Saturday, 31 December 2022



There is a general feeling that now the planet is in critical mass mode. We go one way or another… The old ongoing dominance of and drive for money, power, ego and an increasing autocratic value system destructively continues, or we turn to a new more enlightened humanitarian and big picture planetary health driven value system.  There is alongside this, a growing war between the two hugely contrasting energies, autocracy or true democracy.

 You don’t need to be an astrologer to realise this.

 The ongoing war in Ukraine totally represents all the misuse of power we are facing.

The new values that our planet screams out for, and indeed what the planets that are starting to influence us astrologically, are also demanding, are so contradictory to the decades long values we have aspired to. So, it will be a massive fight to get a revolution from the old to the new.

 This year is a year where that collision of forces will seriously start to manifest.

 The unusually lengthy retrograde period of Mars in Gemini, since October 30th and continuing till the 12th of January, has certainly done its job of paralysis on many fronts and pointed to a real crisis of battles and anger re value systems.  This has shown itself not least in the UK. London is a Gemini city, the centre currently of a paralysed government,.which is in  typically current Geminian dithering manner and with scattered internal opinions, and completely not knowing what steps to take to resolve the many strikes and the financial mess. Anger (Mars) is brewing in the populace and the government hopes this will focus on the discontented strikers, when in fact, disillusionment with the UK government and the whole system is seriously growing.

  After the 12th, movement of some kind will emerge, society wise and personally.

 Mercury also is retrograde since December the 29th and till the 18th of January, and this will compound the problem… Agreements will be very difficult to attain, and delays and blocks will dominate. Best agreements will come after the 18th.

Jupiter is committed to Aries (England’s Sun sign) from the 20th of December, lasting till mid-May, and this will put a lot of power into the populace’s hands, and again collective determination, drive and courage will be significant…and now that Saturn has finished squaring up to Uranus, as it has been doing on and off for the last 2 years, the blocks and limits put on the need for some revolutionary change, have been considerably loosened.

Despite an increasingly vocalised feeling that the current (neo liberal capitalist) system is unsustainable, the fact is, our political system is by nature totally anti-revolutionary, but the populace may become increasingly revolutionary, over the coming 2 years, as Pluto (power) edges gradually out of his occupation of Capricorn era. (Since 2008.)

 Capricorn symbolises the old order of conservatism, tradition, extreme capitalism and colonial power, with fiscal inequality baked in… It has become increasingly unfair, illogical and increasingly at war with the need for a big picture existential change, in order to restore the health of the planet and create more balanced equality. Money can no longer be God.

 Money alone is not the root of all evil but the love of it is.

Aquarius is looming large as a focus of power, and it is the energy that is starting to build seriously this year, as Pluto dips its toe into the first degree of Aquarius for a trial run only, from the end of March till mid-June 2023. This will give us a taster  of the coming shift of focus and values.

 Aquarius is all about the prevalence of intellect over greed and the power of out of the box, lateral and divergent thinking to solve problems that are global, not parochial.  Revolutionary insight, hugely innovative technology and humanitarian thought and planetary survival, especially related to climate change, will be increasingly, and of necessity, the motivator.

 This is such a contrasting force to Capricorn energy. There will however now be an ongoing battle, on and off, between these two value systems, till the end of 2024, when Pluto finally commits to Aquarius. This will also be very much related to autocracy versus democracy.

 Pluto visits each sign every 248 years and stays in it, to do its work (and tests for wise use and abuse of power) for approximately 20 years.

The March to June period in 2023 will indeed give us a flavour of the change in mood, values and energies that are destined to show themselves, and will emerge again from late January 2024 to the beginning of September 2024 when Pluto pays his second visit to Aquarius. The emphasis during those periods will be the humanitarian and global need to put environmental issues as a priority and the realisation that the essential need for the development of technology must be motivated by big picture collective progress, for our very survival and not just motivated by money, power and ego.

