Tuesday, 28 February 2023



 Two major, very significant planetary shifts this month.  Pluto and Saturn both change signs.

 The main shift, being Pluto. (Think Plutonium and Plutocracy, to get an idea of just how powerful a planet Pluto is) He will be moving temporarily into Aquarius on the 23rd … after being in Capricorn since 2008. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was 1777-1797.

This initial temporary visitation is from March 23rd till June 11th… when he then retreats to Capricorn, staying back there till late January 2024. He then again returns to Aquarius, staying there till early September 2024, when he once again returns to Capricorn to finalise his work there. Pluto then finally commits to Aquarius in late November 2024, where he will stay till Jan 2044 and fully roll out his power in that sign. (From 2044, he will then start to move through Pisces).

 However, this imminent protracted period of Pluto, dithering between the two signs of Capricorn and Aquarius, is very significant, as it will give a large hint of the global shifts of direction and values that will dominate, when Pluto finally commits to Aquarius from the end of next year, for approximately 20 years. However, during this alternating phase between the two very different signs, there will also be very considerable battles between the contrasting value systems, affecting us all.

 I have talked in previous blogs about the differing messages of Pluto, which is all about intensity of power (use and abuse) in Capricorn and potentially in Aquarius. We are now in a huge and slow transition between those two values. We are going from the values of the earth sign (Capricorn) to the values of an air sign (Aquarius).  Earth is focused on the power and importance of the here and now, practical, material and economic issues, whilst air is about the power and importance of the abstract, detached, objective mind, intellect and out of the box insight.  Those are the choice of values that will be battled over.

 Pluto (power and intensity) however represents full throttle emphasis on the qualities of the sign he is in, often to an obsessive, and even a coercive degree.

 Pluto in Capricorn has brought the huge emphasis on the power of the establishment, economic gain at all costs, divisive power, and status. A sense of ego importance, linked to monetary gain has been underlined and the pursuit of eternal economic growth, which has evolved into the increased status of money, which has created greed and inflated personal status, privatisation, massive profits, and indeed increased financial corruption, tax evasion, money laundering and cronyism, resulting in huge economic imbalance and inequality, larger now than for many decades.  Basically, the worst manifestation of neo liberal capitalism. This behaviour has been notable, not least among many of our so-called global leaders. The UK, a Capricorn nation, is now paying a very noticeable visible price, as a culmination of Pluto’s negative impact in Capricorn has become obvious, underlining all this abusive predispositions of behaviour and values in many, and indeed in the behaviour of significant members of government. We now have a resulting nemesis.

 Power has indeed largely become based on wealth, not intellect.  It has also led to the increasing growth of oligarchy globally, as we are seeing so painfully currently, resulting in a cruel, ruthless and inexcusable war.  

 This shift of energy and power into future oriented, outside the box sign of Aquarius, creates a very different mood, energy and value system, which hugely focuses on the importance of big picture, objective, detached awareness, alternative understanding, wisdom, insight, truth and an intellectual concern for and fight, for humanitarian values and a collective global consciousness, re our future survival. It also is a sign that focuses much more on the power and potential of the rapid development of progressive science and technology. Again, this will be an extreme, intense focus under the influence of Pluto.

 It emphasises focus on human’s ability to create systems that are motivated to change and improve the environment in a sustainable way, through sheer technological achievements and breakthrough.

During this transition period, however, the fight between the two very differing and extreme manifestations (because of Pluto’s influence) of the old school conventional Capricorn, versus typically anti-establishment unconventional, rebellious, objective, futuristic Aquarius, will be significant in the coming few years. We will see the full nemesis of the damage and corruption, related to the abuse of power and indeed greed, that we have been experiencing. This awareness will speed the necessary transition of values.

 However, and it is a big however, motive is everything, especially re Pluto’s energy. Just as we have seen the abuse of power while Pluto has moved through Capricorn, re greed and financial corruption at the expense of big picture fairness, so can his position in Aquarius focus on the misuse /abuse of technology and science, with the wrong motive, and at a huge price for humanity, when this misuse is pursued.  However Aquarian value systems are so much more detached than Capricorn,

We already are seeing the signs of abuse of use in technological experimentation and the very damaging power it has, particularly again, when motivated by ego, power and greed, as it has been in many ways, whilst Pluto has been in Capricorn.

 Pluto is indeed the tester of motives behind the power he underlines.  With Pluto in Aquarius, however it is hoped that the potential abuse of technology for mere selfish financial gain and power (including the powerful potential for cyber warfare) will be downgraded by the pursuit of the right motives, objective intelligence and the urgency of increased human awareness of truth re our environmental predicament.

Technology, in the coming years, quite simply must be judged by its genuine benefits for the planet, as opposed to merely for its genius and power for its own sake.

Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus, the planet of awakening and enlightenment which are qualities often kickstarted by the unexpected and by shocks.  Uranus now in Taurus (very much connected to mother earth as a sign) since May 2018, till April 2026,  is a planetary influence often correlated with earthquakes, as we, with recent events, are only too painfully aware. On the 5th and 6th of last month, the Sun was indeed square to Uranus in Taurus, when the terrible quake struck.  It really would be no surprise if there is an increasing number of earthquakes, with the additional power of Pluto in Aquarius, combined with Uranus in Taurus.  They are both wakeup calls to humanity.

 Interestingly, earthquake damage is now uncovering corruption in certain countries related to avoidance of building regulations, which, it seems have been turned a blind eye to, in order to gain financially.  Again, money before people.

We are very likely to start seeing in the coming months and years, an increase in mass public demonstrations for radical pro environmental action and equality, and even a sense of anarchy, motivated by sheer desperation, and motivated by the power of influence of Aquarius, for a change in values and priorities, for the sake of a viable future.

Astrology itself, is a subject ruled by Uranus and it is possible that this “alternative” science may well, while Pluto travels through Uranus ruled Aquarius, gain a new validity and acceptance of its insight into people and the planetary situation. Technology has already increased its popularity and interest in astrology, by its online participation. Again, however motive is everything.

Of course, all Aquarians individually will be significantly impacted by this new Pluto sign position, for certain periods during his long stay in Aquarius, as will Leos (opposite sign to Aquarius).

 When Pluto starts to hit the 1st degree of Aquarius late this month, it will be exactly squaring Boris Johnson’s Moon and that remains an energy in the background on and off for him, till January 2025. This only happens in someone’s chart approximately every 124 years, and it will not be an easy period for him. There will be power struggles/challenges and changes in his personal, financial and public position in life. Coercion and misuse of power, related to his actions, are underlined, as will be some nemesis.

 It is worth mentioning that Russia is deemed an Aquarian nation, and Pluto in that sign could indicate a ruthless shift of power markedly for that nation, in relation to the rest of the world. Motive will however be under intense global scrutiny. Pluto is also Putin’s ruling planet, as he has Scorpio rising.

Now, let us move on to look at Saturn’s important change of signs this month. Saturn stays in a sign for approximately two and a half years.   He leaves Aquarius and moves into Pisces on the 7th, and he then stays in Pisces till May 25th, 2025. Whist in Pisces he is reinforcing the power of that sign, as Neptune (Pisces ruler), is also currently travelling through it.  This is a rare combining of planets.  Whilst in that sign, since 2012, Neptune has woken us all up to the preciousness of nature and the suffering it is facing with climate change and human activity… and how much our wellbeing is inseparable from nature.  

 Saturn is a karmic schoolteacher, and we learn lessons from the sign position he is in,  and when  in Pisces  (every approx.. 30 years) we are forced to acknowledge our vulnerabilities and weaknesses and failures, re that sign and our obligations to that signs power (emotion, sensitivity, spiritual values, nature, the sea and creativity in the arts) and where we need to get a healthy relationship with the good use of that sign for ourselves and others.  From this sign, Saturn brings reality checks which are huge for us all, re the damage to nature caused by human activity, which will be increasingly visible and impacting us.

 Saturn in Pisces can also bring hypersensitivity, fear, anxiety …and feeling trapped in the past, it can cause damaging escapism, delusion and psychological vulnerability and haunting regrets from the past. Positively, it can give the determination and humility to stand up to past pain and mistakes and do all one can to rebuild and heal and care for that which needs care, on an individual and an environmental level. Objective self-analysis rather than self-pity can help us all let go of the past and get out of difficulties. Much humility is needed and self-discipline, with Saturn.  It’s the test in Pisces, of humble severance from the past.  That will be a needed mood globally, in order to find our collective way out of global and potentially, individual difficulties.  Of course, all those with strong Pisces input in their charts will be most impacted at some point during this visitation by Saturn, as will the opposite sign of Virgo. New, necessary maturity is indicated.

 Looking at other more transient planetary issue this month, in the first few days of the month when Venus’s conjuncts Jupiter there is a positive combining for moving forward with good motive and luck. Serious negotiations are also indicated by Mercury conjunct Saturn at the same time.

 Particularly difficult days globally are between the 14th and 18th when the Sun and Mercury square up to Mars, Venus squares up to Pluto, Mars squares up to Neptune and the Sun conjuncts Neptune.  Tensions/crises are tangible then, as is anger and indeed deceptions.

 However, very late month when Venus’s conjuncts Uranus, and Mars trines Saturn, there could be some satisfactory compromises and surprising positive events, socio-politically.

Between the 6th and the 11th however, Putin has a lot of reckless daring, overconfidence and overreaching indicated, as Jupiter opposes his Sun. Jupiter will then opposes his Saturn between the 21st and 28th, when his desires for success outweigh his fears and caution… but there will be realities he has to face reluctantly.

 Apologies for this very long blog .. but so much to point out.

 We are indeed living in interesting times.
