The very rare coming together of Saturn (karma) in
Capricorn with Pluto (hubris and nemesis) in Capricorn (establishment and
economic systems) is powerful this year and starts to really manifest this
month, and indeed continues next year on and off. This creates an existential
crisis and beginning of a meltdown of a global system. So many people feel this
in their waters… and the planets certainly indicate this. England
is a Capricorn country…. say no more.
This month also, there is a powerful Mars (energy,anger,drive ) conjunction with Uranus (unpredictable shocks) in Aries around the 10th-15th .. which suggests a real trigger of sudden events and upheaval sociopolitically and geophysically . Earthquakes, literally and metaphorically, are very much suggested during that period..
Around the 2nd of the month when Mars square up to Pluto is also quite an intense day is indicated , when ruthless power struggles are very likely.
Correlative or causative? The jury’s out. (I suspect
correlative.)This month also, there is a powerful Mars (energy,anger,drive ) conjunction with Uranus (unpredictable shocks) in Aries around the 10th-15th .. which suggests a real trigger of sudden events and upheaval sociopolitically and geophysically . Earthquakes, literally and metaphorically, are very much suggested during that period..
Around the 2nd of the month when Mars square up to Pluto is also quite an intense day is indicated , when ruthless power struggles are very likely.
chart (25 December 1066), which always seems to reflect what is going on pretty
perfectly, has Saturn conjunct Mercury this month from 10th-22nd (every 30 years). This points to an impasse
in its direction of travel and status and some serious rethinking will be
necessitated as a result of blocks and denials. Some humility may be needed and at the least, complex hard work
will be essential to sort out a massive practical national and economic
problem. No prize for guessing what that is about. Also Mars conjuncts the England ascendant the 2nd -4th, triggering anger and eruptions.
Our socio-political, economic and geophysical challenges
are unprecedented in many ways, because we are globalised.
rise of extreme inequality within nations has resulted in an understandable
desperate shout for help. This seems to be manifested in a rather primeval
feeling among many, unconsciously or not, that any seeming “strong
authoritarian man” will do (Pluto), to sort any mess out.
opportunism is rife for any one to vie for power who has a desire to enlarge a
superego, who has ambition to control and who has strong and even extremist
views, so as to counteract what is often seen as woolly liberalism that has led
to discontent. They say they want to fix this, and declaring to champion the
masses as opposed to the few (in theory). The pendulum has swung heavily in the
direction of the 30’s, as many have noted, but although history does often
rhyme, it doesn’t totally repeat itself.
climate change is now threatening so quickly and visibly our planet and
therefore our survival and making it increasingly impossible to be in denial
about it. Uranus (significant manifestation of human assisted unpredictable
change), having dipped his toe in Taurus (nature), from June to November last
year, is from next month and for the coming 7 years, committing to that earth
sign and so really flagging up to us all, the severity of this existential
crisis that faces us all. .
interestingly the “Strong Men” who are attaining power, and are essentially
very right wing, are it seems mostly in complete denial still about human
assisted climate change, as it threatens their ambitions for their economic and
social power. The measures needed for the good of the planet are contrary to
their desires and they have no interest in the truth of the science. They feel
above that. New leaders in countries in South America and parts of Africa,
Australia and indeed in the USA are either declared climate change deniers or
disinterested. Indeed extreme Brexiteer politicians in the UK, who want to make
England independent and great again, as in the romanticised (Neptune) past, are
all too often, climate change sceptics or deniers.
and the free market has increasingly become obsessed with economics and eternal
growth (negative Capricorn), to a point of a loss of humanity or care for the
planet. We are now at tipping point.
(power) brings initially the rise and then abuse of power that is represented
by the sign he is in, followed by the price to pay and resulting meltdown, and
that happens when he reaches the 3rd decanate of the sign he is
travelling through. Pluto has just arrived at that decanate of Capricorn; and
Saturn (now in his own home sign of Capricorn) brings karma also by gritty
reality checks. This combining of the two very powerful forces now is starting
to indicate the fall out of all that has been misused and abused by the
globalised political system for decades, but especially over the last 12 years
or so, since Pluto entered Capricorn, staying till end of 2024. Saturn has been
in Capricorn from Jan 2018, staying till the end of 2020
ironic and arguable good news is that the very difficult fallout will become so
obvious and in such an uncomfortable way, that the world will be forced to face
facts and make changes, if our survival is valued at all.
