Sunday, 31 December 2023



 Capricorn influences are strong this month as the Sun is there till the 21st and Mercury moves into that sign on the 14th , Venus is also entering Capricorn on the 23rd and Mars is also there from the 4th.

 Capricorn is archetypically concerned with traditional power ,status and financial ambitions.  It is ruled by Saturn , so it is a sign that  likes to have discipline, the old order and hierarchies of class and power. Positively it is hard working and seeks material and ego security. It does not like change unless it creates more security for the status quo. Capricorn is indeed very connected to material power and conservative values and in extremis , can be related to destructive greed,  when negatively expressed.

 Pluto is really emphasising the power of Capricorn this month, as he is in the last degree of the sign  till the 21st, when he moves into Aquarius, staying there till September 2nd . He then moves back to Capricorn, briefly, when he will then correlate with the final efforts of the powers of negative Capricorn global influences, before finally leaving that sign on November 19th, and committing then to Aquarius for approx. 20 years.  This will be a momentous period bringing the beginning of a totally essential shift of values and power.

Meanwhile the last-ditch power of Capricorn forces/values are fighting for preservation, globally in terms of geopolitical economic power and control geographically , hence the horrific current war scenario… and an economic war within societies, not least in the UK, a Capricorn country.

 Pluto always tests for the wise use of the power of the values of the sign he is in, and abuse of that power can be a very  profound danger. 

Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn is  however currently in Pisces , (a very different energy to Capricorn) since March 2023 and till mid Feb 2026…has and will continue to undermine the power of Capricorn principles.

The shift to the right we have seen globally, will totally be proved to have been calamitous and the opposite of what is demanded by the universe., and indeed our planet.  We may have to go to an extreme scenario to generate a counter revolution.  The desperate power of ego, financial power and almost fascist values are being increasingly displayed in many countries, as Pluto  lingers in the last degree of Capricorn , and it will exemplify the ruthless narcissistic characteristics evident in many people in power. This is being emphasised in their last-ditch attempt to maintain old destructive values, which if continues, will be global suicide.

Pluto visits each sign approximately every 248 years for a long haul of global influence on values.  Those born around January 19th-21st will for sure, currently be feeling the power of this Plutonic shift in their personal lives.

 This year is therefore hugely important in seeing a real battle of extremes; the old socioeconomic order of power and values versus a very new one, of necessity, that involves a bigger picture total urgency in terms of our planet’s very survival, and therefore our own, as well as a desperate fight for a more humanitarian system. Additionally, and very powerfully, there will be inevitably a coming massive leap in the power of technology, (Aquarius) for good, or possibly ill.

 There is always the danger of abuse of power in the values that each sign represents, when Pluto activates it and in Aquarius , there are dangers too .

 The demise of Capricorn values and yes, the incoming power of the new Aquarian influences will get seriously under way this year, but we must go through the dark to get to the light sometimes, and this seems to be very much the case now and over the coming months. Nothing is always totally good when human ego and desire for power is involved.  Motive of course is everything.

 Political shifts and current astrology are inevitably linked. and although many astrologers avoid the politics , it seems to me a vital focus, as the values and mood music of the human directed global energies, are so connected to planetary alignments and placements.

Very interestingly, when the Sun moves into Aquarius on the 21st of this month, it will exactly conjunct Pluto and will also coordinate with Pluto’s exact day of entrance into that sign, which will be a very significant pointer to a new value system having to be born.

 Britain is a Capricorn country, and we are indeed seeing a real crisis in the politics/society there.

A real breakdown in fact has been created by the current regime, for the next government to try to clear up and regenerate.  Radical change is needed.  The veering to the right, as seems to be happening in many countries, is an interesting and cruel knee jerk response to energies affecting us all.

 A revolution is indeed needed, and that is felt globally, but it must be around Aquarian objective, positive, egalitarian, humanitarian and big picture planetary health principles, without fear and  without old habits of greed ,ego and power .

Meanwhile Neptune continuing powerfully through its own home sign of Pisces and indeed Saturn now also in the first few degrees Pisces, continuing in the sign, till Mid Feb 2026, is underlying a global increase in the population’s mental stress, sensitivity, anxiety and indeed empathy for all who suffer and indeed for the suffering of the planet itself. There are indications of real mental delicacy now, in many people, which can manifest in many ways, not least  In the UK . Neptune in Pisces, continuing till late January 2026, will keep emphasising the human instinct of the love of and sensitivity to nature and its necessary survival.  That will be the great fight back, of necessity.

 All children born between February 2012 and the end of January 2026 will have this Neptune sign position in their natal chart… a very powerful influence in their caring, empathetic and more universal value system….and they will help change the future, in the coming decades.   

As Pluto has its final say in Capricorn and indeed, its final karmic imprint, there is a realisation that the government (of England in particular) is completely desperate and out of touch with the populace, as its focus is increasingly confused, illogical and often ruthless ,as they desperately try to cement the old economic priorities and inequalities. This mood continues for now. 

 Rishi Sunak has also had Saturn opposite his Mars for much of December and Uranus opposition his  Mercury. His mind is chaotic, and his power limited, and it seems he has felt very out of his depth and very pressurised by financial interests of the far right of his party. March and especially April this year will see a massive wobble and change in his status, when Uranus hits both his Sun and Mercury powerfully  (every 84 years) and Mars also challenges his natal Jupiter, Mars and then Saturn during those months.

  A sort of civil war between values is manifesting, and this will be very evident this year .  The younger generation have very strong collective values that are very different to those of many in power now, and politicians, naively tend to think that values don’t shift.

 This month, Mercury moves direct on the 2nd when many blocks , uncertainties and delays will be starting to be resolved in the big picture and in our personal dealings.

 Jupiter, remaining in Taurus till late May, puts much focus on the fight for some fair monetary security, yes…. But it also emphasises the power of the natural world and the need for our respect for it, which many people are desperate for, but which many governments seem completely alien to, when their only focus is power and money.  

 2024 will be a milestone period /battle and January has some positive indicators , but it is the outer planetary issues that are the real significant indicators .

 I have talked about Pluto in the global context endlessly.

 Uranus now ongoing in Taurus  till the end of April 2026, will also bring massive shifts in the geophysical infrastructure of our planet , as we are already seeing, due to our impact on the environment ,as well as  bringing some chaos in the monetary system (Taurus) . These will be the great movers and shakers for a demand for change and Pluto moving into Aquarius will give this desperate desire, some focus and power , providing the motive of those with the ability to guide those powers, are all for the greater good.

 Motive really is everything .



Thursday, 30 November 2023


  It is no coincidence that on the 24th of November, the day that Mars left Scorpio, there was a ceasefire and the start of the return of Palestinian and Israeli hostages.  The Sun had also left Scorpio on 23rd.

That conjunction of the Sun and Mars in Scorpio, throughout much of November, has indeed been intense and ugly, bringing out the worst of war like potential. The power of Uranus in opposition from Taurus, enmeshed with this conjunction, has also brought shock, anger and chaos … as well as seismic threats geophysically.

 Clearly there is a long way to go for any resolution, but that extreme intensity has hopefully passed.

 Political confrontation and the rather triumphant rise of extremism has also been a global trend. Scorpio is a potential force majeure when it comes to vengeful and intense passions. Middle ground is not its tendency. However, positively motivated, it can also be amazing in its triumphs. Motive is indeed everything.

 Venus is also moving through Scorpio from December 4th to the 30th, which very much underlines intensity of feeling generally … Passion is strong about desires, ideals and re the arts and there is intransigence too.

The shift now to Sagittarius energy, re the Sun and Mars, will hopefully bring a more philosophical and big picture mood.

 Mars is in Sagittarius, from the 24th of November till January 4th will focus on much needed international cooperation, and of course, Mars being the God of war, it also brings international ideological tussles and daring.

