So many people are finding listening to the news and reading the papers increasingly depressing, and with good reason. The collective instinct is one of anxiety and fear re the future of our planet. Despite humanities’ amazing knowledge and capabilities, we seem not to have moved forward much in terms of challenging the main motivators of the dark news which are of course money, greed, power and ego. It was always so, but now it has reached a global culmination, and the gap between the very wealthy and most of the population of the planet, is greater now than for several centuries. The last 16 years or so, have accelerated this chasm.
Plutocracy is a powerful force now and Putin’s war alone is
a terrible example of a value system and mind set, that feels primaeval.
Astrologically, this
is demonstrated indeed by the planet Pluto, in his long trek through Capricorn,
which can, when misused, so often bring abuse of power (think Plutonium,
Plutocracy) in the sign he is in. It has been travelling through Capricorn,
since the start of 2008… and it is finally ready to just dip into Aquarius,
late next month, which it has not done for 248 years, but to which it will not
be fully committed, till the end of 2024.
These two signs, Capricorn and Aquarius
represent very different value systems. This is a quite monumental transitional
period, which will really mark the beginning of the gradual collapse of the old
ideological socioeconomic order/value system (Capricorn) whose time is truly
virtually up. Pluto’s current transition now will symbolise the attempts of
those with vested interest in the values of pure ego, money and power for its
own sake, to try to defy and prevent the necessity for a radical new value
system to get its foot seriously into the door.
This will not be an
easy transition / battle between the two very different values, which will take
till the end of 2024 to begin to show truly the necessary shift to the new,
being manifested … as Pluto dithers on and off between the end of Capricorn and
the beginning of Aquarius till then.
All signs have their
positives and negatives. Capricorn is mainly about economic values, status and
conservative knee jerk reactions. Positively it is about hard work, and steady
climb up the mountain to get security and practical results, but obviously
motive counts. Over the last 16 years or so, the power of Pluto in that sign
has indeed motivated the negative side to dominate i.e., greed, status and the
internalised value that the only god is money and being stuck in a circle of
the concept of eternal economic growth. Increasingly, however, that has only
worked for the few and of course also increasingly at the expense of the health
of the planet.
The desire for power and domination has been increasingly dangerous,
economically, internationally, environmentally and politically. The world has shrunk, in terms of everything
being interlinked now via economics and internationalism, but cooperation based
on the greater good of the earth has been constantly overruled by ego and that
desire for power and money. Pluto has seriously tested for misuse of power in
these values since 2008, and now we see the results.
The UK is designated astrologically as a Capricorn country
and indeed, members of the UK government have demonstrated greed and this abuse
of financial power, that is underlined in our current Pluto in Capricorn driven
value system.
Currently, Mars has been stuck in Gemini since August 19th
last year and remains there till late March this year. The very negative
characteristics of Mars in Gemini are indeed dodgy duplicitous dealings by
people with power and a tilt towards evasion of truth. This very unusually long
visitation to that sign has certainly stirred up emphasis in Westminster
politics, as London historically has been designated astrologically, as a
Gemini city. Internal wrangling, and some dodgy dealings have been and are
being exposed in the UK government and indeed London is increasingly revealed
as a major money laundering centre.
The transition of Pluto into Aquarius (air sign /intellect)
will put power (Pluto) into a whole new area. Aquarius is about the big
picture, outside the box, awakening, and a detachment from ego for the benefit
of the new and the progressive, on a humanitarian and futuristic basis. Aquarius also rules science and technology
and again, as always with Pluto, motive is everything, and always tests for
wise and non-abusive use of power in whichever sign he is travelling through.
The danger of the misuse of technology ever grows and Pluto will seriously
underline that as a negative potential.
Although there is a coming sea change in focus and values, there is
always the danger that poor motive can remain part of the picture, for some
time. However, the drive that is growing
amongst the younger generation is so powerful, that the old order is rapidly
becoming defunct and out of total urgency, is no longer tenable. It is their future, their planet and
therefore should be their choice, as to which value system dominates.
Thankfully, Neptune, powerfully still travelling through his
own home sign of Pisces (water sign which equates to sensitivity and emotions)
since February 2012 till late January 2026 (and only every165 years) has, on
the positive side, greatly shone a light on the preciousness of nature, and our
planet. It has really brought home to our hearts and minds, that the total lack
of balance between mankind’s ruthless behaviour and the preservation of the
natural infrastructure of our precious planet, is now being dangerously tipped
towards our own irrevocable destruction, unless we change our values and our
priorities. We need nature, nature doesn’t need us.