still in Pisces till 2026 (from 2011) has been negatively, making many idealise
the past and long for the good old days when their country was great and
wonderful. Rose coloured spectacles abound and again the idea of a seeming “ strong saviour” to make that happen is
however Neptune is awakening in so many the sensitivity to nature, its value
and the desire to preserve it and value it, creating e.g. a movements toward
veganism and an ardent desire to protect the planet from extremes of climate
change and to protect the oceans (Neptune) and its creatures etc.
rules Pisces, so its once every 165-year move into the sign for aprox 13 years
is especially prescient. Those born with Neptune in Pisces (since 2011) will
be, with no choice and of necessity, totally aware of these planetary issues
and passionately proactive in response. It will be part of their very being and
purpose to do so.
has Saturn squaring his Jupiter (every 15 years) from February 21st
till March 5th. This significantly blocks and frustrated his goals
and ideals, demanding a climb down or massive rethink, but in a way that tends
to make people who experience this, angry and/or depressed… However he does
have Jupiter conjunct his Moon at around the same time, so he will have a
compensatory factor… or at least the cavalry will arrive in some way, as he
perceives it.
always brings a reality check and is karmically necessary. He is not called
“the karmic schoolteacher” or “the benevolent despot” for nothing
April and May will see a direction of travel for Trump, that culminates in very
late 2019 and beginning of 2020 that is the beginning of a complete and radical
change in his position in life. Pluto and Saturn will be really proactive in
their challenge.
new Moon is on the 4th at 15 degrees of Aquarius and the full Moon
is on the 19th at 0 degrees of Virgo.
on the new, reap on the full.
mind is sharp this month, notably for those born after April 2nd and
leadership skills with good communications with colleagues are also underlined.
the 3rd, if born after April 16th, love life, travel and
study can all combine beautifully.
3rd, all born up to April 18th need to be a little
careful about sycophancy at work.
is in your sign now, powerfully driving those born after 9th
April. This is true all month. Ambition and determination is very
strong, but other people may be just as determined. Ensure your cooperation is
combined with your drive, otherwise war drums are in the air.
is very much supportive and on your side for all born April 6th to
12th. This is a brilliant time for holidays and travel,
whether for pleasure or work. Success in study shines and your
philosophical orientation is underlined. Luck is in the air as well as
pushing out boundaries.
if born between April 3rd and 8th, Saturn is challenging
you now, particularly professionally. You’re tired and you need
rest. You need to pace yourself. You have reality checks. You
have to step up to the plate in a conscious controlled and mature manner.
is in his last lap of very much finalising a period of change for those born
after April 18th. By mid-May you will look back and realise
how times have changed since June 2017.
is now, for those born April 11th to 13th, starting a
long process of challenge in your work, which is ultimately empowering.
has to be a focus, particularly communications that need to be very clear, if
born after 3rd May.
the 3rd, however, all born up to May 20th can be enjoying
love life, connected to study and travel; and long distance issues shine.
moves into your sign on 14th, meaning for all April born Taureans
you will feel a great impulse of be assertive, ambitious and determined.
Make sure this doesn’t become stubborn aggression. You may feel that
other people are trying to trip you up and block your path.
is currently bringing, for all born May 4th to 9th, a
great sense of solid, practical, grounded work ethic and travel and
international issues may be from a sense of duty, rather than pleasure, but one
that you’re happy to do. The work you put in now will be very
is currently, for those born May 4th to 7th, bringing you
idealism, greater sensitivity and creative joy, with inspiration. Your
empathy is strong and you work well in groups for the greater good and for
creative purposes.
Pluto is now starting to affect those born May 11th to 14th
in a rare visitation that is both empowering, regenerating and transformative
in terms of your wisdom, international potential and sense of destiny. Just
make sure power is used for the greater good, not just yourself.
is a particularly good month for internationalism and long distance projects
and travel, especially before 10th, if born after June 4th.
the 3rd, if born after June 17th, love life takes on an
extra sheen. Harmony, affections and love just glow and others are
particularly beneficial for you .
the 14th, Mars is helpful for those born after June 11th
as you are very driven to fulfil your goals and your aims in life with the help
of other people. Your energy is constructive and quite pioneering.