 Mercury, in Capricorn from December 1st, moves into retrograde phase on the 13th. Always with retrograde Mercury, there are blocks, frustrations, delays and necessary rethinks on so many levels, both globally and for us all, personally, particularly linked to the values/interests of the sign that Mercury is travelling through when retrograde, and of course related to which areas of our personal birth chart it is affecting.

This will first affect negatively the principles of Capricorn (economics /establishment) through which it travels till December 24th and then, still retrograde, it moves back into Sagittarius, when it will affect and challenges more the interests and values of Sagittarius (travel, freedom and internationalism.) However, it moves direct again from January 2nd Mercury, eliminating many hiccups and delays.

Of course, as I and all astrologers are so aware of, (and mention often) this is the last-ditch period of Pluto energy in Capricorn having been there since 2008, before he finally commits to a whole new sign symbolism/values of Aquarius in mid-November 2024. This is intense indeed, as the old socio-political and socioeconomic order and values fights for survival, (Capricorn). This is like a clash of the titans, between the two extreme characteristics of Capricorn and Aquarius. There is a renewed last-ditch attempt at a powerful right-wing stance trying to re-establish and empower itself now in several countries, especially the Capricorn ruled UK.  Every man for himself, is underlined in many ways now, in socio political mood, when what is needed is a new perspective that puts collective, humanitarian and big picture global survival (Aquarian essential) before a value system based on every man for himself and a pure greed .

2024 will therefore see this battle of values get extreme, as the last ditch of extreme capitalism emboldens itself, triggering a rebellion in the populace, not least in the UK.

Jupiter now, still ambling through Taurus (earth /security), till late May 2024 is keeping all our eyes on the powers and value of nature and indeed of what needs to be done to protect it and there are indeed as a result, many good people and organisations fighting for it with some good results. Neptune in its home sign of Pisces for the long haul, (2012 till late January 2026) has been and is also creating much increased sensitivity, empathy and love within many, for the beauty and soul of our natural world, despite the ongoing battle we have now against its destruction, caused by our collective behaviour. Indeed, the desire by many with power and money, is to maintain the old order and priorities, at all costs to the planet. It is interesting that it is often the wealthiest who are the most likely to be climate change deniers.

 It is ironic that the COP meeting held in the first 12 days of December, will be held in Dubai, the wealthiest oil producing centre on our globe. One wonders how this anomaly can be managed and justified.

Saturn now in Pisces (early March 2023 till late May 2025) is causing much, undefined collective mental depression about the state of our planet and its health and indeed the reality checks (Saturn’s function) that the power of Saturn is bringing to us re this, as always, are necessarily harsh.

 The conflict now is momentous between the increasing pursuit of wealth and power, by a minority, versus the hunger of many for a global commitment to a regeneration of our natural world, especially now as we see Uranus (awakening through shock and upheaval) showing his power in Taurus (symbolising the very infrastructure and value system of our planet.)

 This month generally, however, there are more positives than negatives, re planetary aspects.   However, Venus squares up to Pluto on the 3rd, which is potentially manipulative and dark in motive.

Days that are potentially filled with smoke and mirrors /deceptions and deceits are 17th/18th when the Sun squares Neptune. This is on a global scale and potentially personally.

 Also, between the 27th and 29th when Neptune is squared by Mercury and Mars, check out the truths and don’t be too assuming that all is as it seems in all contexts.  However, Jupiter trines the Sun on the 27th and 28th, offering a positive compensation/saving grace.

 Around the 21st Venus is opposing Uranus which is potentially intense, re shocks and uncomfortable revelations about facts and behaviour, but overall, there are, it seems more rays of light in December than there was in November. (Not hard!)

 Rishi Sunak has his only once every 30-year Saturn oppositions to Jupiter and Mars continuing now. The opposition to Mars being exact in the last half of this month. This is a challenge connected to his international and legal dealings. It also underlines significant ideological conflicts/rifts with colleagues.

 Kier Starmer also has Saturn opposing his Uranus, in the first half of the month, not so personal, but he will feel conflicted in his ideology and err on the possibly too cautious side of stances, which may upset some supporters. He is fearful currently of looking too radical. However, Jupiter trines his Mars from the 2nd -16th, which should boost his confidence and standing.

 The Moon is new on the 12th at 20 degrees of Sagittarius, a time of new starts, and the Moon is full on the 27th at 5 degrees of Cancer… Eruptions of repressed feelings are then likely and inevitable endings of chapters, are in the ether… This is especially true if those degrees are strongly emphasised in your birth chart.

  Wishing you all a peaceful Xmas and all best wishes for 2024









Tuesday, 31 October 2023


When I investigated the astrology for November, I felt uncomfortable … (I consider myself a realist, but some see me as pessimistic).  The events of October re the Middle East proved, as astrologers feared, that Mars, by squaring Pluto from the 7th and then moving through Scorpio from the middle of October and staying in that sign through till November 25th, would in some way, really live up to that planet’s dark potential.  Mars co rules Scorpio along with Pluto. War/death was the worst scenario … and here we are.

November (Scorpio month of course) is honestly looking particularly intense, as the Sun is also then powerfully conjunct Mars in Scorpio from the 13thto the 23rd. This doubles the power of Mars and Scorpio. Both placements being fixed, determined and often ruthless.   Scorpio can also be very forensic and healing, when used positively, but collectively politically, it can be very dangerous too, because of the intensity of feelings and the intransigent power of stances and ideologies.

 Additionally, to these positions, the Sun and Mars conjunct in Scorpio, both also oppose Uranus in Taurus, from around the 10th to the 14th. This indicates unexpected very powerful eruptions and chaos during that period, that can be caused by either human induced unpredictable, explosive and dangerous actions, related to conflict, or by the power of nature, showing its potential to be dramatic and explosive in behaviour, such as earthquakes or volcanic eruptions, wildfires/flooding.

 It can indeed be a combination of both these events…. dramatic human conflict as well as nature’s response to natural forces, or indeed its response to conditions we have created by our environmental abuses.  Suffice it to say, that period is truly globally and powerfully chaotic in its potential… not inevitable, but very likely.

Of course, there are positive planetary alignments too in the month, when the good and the just can prevail, not least around the 6th /7th when Venus’s trines Pluto, giving power to the potential for healing, also the 17th when there is sensitivity and a more humanitarian mood, when the Sun and Mars trine Neptune. Also, around the 20tth through to the 22nd, when the Sun and Mars both sextile Pluto, bringing intelligent insight and potential healing, powerful action.

However, the power of the darker potential does rather shout out very loud.

 Interestingly, also during October, Benjamin Netanyahu, had Pluto exactly squaring his natal Libra Sun (every 124 years), which is a classic transit for a defiant power struggle and war footing.

 Jo Biden this month has Mars conjunct his natal 4 Scorpio planets in his 12th house and trining his natal Jupiter around the 18th, activating his mood and positive power enormously; and not least his behind scenes efforts to influence others in power, but it is also very psychologically stressful.

 Rishi Sunak still has his protracted Uranus opposing his natal Sun, on and off since June 2023, till May 2024. This is a tough period, which is very shaky for him (and only happens to him every 84 years.) This is creating a chaotic period when others around him are unpredictable and his support from others is very uncertain and changeable now. The Conservative party is clearly on very insecure ground currently, which is unnerving for him, and he will swing in his path/policies rather chaotically, trying to please everyone, especially those with power and money, who support his party… This is also a very stressful one for his mental health as his mood/ instincts are changing chaotically, and the power of others is undeniable in influencing him.

