Thursday, 31 March 2022



We are at a point in history where we have effectively to face that we have had a too complacent view of our liberal order, which is now being totally challenged by a powerful authoritarian power. The fallout is a truly shocking humanitarian crisis, which should be a reminder of ongoing ones outside of Europe, but also, that this Ukrainian situation is resulting in a global economic crisis too.

 We are unexpectedly shaken and reminded that history repeats itself, or at least it tends to rhyme, and we should never assume complacency about so called progress. The authoritarian, populist and indeed narcissistic type of leader, has grown as a power and influence in many countries in the last decade or so, and here we are with the outcome of the culmination of such power.

 The fundamental battle now it seems is between democracy and autocracy, and that sums up the very worst challenge that Pluto in Capricorn 2008-2025 has shown us. Pluto indicates where there is potential misuse of power and being in Capricorn, which rules economic infrastructure/ systems and the established powers, there have indeed been strong indications of potential misuse of such power in those areas. That battle is not only obvious now in an extreme way, as demonstrated in the Russia / Ukraine situation, but it has increasingly grown subtly within many countries that claim to be democracies. Some leaders in proclaimed democracies, have become laws unto themselves, abusing their own country’s standards, norms and laws.  In the same way many heads of big international businesses are conducting their business more autocratically, as they wish, and according to their own advantage, often disregarding assumed principles and rules of behaviour, in a so-called democratic society. Russian oligarchs have got away with many dodgy financial advantages, because politicians and their cronies of the democratic countries who indulge them, also make significant private gains from them.

 Uranus, the planet of shock, change and the revolutionary, is continuing in Taurus till May 2026 (since 2018/2019.) Taurus relates literally to money, value systems, and security and indeed the importance of mother earth and her benefits and we are certainly, as a result of the current military eruption, now seeing our financial assumptions re power /gas/petrol supplies and their prices and the general cost of living, completely shaken up in a way not seen since the 2nd world war years.

 The second world war period was indeed the last time that Uranus passed through Taurus.

 Uranus in Taurus also totally points now to the physical shocks, eruptions and extreme changes on our Earth, brought about by the effects of climate change.

 Sources of global power supply and competitiveness on the world stage, has become a major axis of financial power, but now we pay the price of facing a sorry need to be less trusting, and indeed less quietly tolerant of abuse of power and dodgy dealings, and indeed less unconditionally dependent.

 This phenomenon has grown, as the power and values of neo liberal capitalism has leapt into a whole new and tacitly accepted dimension of globalisation, greed and ruthlessness in everyday life and amongst those in power and politics. This is a Pluto nemesis.  The perpetrators are also revealed for who they are, and the poor and the innocent pay the price.

There are two certainties in life, one being change, and now Uranus is in Taurus, and Pluto is in the last chapter (last two degrees) of Capricorn, our systems faults and complacency about the status quo, are hugely coming home to roost… and change is now, no choice. Hubris and nemesis are never to be forgotten as eternal principles, not least in astrology.

 If you add this game changing war crisis to the climate change challenge and the pandemic issue, we need to understand where we can no longer maintain many of our current assumptions/ values and to not let money and human ego be our god.  This truly is a critical turning point for human history and the planet.

 The power of social media is another example of what initially seemed like a step forward in progress through technology. It can also have an equal and opposite effect on the massive potential for abuse by powerful controllers and the total distortion of truth to a mass audience, for the benefit of dark intentions.

 This links to Neptune currently traversing its own home sign of Pisces, so doubly strong, and which happens only every 165 years (2012 till the beginning of 2026, in its current transit.) The downside of this planetary positioning is that both Pisces and Neptune are linked often to illusion and delusion and amorphous spread. Hence the current power of fake news, especially when convenient for certain powers that be, and this is seriously apparent now. Also, it can represent delusions of grandeur, even narcissism, amongst despotic leaders, which brings significantly poor and dangerous judgement in their ambitions.

 Very positively however, it must be pointed out, that Neptune in Pisces also really underlines the growing global realisation for so many, of our need for and love of nature, and the total urgency of protecting it for our very survival. It also underlines our appreciation of the beauty and value of the arts and spiritual sensitivity. It basically is a force for compassion and the power of the heart/soul, in its purest, positive manifestation. A major force majeure in the collective unconscious.

 Whilst Neptune is in Pisces however, we must not be complacent about pandemics. The extra power for invisible spread is still at large.

There is a downside and upside of every outer planetary positioning.  We have choices as to which way we go, and that is down to us collectively.

 Putin’s chart is now significantly less risky, impulsive and reckless than it was in the first half of last month, and certainly, limiting reality checks are powerful for him in the first 2 weeks of this month. This is because he has during this period, a once every 30-year Saturn opposing his Pluto, which indicates that his power then is severely stymied, for sure. What can’t be assessed, is how he will react to that. It will be either with resentful, frustrated anger, or acceptance, somehow disguised as a face-saving change of plan/ambition.

Most people would ultimately recognise under this transit, that what they want is maybe not always what is good for them, and in fact, they realise that what they thought they wanted, is not what they need at the time this transit manifests. What we want and what we need are often very different things… Saturn certainly can show us that.

The last 10 days of April, also look difficult for Boris Johnson, when Mars is activating/challenging his chart uncomfortably… not least by significant pressure from others.

 Around the 18th/19th when the Sun squares Pluto, is a period of some tension and crisis on our planet, but there are very positive planetary periods in the mid and last half of the month, to cling on to, on a hopeful level.

 There is a new Moon on the 1st at 11 degrees of Aries and there is a much rarer partial Solar eclipse on the 30th at 10 degrees of Taurus… New Moons are a regular monthly opportunity for the birth of the new. However, Solar eclipses show themselves once or twice a year, and potentially bring far more powerful emotional, circumstantial and spiritual renewals and breakthroughs.

 The regular monthly full Moon is on the 16th and at 26 degrees of Libra, and points to a time of the culminations of repressed issues, which tend to erupt, in order to create a new beginning after an ending. Often this is a bit of a crisis that has been waiting in the wings to be addressed.