is in the opposite sign to you currently, bringing very many relationship
benefits for all born June 8th to 14th. People from
other cultures can be very helpful and others are working positively for you in
a way that brings long-term satisfaction and growth and your own people skills
are particularly strong. The downside however when Jupiter is opposing your
Sun, is that it does potentially bring an over-reaching, an over-generosity or
an over-confidence, not least in relationships and others may tempt you to bite
off more than you can chew, so have a caution.
is, for those born after June 19th, bringing a new sense of the big
picture, humanitarianism, altruism and freedom and a leap into the
future. This has been going on for about two years and is now
for those born June 4th to 7th, is warning many of you to
be certain that you are clear about the integrity of people you work with, that
you understand what’s really going on, you check the small print in all deals
and you are not over-idealistic. There is a potential for self-deception
or some smoke and mirrors from others, but idealism is in the air, as are the
arts, but you need more sleep than you may realise..
is not a month where superficiality will not cut it and issues to do with joint
finances are important.
the 3rd, all born up to July 20th have Cupid smiling on
them. Warmth and love grows and this is a two-way thing.
before the 14th, if born after July 20th, Mars will be
squaring your Sun, which may make you feel a little contentious, impatient and
irritable with others at work and equally others can feel the same towards
you. Have patience and calm and if necessary be prepared for others to
lack these qualities.
after the 14th, if born up to July 1st, your energy is
constructive, controlled and productive, particularly working with others in
groups and with friends. Your leadership skills are excellent.
is challenging now for those born July 6th to 11th.
Other feel as if they’re standing in your way and blocking your path.
Responsibilities and obligations to others may feel burdensome. This is a time
to stop and re-think and discriminate and know the difference between what you
have to do and what is really not necessary. Get rest. You will
feel tired and avoid negative thinking and look after your health.
is in his final phase of being quite disruptive to all born after July 19th.
The roller coaster of change is about to finish and this is the final chapter
and when you look back over the next few years, you may realise that actually
you have been liberated, even if in a
rather uncomfortable way.
is really inspiring for those born July 6th to 9th.
Inspiration comes from travel, the arts empathy and sensitivity, which is
increasing many fold currently. Your heart needs listening to.
is now getting stuck into challenging those born July 13th-16th,
by opposition (once ever 248 years). Challenges and potential power struggles
are like and this is in the air till late 2020.You trigger deep issues in
others that create challenge and equally they may trigger unconscious deep
issues in your self, which are quite primeval in nature.
are in the air, followed by new beginnings but it is a deep intense journey,
where your best allies are integrity and some humility and drawing boundaries
around coercive action in others ,or in self .. Power struggles need real
caution. Your own power can be realised by being as conscious as possible and
by using power for the greater good, not just for your own ego
and other people are of paramount importance and actually hold the power
particularly before the 10th if born after August 5th.
the 3rd, if born after August 19th, your creativity and
desire to be centre of attention and your
ability to attract love and admiration is strong and you can achieve
the 14th, if born after August 12th, your energy levels
are high and efforts put into study and also travel is successful and you are
able to focus your desires and attentions as constructively as ever.
Legal issues can also be beneficial.
after the 14th, if born up to August 3rd beware that
other people will be quick to react to your desires, which may be impulsive and
impatient, and over-ambition and stubbornness can get you into hot water,
however, is very protective of you if born August 9th to 15th.
For this group the creative world, speculation and just plain fun and assertion
of your individuality is very much shining and love life and parenthood can
also be a joy. Luck is definitely on your side, as is expansion.
too, for those born after August 20th is finalising two years of
change. Liberation and a new awakening. A new trajectory lies
is a necessary focus this month and after the 10th, for all born up
to September 20th communications with others are important and
progressive and satisfying.
the 3rd, all born after September 19th may be tempted to
spend a little bit too much money on domestic, real estate or family
issues. Have a care, but motive may well be good.
the 3rd, for all born up to September 20th, there is a
genuine feeling of love, happiness, contentment, creativity and harmony in love
life and in the arts.
the 14th, if born up to September 3rd, energy and drive
is very much constructively focused into travel, long distance interests, legal
issues and also study. You are driven in a way that is bound to bring
success and admiration.
is currently squaring your sign and at the moment directly affecting those born
September 9th to 15th. This is a temptation to be
over-confident and over-indulgent, to bite off more that you can chew, but a
good time can be had, provided moderation and caution is taken into account,
notably when it comes to domestic matters. You can push your luck.
however does bring, for those born September 6th to 11th
a strong feeling of control, hard work, focus, discrimination and practicality,
especially in love life and to do with parental issues. Practicalities
and realism will be important and if applied are successful.
however is warning for those born September 7th to 9th,
that others may be consciously or unconsciously slightly deceitful or you may
be deceiving yourself by projecting what you want to see onto others.