 Interestingly Keir Starmer has Saturn opposing his Uranus currently, which he has had on and off strongly since September this year and haunting him through to January next year. This happens to him every 30 years and indicates his constant battle currently between two stances. i.e., that which likes to be safe and stick with what he feels is traditional/not extreme (Saturn) and therefore not alienate marginal labour voters, whilst also wanting to express the need for a radical change (Uranus) to a more revolutionary, socialist society. He is seesawing between the left and the right of the Labour party, to keep all sides happy.

 These two planets, Saturn and Uranus, are very much planets that are representative of conflicting values and attitudes. Unfortunately, Starmer is finding that any lurch to the right, for the sake of perceived popularity with disillusioned Tory voters, often makes him look weak. Indeed, both he and Sunak are both seesawing now with their current Uranus opposition influences… Sunak’s conflict is in a considerably more powerfully protracted way than Starmer’s, however.

They will indeed though currently both be feeling very stressed, jumpy and indeed torn internally.

This conflicting, confusing stances that intelligent leaders are all bumbling between, totally reflects the clash of values we are all facing now on a very big picture global level… and of course is a complete manifestation also, of the current rare planetary transition of Pluto (main ruler of Scorpio) from Capricorn to Aquarius, that is so powerfully underway.

 The UK is a Capricorn country and the transition from greed and corruption in economic values to a fairer and more just scenario there, is clearly seen increasingly as essential. Indeed, the clash of values on our planet is everywhere.  Climate change action versus the old economic order.  We are all hovering between the old collapsing order and a revolutionary new one, that is truly felt to be needed, by many. The intensity of struggle and the intransigence of the old order and the determination of the new for a change of values, is growing fiercely.

As mentioned very much in previous blogs, this is a hugely powerful see saw period of Pluto (power) leaving the Saturn ruled earth sign of Capricorn (the material / the establishment /tradition), after approx. 20 years and entering the Uranus ruled air sign of the very different values of Aquarius, i.e., radically new, more enlightened, fairer, intellectually driven, big picture, innovative one, in so many ways, (Aquarius values).  where it will stay for approx. 20 years.

This imminent transition which happens only every 248 years, is still underway, as it is indeed protracted.  Don’t underestimate the powerful impact on us all that this has.  The old is dying, the new is budding, but it’s meanwhile, a ruthless fight between the old order and value system, and the beginning of a potentially revolutionary one. This shift has been hovering since March of this year and the change is finally committed to in late November 2024, but the battle on so many levels, between the two signs values, is critical and most intense indeed in this coming year.

When the likes of the courageous Chris Packham and the usually very politically neutral, legendary David Attenborough, are being now so outspoken about the need for us all to wake up and act powerfully re climate action… we know that people who value our environment and nature and indeed planetary survival, are desperate. Indeed, as in Chris Packham’s case, are even openly considering the question of the validity of our need for breaking the law, on the altar of planetary survival, and indeed therefore of all our survival.

 Very different value systems are now at war, in so many ways and on so many levels.

 Buckle up, as this conflict between the old and new is a bumpy ride.

 But also, beware that the new position of Pluto in Aquarius, which can be very potentially positive in terms of a revolution socially/economically/ environmentally and from a more humanitarian perspective, and certainly technologically, can however, like all major shifts of planetary energies, always bring potential downsides and dangers. This is when the extremes of the qualities of the sign involved, are exploited negatively, for purely personal power and gain.  Like every action in life, motive is everything.

The Moon is new on the 13th at 20 degrees of Scorpio and that that can be a time of some intense, challenging compromise for leaders to consider. The Moon is Full on the 27th at 4 degrees of Gemini and unusually opposes Mars in Sagittarius simultaneously.  Although Mars has left Scorpio at that point, it does indicate that this full Moon could indicate a final act of international daring that has been brewing for some time.  Full Moons are known for bringing things to a head, a rather explosive conclusion often, that can expose some hidden truths.






Saturday, 30 September 2023



As Pluto is currently entrenching himself again in the late degrees of Capricorn till January 21st next year, we are seeing a renewed desperate desire of our leaders and many politicians to fight for the old socioeconomic order of values, fighting off a new necessary vision of existential change. While the world burns and floods in so many places, green policies are overlooked, abandoned or derided by many in power, and meanwhile the inequalities amongst humans, in so many countries grow.

 Before a flawed system dies, it often fights hardest for survival, as is very visible in governmental policies in the UK currently.  However, the truth of what is needed for all our survival is becoming so obvious, that many are willing to face legal challenges in order to fight for change. By late November next year, the battle for a change of values will be partially won, re climate change action and an economic shift in values… That is when Pluto finally deserts Capricorn and commits to Aquarius, for approximately the next 20 years.

 Meanwhile the fight between the old order and the new, will be dramatic.

 Very interestingly Chris Packham, the well-known passionate environmentalist, made a TV programme recently on Channel 4, called “Is it Time to Break the Law?” that honestly and courageously explored the possibility that breaking the law may well be justified on ethical grounds, in order to protest about the lack of serious government policy re the existential issue of climate change.

 This is where we have come to, in terms of the crisis point clash of values, that we are now seeing on our planet.

We have no known time of birth for Chris Packham (crucial for knowing the ascendant and Midheaven sign and therefore to have the full, true insight) but he is Sun and Mercury in Taurus, with his Moon, either in Sagittarius or Capricorn (depending on time of birth), with very relevant and definitely, very powerful Neptune aspects. He also has Mars in Cancer, Venus in Aries and very importantly, he has Jupiter in Aquarius, all of course pointing to a committed, passionate nature lover and importantly a fighter, with great sensitivity to the pure and innocent, and he is revolutionary in values, re big picture survival. No surprise there.

 It is interesting that currently, Keir Stamer, in late September and the first half of October, has Saturn opposing his Uranus (only every 30 years). This classically symbolises a very real fear/block (Saturn) re being too radical/future oriented (Uranus). His decision to concur with the Tory policy declaration to develop the Rosebank oilfield in the North Sea, reflects this fear. This decision is partly in order to gain support from marginal, disillusioned Tories, but it will also alienate many of his party colleagues and environmentalist supporters.

 Neptune, as is much talked about in astrological circles, has been going through his own home sign of Pisces since 2012. This happens only every 165 years. There are great upsides and some insidious downsides, as with all outer planetary positions. This has, positively, doubled the power of Neptune as an influence, which is all about instinctive and increased spiritual sensitivity, simplicity and love of natural beauty.  Since this powerful influence started, continuing till February 2026, the effect it has had collectively, among other things, is an increased wakeup call re the state of nature and mother earth, not least the sea/rivers. (Neptune, of course is the Roman god of the sea and water) and there is also now, increased intuition about, and caring awareness of all these powerful issues in nature.

 The power of the heart and soul has been intensified in the general collective unconscious, which has manifested in many ways.  There has been increasing love of nature and a desire to value it and fight for it. Also there has been an increasing number of pets being owned. It also has seen a fight to maintain and honour the power of the arts.  Basically, it has increased our desire for simple things like love, beauty, caring and compassion for all that is innocent.  This cosmic energy basically fights back against the purely material.

Also, the downsides to this powerful Neptune sign position (and wake up calls)are the invisible spread of disease and the potential dark power of the spread of dubious/false information on social media, but the media has also done much to raise our awareness of the damage being done to our planet too.

 However, in most people’s subconscious there is an instinctive knowledge, regardless of powerful scientific revelations, that the earth/ environment/climate is in real danger. We also know it is mainly because of our collective human abusive activity, in the way we have treated nature, on the altar of economic gain and growth.

As a result, there is a strong collective intuition that, like the Titanic, the ship is metaphorically sinking, whilst many of our leaders/politicians are indeed, merely rearranging the deck chairs.

Notably this month, when Mars squares up to Pluto on the 9th, power struggles will be quite severe then.

