Tuesday, 31 August 2021


 The Taliban takeover of Afghanistan was alarmingly confirmed on Sunday 15 August, when they took Kabul. With hindsight, the chart for that day was very powerful in Kabul.   There were 2 strong fixed T squares of planetary influences at work, triggered by the Moon going through Scorpio, involving the Sun, Uranus, Saturn, the Moon, with Jupiter also nudging his way in. … all in fixed signs.  To top that, on the 15th around the middle of the day in Kabul, for a few hours, Scorpio was rising and conjunct the Moon in that sign, which totally rubber stamped the power of the almost Fixed grand cross created.

 Fixed signs are the most immoveable, stubborn and durable of the signs.

 Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but an astrologer can’t be looking at every country every day.

 This was ominous for not only that country, but with significant global implications, especially with a powerful disruptive Uranus involved, and notably when challenged by Saturn, which is still happening now .

 Saturn challenging Uranus is basically a challenge to freedom, and those challenges to freedoms can be for either the collective good, or to the detriment of all, depending on one’s ideology, temperament and viewpoint.  We have seen this with the whole epidemic dynamic; and this clash of these two planets has indeed been around, on and off globally, since the appearance of Covid.

With Afghanistan, the likely limits put on the population’s freedom by the new regime, are now very much perceived by most of the world, as repressive and creating a frightening and very dangerous situation for many.

Now, looking at events in Afghanistan, we know why, as I mentioned in last month’s blog, that Jo Biden’s chart was so tough then.

 His chart is not looking easy at all this month either, as he has an every 30-year Saturn exactly opposing his natal Pluto from the 3rd till the 30th.  This limits his power enormously, especially in international dealings, as Pluto is in his 9th house in his natal chart (international and legal issues).

 He will not achieve what he wanted, during this time, but when Saturn says no to Pluto in anybody’s chart, it is often because that person is not meant to have what they want or assumes they will get, as other lessons are needed to be learned and therefore their power is often very stymied. What one wants and what one needs, are often very different. This energy returns with a vengeance in his chart, from the 23rd of October till 17th November this year too, and in truth, it never really goes away throughout September till late November. 

However, because Saturn is in good relation to Pluto in his natal chart, he will manage this challenge better than many leaders would, as he will have some humility and will adjust.  It will however be a tough time for him.

Talking of leaders, Boris Johnson has Mars squaring his Sun and Venus around the 12th and 13th of this month, when he may have much to struggle with, in terms of some nemesis coming back to haunt him from his past behavior and decisions, and around the 20th he will be in an uncomfortable situation again, especially on the 21st when the full Moon will square his Sun and Venus.

 Being the month of Virgo, there is also a strong activation of Johnson’s 12th house in his birth chart, indicating that much energy in his life will be focused on behind-the-scenes secrecy and there will be potential obfuscation of truth. The 12th house relates strongly to past and karma.

 Importantly this month, Mercury on the 27th, starts on his notorious, customary retrograde period (approximately 3 times a year). This continues till October 18th. He is passing through Libra for all this period.  Hence, as always, this will be a period of delay, frustrations and blocks globally. This not least will be connected to problems re the principles of Libra, relating to issues of harmony, worldwide diplomacy, negotiation and a block on fairness and justice. This will also affect us all personally too, to some extent, especially in the areas ruled by Libra in our personal charts. Many Sun sign Librans will be more aware of this, than most. Boris Johnson has a Libra ascendant and so will certainly feel the strain during this period., especially next month.

The thing to remember about Mercury retrograde, is that this event should be used as an opportunity for a rethink and recalibration of issues, as when this block is there, it is a time to learn from, and not to just to make us frustrated and angry. Also, patience is demanded, if we are on the wisest track.

 Climate change issues have loomed ominously large in the last few months and technology is now in no position to dawdle in terms of innovation to ameliorate the problems the world faces; and indeed, the now ongoing position of Saturn and Jupiter in the futuristic, humanitarian and technologically innovative sign of Aquarius, are in the spotlight.