Have a care. Check things out. Don’t be seduced by your rose
coloured spectacles.
Pluto is empowering and confidence bringing in an opportune way for those born
September 14th-16th.Your thinking is forensic and
insightful as are your communications. This serves you well in your progress
and allows empowerment for self and those you deal with.
Full moon falls on the 19th at 0 degrees of your sign, affecting
those born around August 21st/22nd. This is for this
group a time of a culmination of an
issue , and a revelation of some truth that has a fallout .
can be a very celebratory month and before the 10th, if born after
October 6th, happy communications in love life, with children and
also your artistic skills are underlined.
the 3rd, also Venus, for all born after October 19th, is
bringing extra charm to your thinking and your ability to create harmony and
love through communications is significant. It is also a boost to all
after the 3rd, if born up to October 22nd, the temptation
to over indulge and over-spend and be over-generous needs possibly
the 14th, Mars is in your opposite sign, directly affecting all born
after October 13th. For this group, there may well be some
contentious issues arising with other people. Assertiveness from you will
invite the same back and competition and confrontation is on the cards, so care
is needed.
however is bringing luck, which is gained, through your intelligence for all
born October 10th to 16th. Travel is very much in
the air, as well and wisdom and wise communications are yours, which bring you
Saturn is a little less kind to those born October 7th to 12th.
For this group there is a sense of tiredness and a feeling of being burdened,
not least by family or domestic situations. Obligations are in the air
and you need to step up to the plate, but reality checks also need taking note
of, particularly about things that need to be realistically sorted out.
born October 14th to 17th, there is a heads up, courtesy
of Pluto to the fact that some challenges are on the way and rather profound
issues are developing within you that demand addressing, which can come from
way back.
issues are important this month, not least before the 10th and if
born after November 5th, it is important that your communications
are clear, as confusion is in the air.
the 3rd, for all born up to November 21st, your ability
to combine charm and intellect will be progressive for you.
the 14th, if born up to November 3rd, beware that Mars
will be in your opposite sign, bringing confrontations with others who may be
just as determined and stubborn as you. Control issues may be the
is however a stern friend to those born November 6th to 11th.
He will demand of you this month serious, grounded thinking and pragmatism in
effort and consciousness. Hard work will pay off and focus the
is really inspiring now for those born November 6th to 9th.
He is accentuating your creative skills and you will be very inspired by
nature, spiritual issues and the power of your emotions and your heart, not
least to do with love life, where you ideals are now very strong and your
parenting skills are hyper sensitive.
your ruler, is now bringing for all born November 13th to 16th
a new sense of true Scorpionic intensity, forensic qualities and insight, which
gains you respect. Truth is important to you and this rare transit brings
the intense power of intelligence of communication, which really gets you
noticed. This transit lasts until late 2020.
thought processes are powerful and impressive, especially before the 10th
if born after December 5th.
the 3rd, Venus is bringing bonuses to those born after December 18th.
You are shining with extra charisma, your heart is powerful and open and you
can attract love and affection and give it as well.
the 14th, if born after December 12th, Mars is driving
you in ambition, in love life, and in artistic and creative affairs and there
is a sense of a fiery energy that takes you far.
of course is still in your sign, and those most benefiting from it intensely
this month are born December 9th to 15th. For this
group a real sense of growth, optimism, positivity, pushing out boundaries and
very beneficial travel surrounds you. Personal charisma is also
is in his last lap of a two-year transit of awakening and enlightening the
energies and creativity of those born after December 19th. You
can now look back and see how far you’ve come.
Neptune is a warning to all born December 6th to 9th to
avoid over-idealism, over emotionalism and to also see things and people
clearly. Confusion is part of this journey, so don’t make decisions that
are irreversible if possible and try and keep as grounded as possible.