However, when Mars moves into Scorpio on the 12th, staying in that sign till the 25th of November, we will really see extreme ruthless streaks in world affairs and in many areas of human behaviour. Mars co rules Scorpio, along with Pluto, so this is a powerful position, being the planet of desire, energy, competition, determination and indeed, it is the god of war (in its extreme manifestation.) Therefore, when in Scorpio, it is indeed a significant force. Mercury also moves into Scorpio on the22nd, staying there till November 10th, further emphasising the intensity of the Scorpio mood.

 Rishi Sunak will personally and very significantly, have Mars opposing his natal Taurus Sun and Mercury from the 10th-15th of October. Challenges will be tangible then in his professional life, possibly legally. Saturn is also opposing his Jupiter from the 10th till late November, happening only every 30 years, which will also be significantly challenging re his relationships and policy decisions, and with possible legal implications.

Biden has 4 planets in Scorpio, including his Mars, (very forensic in his insights) so he too will be very impacted by Mars moving through Scorpio in late October and indeed, for most of November.

Trump in the last 9 days of October has a very challenging Mars conjunction of his I.C. (His roots/security) and also squaring his Pluto, not an easy time, but he will make the most of it, as ever, to gain favour.

 Notably Putin, with his Scorpio ascendant and Venus in Scorpio, is likely to be very affected and activated by Mars in mood and action, in quite a ruthless way, around the 16th and 29th of this month.

One should expect ruthless power exerted for good or ill, to show itself on the planet, during this whole period.  Motive is everything, especially when Mars is in Scorpio and indeed of course, with the power of Pluto so activated this month.

On a big picture level, the Sun and Mercury also both square up to Pluto, on the 21st and that will also indeed be a day of some tension and power struggles, globally and certainly in some personal lives.

 The period between the 27th-31st will be especially, for us all, be strongly reflective of these Scorpio energies, when both Mars and Mercury, then in Scorpio, oppose Jupiter in Taurus. Powerful competitive wills for good or, more likely otherwise, will be displayed.

 In November, btw, the power of Mars will increase its intensity, for us all, notably, when Mars in Scorpio conjuncts the Sun in Scorpio and simultaneously opposes Uranus in Taurus, notably strong between the 11th and 15th. That is rare and very significant for our planet in a potentially very chaotic way.

Uranus continuing still in Taurus (May 2018-end April 2026) has and will continue to bring real shakeups in the foundations of mother earth/nature itself and in our value system (Taurus issues). This is becoming increasingly visible and disturbing, re horrific wildfires and flooding. Shocks are there to shake us out of assumptions, arrogance and complacency. These wake-up events can ultimately liberate us from dark habitual behaviour. It is happening now, and we know it.

With Neptune in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus, the powerful influence of and the fallout effects of nature of our collective behaviour, are in our consciousness more powerfully now, than they have probably ever been.

 This all sounds very pessimistic. but we need shocks and crises, in order to steer us forcibly into another more healing and hopeful direction. We need to listen to and learn from our planetary state and mood, not from the many politicians with power now, who care only about their power and ego.

Wisdom and humility are the main quality lacking in so many of those who rule us. (Not all of them, of course).  That is where there is hope, re Pluto committing to Aquarius in late 2024, staying there till January 2044. This will be a very different value system being activated, i.e., big picture, alternative, innovative, objective, dominated by scientific insight, technological advancement and potentially humanitarian and revolutionary. This is of course, not without its potential downsides and testing though, as always with every outer planetary placement.

 As much talked about, the power of AI being a significantly potential dangerous one, on the horizon.

In truth, it could be the best, or the worse development in human history.

 All powerful energies, astrologically or otherwise, have their potential for abuse, of course.

There is a minor Solar eclipse on the 14th at 21 degrees of Libra. A significant time of new starts and new awareness. Powerful for Librans born with their Sun at 21 degrees (around that date.)

 There is however also a significant lunar eclipse this month on the 28th at 5 degrees of Taurus. A time of powerful endings/ finalisations, in any context and eruptions of hidden energies, that have been festering.  This is global input and particularly powerful for Taureans, born either around the 25th of April (give or take a day or so, depends on your year of birth) and for Scorpios born around the 27th of October… (again, the exact date depends on your year of birth.)

This is, I suspect a significant month for us all, continuing the intensity through November.


Thursday, 31 August 2023



Mercury moves direct on the 15th having been retrograde since August 23rd.

 From the 15th therefore, many delays, hitches, travel chaos, will come to an end and many confusions and uncertainties are likely to get clarification, both on a personal level and potentially internationally.

Also necessitated are rethinks about issues that have become blocked, which will start to make sense and be acted on, bringing improvements in outcomes from the 15th.

 Venus also moves direct on the 4th, again suggesting some clarification on certain issues relating especially to personal relationships and finances.

 Pluto back in the last degrees of Capricorn temporarily, till late January 2024, indicates that attempts at pursuing the old, increasingly irrelevant policies of government and economics are still being pursued, in many cases, to a crazy degree, ignoring the vital issues globally, that now seriously need to be challenged, notably the old value system.  Don’t underestimate the virtual civil war underway now between the old neo liberal, laissez faire capitalism and the necessary new more egalitarian economic order and the global environmental essential wake up calls. 

Pluto represents power and transformation and often brings significantly challenging endings is seesawing between the old economic power based old system i.e., Capricorn, versus a new system i.e., Aquarius, which is a new, big, outside the box, picture with more global humanitarian values. This very rare alternation of signs goes on till the end of November 2024, when Aquarius is finally committed to by Pluto, staying there for nearly 20 years. Meanwhile attempts to up the extremes of the old, inevitably dying order, will manifest by those with strong vested interest in it.  

 Mars now in Libra all month, will certainly indicate a determination to get “fairness” by many in the populace and only seemingly so by governments, but don’t underestimate the ironic hidden forcefulness in the way this Mars position is often expressed i.e. “In the name of harmony, we will do it my way!”

 Uranus, which equals eruptions, shocks, awakening events, if jolting and unpredictable, is ongoing in Taurus (March 2019--May 2026), a sign which relates to the very earth itself, and the monetary system. Our grounding and security issues are looking shaky. Uranus is now revealing a dramatic demonstration of the damage that our assumed collective values, and our ongoing actions are doing to the planet., not least through extreme wake-up wildfires and weather events. Uranus is a powerful planet in terms of shaking up the status quo as a wakeup call, sometimes in an uncomfortable way, but it points the way to some transformation.

 If born around May 14/ 15th or November 14/15th, give or take a day or two, you will be notably feeling this power … not to be feared, as it implies a new order having to be grasped, which although disruptive, is a wakeup call to a needed revolution in one’s life somehow.  Patience, care and thoughtfulness is needed however in this transition. To some extent those born around 13th/14th or 15th of August and February are also likely to be feeling this power, but it is a little less strong.   Important though, for all with birthdays round these dates, to avoid impulsive and potentially dangerous activities and behaviour. Always stop and think before acting.

Jupiter thankfully in Taurus too, till May 2024, is stimulating collective movements and individuals, who are doing all they can to save the environment, by changing methods of farming and revitalising natural habitats and rivers.

A battle of values between the caring, knowledgeable few and the self-seeking economic giants, no less.   It’s also very significant and vital, that Neptune ongoing in Pisces, which is compatible with Taurus values, is also a real force for increased emotional sensitivity to nature and indeed spiritual values, in the collective unconscious, not of least young people. Political posturing on the world stage is becoming transparently ego and power driven, even farcical. A last-ditch drive to keep outworn power, structures and ego status will culminate before the end of 2024, and in many ways disintegrate out of sheer necessity, but not without ruthless fights to maintain the old order.

 Saturn is a karmic schoolteacher and currently now also in Pisces, he is certainly creating spiritual realisations through painful geophysical events, of our collective mistakes; and he demands objective critical self-analysis, and to find ways out of difficulties, and let go of the past. He tests for severance from old value systems, not least obsessive material ones, that no longer are tenable. Saturn brings severe reality checks. For a good reason.

