Wednesday, 31 August 2022



 We are in a perfect storm and feeling pretty alarmed/depressed at the general global situation, if you indeed listen to the news …or read about it. In fact, to keep stable or vaguely upbeat, many are understandably limiting, or avoiding their news intake, but sometimes we feel more jittery if we don’t keep fully informed …Depends on our birth chart/personality.

 There is an element of denial for a proportion of the population, in order to protect themselves, especially about some of the existential concerns, like climate change/wars, although it has been very hard to deny these things over the last few months, as their manifestations are now in our face, with many very difficult implicit challenges.

Strong sensitivity in a person, can either be manifest as serious anxiety about such matters and indeed depression, or it can manifest in denial and escape, in some form. This often relates strongly to the power of and aspects to Neptune in one’s natal chart, combined of course, with other issues astrologically.

 We have a senseless, dangerous war, a huge cost of living crisis, climate change crisis /drought, strikes and seeming no strong, coherent governmental leadership to cope, not least in England.

This month, to somewhat complicate things, Mercury moves retrograde from September 10th till October 2nd, during which time he moves back from 8 degrees of Libra to 24 degrees of Virgo.

 When Mercury moves retrograde, which he does on average 3 times a year for 3-4 weeks, this is always a period for everyone and globally, of delays, blocks, frustrations, poor communication, confusion, lack of clarity.  Although it can be very annoying … in reality, the purpose of it, is to create a situation where we are all, both collectively existentially and individually, meant to stop and reassess our habitual goals, beliefs and thoughts about the general status quo and indeed re our own personal path forward. We need the humility at these times, to see maybe where we have gone wrong and to decide how to change and reshape things, in view of the manifest impasses.

In fact, it is a time for constructive reflection, as we need to realise that what we thought we wanted, may in fact, be not what we need.

 Yes, there can indeed just be delays, but this Mercury retrograde period is there for sure, to create space for reassessment of the validity of plans and goals. The power of Mercury in our charts and its position at the time of the retrograde motion, will indicate the personal areas of needed reflection. Politicians especially will have to rethink many things in this retrograde period, especially those newly in power, and it won’t be at all comfortable for them, to say the least.

Mars is currently in Gemini, till the end of March 2023 (a very rare, lengthy stay) and Mars tends to be a bit dodgy in that sign. There is tendency towards duplicity and uncertainty and indeed for many words and promises, reversals of ideas, but often no action, with this planetary placement, especially underlined around the 16th/17th when Venus squares up to Mars. The used car salesman quality will be manifest in many ways.

 Very significantly also, around the 3rd and 18/19th of September, there is a problematical retrograde Mercury opposition Jupiter, when over promising and dubious statements are potentially rampant.  The very end of the month and early October sees Mercury (still retrograde) in opposition to Neptune, which certainly indicates fantasy, potential lies, smoke and mirrors at the least, and misleading information. Be sure to check the truth and validity of all issues, around then, and of all information received, on a personal and indeed on the big picture level.

 Jupiter now in Aries (May 9th, 2022 – till May 17th, 2023), there for a year, every 12 years, is certainly underlining for this period, the power of big ambitions, competitiveness and assertive egos and rather primaeval power stances.  This confidence however may be based on little known or understood infrastructure. We are living in times where ego seems to totally surpass wisdom in many leaders’ being, and indeed in their CV.

  It is always the specific power of the 3 outer planets; Pluto, Neptune and Uranus, and the characteristics of the signs that they are slowly moving through, that determine the main mood music and changes that happen on our planet over the rare years, that they spend travelling through each sign. That is the key to understanding the big picture, astrologically (and for understanding generational differences and characteristics)

1)   Pluto (power and motive) now finalising his journey through Capricorn, (2008 till late 2024) which represents the establishment and the predominant socio-economic systems, now shows us the very ugly fallout of ruthless, largely global, neo liberal capitalism, ongoing since his arrival in that sign.  Climate change is obviously the resulting effect of decades of destruction of our planet’s natural world and its delicate atmospheric balance, putting the totally self-destructive goal of eternal economic growth, before all else. As I persistently underline, the manifestation of the hubris of extreme capitalism is increasingly more apparent to many now, and we are paying the price in so many ways.

 The UK collectively is a Capricorn nation, and England is specifically an Aries country, and with Jupiter in Aries now, egos in that arena, are now certainly currently off the scale in political struggles, as potential leaders vie for triumph.

The basic tacit philosophy that greed is good and takes precedence over the environment and fairness (not to mention wisdom), has been the message for far too long, with Pluto going through Capricorn.  We all ultimately pay the price, as indeed we are doing now, for abuse of our natural world. The astrology screams this out now that Pluto is in his final throws of being in that sign, before moving into Aquarius in late 2024, from where he will test us from then, re the positive, wise use of power, or abuse of power in areas and values represented by Uranus ruled Aquarius, (technology, particularly.) The wise use of power of Aquarius is big picture insight, humanitarian interests and use of technology and triumphs of the human brain for the greater planetary good.

