Uranus (ruler of Aquarius) is now at 22/23 degrees of Taurus
(committed to that sign since March 2019 and is staying in that sign to do his
work there till the end of April 2026). He travels through each specific sign
for 7 years, but only once every 84 years.
If you are born
around the 14th-16th of May, or the same dates in
November, August or February, you will be feeling this once every 84-year
influence in your life now, and on and off for about 1 year. re change, disruption,
or just plain awakenings that can be very liberating … the unexpected.
Globally, this
Uranian journey is showing us all very clearly now, the classic Uranus needed
alarm call of the trauma, shocks and upset to our earth, (Taurus), re. record
breaking heatwaves, wildfires and drought, because of our global inertia re
climate change.
Taurus not only
strongly connects to the power of Mother earth and nature… it also socially,
represents value systems and financial structures, and so the current economic/cost
of living crises are also of real significance now. Uranus also, as a result of shocks he brings,
is very much an awakening to the planet, to the urgent need for change and even
revolution, in the arena of these Taurean values. The old order, that needs revolution, is of
course always fought for retention by those with huge, vested interest in
traditional systems, not least the oil moguls and their industry… and of course
those parties in government who are economic beneficiaries of such sources.
Uranus points to
revolution, and of course, being the ruler of Aquarius, this connects to the
urgent implementation of new big picture values and certainly of technological
breakthroughs, which are essential for us to alleviate the clear threat to us
all…. Motive and value system is
everything of course, when it comes to technology … Hence the critical slow
transition we are now experiencing re Pluto, hovering over the coming
approximate 16 months, between the sign of Capricorn (old neo liberal
capitalist socioeconomic order) and the sign of the new very contrasting Aquarian
values. The long stays of Pluto in whatever sign he is in, are powerfully
embedding, in terms of the prevailing values of that period, particularly the
extreme ones, of those signs. Hence the current prolonged transition from one
sign to another, especially from Capricorn into Aquarius, is symbolising a
necessary birth of a vital new big picture, revolutionary, objective
concept/value system, of how society should now be ordered and driven. This is of course a total global challenge.
While we stick to the old order, we will not win the battle
re climate change, but equally the successful outcome of the new future we face
(Pluto in Aquarius) will very much rely on motive, re the inevitable
development of new technology. Will it be mainly driven by money /profit /power,
as an addiction to the value system of the old order, that refuses to be
dropped, or predominantly will it be for the greater good of all, in terms of our
survival? A far more necessary Aquarian value.
Pluto equals power
(think plutocracy /plutonium) but the most powerful significance of the use of
this Pluto power, lies in what the motive is behind its power. For the greater good, it can be magnificent,
but with selfish motive, it can be very dark and destructive. That is why there is so much controversy and
fear now re the power if AI, re who, and what motives direct it.
This is one of the
most critical moments in human history, as for the first time in human history,
our global survival is now totally dependent on the choice of value systems,
that are to be pursued on our planet. As I have implied before, it feels
increasingly like a global civil war of values.
Neptune, so powerful in
his own sign of Pisces now (2012- 2026) is certainly helping many to appreciate
and value nature, now, and this will be so true of most of the burgeoning
generation born during this period.
The outer planets
that stay in the same sign for years are generational in their power and
influence, and represents some fundamental inbuilt characteristics shared by that
generation, born within those years.
It’s in their planetary DNA. This influence gives them a common
experience of the world and therefore inbuilds their specific shared value systems.
The generation born with Neptune in Pisces (above dates) have a hugely sensitive
awareness of and passion for all Pisces issues, not least love of nature, and
particularly the sea… and indeed very much the arts. Many fine fighters for nature/beauty, and
performers/ musicians will be born within these Neptune in Pisces years. There is a natural spiritual drive to pursue
these areas of passion. Take note if you have a child/grandchild born during
this period.
Sensitivity is so
strong now and appreciation of the simplicity and beauty of the natural world
and its creatures is truly underlined. However, the power of depression and climate
despair, that is reportedly felt by many now, due to global issues and the dark
values that exist within powerful structures, is affecting many people’s
delicate mental health. We are nature.
The downside of this
powerful Neptune position is affecting some, by way of delusional idealism,
denial, and potentially misguided hero worship … and gullibility to conspiracy
Of course, added to
that, Saturn now in Pisces (March 2023-Feb 2026) is creating a serious reality
check for all, about the depressed state of nature and certainly is underscoring
anxieties and depression in people, often in a way that is hard to identify.
However, being a karmic schoolteacher, we must learn from Saturn. Wherever
Saturn is, is where there is a reality check and we must endure difficulties
and the lessons, they show us that we must learn, both globally and
Jupiter, still in Taurus,
(earth/security) from May 2023 for 12 months, is thank fully however, always a
boost to our appreciation of nature, and can bring some good news re its status
and value, as there is an increasing desire now, among so many of us, to focus
on working for its health and revival.
All this month Venus
remains retrograde in Leo till September 4th.
This indicates the need for people to stop and think /review relationships,
the direction of travel re the arts, as well as financial issues and interests (all
Venus’s areas of focus). Those areas are on hold, blocked and feel paralysed
during this period, but the message of retrograde planets is to pause, review
and reevaluate those issues and rethink these issues, rather than just to get
frustrated and angry. Of course, personally, the emphasis in your life is
influenced by the house position of Venus in your birth chart and what Venus
rules in your chart. Globally there is also often a review of the balance of
power and influence between the sexes and their roles in life, notably focused on
the media culture world (Leo).
Mercury, now in Virgo
(powerful in a sign that it rules)), moves retrograde on the 23rd…staying
in that mode till September 15th. Mercury represents mainly thought
process, communications and agreements. When retrograde, these are halted,
delayed, put on hold and frustrations and stasis abound, not least re blocked plans,
agreements and travel. Technological hiccups are also more likely. There
is frustration with all retrograde planetary motions, but its real function is
an opportunity during this period, to reevaluate plans, thoughts and communications,
and to understand the roots of the problems and face them constructively. Being
In Virgo, getting bogged down in detail is also likely... with loss of big
picture direction of travel. This focus on detail rather than big picture
importance, is emphasised also by Mars being in Virgo, most of the month.
Politicians are
indeed merely fiddling round the edges with their often useless so called climate
change driven policies. They just tick
boxes, as their economic priorities dominate. The massive, radical coordinated work
really needed, is being paid mild lip service only.
A values war is basically seriously dominating us all now,
between the old money driven order, and wisdom driven values, as is so clearly
indicated astrologically.
Mars moves from Virgo
into Libra on the 27th of August, where he stays till October 12th,
a time when positively there is a potential increased drive and desire to
incorporate fairness, balance, cooperation, sense of justice and some harmony
into our goals and drives, and especially to be more agreeable in negotiation…
globally and personally.
Days, for us all,
when some chaos is in the air and potentially eruptive events, are around the
15th when the Sun is square to Uranus. Around the 22/23rd when Mars
opposes Neptune and Venus squares Jupiter, there is very much a mood of unwise overreaching
and over promising, with a lot of deception/confusion in the air
simultaneously. The 27th when the Sun is opposed by Saturn can also be
a day when plans and directions of travel in life, get somewhat blocked by
difficult realities, that need to be faced.
Around the 25th,
when Mars trines Pluto there is however great potential for breakthroughs via
determination and focused power, but motive of course is everything.
The full Moon is on
the 1st at 9 degrees of Aquarius and the New Moon is on the 16th
at 23 degrees of Leo. The full Moon
brings culminations, eruptions of building emotions and endings, whereas the
New Moon is a potential for a new start/chapter.