So, Pluto has now entered Aquarius starting the chaotic and planet Earth changing journey, that will manifest in the back-and-forth war between Aquarius and Capricorn, that lasts till November 2024, when there is final commitment to Aquarius.
A real conflict
between the old order/value system and the new is really getting underway.
Pluto was downgraded
in status by astronomers to a dwarf planet in 2006, as it was believed to not
be a valid planet in our solar system, as it was designated then, as merely an
unremarkable ball of ice.
However, the recent NASA New Horizon probe, which visited
Pluto, using ground-breaking new technology, has revealed a very different
picture of Pluto.
Astrological analysis of Pluto’s energy has always revealed
a huge impact of his influence on us all, individually and globally… despite
its relatively small size, and his downgrading was always felt as a complete
travesty of planetary justice by astrologers, and by some astronomers.
A very synchronistic event happened on the 23rd of
March, the actual day when Pluto crossed the divide (every approximate 248
years) from Capricorn and into Aquarius (the sign indeed of new knowledge and
technological leaps). That evening, there was a television programme on BBC4…
all about this new remarkable NASA astronomical insight into Pluto. The programme was called “Back from the Dead”. Hugely appropriate, as Pluto is
astrologically all about the symbol of the power of endings and new beginnings,
and indeed re literal and metaphorical death, but also very much equating
symbolically to the principle of a phoenix rising from the ashes.
Nasa now reports that the probe revealed that Pluto is in
fact a planet with unimaginable and powerful complexities of energies at work
on it. As a result of these new insights into its terrain and atmosphere, and
the optics enabled by the amazing new NASA technology, it is now thought to be quite
scientifically possible that unique life forms exist on Pluto.
New intelligence, new
truths, new thinking, new technology and big picture understanding, devoid of
prejudice and ego, is indeed what Aquarius energy, in positive manifestation, represents.
Pluto always tests
for wise use of power, a I have said before, so it is also very important that
we recognise this new potential for Pluto power, especially re technology, a
field linked powerfully to the sign of
Aquarius, to be always used for the greater good, and not exploited for mere
power itself, money or ego. Because
Pluto can be obsessive , there can be extreme manifestations of the desires and
interests, related to the prevailing characteristics, and priorities of
whatever sign he is passing through.
Benevolent use, or
abuse of power in some context, related to the characteristics of the sign, is
a potential in all signs when Pluto is involved. Motive is everything.
People with any
planet in their natal chart in the very 1st degree of Aquarius, or indeed the 1st
degree of Leo, the opposite sign, will now start to feel this influence of
powerful change in their lives, which will be protracted over the coming two
years. It will also have impact on those who have planets in the 1st degree of
Taurus and Scorpio. A potential new sense of notably positive empowerment in
some area of life, is also likely for those born with planets in the first
degree of either Gemini, Libra, Aries or Sagittarius.
This month there is
also a rather rare Hybrid total solar eclipse on the 20th at 29
degrees of Aries (once every 10-20 years). This astrologically, is identified
as signifying real transformations and new beginnings. Notably powerful for
those born around the 19th of April. It is a period of closures,
powerful emotions and ultimate healing.
Capricorn is very much a sign related to England and clearly
as a country, it is now showing signs of some disintegration. Because Pluto (power) has now indeed started the
once every approximately 248-year process of abandoning Capricorn (traditional
capitalist economic model and lingering colonial values), there is a growing demand
for a government, to have a more humanitarian input of philosophy about the
economic situation and its values, not to mention the desperate need for a radical
shift to a green future. The shift away from conservative Capricorn, into
revolutionary Aquarius by Pluto, will indeed put the UK, especially England and
its current government values, on the back foot in terms of power potential
relating to other countries. This not least, lies in its obsession with
maintaining the fossil fuel industries, whilst making gestures only, in terms of
wanting to be being seen to be working towards urgent, innovative climate
change limitation. Vested interest financially in the old status quo is still
their major and fatal motivation.
The new beginning
concept is certainly very much underlined as desperately needed for the planet
in general now, and the hybrid solar eclipse event alongside Pluto’s shift to Aquarius
may well reinforce that.
However, England has
Aries rising and Jupiter, still marching through Aries till mid-May, gives a
boost to the recognition by many in the populace of a need to rebel and have
change, not least of the UK, and indeed, as already manifested in France, where
there is already a fiery warrior mood. In fact, the power of the people when in
revolt, when Jupiter is in Aries, is very underlined and quite forceful, if
they are feeling neglected and undermined.