 The problem is, we need global motivation from all governments, to invest in these areas, and that involves a need for wisdom and a lack of corruption, in terms of dubious vested interests. Those short-term interests may be good for those in power and their ego, but not for the whole of humanity and the planet.   Pluto in Capricorn (2008-2025) is still fighting its corner, a planetary position which is mainly concerned with preservation of the power of the old status quo and the old ruthless, consumerist economic order and the idea of eternal economic growth, at all costs to the earth… Neo liberal capitalism, no less. The unsustainability of this ideology is now screaming out.

The biblical quote “money is the root of all evil” is incorrect. The correct quote is “The love of money is the root of all evil”.

 Short term gratification, governmental flag waving and paying mere lip service to the need for change, is feeding egos only and it must concede humbly, to the urgent action to bring real long-term gain for the health of the planet, and therefore for us all.

 It is becoming obvious, I think to many, that corruption of governments is the 2nd biggest threat to our planet, after climate change.

The sensitivity to and appreciation of nature, as brought to us by Neptune in Pisces (2012-2026) is totally seeping into our collective consciousness, in terms of what really matters, and it isn’t the exploitation of the planet, for personal wealth. Also, Uranus in Taurus (2019- -mid 2026) which is all about shock and change in our earthy infrastructure, is certainly also doing his bit to urgently wake us up.

We all need to beware of deceptive circumstances around the 2nd and 3rd and the 14th, when Neptune is opposed by Mars and the Sun respectively. There will be then the danger of smoke and mirrors and confusion.  Things will not be as they seem, although the arts can be inspired in some way then. The 23rd and 24th see Venus in Scorpio opposing Uranus, when the unexpected is in the air and some shock and revelations are possible, personally and globally.

 Days of potential progress and breakthroughs are the 6th and 7th and the 17th bringing strength, regeneration and breakthroughs in some way.

Sunday, 1 August 2021


The very powerful, and existential climate change impacts, that are affecting our planet now, are more intense and faster in development than even many climate scientists anticipated … and that my friends, is genuinely scary and if ever nature is trying to warn us, it is really speeding up on that process now.

It seems that the whole Covid crisis is like a mere practice run for the massive threat of climate issues now burgeoning upon us, and it is a daunting, but essential challenge, as to how we must cope with these cooperatively, on a global level.

Astrologically, Uranus in Taurus, since May 2018 till May 2026, is the most significant indicator of this energy. Uranus is synonymous with unpredictable change, disruption, some chaos and necessary shock, (feels negative) but which demands action on a whole new kinder, innovative, technological, revolutionary, and essentially on a humanitarian level (positive). Taurus relates to literally the earth, our security and value systems, and the practical functioning of our planet. Hence the status quo and our infrastructure must, as a matter of emergency, be radically addressed in terms of a necessarily changed value and economic system. Respecting nature and its complex delicate balance and interactions, need total honouring, and indeed our own survival depends on it. 

 We need nature. It doesn’t need us.

Jupiter back now again in Aquarius (Innovation, progress, technology), since the end of last month, and staying there till the end of December this year, augurs well for ongoing enlightened, benign progress (positive Jupiter) in relation to scientific breakthrough… which has already served us well re vaccination progress… It also will now need to focus increasingly urgently on how technology can bring change and radically limit our man-made damage to the planet.

It is also true that Jupiter’s potential for advancement and growth can have a downside .. and his journey through Aquarius this year, has also correlated with the huge increase in power that technology has over us all and there has been a very significant rise in the tech companies’ economic worth and power. As a result, we have in many ways, a world dominated now by a technocracy, which holds massive power for ill, as well as good, and which can certainly dominate our governments. Its genius potential can be used for dark motive, and it can completely outwit and indeed even control our rulers. Certain world leaders can now also use it to gain advantage and power over other countries rulers, who mostly are completely blindsided by technology’s dark potential.

 When Pluto (power) enter Aquarius in 2024/25 (for 20 years) the potential then re technology is rather daunting.