All children born
between February 2012 and late January 2026 have Neptune in Pisces in their
natal birth charts and so will, all their lives, be exceptionally sensitive to
nature and it will be a very powerful and precious influence in their lives, in
terms of their determination to prioritise and protect it. The arts too are underlined for them as a
value… That is a very vital and hopeful energy for our future.
Saturn has been in Aquarius (air sign… the power of the
intellect) since mid-December 2020 and leaves for Pisces on March 6th.
From Aquarius the necessity principle of Saturn, (the realty check planet/karmic
schoolteacher) has totally underlined the necessity to look at the science of
climate change and its ability to show the reality of scientific truth and
facts, has come to the fore and it has shown us all where the responsibility lies.
Saturn is also a benevolent despot and indeed and has shown us all in real
experience a taste of what climate change will look and feel like. The
seriousness of the need for a change is shown, but it is scary (classic Saturn)
but a necessary one, and one which many governments have been reluctant (uncomfortable
necessity of Saturn) to act on, despite the facts.
Aquarius, being ruled
by Uranus, is indeed much about technology, and Saturn in that sign now, has certainly
also underlined the nemesis and karmic downside of misuse of technology, not
least in terms of social media misuse . It also has, of course, shown its great
positive potential. Motive, as always, is everything. Saturn is for lessons, Pluto is for power and
transformation, after endings.
Saturn in Aquarius
has indeed been a serious scientific big picture reveal. Aquarius relates to
social equality too and Saturn has also pointed out that the current extreme
free market economy has rather undermined the very concept of this and free and
fair democracy. The move of Pluto into
Aquarius will really put the power we have as a planetary community into a
whole different context.
Saturn moves into
Pisces on the 7th of next month… joining Neptune in that sign, which will
really shift the balance of priorities. This will be a metaphorical and literal
sea change. (Neptune and Pisces are very much about the sea)
Saturn in Pisces
(staying there till Feb 14th, 2026) will bring a real shift in
Saturnian reaction to events around us, as a result of a massive reality check
in direct experience, re the damage to our planet through climate change. it will start to manifest as a major
emotional response, based on fear and anxiety. As the impact hits, karma is strong, and so
fear, guilt, regret and worry, can be drivers. But there will be a necessity and
a need not to be paralysed by these emotions, but to act constructively on our
increased consciousness, sensitivity and awareness of the suffering and damage done.
There is a need to let go of the past and to find ways out of difficulties, and
not be escapist or in denial about the challenges and realities of what we need
to face up to and do. Learning a loving
detachment from our own and others pain is the way to go with Saturn in Pisces.
Not be overwhelmed, but to acknowledge the facts and act to heal and repair,
what we have been responsible for. The sea (Pisces) will be a huge emphasis in
terms of our realisation of the impact of what our actions have done to it and
how it will impact our planet… and will therefore be a huge focus for trying to
redress the balance and to redeem, by change of behaviour and creating some
healing. Don’t underestimate the
powerful impact of the next few years.
Back to this month. Days of unpredictability and shock events are around the 4th/5th when the Sun is square to Uranus and the Moon is full on the 5th at 16 degrees of Leo. There is tension in terms of negotiation around the 10/11th when Mercury conjuncts Pluto. Powerful words and events are impacting heavily then. The 16th shows some blocks and reality checks, when the Sun conjuncts Saturn.
The 21st
and 22nd are also chaotic and changeable re negotiations, as Mercury
squares up to Uranus.
Boris Johnson is preparing to make a comeback for sure, as
from the end of this month as his Jupiter encourages popularity and favours
from others, which can propel him into a new chapter of ambition for
power. He will be pushing for rebuilding
a new public image as Jupiter encourages him, but Saturn in Pisces from
mid-March, will simultaneously be doing him no favours then. (His Saturn return
in late April /early May will be a very telling and rather karmic time for him)
Sunak’s chart
indicates a rather chaotic upheaval in his life and position from the end of
May this year. This is a rare event and lasting on and off for about a year.
Ultimately it can be liberating, if rather uncomfortable, at the time.
Jo Biden has a rather
difficult February, especially the second half. His heath and work look under stress
and scrutiny, and he may have to accept the paying of some price, as Saturn is
certainly in challenging mode for him then.
Putin, by contrast, is in more buoyant and daring mode
generally. Mars is rather disturbingly encouraging
that mood in his chart.
Positive and more harmonious times are around the 1st,
6th, 8tH 16th, 18th and 20th,
when wisdom, cooperation, sensitivity can hopefully dominate.
Venus is in Pisces
till the 21st…, always a time when sensitivity/the emotions, the
arts and idealism dominate.
The new Moon is at 1 degrees of Pisces on the 20th
…a day also with emphasis on the Pisces qualities of sensitivity/idealism /
emotions; and frequently… escapism.