  When Pluto reverts for the final time, to Capricorn again in September 2024 till late November 2024, then the final battles between these two values will be seen. From late November 2024, Pluto’s commitment to Aquarius begins and Aquarian energy will then dominate…. All the way through till February 2044.

However, we must be aware that all systems have their potential for abuse by some, and therefore there is always a likely downside to every planetary placement, not least for Pluto in Aquarius, the planet whose title alone, is the very essence of power (think Plutonium and Plutocracy.) Technology, an area very much governed by Uranus ruled Aquarius, has increasingly also become a medium for the use of darkly motivated energies and abuse, when the motivation is greed… This must be rooted out, as value systems naturally shift of necessity and more evolutionary characteristics of mankind kick in.

 Can Orwellian type use of technology be abandoned… and then used only for the greater good.?

There will be, must be, a sea change.

If not, we are looking at a huge, rather slow-motion finale for us all.

 Re the UK this year …Rishi Sunak has a very powerful and chaotic once every 84-year Uranus transit to his Sun from May this year.  Change, shock and unexpected revolution is in his career then, and in his life generally. The UK government and its traditional structures are indeed very symbolic of all that must be rethought.

Of course, Neptune is also still travelling through its own home sign of Pisces. Neptune in Pisces (2012 till Feb 2026) has been a real wake up call to us all, re the beauties, frailties and necessity of nature, notably the sea …and how much it is suffering from our human assault on it. It has also underlined the power of invisible global spread of epidemics and the unrestricted global spread of social media with all its conspiracy power.

 Re Pisces, another significant planetary shift this year is Saturn’s entry into Pisces on March 7th. This every approximately 29-year visitation will last till mid-February 2026.

 Saturn is a testing, karmic planet and brings reality checks to bear and shows where work must be done, but where it is a tough road.  He is not called The Benevolent Despot and Karmic School teacher, for nothing. We must be humbled in relation to the sign he is in, and Pisces (the last sign of the zodiac) is, as I said, so about nature, and denotes, as a sign a strong spiritual awareness of life…the preciousness of the simple. Pisces is all about sensitivity and emphasises sensitivity to pain and often also, more negatively, escapism from what is uncomfortable to deal with.  Saturn in that sign, asks that we need and must stand up to the plate and deal with problems and suffering in a compassionate way, both personally and environmentally.  We will see clearly and with pain, the truth of our damage to the earth, and pay an increasing karmic price, which will further drive the need for change. We must face up to our fears and anxieties and take constructive action to deal with the present and let go of the past and its hurts and mistakes. Huge challenge globally, but increasingly unescapable as a necessity. But Saturn is a tough teacher. You only get progress, after huge, hard and humble work

 Indeed, Saturn will demand that our collective mistakes and historic value systems must be confronted and rethought … of necessity, or we pay the price of the downside of Pisces…escapism, denial, delusion, or of simply giving up.   Negatively, Saturn in Pisces it may be quite challenging to the arts also, which will have to fight for its true values to be recognised by the system.

 Jupiter, however, positively, moves into Taurus in Mid-May for a year, and this position underlines the power of Taurus alongside Uranus in that same sign currently and since May 2018. Uranus brings shocks and awakening and change and Taurus rules our infrastructure in terms of literally the earth under our feet and its productivity re crops and our security systems, and simply, the money system. We have seen the shocks re the earth in response to climate change and how it has also affected money, with cryptocurrency, cashless dealings, Ukraine war and the cost-of-living crisis. Not least also, how technology (Uranus), has affected our financial dealings. Jupiter’s arrival into Taurus, however, can very helpful as it brings satisfying rewards for the good, we do, changes we make, related to our planet’s infrastructure and survival. It can show us what progress can indeed be made through appreciation of and efforts made in caring for nature…. and indeed, the arts.

 I believe we all know in our souls, that massive karmic wakeup calls will start to stare us in our faces in 2023. 

 All best to you all for the coming year.