Saturday, 31 December 2022



There is a general feeling that now the planet is in critical mass mode. We go one way or another… The old ongoing dominance of and drive for money, power, ego and an increasing autocratic value system destructively continues, or we turn to a new more enlightened humanitarian and big picture planetary health driven value system.  There is alongside this, a growing war between the two hugely contrasting energies, autocracy or true democracy.

 You don’t need to be an astrologer to realise this.

 The ongoing war in Ukraine totally represents all the misuse of power we are facing.

The new values that our planet screams out for, and indeed what the planets that are starting to influence us astrologically, are also demanding, are so contradictory to the decades long values we have aspired to. So, it will be a massive fight to get a revolution from the old to the new.

 This year is a year where that collision of forces will seriously start to manifest.

 The unusually lengthy retrograde period of Mars in Gemini, since October 30th and continuing till the 12th of January, has certainly done its job of paralysis on many fronts and pointed to a real crisis of battles and anger re value systems.  This has shown itself not least in the UK. London is a Gemini city, the centre currently of a paralysed government,.which is in  typically current Geminian dithering manner and with scattered internal opinions, and completely not knowing what steps to take to resolve the many strikes and the financial mess. Anger (Mars) is brewing in the populace and the government hopes this will focus on the discontented strikers, when in fact, disillusionment with the UK government and the whole system is seriously growing.

  After the 12th, movement of some kind will emerge, society wise and personally.

 Mercury also is retrograde since December the 29th and till the 18th of January, and this will compound the problem… Agreements will be very difficult to attain, and delays and blocks will dominate. Best agreements will come after the 18th.

Jupiter is committed to Aries (England’s Sun sign) from the 20th of December, lasting till mid-May, and this will put a lot of power into the populace’s hands, and again collective determination, drive and courage will be significant…and now that Saturn has finished squaring up to Uranus, as it has been doing on and off for the last 2 years, the blocks and limits put on the need for some revolutionary change, have been considerably loosened.

Despite an increasingly vocalised feeling that the current (neo liberal capitalist) system is unsustainable, the fact is, our political system is by nature totally anti-revolutionary, but the populace may become increasingly revolutionary, over the coming 2 years, as Pluto (power) edges gradually out of his occupation of Capricorn era. (Since 2008.)

 Capricorn symbolises the old order of conservatism, tradition, extreme capitalism and colonial power, with fiscal inequality baked in… It has become increasingly unfair, illogical and increasingly at war with the need for a big picture existential change, in order to restore the health of the planet and create more balanced equality. Money can no longer be God.

 Money alone is not the root of all evil but the love of it is.

Aquarius is looming large as a focus of power, and it is the energy that is starting to build seriously this year, as Pluto dips its toe into the first degree of Aquarius for a trial run only, from the end of March till mid-June 2023. This will give us a taster  of the coming shift of focus and values.

 Aquarius is all about the prevalence of intellect over greed and the power of out of the box, lateral and divergent thinking to solve problems that are global, not parochial.  Revolutionary insight, hugely innovative technology and humanitarian thought and planetary survival, especially related to climate change, will be increasingly, and of necessity, the motivator.

 This is such a contrasting force to Capricorn energy. There will however now be an ongoing battle, on and off, between these two value systems, till the end of 2024, when Pluto finally commits to Aquarius. This will also be very much related to autocracy versus democracy.

 Pluto visits each sign every 248 years and stays in it, to do its work (and tests for wise use and abuse of power) for approximately 20 years.

The March to June period in 2023 will indeed give us a flavour of the change in mood, values and energies that are destined to show themselves, and will emerge again from late January 2024 to the beginning of September 2024 when Pluto pays his second visit to Aquarius. The emphasis during those periods will be the humanitarian and global need to put environmental issues as a priority and the realisation that the essential need for the development of technology must be motivated by big picture collective progress, for our very survival and not just motivated by money, power and ego.

  When Pluto reverts for the final time, to Capricorn again in September 2024 till late November 2024, then the final battles between these two values will be seen. From late November 2024, Pluto’s commitment to Aquarius begins and Aquarian energy will then dominate…. All the way through till February 2044.

However, we must be aware that all systems have their potential for abuse by some, and therefore there is always a likely downside to every planetary placement, not least for Pluto in Aquarius, the planet whose title alone, is the very essence of power (think Plutonium and Plutocracy.) Technology, an area very much governed by Uranus ruled Aquarius, has increasingly also become a medium for the use of darkly motivated energies and abuse, when the motivation is greed… This must be rooted out, as value systems naturally shift of necessity and more evolutionary characteristics of mankind kick in.

 Can Orwellian type use of technology be abandoned… and then used only for the greater good.?

There will be, must be, a sea change.

If not, we are looking at a huge, rather slow-motion finale for us all.

 Re the UK this year …Rishi Sunak has a very powerful and chaotic once every 84-year Uranus transit to his Sun from May this year.  Change, shock and unexpected revolution is in his career then, and in his life generally. The UK government and its traditional structures are indeed very symbolic of all that must be rethought.

