Saturday, 30 April 2022



 A terrible war and the very stressed global economy are taking their toll on the planet and the psychological state of many, as indeed is climate change.

 A major and important planetary shift of energy this month, is that on May 10th Jupiter moves out of Pisces and into Aries, staying in that sign initially till late 0ctober, when he then returns to Pisces, to complete his influence there till the 20th of December. On that date he then again commits to Aries, finalising his stay in that sign, till mid May 2023. Jupiter only passes through each sign every 12 years. This move to Aries, will bring a more assertive and a fiery stance to those ambitious for power and victory, and generally for the collective, in terms of a renewed proactive stance to fight back generally against being repressed, or deprived. Rebellion will become more likely.

This is very underlined, as also Mars leaves Pisces and moves powerfully into its own home sign of Aries from the 24th, remaining there till July 6th. This will very much reinforce a more angry, impatient, dangerous, and risky atmosphere in the collective, as there will be an increased need to take more control, in order to feel empowered.

 It will also reinforce the power of the egos of those in power, whose egos are so often larger than average anyway. Fiery, ambitious behaviour will become more obvious in many.

Let us remember that Aries is ruled by Mars, the god of war, of course.

 Venus also moves into Aries on the 2nd till the 28th, again underlining the mood for assertiveness and indeed ruthless competitiveness, especially interestingly in the arts and certainly in the arena of money and indeed re the power of desire/indulgence.

Despite the new shift of emphasis onto Aries, which can underline the power drive of ego and competition, Neptune remains strong in Pisces, which when manifested positively, is more concerned with the values of the spiritual and nature, underlining the sensitive side of humanity. This divide of power between these two signs, will underline a growing battle between the two values they represent. Classic of this, is the current growing drive to pursue deep sea mining on the altar of human greed and pursuit of growth, versus the desire not to destroy deep sea environmental infrastructure, which is rich in life and an important protector against climate change.

 Importantly this month, Mercury moves retrograde on May 10th, remaining in that mode till June 3rd.

 When Mercury, now in his home sign of Gemini, retreats (goes retrograde), which happens on average, for about 3 weeks, 3 times a year, it basically indicates delays, blocks, misunderstandings, holdups and poor communications.  This will be a powerful influence especially re communications and indeed re lies and confusion and indeed affecting travel till the 24th. Then from that date, as Mercury retreats into Taurus then, staying retrograde there till June 3rd, the nature of these frustrations will shift and relate more to finances and economies/securities, in terms of blocks, confusions and retrograde developments.  Mother Earth will also likely create some unexpected challenges then, in terms of geo physical events.

The lesson of Mercury retrograde, for us all in our personal pursuits, as well as on a more global level, is that it is actually a learning curve. It’s a time to stand back, take stock and rethink, rather than just get frustrated at the seeming blocks /hiccups, and angrily push forward anyway. The point of this seeming negative energy is to reveal where things have been misjudged or poorly planned, or even where things have been taken too much for granted, and we should try and learn from this and make reparations. Retrospectively therefore, we hopefully can see the advantages of the so-called hiccups.

Uranus now, and powerfully till the end of April 2026, is still slowly traversing Taurus (since March 2018) Uranus is a big picture wake-up caller and rules shock, change, disruption, rebellion, even rebellious liberty from the outworn, and general unforeseen events. In Taurus, it is constantly reminding us of what we cannot take for granted re the stability of the physical infrastructure of our planet (Taurus) and certainly also in relation to the stability/security of our economic infrastructure (also a Taurus issue). All Taureans will be, or have already been, impacted by significant change that is unforeseeable during Uranus’s journey through that sign. (Only every 84 years)

 Around the 5th, when the Sun conjuncts Uranus, which only happens once a year, there is likely to be some sort of shock event related to financial and/or a geophysical upheaval, which in many ways maybe a blessing in disguise, as it teaches us some important truths about what we need to fully face up to. Transits involving Uranus often correlate with literal earthquakes.

 Boris Johnson, interestingly, has this month the start of a once every 84-year transit period of Uranus conjuncting his Jupiter and simultaneously opposing his Neptune. This is exact between the 8th and 27th of May and it returns to impact him, on and off, ongoing till April 2023.

This rare influence starting this month and over the coming year, will bring profound changes in his life, re his status and his context in life. The unexpected is around him and new pathways and challenges, and some deep revelations maybe presented to him about the real values of life. He may well feel out of his comfort zone as the old assumption’s he has had about himself/life and his desires are severely undermined/challenged.  There will however also be a potential liberation for him, but whether he sees it that way, is another matter. New job opportunities and sense of freedom are potentially in the air, but all quite discombobulating. How he will cope with the turn of events will be interesting, but having 4 planets in Gemini at birth, he tends to mould his life like pliable plastic and adjust and change his path to suit his immediate, if temporal and transient desires, as presented by any attractive opportunities.

Putin at birth, has the Sun and 4 other planets in Libra (with a Scorpio ascendant) but Mars moving into Aries this month, will not challenge his Libra planets till next month, when serious battles and challenges erupt in his life.

Zelensky, president of Ukraine, is an Aquarius, a humanitarian who sees outside the box, but his Gemini ascendant and Jupiter power on his ascendant also gives him much confidence, charisma, wisdom, manoeuvrability, courage, internationalism and clever tactics, which he can adapt to change.   His natal Moon and Mars in Leo of course, totally corresponds to his acting history but indicates that he has real power to take the stage in other ways and shine.  His Pluto square his Mercury natally, also points to his determination to challenge others intellectually and will stand up to an argument with passion, if necessary. Jupiter trines his natal Mars between the 10th and 17th of this month, which will much underline his daring, zealous nature and his confidence.

 Around the 27th of this month generally, is a period of some ruthless challenge and potential coercion on the world stage, as Venus squares up to Pluto. Stubborn recalcitrance and misuse of power can dominate.

 On the 29th and 30 th however, when Mars conjuncts Jupiter in Aries, there will indeed be quite a culmination of the fiery energy manifest this month, and a time of great daring and confidence to achieve a goal for many individuals, not least for those with power. This may or may not be so wise, but this mood will be extremely manifest and can bring real progress, if the motive is for the good.

 There is a total lunar eclipse on the 16th at 25 degrees of Scorpio.  That is a powerful energy that will bring much that has been brewing both individually and collectively to the surface, rather explosively. Endings of chapters are in the air, in quite a powerful way, when Scorpio is involved.  

 The more benevolent New Moon, which will fall at 9 degrees of Gemini is on the 30th.

 Be assured however that this is a very energised, powerful and challenging month.  As always however, motive is indeed everything.