The public desire for a revolution of values will of course also
be very much correlating to Pluto’s sign shift.
Pluto now just only in
the first degree of Aquarius, triggers in Boris Johnson chart, a very
challenging square to his natal first-degree Scorpio Moon, which rules his Midheaven
(the point relating to his public/career status). This rare, only every
124-year transit in his chart, started literally the day after the televised
questioning he had from a government committee re the “Partygate” issue. This
transit will haunt him in a challenging way, for several years, and is a daunting
game changer for him, in terms of his political ambitions. A new chapter for
him is indicated, which could be revolutionary, but maybe not quite as he
Pluto, in ancient
Roman times, was the god of the underworld (and indeed of buried wealth). Ultimately Pluto, through metaphorical pain
or a difficult loss/ ending, can in fact spark the birth of a needed, if not
planned or desired, positive revolution in life and consciousness. A phoenix
out of the ashes, no less.
We sometimes must go through the dark, in order to get to
the light.
Jupiter in Aries this
month is opposing Putin’s Neptune and then opposes his Mercury, all between the
8thand the 22nd, signifying over idealism and unthought
through communications and responses, which he may regret.
Neptune is squaring Putin’s
Mars also still, which is undermining his courage and confidence, but it is
well disguised.
The power of Saturn
(reality checks /karmic lessons/challenges) is now established, since the 7th
of March in its every approximate 165-year journey through Pisces (water sign,
ruled by Neptune which rules the sea/water/nature) and will continuously do so,
till February 2026. Saturn has, from Pisces, and will continue to, seriously
highlight the profound damage to nature, especially to the seas and its
creatures, rivers and fresh water supplies, by manmade damage, not least
climate change.
Saturn demands action,
in the area he is focusing on, as he is the planet of necessity, made clear through
harsh reality checks. We are also seeing the anger and sorrow it causes people
and the pleas by many, to stop further pollution and harm to our seas and rivers
and its inhabitants. Saturn is indeed a
benevolent despot and karmic schoolteacher.
The powerful
simultaneous fact also, is that Neptune (ancient God of the sea, all about
spirituality and sensitivity and ruler of the sign of Pisces) remains a very
powerful background influence, as he continues his journey through his own home
sign of Pisces, which has been underway since 2012 and remaining there till
January 2026. This has also totally underlined our collective sensitivity to
the power and preciousness of the seas and rivers and nature in general, and
the catastrophe we will create, if we continue to abuse them, as we have in so
many ways. Children born during those years will be powerful proponents of
nature and will have extreme sensitivity. It’s a generational characteristic in
their astrological DNA… much needed.
There have indeed been some wonderful recent triumphs created by those who care, to protect areas of the sea,rivers and it's creatures..and that has to continue.
Climate change
activists in France and Switzerland are currently involved in litigation
against their governments in a landmark legal hearing in Strasbourg, re their
governments’ lack of action in terms of regulations related to tackling climate
change. Such is the power of urgency
felt by people, and the now newly burgeoning powerful Aquarian energy, will
certainly propel that power.
Mercury moves into Taurus on the 3rd of April and
goes into retrograde motion on the 21st, remaining in that mode till
May 15th. When Mercury goes retrograde (approximately 3 times a
year) there is individually and in the big picture, a period of delays, blocks and
frustrations in some area of life that Mercury is affecting in our chart. Above
all, the message of this, is that blocks happen, because time out is needed and
indeed enforced upon us, in order to rethink our direction of travel in
personal and indeed in collective global ways. From Taurus this retrograde
motion, has big implications for a rethink of financial priorities and indeed
re the infrastructure of Earth itself. This is reality check period.
Powerful Plutonic
days this month, are the 3rd/4th when Mercury squares up to Pluto.
intense communications, accusations and battles of ideology will be very
dominant then. Also, around the 20th, the Sun squares up to Pluto, indicating
that significant and rather ruthless, primaeval battles and manifestations of
real anger will be in the ether. These
are quite explosive periods potentially, both in personal lives and on a global
Days of positivity,
forces for good and potential progress, are around the 11th/12th
when the Sun conjuncts Jupiter, provided there is groundedness as well.
International positivity and potential well-meaning ambitions are strong.
The full Moon is on
the 6th at 16 degrees of Libra… A day of eruptions of bottled-up
energy and some endings of chapters …as all full Moons tend to point to, in some
way, in some context.