Monday, 28 February 2022



The month starts with significant global stress and crisis, for obvious reasons.  We have endured Covid and now war haunts us.

 Around the 3rd Mars and Venus in Capricorn conjuncts Pluto simultaneously, which is rare and intense in its power for us all, to say the least.

 But powerfully and very unpredictably, Mars, the traditional God of War, moves into Aquarius on the 6th, as does Venus simultaneously. Aquarius is Russia’s natal sign.  Venus helps potentially with negotiations, but the power of Mars in Aquarius is detached, unpredictable, willful and fixed. In fact, it’s a law unto itself.  Mars transiting position in Putin’s chart this month and early April is also triggering angry, powerful, assertive energies.   Around the 11th of March, it certainly activates his chart dangerously when it squares his ascendant. (If we have his exact correct ascendant degree)

Of the most significance for Putin, as I referred to last month, is that Uranus (ruling planet of Russia), which is now in Taurus, his house of relationships, is also opposing his Venus currently, which only happens every 84 years and was exact most of February and continues for the first half of this month. This again underlines the very rebellious and indeed potential paranoid and significantly unstable tendencies in people.  Because Venus also rules his relationship area, his defiance of cooperation and his desire for freedom to do as he wishes, independently of others needs and desires, is not only rare, but unpredictable, rash and risky.  His need to rebel against the status quo, to have his freedom, power and independence of action, is overwhelming during this time.  There is often with this placement, a powerful desire to break or manipulate, a previously accepted status quo. In fact, it is classic of metaphorical or literal divorce in any relationship.

Importantly also however, Uranus, currently travelling through his house of relationships, very much also points to the unpredictability for him, of the behaviour of those he is dealing with and indeed of those around him. The rebellious power potential of his enemies and assumed friends, will be strong and which he certainly didn’t anticipate.

 Putin has Scorpio rising natally and Pluto, his ruling planet, when born was conjunct his Leo Midheaven (public standing) in his natal chart. That points powerfully for a hunger for supremacy, power and control, as his overriding life goal.

 On a global level for us all there is a very strong emphasis on Uranus ruled Aquarius now (wake up call, upheaval and change) as Venus, Mars and Saturn are currently all in that sign, as is Mercury, till the 10th. This, combined with the powerful position now of Uranus travelling through Taurus (nature /land, the earth), suggests that we will all need to hang onto our hats this month…when weather patterns and geophysical shocks are as likely as geopolitical ones. 

Saturn, the planet of restriction/limitation/karma and necessary lessons, in Aquarius, since the end of last year, (the sign cited remember, as Russia’s natal sign) has seriously stirred up Putin’s brooding anger about his power being potentially diminished, but it opposes his Pluto and his Midheaven in early April (every 30 years), which will however, somehow limit his power …. A karmic event. This will ultimately however actually benefit him, but he won’t necessarily see that.

 Boris Johnson, because of the importance of intervening world events, seems to have so far opportunistically and conveniently, escaped what seemed very likely, in terms of having to step down from his position. Indeed, his chart is looking very buoyant between the 5th and the 10th when he is favoured by Jupiter, but it is fleeting.

Between the 22nd and 27th however, when Jupiter squares Johnson’s Mercury, and Mars squares his Neptune, he needs to think long and hard before he speaks or acts.  Carelessness / or any lack of truth can be very damaging to him then.

Talking of truth, the very significant fact about this Ukraine crisis, is the amount of disinformation that the west is being accused of by Russia, and the disinformation being given out by Russia .. This is the real global danger of the very downside of Neptune currently, and for the long haul, being so powerful now in its own home sign of Pisces.   Truth/lies are all confused. Social media can make or break the outcome of situations, with their massive influence.  Invisible spread of foggy information is now extremely and literally lethal.

Indeed, around the 22nd /23rd are dangerous and risky days generally, affecting us all, when Mars squares up to Uranus.  This is possibly the most crazy and unpredictable period of the month.

Jo Biden is also deeply affected by Uranus in Taurus this month, as it exactly opposes his powerful Natal Mars in Scorpio from March 12th till April 4th, and which only happens every 84 years.  That too is certainly very unpredictable, challenging, dangerous and chaotic for him, but Jupiter opposing his Midheaven, between March 22nd and 26th, brings him some peace and protection.

 There is this month however, despite the distressing events, there are a few hopeful signs of some resolution, as there are several planetary aspects of grounded, reasonable behaviour too for our planet., so it is important to have faith, that some logic and balance prevails.

 I think it is very important to acknowledge also, that this month, Pluto, on the 10th moves into 28 degrees of Capricorn (30 degrees in each sign) which starts the final 2 degrees of Pluto’s long journey through that sign, which that planet has been travelling through since 2008. It will be another 248 years before it reaches this same point again.

The final few degrees of an outer planet’s journey, (especially Pluto) through a sign, brings to a head the karmic lesson needed to be learned, related to the symbolism/values of the sign it is travelling through. Capricorn rules the predominant socio-economic order and the establishment and represents the growing power and challenges of capitalism globally. Pluto has tested for use of that power, both potentially constructively used, or abusively/ ruthlessly employed.  This final 2-year period is the denouement of that testing.   Hence, we are facing a sea change in our global economic systems as a result of misjudgments and misuses of power, and corruptions economically, since 2008 ....not least addiction to Russian money by certain governments, since then. Therefore, there is now an urgent need to face new realities re economies. In fact, a new world order will be forced upon us, as the fallout of complicated globalisation manifest.

The Ukraine war situation will very much instigate this, as well of course, the increasing power and challenge of climate change outcomes.  Inflation will rise dramatically as will energy costs, especially gas prices and the dependency on Russian gas by Europe, will be seriously affected.  The need for investment in and development of alternative sources of renewable green energy will be massively stimulated, no choice... Banks will be significantly affected; economic uncertainty and food prices are all going to be hugely impacted. Our value system will be challenged, as will the downside/fallout of greed and complacency re neo liberal capitalism’s developed prevailing ideology.

 When Pluto commits itself to Aquarius (scientific progress and technological innovation and big picture awareness) at the end of 2024 and staying there till 2044, we will then see what huge developments are possible, re the good and constructive use of power, or indeed the abusive/ misjudged use of power, re the above qualities, plus re the need for greater humanitarian awareness (Aquarius).

 We are teetering at the significant beginning of a new and extremely challenging transition in world history.