 Putin has learning curves as Saturn squares up to his Moon for much of the month. He will be sorely tested re international issues. Uranus also now opposing his Pluto (his ruling planet), is making his security and ego very shaky.

 Rishi Sunak is also in a very erratic and shaky position for the coming year, as Uranus haunts his Sun by conjunction (only every 84 years) and opposes its own place.  He is in a position of loss of control, with shocks and no real way forward, policy wise, and in terms of uncertain and unreliable so-called allies. Saturn is also opposing his Mars for much of this month. That will seriously block his goals and bring challenges from others, that are very frustrating and demoralising. Unexpected change is the astrological weather forecast for him. Only in April next year, will he have some relief, or potential liberation, from his significant stresses.  A change of position is possible then.

 Jo Biden has some challenge of Saturn squaring his ascendant late August and early September indicating a need to adjust his way of dealing with people and to not do kneejerk responses.

Days of positivity this month are the 8th, when the Sun trines to Jupiter, when a sense of breakthrough and luck is in the air re practical and financial matters, and potentially re environmental issues.

Also on the 16th, when the Sun trines Uranus., positive and surprising breakthroughs are possible, not least re technology.

 Venus sextiles Mars from the 20th till the end of the month, suggesting harmony and efforts to create peace are more likely and possible, both personally, and globally.  It is also augurs well for artistic efforts and achievements.

Beware however on the 19th/20th when situations and people are not as they seem, delusion and deceptions and indeed confusion and foggy information, are all in the ether globally and in personal lives… as the Sun is opposing Neptune then. 

 The Moon is new on the 15th at 21 degrees of Virgo and is full on the 29th at 6 degrees of Aries.

 Take note if you have planets, especially the Sun, at those degrees of the zodiac.

  We sow on the new Moon and tend to reap on the full Moon.






Monday, 31 July 2023



Uranus (ruler of Aquarius) is now at 22/23 degrees of Taurus (committed to that sign since March 2019 and is staying in that sign to do his work there till the end of April 2026). He travels through each specific sign for 7 years, but only once every 84 years.

 If you are born around the 14th-16th of May, or the same dates in November, August or February, you will be feeling this once every 84-year influence in your life now, and on and off for about 1 year. re change, disruption, or just plain awakenings that can be very liberating … the unexpected.

 Globally, this Uranian journey is showing us all very clearly now, the classic Uranus needed alarm call of the trauma, shocks and upset to our earth, (Taurus), re. record breaking heatwaves, wildfires and drought, because of our global inertia re climate change.

 Taurus not only strongly connects to the power of Mother earth and nature… it also socially, represents value systems and financial structures, and so the current economic/cost of living crises are also of real significance now.  Uranus also, as a result of shocks he brings, is very much an awakening to the planet, to the urgent need for change and even revolution, in the arena of these Taurean values.   The old order, that needs revolution, is of course always fought for retention by those with huge, vested interest in traditional systems, not least the oil moguls and their industry… and of course those parties in government who are economic beneficiaries of such sources.

 Uranus points to revolution, and of course, being the ruler of Aquarius, this connects to the urgent implementation of new big picture values and certainly of technological breakthroughs, which are essential for us to alleviate the clear threat to us all….   Motive and value system is everything of course, when it comes to technology … Hence the critical slow transition we are now experiencing re Pluto, hovering over the coming approximate 16 months, between the sign of Capricorn (old neo liberal capitalist socioeconomic order) and the sign of the new very contrasting Aquarian values. The long stays of Pluto in whatever sign he is in, are powerfully embedding, in terms of the prevailing values of that period, particularly the extreme ones, of those signs. Hence the current prolonged transition from one sign to another, especially from Capricorn into Aquarius, is symbolising a necessary birth of a vital new big picture, revolutionary, objective concept/value system, of how society should now be ordered and driven.  This is of course a total global challenge.

While we stick to the old order, we will not win the battle re climate change, but equally the successful outcome of the new future we face (Pluto in Aquarius) will very much rely on motive, re the inevitable development of new technology. Will it be mainly driven by money /profit /power, as an addiction to the value system of the old order, that refuses to be dropped, or predominantly will it be for the greater good of all, in terms of our survival? A far more necessary Aquarian value.

 Pluto equals power (think plutocracy /plutonium) but the most powerful significance of the use of this Pluto power, lies in what the motive is behind its power.  For the greater good, it can be magnificent, but with selfish motive, it can be very dark and destructive.  That is why there is so much controversy and fear now re the power if AI, re who, and what motives direct it.

 This is one of the most critical moments in human history, as for the first time in human history, our global survival is now totally dependent on the choice of value systems, that are to be pursued on our planet.   As I have implied before, it feels increasingly like a global civil war of values.

 Neptune, so powerful in his own sign of Pisces now (2012- 2026) is certainly helping many to appreciate and value nature, now, and this will be so true of most of the burgeoning generation born during this period.

 The outer planets that stay in the same sign for years are generational in their power and influence, and represents some fundamental inbuilt characteristics shared by that generation, born within those years.  It’s in their planetary DNA. This influence gives them a common experience of the world and therefore inbuilds their specific shared value systems. The generation born with Neptune in Pisces (above dates) have a hugely sensitive awareness of and passion for all Pisces issues, not least love of nature, and particularly the sea… and indeed very much the arts.  Many fine fighters for nature/beauty, and performers/ musicians will be born within these Neptune in Pisces years.  There is a natural spiritual drive to pursue these areas of passion. Take note if you have a child/grandchild born during this period.

 Sensitivity is so strong now and appreciation of the simplicity and beauty of the natural world and its creatures is truly underlined.  However, the power of depression and climate despair, that is reportedly felt by many now, due to global issues and the dark values that exist within powerful structures, is affecting many people’s delicate mental health.  We are nature.

 The downside of this powerful Neptune position is affecting some, by way of delusional idealism, denial, and potentially misguided hero worship … and gullibility to conspiracy theories.

 Of course, added to that, Saturn now in Pisces (March 2023-Feb 2026) is creating a serious reality check for all, about the depressed state of nature and certainly is underscoring anxieties and depression in people, often in a way that is hard to identify. However, being a karmic schoolteacher, we must learn from Saturn. Wherever Saturn is, is where there is a reality check and we must endure difficulties and the lessons, they show us that we must learn, both globally and individually.

 Jupiter, still in Taurus, (earth/security) from May 2023 for 12 months, is thank fully however, always a boost to our appreciation of nature, and can bring some good news re its status and value, as there is an increasing desire now, among so many of us, to focus on working for its health and revival.

 All this month Venus remains retrograde in Leo till September 4th.  This indicates the need for people to stop and think /review relationships, the direction of travel re the arts, as well as financial issues and interests (all Venus’s areas of focus). Those areas are on hold, blocked and feel paralysed during this period, but the message of retrograde planets is to pause, review and reevaluate those issues and rethink these issues, rather than just to get frustrated and angry. Of course, personally, the emphasis in your life is influenced by the house position of Venus in your birth chart and what Venus rules in your chart. Globally there is also often a review of the balance of power and influence between the sexes and their roles in life, notably focused on the media culture world (Leo).

 Mercury, now in Virgo (powerful in a sign that it rules)), moves retrograde on the 23rd…staying in that mode till September 15th. Mercury represents mainly thought process, communications and agreements. When retrograde, these are halted, delayed, put on hold and frustrations and stasis abound, not least re blocked plans, agreements and travel. Technological hiccups are also more likely.   There is frustration with all retrograde planetary motions, but its real function is an opportunity during this period, to reevaluate plans, thoughts and communications, and to understand the roots of the problems and face them constructively. Being In Virgo, getting bogged down in detail is also likely... with loss of big picture direction of travel. This focus on detail rather than big picture importance, is emphasised also by Mars being in Virgo, most of the month.

