Friday, 31 December 2021



2022 is complicated, not least as Jupiter is inconsistent, floating between Pisces and Aries… Two hugely contrasting energies.

 Jupiter left Aquarius on the 29th of December, and has now moved into in Pisces, till May 10th, (having visited Pisces temporarily between May 13th and July 29th last year.) He will then, from May 10th, dip his toe into Aries, staying in that sign till late October, when he returns to Pisces again till December 20th, 2022, when he will return finally to Aries, till mid May 2023.   This sort of extreme meandering of Jupiter, which also happened last year between Pisces and Aquarius, and now between Pisces and Aries, continues to imply a real and now even stronger ongoing conflict and confusion of values, systems and priorities for humans.

 This conflict/contrast increases this year, as Aries is the first sign of the 12 signs of the Zodiac and Pisces is the last sign, and therefore they could not be more different signs.  Aries is fire and Pisces is water, potential enemies of elements.

 Fire boils water and water puts out fire… but also, potentially so different, they can’t even fight, as their whole language of life can be indecipherable to the other.

Fire is ambitious, determined, worldly and driven by desire, enthusiasm, competition and often a considerable ego, whilst water is about the emotions, creativity, spiritualty, sensitivity and often escapism/illusion.

 Jupiter, when traversing a sign, underlines that sign’s characteristics and brings a sense of success and a priority of emphasis on that specific sign’s value systems, often to an excessive degree.  Clearly the huge contrast between Pisces and Aries qualities, alternating in power by Jupiter’s shifting presence, will therefore create a significant conflict between these two signs priorities and a yoyoing of these two contrasting values

 Jupiter in Pisces certainly also suggests there will be a real need for emotional satisfaction from the arts and will inspire artists and writers to great things. It will also very much put the preciousness of the environment, nature, its creatures and especially the Neptune ruled sea, as centre stage for many and spiritual values of whatever sort, will be craved. The power of the heart, the soul and the humanitarian side of humanity will be strong.

 However, in Aries, strong ambition, desire to win and a fiery, competitive determination, will also be underlined… as well as great courage to achieve.  All that matters is the motive and its morality. Negatively it can bring ruthless, worldly, material self-seeking and determination to win at all costs, in terms whatever satisfies the ego.  It also underlines the power of the autocratic leader and the narcissistic personality.

The down sides of both can be a danger, of course.

 In Pisces case, the negative is an overdoing of fantasy, and some paranoia about the power of the state and the great power of the spread of fear/and conspiracy theory. It can also bring powerful and damaging escapism. Social media will be truly powerful, obviously, in this respect. The no boundaries principle will be enhanced by Jupiter in Pisces and that of course can be applied to the spread of anything., whether pandemics or conspiracy theories.  As Pisces totally relates to the sea, the issue of migratory crossings will grow increasingly as an issue.  Not only to escape political/economic oppression, but also increasingly to escape climate change effects.

 This Pisces quality can also ironically, make some vulnerable to the cult type, hypnotic power of leaders who exploit their hunger for any strong men in power to give them something to believe in. It can in extremis, bring a blindness to the dark side of leaders, as their rose-coloured spectacles can be a sort of self-protection from the truth.

 So, the manifestation of these two qualities will be interesting and divisive and with little mediation between the two. Socio-politically the simple conflict of values re Pisces and Aries will certainly be between the clash between growing dictatorship/authoritarian tendencies in governments and true democracy.  Also, between the ongoing desire to see eternal economic growth versus a need to reset our values, so that survival of humanity is made possible.

The earth will always survive of course, and logically, it knows currently it will be much happier without us, if we don’t change our abuses of it.  Hence its current messaging...  The power of Pisces is in many ways, the power of nature to teach us.

 It is important to say that after Jupiter finally leaves Pisces, on December 20th, 2022, (not to return to that sign for another 12 years), he will then again re-enter Aries to complete his work there, and where he will stay till May 16th, 2023.

 Saturn remains solidly in Aquarius all year and till early March 2023, giving an ongoing, steady, progressive and serious emphasis on science and the advancement of this, when used for the benefit of humanity and the planet. He will also, being the karmic schoolteacher, highlight the dangers of the potential hubris and nemesis of the misuse of science and technology.

 Neptune, however, also currently powerfully remains in Pisces all year and (since 2012 till Feb 2026 and only every 165 years), continuously now, underling the power of that sign in the big picture. The outer planets, especially Neptune, emphasise long lasting significant global existential issues/generational influences; and Pisces certainly, corresponds to invisible spread from whether it be technological or epidemic power, but also, yes, it can also too underline paranoia and smoke and mirror.

 The most positive feature of course is that because it underlines human compassion, sensitivity and humility, it brings a very potential powerful and positive motivational force, for the direction of humanity, in terms of climate change awareness.

  It shows us that Nature doesn’t need us, but that we need nature.

Pluto (power) still in Capricorn (current neo liberal economic system) till 2025 is symbolic of the ruthless march of the power of money, despite all its fallout.

 2025 will be the start of a game changer, when Pluto moves into Aquarius

 Uranus remains in Taurus all year, suggesting ongoing unpredictable and sudden shifts and changes in the earth’s infrastructure. Mother earth itself will bring surprises and distress… related to its sustainability. Environmental security is threatened. Because Taurus also rules money and economic stability/ security, economies for sure, are in for some ongoing shocks.

 Back to this month. Mercury goes retrograde on the 14th till February 4th. Always this brings frustrations, delays and a necessary, enforced rethink of so many things, not least about the balance of the economy, versus public health, so what’s new?  Frustrations will abound and there is likely to be a sense of quite profound anger, impatience and confusion, which will affect people’s mood and mental health.   However, the balance of power in terms of value systems will be shifting, as the humanitarian heart will be strong.

 Venus moves direct on the 28th and that will be felt as a boost to plans to move forward, not least for Boris Johnson (Venus is his ruling planet) who has been hiding somewhat, since it went retrograde on the 19th of last month.

 The tricky and unpredictable periods this month will be between the 12th and 17th when Mercury is squared by Uranus. Crazy, mixed messages and unexpected changes of plans and some shocks/reversals are in the ether. The 30th also sees some chaos and shock potential when the Sun squares up to Uranus too. These Uranian times too are the most likely periods for potential geophysical disruptions on our planet.

 Intense events, when power can be used for great good or the opposite, are around the 16th and the 29th when Pluto conjuncts the Sun and Mercury respectively.

 Days of some deceptions, lack of realism and smoke and mirror type events or utterances, are around the 11th/12th when Mars squares up to Neptune.

 The positive days are around the 1st (New Year’s Day) when there can be some sense of breakthrough or hope., and the 5th, which is good for the power of the heart and indeed the arts.

  It looks like an ongoing time of some confusion and angry rebellion against the status quo in many conflicting ways and with definite highlighted clashes in value systems.

 One thing is sure this year, is that change will be enforced upon us uncomfortably, if we do not collectively, especially governments, have the humility and the acceptance of the need to revolutionise our damaging predominant value systems.

 The spiritual versus the material, is growing in conflict, or even the sense of the archetypal good versus evil.

 I wish us all and the planet all possible benign progress for 2022.