. As humans we have this struggle, but never more has the choice of our use of power, either for the greater good, or for personal gain, been more vital and indeed existential, as for the first time in human history, the survival of the entire planet, or not, can depend on those choices.

 Astrology has an implicit morality, as it reveals the choices we have and indeed importantly, the resultant karmic lessons we need to learn as a result of how we individually and collectively choose to express the power potential implicit in our charts.

 The outer planets particularly, which are generational in influence, as they stay for years in each sign, test the collective motives and morality of prevailing global values and direction of travel at any given period.

 To be unusually positive, the days of potential breakthrough and inspiration are the 5th 12th, 15th and 20th, when wisdom, insight, inspiration and positivity can dominate the energies.

  The Moon is new on the 10th at 18 degrees of Cancer and Full on the 24th at 1 degree of Aquarius.