2)    Neptune so strong in its own home sign of Pisces now (2012-2026) clearly shows in so many ways, the sacrifice that nature, water and our seas (Pisces) have been forced to endure, by human activity… creating such depletion of biodiversity. Positively this astrological position has also woken us up to the natural world’s preciousness and vital importance, not least at a time now of the worst drought, apparently, for 500 years, in Europe. Neptune In Pisces is quite simply forcing so many of us to have a new, more spiritual connection with and love of, our natural planet.  This characteristic will be particularly true for all the burgeoning and yet to arrive generation, born between 2012 and 2026, who all have their natal Neptune in Pisces, so that connection with and sensitivity to nature is/will be in their very DNA for life.

 There is however a downside with all planetary positions when it is used unwisely, and the qualities of that position are abused.  Neptune can negatively be about misleading concepts, subtle deceptions, smoke and mirrors and conspiracy theories, and in its most powerful manifestation in its own sign, as it is now, it also points to the growing greenwashing we have been fed about assured environmental standards being adhered to in products, when that is so often far from the truth.  We are assured by governments and owners of companies that they are caring about the environment, but their words and private activities are often contradictory. There has been much sneaky stealth of infiltration of the media (Neptune) too by self-interested forces.

 England and Wales are the only country in the world with privatised water companies We have realised in recent weeks how they have eluded assumed standards, and saved money by releasing raw sewage into the sea … and their failure to stop leaks …   Money/profit has taken priority over the stewardship of water, one of our most precious natural resources.

 An example of this ongoing predominant value system is that despite its complete lack of publicity, between 2014 and 2017, £24 million was cut by the English government from the budget for environment protection, surveillance and monitoring.

 Again, what we are told and assume and what really happens are so often just not as one…

 Scams on social media /phones are all manifestations of the power of the often-invisible spread of lies/deceptions …that is enabled by our technological “progress”. Invisible spread of viruses also continues to reflect the potential negative power of Neptune now.

3)   Uranus (technology, shock, change, chaos, instability, not least in climate, awakening and ultimately inevitable change) travelling through Taurus now, a sign all about money/security and land/ agricultural food supplies, from March 2019-end of April 2026, is certainly bringing huge shocks re the cost-of-living crisis.... and the diminishing value of money, as well as fears over sustainable food supplies/ crop production. The power of technology (Uranus) as it connects with new money concepts e.g., bitcoin, is also strong now for good or ill. Also, as technology is so powerful now, cash as we knew it, will likely be soon, a thing of the past.

 Uranus often causes upheavals and chaos … designed specifically so that awakened, big picture change must happen.  That is the message.

Because of the fallout of the Ukraine war, and Putin’s implicit blackmail re Russian gas, energy companies, all privatised, are of course going to pass on the massive hike in energy prices to all consumers, an already predominantly struggling population.  The government are largely blindsided and seem to have no coherent, agreed strategy to cope, as this was not in their playbook.

 Revolution re these financial issues is inevitable, with Uranus so strong in Taurus, and the energy companies know this.

 Only two certainties in life, one being change.

As I said last month, Liz Truss has much in her chart activity (transits) in early September, to suggest her success then, in her goal to be England’s Tory prime minister (i.e., in terms only of pure gratification of her ego).  

 There is a saying that if you want to be a politician in power, you probably shouldn’t be one.

The current, rare conjunction of Uranus with the North node also guarantees a recognised need in the psyche of the population for a progressive, wise revolution in the way our society moves forward. Sadly, current proposed leaders seem disconnected, blind… and have no concept of this needed fundamental revolution, as it threatens their very identity, vested interests and ego. Many of our leaders and potential leaders, are merely rearranging the deckchairs while the titanic sinks. Narcissism seems now a common factor in so many of them.

The truth is, we are facing an existential period of the collapse of so much, resulting from abuses of power and especially of nature, for so long.  The system is broken. Those who know this, and there are so many now who do, are fighting for a total redress of values and for wisdom… and the outer planets, which determine the mood music of the big picture and generational awareness, are totally pointing to this emergency. The undeniable need for change and wake up calls have become so loud now; we cannot ignore them. The age of eternal material growth and abundance is coming to an end.

 Misuse of power brings its nemesis, in an almost Shakespearean way … and astrology has that messaging, in fact it speaks truth to power.

 The full Moon is on the 10th at 17 degrees of Pisces and the Moon is new on the 25th at 2 degrees of Libra. The full Moon corresponds with eruptions of pent up issues and often , endings … whereas the new Moon represents the birth of the new and the planting of new seeds ..