 Politicians are indeed merely fiddling round the edges with their often useless so called climate change driven policies.  They just tick boxes, as their economic priorities dominate. The massive, radical coordinated work really needed, is being paid mild lip service only. 

A values war is basically seriously dominating us all now, between the old money driven order, and wisdom driven values, as is so clearly indicated astrologically.

 Mars moves from Virgo into Libra on the 27th of August, where he stays till October 12th, a time when positively there is a potential increased drive and desire to incorporate fairness, balance, cooperation, sense of justice and some harmony into our goals and drives, and especially to be more agreeable in negotiation… globally and personally.

 Days, for us all, when some chaos is in the air and potentially eruptive events, are around the 15th when the Sun is square to Uranus.  Around the 22/23rd when Mars opposes Neptune and Venus squares Jupiter, there is very much a mood of unwise overreaching and over promising, with a lot of deception/confusion in the air simultaneously.   The 27th  when the Sun is opposed by Saturn can also be a day when plans and directions of travel in life, get somewhat blocked by difficult realities, that need to be faced.

 Around the 25th, when Mars trines Pluto there is however great potential for breakthroughs via determination and focused power, but motive of course is everything. 

 The full Moon is on the 1st at 9 degrees of Aquarius and the New Moon is on the 16th at 23 degrees of Leo.  The full Moon brings culminations, eruptions of building emotions and endings, whereas the New Moon is a potential for a new start/chapter.





Friday, 30 June 2023



The characteristics of the sign Aquarius and its ruler Uranus will be a major focus in the coming few years due to Pluto’s influence. These energies, apart from indicating alternative, out of the box, big picture awareness, the future and indeed technology, Uranus also importantly rules astrology itself and its insight. Although Pluto, which is all about power and potential abuse of power, is now temporarily back in Saturn ruled Capricorn, which symbolises socio economic systems, the establishment, material issues, it is notable that at the end of March, when Pluto first very significantly moved into Uranus ruled Aquarius, there began a growing surge of online focus on new aspects of astrology and advancement of exploration in that area( as well as big  concern re the potential of AI.)

 This Pluto transition between these two signs, only happens every 248 years. It is a huge shift

 Astrological podcasts have flourished…  Of course, monetisation is so often involved, but not always. Astrology has evolved considerably recently. Because of the evolution of powerful astronomical discoveries, astrological interest is also now probing further out into Galactic Astrology. The influence of the planets orbiting beyond Pluto are now being examined. These planets orbit very slowly in the Kuyper belt. (The Plutoid planets).

 The significant magnetic power of recently identified black holes in our galaxy, are also now being recognised in terms of their considerable affect and their impact on our galactic conditions. Astrologically, these newly discovered galactic forces have significant influence on certain points and planets in our charts, if they correlate with these newly found black hole locations.  A whole new dimension of astrology in fact is being born, that suggests that these newly identified planets/black holes indeed potentially indicate a new important power and awareness in relation to our whole civilisation and its values and indeed, our place in the universe.

The notable newly examined planets are Make -Make, Haumea, both named after ancient Hawaiian goddesses, and Eris, named after a Greek goddess. These goddesses, all in their own ways, represented environmental wisdom and feminine power, fertility, warrior activist power re nature, connection to source and essentially, the massive power and importance of the natural world. This may be wishful thinking re these planets’ function. I hope not.

There is a theory among many astrologers, that in fact, the further out the planets are, in our galactic system, the deeper the universal value systems are, that they represent, and that we need to honour.

 Back to Pluto …as his influence now is so strong. Pluto entered earth sign Capricorn in November 2008, and now, as is widely known, is see sawing critically between the end of that sign and its entrance into the air sign Aquarius, which, as I keep referring to, are 2 very different value systems. There is indeed a growing civil war of these value systems playing out. This alternating is not over till late November 2024, when he finally commits to Aquarius, staying there till January 2044. That period will bring an almost unimaginable sea change of awareness on our planet.

Pluto (power) now back in Capricorn, till late January next year, which is indeed all about the socio-economic establishment and under Pluto’s influence, this has become increasingly ruthless in terms of an increasingly greed-based form of capitalism (neo liberal).  Pluto brings intensity and often obsessional tendencies; re the areas he symbolises and certainly tests for the wise use of power of the values of the sign he is in. We are now seeing the culmination and results of the downside of misuse of power, relating to the economic system, that has been pursued increasingly strongly since 2008. The power of capitalism in its worst manifestation, is now fully revealed, with greater inequality now, than for many decades … Free market economics has become ruthlessly unfair and dominated by large economic opportunism for the few, often at the expense of the many. The power of personal ego in politics, has also diminished both honesty and genuine care for the population.

The narcissistic personality type has been and is still visible in many countries’ political leaders … and now, many of these figures are facing the consequences, as their time is nearly up. Pluto very much relates to having to learn some powerful lessons re the results of misuse of power, greed and abuse of a value system.

 In so many ways we have seen this, not least in the UK (Capricorn ruled). There is a sort of Shakespearean quality in the lessons now having to be learned by many in power. These people may be able to quote Shakespeare, but do they really understand the profound morality issues re the  use of power, or indeed the meaning of hubris and nemesis, that Shakespeare so much delineates in his work.

 When Pluto does finally commit to Aquarius, of course it will also have its downsides tested. Pluto always tests for the wise use of the power and knowledge in the area he is activating.

 Fingers crossed the new knowledge, new abilities, new philosophies, new wisdom, will not be motivated by dark forces, but by the greater good of and the healthy survival our planet and humanity...

(Potential misuse of AI, having been noted many times, by many significant people is a real danger)

 It is interesting how many astrologers, including myself, have noted a spike in the no. of clients, seeking insight, who have significant birth chart planets or points, in very late Capricorn or the very first degree of Aquarius, which are now being directly affected by Pluto’s power (only once every 248 years) They are going through unique, once in a lifetime, powerful transitions in life…. not always easy …

Looking specifically at this month. Saturn going through Pisces now, since early March this year and till late May next year is not easy, a karmic planet is in a karmic sign. It can cause hypersensitivity and fear, and an overactive imagination. It can create conspiracy theory vulnerability …   People are very vulnerable, because they are worried, as practicality and fears block dreams and optimism… The financial crisis, not least in the UK is powerful. The UK is ruled by Saturn, being a Capricorn country, and the economic issues are having a huge impact on peoples’ psychological well-being.

However, positively Saturn can bring discipline to the pursuit of a dream or ideal and as Pisces rules nature … the need to apply hard work to preserve the natural world is now flagged up as a karmic necessity.  Voluntary service to others and to benevolent causes in a quiet way, is also typical of this position. With Neptune also now in Pisces for the long haul, sensitivity to nature is extremely underlined … and is hugely powerful as a generational influence, for all born from 2012-2026.

 However, Pisces rules the sea and water generally and Saturn rules reality checks, restriction, limitation and flags up challenges, which self-evidently is a huge issue globally now with climate change driven drought and relating to pollution, now frequently created by some profit driven water companies. Saturn demands necessary focus and constructive dealing with whatever he is affecting, . Saturn is essentially a needed karmic schoolteacher and benevolent despot.

 This Saturn position also brings constructive discipline to artists and musicians (Pisces), but also, the downside is that those creative activities and studies are currently being rather restricted and undermined. This is being demonstrated in schools and universities, notably in Saturn ruled UK, notably England, because those in power don’t value the arts, in relation to perceived far more important economic issues and priorities. The spiritual and aesthetic side of life, so imperative for our psychological and literal survival, is totally downgraded, on the altar of money.

Jupiter now in Taurus (earth sign and very much connects to nature) till June 2024, welcomes nature and will help to maintain its power, importance and healing capacity for us.

