Wednesday, 31 May 2023



So, Pluto is really messing with us now, as, in retrograde mode, he leaves Aquarius, where he has been since late March, and returns to late Capricorn on the 11th, staying there till late January next year… when once more he will return to revisit Aquarius. This lengthy see sawing between the signs, continues till late November 2024, when he finally commits to Aquarius for approximately 20 years.  So, watch this ongoing battle between the power and values of these two signs, till the end of next year.

 I say messing, that’s how it may feel, but this really reflects the hard fought for transition to necessary new values, if we are to move forward healthily. It won’t be easy.

 Regardless of the dangers of Pluto power (think plutocracy /plutonium) i.e. the  potential for real abuse of power re the values and goals associated with the sign he is travelling through), the potential for a positive shift from the outworn material, status driven, socially divisive value system (negative Capricorn) to a potentially more global egalitarian, humanitarian, objective, and scientifically/technologically productive value system, without ego ( all positive Aquarius), is also very real.

The development of the right technology, in the right hands, could indeed save the planet, not least re climate change issues.

However, of course, as I have referred to before, and what is now much talked about, the scary downside of the power pf Pluto in Aquarius, is obvious…i.e., the misuse/abuse of the huge powers of AI.

it has been reported recently that Geoffrey Hinton, hailed as the god father of AI, for his epic contribution to the development of an algorithm that allows machines to learn, has recently resigned from his position at Google, because he says he now has regret for his part in creating AI, which he now sees as “an existential risk” to humanity.

 As journalist Jonathan Freedland puts it “Those who know it best, fear it most “

 Aquarius is ruled by Uranus.  The unpredictable, but potential genius of a planetary energy, re revolutionary new insights. truths and intellectual capabilities, but motive is everything in life. We have choices… and very urgent ones.

 Meanwhile, with Pluto from the 11th, arriving back in Capricorn for 7 months … the effort and fight then, to just further empower the old order of purely financially driven policies, will likely be in high visibility during that time, as indeed simultaneously, will be the exposure of much corruption.

Days of the unexpected and the shock factor which are strong globally this month are the 4th to the 7th when Mercury conjuncts Uranus and Venus opposes Pluto…  Power drives will be strong in a rather ruthless way, and with Mars in Leo all month, ego drive is underlined anyway.

 Around the 19th, is a period of potential deceptions and smoke and mirror factors, as the Sun squares up to Neptune. Similarly, around the 25th/26th when Mercury squares up to Neptune, all is not as it seems, or is what we are told.  Confusion is rife.

 We have also however this month, have a background of a fair few planetary periods of more positive strength, power, sensitivity and constructive progress, which will compensate and provide some balance.

 What is very noticeable and of significance this month, is an energy being activated in Rishi Sunak’s chart, that I referred to some months ago, now starting exactly from the 16th, This is a powerful transit of Uranus conjuncting his Sun (which only happens to him every 84 years) which is directly impacting him, on and off, till late April 2024. This is a particularly significant influence, as in his natal chart, those two planets are in opposition, so that difficult, unpredictable energy implicit within his life anyway, will be totally underlined and catalysed during the coming 10 months. This will notably affect his relationships with those who he thought were his allies, as well as create rebellion and stress within himself, in terms of his connections with others.  It will impact his status and create some possible chaos in his life personally, which he may try to weather. Life will be tough and particularly rather chaotic during this long period. Ultimately however, he may find a liberation at the end of the journey. Uranus awakens and enlightens; despite the unexpected and often uncomfortable journey it takes you on, when impacting you.

 If we have the right time of birth given for Putin, he has also got a strong Uranus transit starting on the 16th and haunting him till late April 2024. This is Uranus squaring his Midheaven (public status) during that period, and it only happens every 42 years. It will be potentially disruptive of his powerful position. The unexpected is in the air, and his stability can be significantly threatened in relation to his plans, which can trigger very dangerously risky behaviour.  He will need to accept significant changes in his position or plans, or these changes may be forced upon him in some way, stressfully. Some chaos at least, is very likely.

 Pluto, from Aquarius, has been squaring Boris Johnsons Moon in Scorpio exactly, since late March, and it has been a challenging time for him, in terms of power struggles with the establishment and fighting for his popularity/position. However, he will not give up over the coming 6 months…when Pluto reverts to Capricorn, and so eases that square transit, albeit however, very temporarily.

 With the onset of Pluto’s power in Uranus ruled Aquarius, steadily brewing now… there is quite a revolution going on in Astrology. Uranus rules the esoteric, especially astrology. There has been over the last decade or so, profound new astronomical insights and discoveries, enabled by amazing technology, which will, of course, steadily increase with the power of Aquarius. This is bringing rapidly developing new knowledge and discoveries re the universe.  As a result, there are new insights astrologically now re the power of certain important degrees of newly identified black holes and newly discovered forces in the constellations in our galaxy. New understanding of the impact of these degrees of the zodiac on us individually, are revealing themselves in an astrological context, which gives us increased insight into people’s birth chart potential and uniqueness.

 Astrology has become increasingly popular and of interest in the last few years, not least amongst the young, mainly because of its high profile on social media. This explosion of interest and knowledge will certainly increasingly show itself, with Pluto traversing Aquarius.  

Again however, advantage of this new popularity of online astrology, can of course be misused.

Neptune in hypersensitive Pisces now (2012-2026) now joined by Saturn in in that sign (since March) till mid-February 2026, indicates an increased reality check (always a Saturnian factor) and spiritual intuition, re climate and environmental issues, and greater awareness and sensitivity in people re this. Anxiety and existential concerns are growing, even a collective depression, re the state of the planet and the direction of destructive travel we see.  The immense importance of the seas and rivers (all Pisces/Neptune subjects) are now such a powerful awareness. The pollution and deliberate sewerage releases, are the ultimate examples of our crisis in terms of the abuse of the powers that those who oversee these issues, can demonstrate, all on the altar of money.   The need for a revolution of awareness of the need for our humility, in respect of the massive importance and power of nature, is now really screaming, astrologically and literally. The likes of Extinction Rebellion are manifesting that, in a powerful, if controversial way, which is a sign of how desperate these people feel about this issue. They are putting the planet before themselves, because ultimately it is about their, and all our very survival.

 Jupiter now in Taurus (a sign connected to our security and earth infrastructure) is however helpfully creating an increased wisdom about, and appreciation of the earth/nature … and there is an increasingly strong drive by many to rehabilitate it.

 Basically, a polarisation of planetary values is manifested … and that is totally what the seesawing of power between Capricorn and Aquarius indicates.

 Disillusionment with the way the planet is used and abused by many humans, makes many people turn to more metaphysical dimensions and cosmic intelligence, and the more universal dynamics of energy, in order to gain faith again in some way, and to have a new insight and value system.

 Astrology is indeed this real mix of science and spirituality and indeed of cosmic intelligence revealed. Astrological insights reveal a definite ability to test for some sort of profound morality in the human condition.  Hubris and nemesis, in fact.

G.O.D. is the Grand Originating Dynamic (not necessarily the biblical God).

That is what we are increasingly becoming aware of via science now…  it is the mind-blowing, cosmic energy, way beyond our current understanding, that is manifested in everything, everyone and the universe….