Tuesday, 30 November 2021


Jupiter moves sign approximately every 12 months, and he finally moves from Aquarius at the end of December (the 29th) into Pisces. He did temporarily dip his toe into Pisces, for a trial run, from mid-May till the end of July this year but is committing to that sign from late this month. I will talk more about the implications of this shift later.

 Whatever sign Jupiter is in, there is a great focus in those signs’ qualities, both the very positive potential, but potentially also where there can be an overindulgence of the downside.

Till late December the power of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius is strong. It is a rational, big picture, innovative air sign. it rules logic, science /technology/alternative ideas, and study (including astrology) and can signify a rebellion against the status quo and a desire to rebel against small mindedness and conservative attitudes, politically as well. There has been a notable surge over the last few years in the interest in astrology, not least encouraged through technology/social media.  Aquarius is also a sign of humanitarian values and because simultaneously Jupiter has been accompanied by Saturn, (a rare coming together of these two planets in that sign) the emphasis has been hugely on challenges to the best minds, re how to deal constructively with existential problems that have been consuming our planet and its people, not least re climate change and the pandemic.

 Saturn remains in Aquarius till early March 2023, so plenty of time for more focus of that planet on those areas, but Jupiter in that sign also, also, has brought an additional huge boost and relatively successful public recognition of the benefit for all of us, that such things as the vaccination and collective efforts to limit climate disaster can bring. It has indeed bought a beneficial, popular, and successful insight into the great advantages of wisdom and scientific knowledge, and the greater awareness of the talents that humanity has, for trying to put right, things that have gone wrong. Global cooperation is a must when Jupiter is in Aquarius   It is just sad that it takes an extreme and obvious crisis, for this to happen, when those in the know, (climate change scientists and epidemiologists) have been waiting for such events to hit us hard, for some time.

The shift of Jupiter into Pisces in late December, committed there till May 10th, will certainly underline the more emotional, spiritual, compassionate, sensitive, profundity of caring for the planet and the creative side of humanity, and will emphasise the power of nature and indeed positively, it will also bring a greater passion about nature’s value and beauty and the very urgent need to protect it and to change our ways in order to do this, for our very survival.

 However, ominously and at its worst, this planetary position will bring a potential lack of rationality.    All signs have their downsides and Neptune ruled Pisces, can lose touch with reality, and sometimes become convinced of the potential dark side of science. A bit of paranoia and a rather dark imagination can creep in, as can excessive idealism ..

 Neptune of course is now very strong in its own sign of Pisces (2012-2026) and with Jupiter there too, it can underline some of the more uncomfortable aspects of this position. Jupiter (plenty /excess/growth) will show in Pisces, how it can enhance this sign’s great ability to overwhelm us, not only in the power it gives to the growth in invisible spread, epidemic wise, but it  will, simultaneously speed up the corresponding increase in the growth of the no boundary, spread of conspiracy theories and social media propaganda, with all its dark smoke /mirror and blatant misinformation potential, re the epidemic and indeed possibly, re many other things.   Neptune and Jupiter, both in Pisces, has the unavoidable double power potential of both the very positive qualities of this sign, but also the downside of the extremes of this sign.

 For sure what we are being reminded of now, is the power of nature (Pisces) and its remarkable ability to challenge us and remind us that it will not sit back and let us do what we like. The concept of God, as I see it, is not so much in biblical terms, but as being about the power of the “Grand Originating Dynamic “(GOD). It is impossible to grasp the complexity of this dynamic, which is emanating from the whole universe. Its morality and laws are powerful and beyond our understanding, but it will draw a line when it is threatened by man. The existential principal of hubris and nemesis I believe always applies.

 The power of Pisces becoming so strong now, underlined by Jupiter about to enter that sign, will certainly grow our awareness of the limits of our power and the unlimited power of nature, to redress a balance, if necessary, by whatever means.

 All December, Saturn is hovering in square position to Uranus, (exactly so from the 23rd to January 1st) This is a real clash of the Titans and indicates a real conflict between the needed discipline/limitations (Saturn) and the hungry desire for freedom (Uranus). No doubt it will manifest re the Covid rules and precautions, and a clash between the social yearnings re Xmas, versus the fears and limitations attempted to be reimposed, because of new Covid variant dangers.

 Mars has been in Scorpio since the beginning of November and remains in Scorpio till December 13th. This is a powerful position, bringing uncomfortable truths and ruthless behaviour to the forefront of our consciousness. Boris Johnson has been challenged by this planetary position in November, not least between the 21st and 24th when Mars opposed his Jupiter and was in conjunction with his Neptune, a time when he realised that loyalty to him is not unconditional and that forensic detail in one’s work, really matters, not just ego.

 Jo Biden has had Mars transiting many of his planets and significant points since early November continuing till late December. This is a tough period for him, not least related to behind scenes challengers, who are enemies from the past. (His 12th house has been very activated)

 Venus, now in Capricorn, moves retrograde on the 19th and remains so till January 29th. Personal reflection will be underlined for many, and relationships revaluated, and much soul searching will be needed. There will also be a need for people to reassess their relationship with themselves. Venus retrograde puts the emphasis on profundity and inner strength and takes away from material values in favour of more spiritual ones .it is meditative and profound in its positive potential, but it can cause psychological withdrawal and some alienation. Again, one wonders if this is a reflection on the limits of socialising that is imposed on many during that period, because of the new Covid variant, and how we are forced to turn inwards, and rethink so much.

 Days of intensity re emotions and events are the 10th-15th, when Venus conjuncts Pluto, and again on the 30th, when Mercury conjuncts Pluto. Uncomfortable feelings and truths and profound communications will be apparent, individually, and big picture wise.

 Days of confusion, some deceptions, or at least lack of clarity, plus smoke and mirrors re facts and potential chaos, are manifesting on the 7th/8th and the 12th when Mercury and the Sun square up to Neptune respectively. Additionally, Mars squares up to Jupiter on the 8th, suggesting also then, that we all need to be wary of the powers of the metaphorical used car salesmen then, and to be fair… saleswomen too.

 The 1st, 6th, the 20th, have the best potential in terms of astrological profile.

 There is a solar eclipse on the 4th at 12 degrees of Sagittarius, which can be a time of the new and the refreshing. The full Moon falls on the 19th at 27 degrees of Gemini, a time of some eruptions that are inevitable and endings of chapters, that have potentially been building for some time.

 I think I should confirm that I see myself as a person, and as an astrologer, as a realist, but some people see me as a pessimist. If they are right, then I can only ever be pleasantly surprised by unfolding events.

 I wish you and us all collectively, the very best for this Christmas and 2022.