Saturn, a benevolent despot, or to put it another way, a karmic schoolteacher, (discipline and tough lessons) is also now in Aquarius, (since December 2020 and till March 2023) and is therefore showing us the necessity principle, and brings harsh reality checks about difficult, even revolutionary changes that must be made. Since Uranus rules Aquarius, the whole principle of Jupiter and Saturn being in that sign, accentuates essentially the need for growth in innovation and an enlightened insight and revolutionary change on a global level. These planetary placements serve as an essential wakeup call, that must honour the need and huge discipline required, in how we collectively do things for the benefit of our planet and all on the planet. 

The downside of Saturn (discipline/lessons) in Aquarius is rebellion against the blocks on freedoms, even if they are necessary. The libertarian right wing of political parties, find imposed discipline, even if for the greater good, an insult to their ingrained sense of entitlement and to the assumption that eternal economic growth is the only valid creed… and even of course, greed.

 When money is the only God, we are in deep trouble.

 Pluto however (ruthless power for good or ill) is still in the sign of Capricorn (2008- till 2025) which is a sign linked to traditional, conservative, established economic systems and infrastructures, and often the very antithesis of Aquarian values. (England is a Capricorn country). This indicates an ongoing conflict therefore between the necessity, of the new and positive, revolutionary big picture values, versus the clinging to the old social and economic hierarchies, even though the survival of humanity is at stake.

The planet itself, however, will always survive, with or without us… and probably more happily with the latter, if the current status quo is not changed.

 This is a unique moment in human and planetary history.

Neptune is in his once every 165-year visit to Pisces (2012-2026) and so is now playing a powerful role on people’s consciousness and value system. Pisces is about the power of the spiritual and the simple, not least related to the appreciation of the value and beauty of nature and indeed, that of the creative arts too. Because Neptune rules Pisces, the hunger to value these qualities is felt doubly strongly now and will be a very powerful, inbuilt generational characteristic for all who have been born during those years when it is in its own sign (As above). Pisces and its ruler Neptune are also about metaphorical and literal, invisible spread (already obviously globally verified, pandemic wise) and about the power of the collective unconscious. Negatively, potential insidious influences, especially illusion/ delusion/lies, can now more easily be spread, for obvious example, by the power of social media.

Emphasis on Leo during this month is always a cause for more extrovert, expansive and confident behaviour, but the downside of that sign, being that an excess of those characteristics, can lead to a price to pay later. The increased power of ego and entitlement can create a mood of overconfidence and overreaching, re the emergence from the epidemic.

However, carefully considered optimism, backed by some evidence, is not necessarily proved wrong.

Around the 2nd when the Sun opposes Saturn, there are essential reality checks for us all, as the spirit of personal adventure and ego, may well clash with necessity of collective consideration.

Around the 4th Boris Johnson has Mercury squaring his Neptune, when his predisposition to be vague, evasive, and to proclaim big, empty ideas, or be economical with the truth, especially re finance/economy, will be very strong. However, he has a very positive boost, after that date, when Jupiter trines his Sun till the 15th. He will then be in celebratory and confident mode, validly or not, either privately or indeed publicly.

 Jo Biden needs care and caution round the 5th-22nd when Jupiter squares his Sun and Venus, he is in danger of over promising or being overconfident, however, a simultaneous Saturn trining its own place in his chart, will give him some wise and self-reflective grounding. August is not ever really the best month for Biden, as the Sun squares up then to all his 4 powerful Scorpio planets.

 Days of some stress for the planet in general, and unpredictable eruptions, not least potentially geophysically and climate wise, are around the 7th, when the Sun squares up to Uranus. And around the 8th there is for many, much confusion, smoke and mirrors and lack of clarity about the trajectory of our collective travel.

Days of potential breakthroughs/ progress re our world, are the 3rd, the 12th the 20th, 23rd and the 26th, when positive aspects from the inner planets to the outer planets, can then augur generally well for us.

The new Moon falls on the 8th at 16 degrees of Leo, and the full Moon falls on the 22nd at 29 degrees of Aquarius. Those born around August the 9th, may find the that the 8th of this month therefore brings opportunities for the initiation of the positive new, whilst those born around February the 19th, may find that the 22nd brings to a head stresses that have been building, and which may finally manifest then, quite eruptively. It can indeed mark the closure of a chapter.