During the first 10
days of the month, Jupiter and Mars are virtually conjunct in assertive Aries,
suggesting some rather daring and macho moves based on confidence and zealous beliefs.
Mars is in his home sign of Aries now
and till July 6th, suggesting that it will be a period of strong
determination not to concede on issues internationally. It indeed underlines
the war like mood… and that can be on a personal level too.
Mercury, however, moves direct on the 3rd
suggesting that certain issues will start to move forward from then, and some
clarity emerges for many, but hopefully only after important lessons have been
learnt and a rethinking of issues has been successful… true for us all, as well
as in the bigger socio economic and political picture.
Jupiter in Aries is very confidently and even ruthlessly
competitive and rules England and so there may well be a rather dramatic show
of political force in England’s political mood in order to get its way in
global politics and in order to impress.
Boris Johnson is
under a lot of pressure re demands for a vote of no confidence in him, but as
ever, for now, he seems to be inured to this and is stubbornly staying put,
even though Uranus is certainly currently causing upheaval in his chart.
He has Jupiter
sextiling his Mars between the 6th and 21st of June, a
period of great confidence to move forward with apparent success. However, combining with that energy, between the
8th and the 12th, he will meet with severe and angry challenge from others,
both personally and politically… which
will then rumble on throughout the month, and it is pretty much a catalyst for
enforced change. However, as is typical of the English PM, he seems to get
lucky when all points to the opposite outcome. Having four major personal planets in Gemini
can enable that individual to weave his way in and out of obstacles with a mix
of truths, obfuscations and untruths (outright lies actually) amazingly. Libra rising also certainly helps him clothe these
misdeeds and his misspeaking, in a seeming charmingly compromising, manner.
Natally Boris’s Mars
in Gemini also squares up to Uranus in his natal chart, which is an in-built
attraction to risk and danger. He gambles with these to get his kicks, and
similarly he is drawn to dodgy deals/ individuals, to help him fulfil his
adrenalin fuelled desires.
As I am about to post
this on the 31st, he is still at large as PM, but unplanned change
is certainly in the air for him.
He has been compared by
some journalists, to a greasy piglet, in terms of his elusive quality, when
there are attempts to pin him down for his misdeeds.
All signs have their
down sides and Geminis, in their more negative mode, have a reputation for
ducking and diving cleverly in and out of facts and situations, with adaptive
narrative. However, this very
characteristic, if continually used, eventually becomes their nemesis.
Biden, by contrast, is somewhat, but constructively, boldly
truthful, especially this month, as Pluto sextiles his Venus.
He will speak truth, regardless of whether it advantages him
or not. His strong Scorpio planets combined with Sagittarius rising is an intense,
forensic, but a courageously frank combination… sometimes a bit too frank for
others comfort.
Putin, between the 11th
and the 27th has Mars dangerously opposing all his Libra planets
triggering a strong confrontational response from others and he will react
accordingly. This is an intensely war like mood, but on the 30th
when Mars trines his natal Mars, he may be feeling vindicated in some way, by a
perceived victory.
The 11th and 12th are days when Venus
is conjuncting Uranus, the unexpected is indeed in the air around then for us
all. The 16th and 17th see
the Sun square up to Neptune…indicating that there is much smoke and mirrors
around then, with misinformation and confusion on the world stage, potentially
for us all.
All is not as it seems.
The unusual outbreak
of Monkeypox in some countries, is very telling of the ongoing power of Neptune,
so strong now in his own sign of Pisces (since 2012) … which represents no
boundaries and an invisible spread in all issues, not least information, fake news,
the power of social media and of course, the spread of viruses. This Neptune
journey through Pisces lasts till late January 2026, and we therefore cannot
relax our position on any potential for the power of these forces.
Pluto in the final
and very telling last few revealing degrees of Capricorn (global economic
systems and infrastructures) is now showing us the culmination of the downside
of globalised interdependent neoliberal capitalism, as a horrific crisis in one
country can have such consequences now for many others, not least in food and
energy supply. A nemesis is underway. Pluto always shows us the dark side of
any misuse of power.
We had become complacent that the world order was stabilised
and civilised enough now, to become very interdependent on each other. We had,
it seemed, forgotten that it only takes one somewhat unstable, powerful
narcissist, whose desire for increased power had become so strong that their misguided,
ruthless actions can totally destabilise the whole rather fragile global equilibrium.
Self-sufficiency has its advantages and we have ignored that
advantage at our peril to some degree. It also of course has clearly pointed
out how globalised big business and their tax advantages have created
increasing inequalities and have also exacerbated climate change, because of
the reluctance to change their systems to ones that may challenge their profits.
Climate change is
increasingly in our faces, and as Uranus (shock, disruption) marches through
the halfway point of Taurus, mother earth is showing her very disturbed
response to these changes in no uncertain terms. Combine this with Pluto in the earth sign of Capricorn,
and it really does threaten our very infrastructure.
There is a disturbing
but insightful quote about Pluto’s warning messages:
“The gates of Hades
are thrown open to the unwilling victim at their own unconscious request”.
We need this disturbing, urgent wakeup call… and deep down
we know it collectively, no matter what denial there is.
The Moon is full on
the 14th at 23 degrees of Sagittarius and New Moon is on the 29th
at 7 degrees of Cancer. Things tend to
be finalised/ended on the full Moon but are often positively initiated on the
new Moon.