And trust. This is a period of change, which has its own timescale, which
you can’t force.
note of finances this month, but after the 10th if born up to
January 17th your communications skills will be sharpened
the 3rd, all born up to January 18th, there is a very
powerful sense of love life, harmony and affection really enhancing your
existence. You look good, you feel good and you exude charm, which
attracts the same to you.
before the 14th, Mars is in square sign to you of Aries and this is
directly impacting those born after January 10th. There could
be some impatience and impulsiveness on the home front from you to others or
vice versa and patience and calm and compromise will be necessary.
after the 14th, if born up to January 1st, your
assertiveness and determination is harmoniously expressed and successful,
particularly to do with creativity and love life and to do with one’s
is of course still in your sign and is currently affecting those born January 4th
to 9th. This once every 30-year hit is quite strong because it
brings reality checks and maturity and challenges that need to be
addressed. It also can make you tired and you need to look after your
body, respect it but also to know what has to be done and restrict yourself to
those issues. Karma is at work.
is also finishing a final chapter of a rather disruptive two-year period for
those born after January 18th. Change is going to ease soon,
but you will realise that it has kick-started you into a new life just by being
uncomfortable at times over the last few years.
is making those who were born January 4th to 7th more
hypersensitive and the heart is as strong as the mind and your creativity has
become very powerful.
Pluto is now directly sitting in the suns now of those born January 10th –13th
.This once every 248 year visitation lasts on and off for 2 years and brings
significant opportunity for power and a sense of destiny to your life. The main
proviso is that your motive is always for the greater good;, not just personal
ego and gain, otherwise you can find yourself with a tiger by the tail that can
bite hard.
is your month. A time to shine and communications can be very
the 3rd, if born after February 14th, your charm is also
influential and can bring you gains as you think with your heart as well as
just your mind.
the 14th, if born after February 9th, your assertiveness
and your determination are intelligently presented and you get listened to and
you can achieve your goals. Excellent for academia.
after the 14th, if born up to January 31st, there is the
potential for some stubborn confrontation between you and others, possibly on
the home and the family front. Lack of compromise and intolerance can be
your enemy and impulse needs to be guarded against.
Jupiter is supportive now for those born February 6th to 12th.
He is bringing leadership skills and benefits from friends and groups of people
and your goals, collective goals particularly, are being enhanced. Luck
is driving you.
your ruling planet, is just about to complete a period of awakening and
enlightening and a realisation of your true individuality and authenticity,
which has been underway for two years, if born after February 16th.
Your uniqueness and more maverick side have served you well in an
awakening. Life will become more stable now, but in a way that is
beneficial, as you have carved a more individualistic way for self.
new Moon falls at 15 degrees of your sign, directly affecting those born around
February 5th. The new and refreshing is in the air .
private self-reflection is positive this month, but after the 10th,
when Mercury moves into your sign, all born up to March 18th will
find your communication skills and your sensitivity enhanced and your ability
to project those into the arts and in relationships.
the 3rd, if born after March 16th have a care that you
are not a bit disingenuous in your charms, particularly professionally.
the 3rd, if born up to March 18th, your ability to gain
favour from groups of people and friends and your ability to give and receive
harmony and support and affection in furthering your goals is strong.
the 14th, all born up to March 1st will find that their
assertive determination is constructively expressed and you can persuade others
successfully and also your actions are harmonious and productive and
determination is positive.
in square angle to your sign now, is directly affecting those born March 7th
to 13th, which gives a desire for extravagance and a temptation to
over-reach or to bite off more than one can chew, or to be a bit too
optimistic, particularly on the career front. This can also however be a
very indulgent and enjoyable time, with moderation, and it is good for travel
Saturn is bring a different principle to bear now for those born March 4th
to 9th. This group will have constructive hard work being your
friend. Grounded, sensible approach to problems and issues will benefit
you. Practicality is necessary.
Neptune your ruler, for those born March 4th to 7th, is
at its zenith of power now, bringing idealism and creative brilliance, or
escapism over idealism and therefore potential deception from self or
others.. Choose wisely.
Finally Pluto is a rarely positioned friend
now in a very constructive regenerative way to all born March 10th-13th.
ability to empower yourself via leadership skills and to regenerate life for
others and even just to attain your own worthy goals are given a great
boost. This regenerative, insightful,
intelligent and healing influence is around for the best part of 2 years. Be
conscious and have motives of integrity and then you can achieve beyond your