Mars leaves fiery and extrovert Leo on the 10th, and moves into Virgo, till late August. There will be more caution and calm from then, and detail will/should be checked, before decisions are made …

 Rishi Sunak has a seriously tricky Uranus conjunct his Sun now (every 84 years only) especially strong, as Uranus opposes his natal Sun. He is so affected for a year.  Upheaval and unpredictability are the mood music for him.  Wake up calls are strong, but his lack of power and control over fundamental issues and indeed other people, who can damage him, will be evident.

 Putin, of course, is much in the news now and he is indeed a complex man. He is a Libra with Scorpio rising and Moon in Gemini… and Pluto, his ruler, conjunct his Leo Midheaven natally...  He has a ruthless energy, with a veneer of civility. Retrospectively, in view of developments, I note that the last week of June was indeed very tricky, as Mars was conjunct his ruling planet Pluto then. A dangerous time for him and potentially for the world. He was hit hard, and his reactions were critical.

 Trump’s chart is very activated in the first 10 days of July as Mars conjuncts his ascendant and its own place. Mars rules his 9th house, which relates to legal issues, so this will be a very eruptive, angry period for him. Mars will also square Biden’s Sun and Venus then, a fiery time for USA politics generally.

On the 20th/21st, Mars opposes Saturn, creating blocks and angry frustrations, potentially resulting for many of us, in rash actions, and a pushing through of things unwisely, when in fact, caution is needed.

 Days that are potentially powerful in impact in terms of significant challenges and statements made, are around the 11th when Mercury opposes Pluto.

 Also, events around the 22nd/23rd are indeed quite dangerously confrontational and potentially explosive, both individually and collectively, when the Sun opposes Pluto.

 Both these Mercury and Sun opposition transits to Pluto, only happen once a year… Just as well.



Wednesday, 31 May 2023



So, Pluto is really messing with us now, as, in retrograde mode, he leaves Aquarius, where he has been since late March, and returns to late Capricorn on the 11th, staying there till late January next year… when once more he will return to revisit Aquarius. This lengthy see sawing between the signs, continues till late November 2024, when he finally commits to Aquarius for approximately 20 years.  So, watch this ongoing battle between the power and values of these two signs, till the end of next year.

 I say messing, that’s how it may feel, but this really reflects the hard fought for transition to necessary new values, if we are to move forward healthily. It won’t be easy.

 Regardless of the dangers of Pluto power (think plutocracy /plutonium) i.e. the  potential for real abuse of power re the values and goals associated with the sign he is travelling through), the potential for a positive shift from the outworn material, status driven, socially divisive value system (negative Capricorn) to a potentially more global egalitarian, humanitarian, objective, and scientifically/technologically productive value system, without ego ( all positive Aquarius), is also very real.

The development of the right technology, in the right hands, could indeed save the planet, not least re climate change issues.

However, of course, as I have referred to before, and what is now much talked about, the scary downside of the power pf Pluto in Aquarius, is obvious…i.e., the misuse/abuse of the huge powers of AI.

it has been reported recently that Geoffrey Hinton, hailed as the god father of AI, for his epic contribution to the development of an algorithm that allows machines to learn, has recently resigned from his position at Google, because he says he now has regret for his part in creating AI, which he now sees as “an existential risk” to humanity.

 As journalist Jonathan Freedland puts it “Those who know it best, fear it most “

 Aquarius is ruled by Uranus.  The unpredictable, but potential genius of a planetary energy, re revolutionary new insights. truths and intellectual capabilities, but motive is everything in life. We have choices… and very urgent ones.

 Meanwhile, with Pluto from the 11th, arriving back in Capricorn for 7 months … the effort and fight then, to just further empower the old order of purely financially driven policies, will likely be in high visibility during that time, as indeed simultaneously, will be the exposure of much corruption.

Days of the unexpected and the shock factor which are strong globally this month are the 4th to the 7th when Mercury conjuncts Uranus and Venus opposes Pluto…  Power drives will be strong in a rather ruthless way, and with Mars in Leo all month, ego drive is underlined anyway.

 Around the 19th, is a period of potential deceptions and smoke and mirror factors, as the Sun squares up to Neptune. Similarly, around the 25th/26th when Mercury squares up to Neptune, all is not as it seems, or is what we are told.  Confusion is rife.

 We have also however this month, have a background of a fair few planetary periods of more positive strength, power, sensitivity and constructive progress, which will compensate and provide some balance.

 What is very noticeable and of significance this month, is an energy being activated in Rishi Sunak’s chart, that I referred to some months ago, now starting exactly from the 16th, This is a powerful transit of Uranus conjuncting his Sun (which only happens to him every 84 years) which is directly impacting him, on and off, till late April 2024. This is a particularly significant influence, as in his natal chart, those two planets are in opposition, so that difficult, unpredictable energy implicit within his life anyway, will be totally underlined and catalysed during the coming 10 months. This will notably affect his relationships with those who he thought were his allies, as well as create rebellion and stress within himself, in terms of his connections with others.  It will impact his status and create some possible chaos in his life personally, which he may try to weather. Life will be tough and particularly rather chaotic during this long period. Ultimately however, he may find a liberation at the end of the journey. Uranus awakens and enlightens; despite the unexpected and often uncomfortable journey it takes you on, when impacting you.

 If we have the right time of birth given for Putin, he has also got a strong Uranus transit starting on the 16th and haunting him till late April 2024. This is Uranus squaring his Midheaven (public status) during that period, and it only happens every 42 years. It will be potentially disruptive of his powerful position. The unexpected is in the air, and his stability can be significantly threatened in relation to his plans, which can trigger very dangerously risky behaviour.  He will need to accept significant changes in his position or plans, or these changes may be forced upon him in some way, stressfully. Some chaos at least, is very likely.

 Pluto, from Aquarius, has been squaring Boris Johnsons Moon in Scorpio exactly, since late March, and it has been a challenging time for him, in terms of power struggles with the establishment and fighting for his popularity/position. However, he will not give up over the coming 6 months…when Pluto reverts to Capricorn, and so eases that square transit, albeit however, very temporarily.

 With the onset of Pluto’s power in Uranus ruled Aquarius, steadily brewing now… there is quite a revolution going on in Astrology. Uranus rules the esoteric, especially astrology. There has been over the last decade or so, profound new astronomical insights and discoveries, enabled by amazing technology, which will, of course, steadily increase with the power of Aquarius. This is bringing rapidly developing new knowledge and discoveries re the universe.  As a result, there are new insights astrologically now re the power of certain important degrees of newly identified black holes and newly discovered forces in the constellations in our galaxy. New understanding of the impact of these degrees of the zodiac on us individually, are revealing themselves in an astrological context, which gives us increased insight into people’s birth chart potential and uniqueness.

 Astrology has become increasingly popular and of interest in the last few years, not least amongst the young, mainly because of its high profile on social media. This explosion of interest and knowledge will certainly increasingly show itself, with Pluto traversing Aquarius.  

Again however, advantage of this new popularity of online astrology, can of course be misused.

Neptune in hypersensitive Pisces now (2012-2026) now joined by Saturn in in that sign (since March) till mid-February 2026, indicates an increased reality check (always a Saturnian factor) and spiritual intuition, re climate and environmental issues, and greater awareness and sensitivity in people re this. Anxiety and existential concerns are growing, even a collective depression, re the state of the planet and the direction of destructive travel we see.  The immense importance of the seas and rivers (all Pisces/Neptune subjects) are now such a powerful awareness. The pollution and deliberate sewerage releases, are the ultimate examples of our crisis in terms of the abuse of the powers that those who oversee these issues, can demonstrate, all on the altar of money.   The need for a revolution of awareness of the need for our humility, in respect of the massive importance and power of nature, is now really screaming, astrologically and literally. The likes of Extinction Rebellion are manifesting that, in a powerful, if controversial way, which is a sign of how desperate these people feel about this issue. They are putting the planet before themselves, because ultimately it is about their, and all our very survival.

