Boris Johnson is certainly high profile in the news, and he has indeed had Saturn squaring exactly up to both his Jupiter and Neptune (every 15 years) between the 27th of January and strong till the 6th of February, creating a very stressful T square for him.
That is an aspect of a huge reality check/wakeup call and
the realisation of a situation of his own making. It affects his status and the
roots of his being.
All fantasies and
smoke and mirrors (Neptune) and optimism (Jupiter) about self and his image
during this period, is severely undermined, by the reality checker and lord of
Karma, Saturn. However, the Sun also squares his Neptune and Jupiter on the 4th
suggesting that he will claim/feel success in some way then, which is both
fanciful and escapist… and which will prove somewhat temporary. Narcissistic tendencies
create a fight with the truth to the end.
If all this doesn’t carve a very sticky ending of his
position, he really will be made of Teflon, which in many ways he is … but
whatever happens, his position/status and respect from others, at the least,
will be severely weakened.
Mercury, Johnson’s
Sun ruler, also moves direct on the 4th, as indeed it does for us all, having
been retrograde since January 14th. Clarity about issues that have been
on hold since then resumes, even if that clarity is unwelcome, denied, or
challenged by some.
From the 16th
to the 22nd he is in strong rescue mode for himself, when he has a
once every 12-year Jupiter opposing his Pluto. His push for power, achievement
and ego gratification will be at all costs then, no matter what situation he is
Pluto starts to
support Biden’s Sun in February from the 3rd, which should empower him,
his judgement and determination to achieve, and late month Jupiter supporting
his Mars, will accentuate his successes and enable wise actions. Uranus however, continuing his march through Taurus,
will prove unpredictable for him personally and in his work challenges. This is
especially true in March, when Uranus opposes his Mars, as it did last November...
It is interesting
that Since the Cop climate crisis conference, the climate emergency is becoming
increasingly a visible reality, but it seems to have been seemingly downgraded
as an issue by many leaders, having ticked a box at the conference, not least
Boris. The power of Pluto in Capricorn
in the final few years of his journey, since 2008, through Capricorn (economic
establishment) is certainly holding sway, as the economic drives and the power
of raw capitalism, at all costs, still ruthlessly dominates.
Indeed, significant
leaders in our world are acting like oligarchs, driven solely by power, ego and
money, regardless of the fallout for the planet, in what seems like a
last-ditch attempt to gain what they can. When Pluto moves into Aquarius in 2025,
the focus of power (Pluto) will change. Technological power will dominate,
however that could be for good or ill with Pluto power driving it. We have
already seen the battle between those two uses, re technology. As Aquarius is also linked very positively to
a more alternative, humanitarian and big picture value system, one hopes passionately
that those qualities will become more universal.
Jupiter in Pisces now
and Neptune ongoing for the long haul in Pisces, is certainly auguring well for
the arts and appreciation of nature, but it will certainly also encourage the
spread of fantasy information and fake news.
No complacency re Covid should be assumed, as the power of Neptune/
Pisces now can indeed show the remarkable ability of nature to adapt and silently
evolve, in many interesting and potentially worrying ways.
The power of Pisces
and Neptune now, can correlate with much fog, re motive and what is really
happening …not least re the truth re Russia’s motives re The Ukraine… and the
truth re many significant issues that are conveniently side-lined or covered
Russia is an Aquarian country and with Saturn now in that
sign, till March next year, it may well find itself in some difficult positions
as a karmic result of Putin’s ambitions, and when Pluto moves into Aquarius in 2025,
staying there for 19 years, Russia may indeed during that period, become considerably
more ambitious and ruthless on the world stage.
Putin’s chart is certainly
currently denoting behaviour that is risky and daring … he is in the mood for adrenalin.
He has a powerful Scorpio rising and you don’t mess with that, despite his
Libra Sun cooperative front. He has currently got the risky, adrenalin seeking planet
Uranus, by transit, opposing his Venus (every 84 years). Venus rules his
relations with others (7th house) and is his Libra Sun ruler. This
started in May last year and was back strongly in late November and all December. Plans were afoot then, based on an urge for
rebellion and a need for stimulation, risk, freedom and change. However, this
month and the first half of March, it is very powerful, before it wanes in influence,
for the very long term. When Uranus is powerful by transit, as currently this is
for him, it is extremely unpredictable and potentially dangerous. However,
Because Venus is in good relation to Uranus in his natal chart, he will plan
well… no matter how risky.
It is very relevant to remember that Putin was the head of
the KGB…a classic Scorpionic organisation.
The 4th, when the Sun conjuncts Saturn, is
potentially a day of some reality checks for us all and as Mercury moves
forward again on that date, suggests we will have some clarity re the way
things are moving. On the 11th/12th
Mercury conjuncts Pluto when intensity of communication of a significant
resonance is likely… but Mars in Capricorn is well aspected this month
especially around the 4th ,8th, 13th and 24th.and this
can bring some constructive, intelligent moves by responsible leaders (?). Also,
the 18th can bring welcome surprises or breakthroughs when Jupiter
sextiles Uranus.
An unpredictable
period of potential shock or surprise communications is around the 25th,
when Mercury squares up to Uranus.
The New Moon is on the
1st is at 12 degrees of Aquarius and the Full Moon is on the 16th at
28 degrees of Leo.
The New Moon is a time for new starts, whilst the Full tends
to bring things to a conclusion, and truths tends to erupt.