 Jupiter now in Taurus (a sign connected to our security and earth infrastructure) is however helpfully creating an increased wisdom about, and appreciation of the earth/nature … and there is an increasingly strong drive by many to rehabilitate it.

 Basically, a polarisation of planetary values is manifested … and that is totally what the seesawing of power between Capricorn and Aquarius indicates.

 Disillusionment with the way the planet is used and abused by many humans, makes many people turn to more metaphysical dimensions and cosmic intelligence, and the more universal dynamics of energy, in order to gain faith again in some way, and to have a new insight and value system.

 Astrology is indeed this real mix of science and spirituality and indeed of cosmic intelligence revealed. Astrological insights reveal a definite ability to test for some sort of profound morality in the human condition.  Hubris and nemesis, in fact.

G.O.D. is the Grand Originating Dynamic (not necessarily the biblical God).

That is what we are increasingly becoming aware of via science now…  it is the mind-blowing, cosmic energy, way beyond our current understanding, that is manifested in everything, everyone and the universe….




Sunday, 30 April 2023



The big astrological event this month is that Jupiter moves out of Aries into Taurus on the 16th.

 Jupiter stays in a sign for approximately 1 year as he revolves around the Zodiac over a period of 12 years. The sign he is in gets the benefits of attention to its interests, re growth, luck, confidence and at the least, protection. Negatively it can sometimes bring over confidence and overreaching.

 From Taurus, it will obviously at various times during the coming year benefit natives of Taurus, whenever it activates their individual Sun degree. It will also periodically directly advantage those with any planets in Taurus. Globally it will put increasing emphasis on the value of the infrastructure of the earth/nature itself (a Taurean value) and increasing appreciation of it and what needs to be done to preserve and rejuvenate it.  It is about rejuvenating our need to return to supporting and totally valuing nature, its beauty and simplicity It can also stimulate growth financially, but alongside that, it can also bring a certain amount of emphasis on what we need to do re our concept of what money really is all about ... Taurus corresponds with value systems. Along with Neptune currently in his long trek through Pisces, this a hopeful combination for the positive valuation of nature.

 From Aries, Jupiter over the last year, has underlined the competitive, ambitious qualities, with powerful egos wanting to march forward. Mars, the god of war, competition, drive and ego, rules Aries, whereas Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, beauty and yes, money.   However good use of money can certainly correspond with Taurean value systems, in terms of future benefits.

 It is very interesting that since Pluto famously entered Aquarius in late March, there has been much newly paid attention to the power of AI (very much an Aquarian subject, a sign very much ruling technology, among other big picture things.)  There are downsides to all signs and their value systems and indeed when Pluto moves through any sign (only ever 248 years, staying there for approx. 20 years), he certainly massively tests for either positive use of the value system of that sign, or indeed the very dangerous abuse of the power of that area.  History tends to point to the fact that many humans with power, often portray quite a considerable abuse of the values of the sign Pluto is travelling through at the time.  AI of course has the potential to be life saving for the planet in many ways, but also, in the wrong hands, its abuse and misuse can be very globally dangerous indeed.

 Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet that rules astrology, and Pluto now dipping his toe in that sign, suggests the growing power and impact of such metaphysical subjects, and so potentially creating an evolutionary leap of consciousness, not least amongst the young

 In order to understand the power of the universe as it influences us, we must now understand how we need to reconnect with it and the power of nature, that is so linked to us all.  We have choices… either understand the leap into new values, that we need to understand in a metaphysical context or hang on catastrophically to the old arrogant values… of greed, selfishness, materialism and our misguided belief in our total human ownership of our planet. We need to humbly recognise nature’s often superior intelligence.

The Grand Originating Dynamic, or G.O.D, is not necessarily the biblical God, but it is indeed the dynamic, mysterious, mind-blowing intelligence of the whole universe. We understand little of this complex force, but we need to totally honour and cooperate with it, and not manipulate its forces, as they are reflected in our natural world. By destroying the natural world, we eventually destroy ourselves. That of course, I think, is obvious to many now.

 As Pluto (power) hovers between the signs of Capricorn and Aquarius over the next approximately 18 months there will be a growing battle between the old profit driven establishment system and its values, versus a new, very different, revolutionary value system, based on the drive for the survival of ourselves on what needs to be a totally respected healthy planet. It will feel like a civil war.

 It is important to remember that Astrology has a huge moral component implicit in it, re the power of the signs and planets as they move through the signs, and the connections they make with other planets, as they travel, and the choices we make re that power. We are all individually and globally tested, for which way we use the planetary energies. This of course assumes that there is a morality factor in the intelligence of the universe… I can only humbly conclude personally, after many years of astrological observation, that the whole principle of karma is indeed totally implicit in the universe as an energy, for which we are all responsible for, in our own lives and in our collective global journey.   The principle of hubris and nemesis is such an essential feature of astrological potential, when analysing any chart.

 There is a very powerful Lunar eclipse on the 5th at 14 degrees of Scorpio. Because Scorpio is involved. It is a profound, forensic energy.  This may impact quite tangibly those born around the 5th/6th of May and around 7th November.   This will affect us all personally and globally. Endings of chapters are likely flagged up in a dramatic way, internally and externally.   The end of an era and the beginning of a new one, that is gathering momentum, is seriously vibrating.  People are feeling it powerfully I believe in their gut, and soul personally … It is a crisis point for many personally, but it really reflects a global crisis of consciousness. It’s like a civil war between the old values and the new.  Of course, we could be just collectively facing a very significant nemesis, for our misuses of power.

This month has indeed some other significant energies at work, notably on May 8th/ 9th when the Sun conjuncts Uranus in Taurus. This only happens once a year for a day or two and it often correlates with quite a significant unexpected upheaval /shock, such as an earthquake or volcanic eruption. From Taurus it is most likely to involve the earth itself.   This is not a definitive prediction, but this conjunction does correlate with some sort of eruption or the unexpected. If not a physical manifestation of shock, it could also be a shock to the world in a global political context.  Wake up calls are very much resonating.

 At the least, it will probably not be a very calm period on the 8th/9th. Individually we may also be feeling somewhat on edge or subject to some unexpected event, whether in a good or stressful way.

Remember that Uranus is often about liberation/awakening through surprise or shock, even if not comfortable …and can also be life changing, in some way… It all depends on what that conjunction is triggering in your chart.

Between the 16th and the 22nd., especially around the 18th and 21st/22nd a powerful and rare T square is formed between Mars, Pluto and Jupiter. This certainly has the potential to create some sort of surprising geopolitical abuse of power, that will be quite blatant and rather ruthless. Endings of chapters are in the air, that maybe necessary and any pent-up stress or anger is likely to be rather explosive on that day.  

In our own personal lives, we also need to be careful at this time, re pushing too far for something we want, causing serious angry response from others, and indeed others around us could be unacceptably ruthless in their actions, that powerfully negatively affect us.  This is quite a critical period. Always be honest about motives and see what is really going on within our unconscious drives… and why we want something so badly … and be honest about the real, maybe rather unhealthy motive.  However simultaneously around the 21st and 22nd the Sun trines up to Pluto, adding to the power, but in a positive way, that could create a real opportunity for a breakthrough, as a fall out of the tension and foolish actions that can backfire on the culprits who misuse power.

Sensitive people intuitively feel this crisis period in their inner beings, it is just hard to articulate sometimes, and it can manifest in many ways, that are not always easy, but which can force the beginning of a growth of a fundamental collective revolution…. If not too late.

 Interesting and profound times indeed!