Of course, Neptune is also still travelling through its own home sign of Pisces. Neptune in Pisces (2012 till Feb 2026) has been a real wake up call to us all, re the beauties, frailties and necessity of nature, notably the sea …and how much it is suffering from our human assault on it. It has also underlined the power of invisible global spread of epidemics and the unrestricted global spread of social media with all its conspiracy power.

 Re Pisces, another significant planetary shift this year is Saturn’s entry into Pisces on March 7th. This every approximately 29-year visitation will last till mid-February 2026.

 Saturn is a testing, karmic planet and brings reality checks to bear and shows where work must be done, but where it is a tough road.  He is not called The Benevolent Despot and Karmic School teacher, for nothing. We must be humbled in relation to the sign he is in, and Pisces (the last sign of the zodiac) is, as I said, so about nature, and denotes, as a sign a strong spiritual awareness of life…the preciousness of the simple. Pisces is all about sensitivity and emphasises sensitivity to pain and often also, more negatively, escapism from what is uncomfortable to deal with.  Saturn in that sign, asks that we need and must stand up to the plate and deal with problems and suffering in a compassionate way, both personally and environmentally.  We will see clearly and with pain, the truth of our damage to the earth, and pay an increasing karmic price, which will further drive the need for change. We must face up to our fears and anxieties and take constructive action to deal with the present and let go of the past and its hurts and mistakes. Huge challenge globally, but increasingly unescapable as a necessity. But Saturn is a tough teacher. You only get progress, after huge, hard and humble work

 Indeed, Saturn will demand that our collective mistakes and historic value systems must be confronted and rethought … of necessity, or we pay the price of the downside of Pisces…escapism, denial, delusion, or of simply giving up.   Negatively, Saturn in Pisces it may be quite challenging to the arts also, which will have to fight for its true values to be recognised by the system.

 Jupiter, however, positively, moves into Taurus in Mid-May for a year, and this position underlines the power of Taurus alongside Uranus in that same sign currently and since May 2018. Uranus brings shocks and awakening and change and Taurus rules our infrastructure in terms of literally the earth under our feet and its productivity re crops and our security systems, and simply, the money system. We have seen the shocks re the earth in response to climate change and how it has also affected money, with cryptocurrency, cashless dealings, Ukraine war and the cost-of-living crisis. Not least also, how technology (Uranus), has affected our financial dealings. Jupiter’s arrival into Taurus, however, can very helpful as it brings satisfying rewards for the good, we do, changes we make, related to our planet’s infrastructure and survival. It can show us what progress can indeed be made through appreciation of and efforts made in caring for nature…. and indeed, the arts.

 I believe we all know in our souls, that massive karmic wakeup calls will start to stare us in our faces in 2023. 

 All best to you all for the coming year.





Wednesday, 30 November 2022



The most significant astrological change this month, is Jupiter’s re-entry into Aries on the 21st, after having returned temporarily into Pisces in late October. This time Jupiter commits to Aries from the 21st till mid May 2023.  Indeed, a boost to all Aries at some point.

 This Jupiter shift will certainly be more confident and forceful in mood and suggests a more driven path, less confused and foggy and less naively delusional going forward, in terms of decisions and directions.  It will, however, potentially negatively, certainly encourage the bold and more purely ego driven energy of leaders and governments… not least in England, an Aries country.

Mars however, still in Gemini, remains in retrograde motion in that sign, indeed since the end of October, and therefore it is still creating a sense of frozen, paralysed, confused energy for everyone, with much dodgy dealing in the air, and what people do and what they say are very inconsistent. The used car salesman mood is predominant, till around January 12th, when Mars, more constructively, moves direct again.  However, Mars in Gemini, even when not retrograde, can tend towards scattered ideas and words, as opposed to deeds.

The COP 27 meeting in November, certainly demonstrated lack of real progress re fighting climate change.

In fact, the true message of retrograde planetary activity, is not  just get frustrated with blocks, but to stop, have patience, stand back, see the bigger picture and rethink the whole concept of what is needed and why there are the blocks … i.e.  a necessary total reconfiguration.  Retrograde activity is in fact a learning curve. It’s like knocking on the wrong door and getting angry because it is not opening for you… and then realising that you are indeed knocking on the wrong door.

With the current global problems, that conclusion is a must. In fact, as has been said before, a total existential rethink of our global values is needed. A tall order indeed, but essential.

 Saturn remains on his travels through Aquarius, since mid-December 2020 through to March 7th, 2023. Aquarius is attributed as the astrological sign of Russia. It is, indeed, no secret that Russia is struggling as a country, in terms of the world’s view of it. When Saturn travels through your Sun sign, there are difficult lessons to be learned. True of countries too.

 Putin has Saturn conjunct his I.C (the nadir of his chart) between the 16th and 28th of this month, (this happens only every 30 years) suggesting then a blow to his security and a reality check about his fundamental status and direction of travel which will demand a whole new need to make significant and challenging changes to his infrastructure and plans, as many fall apart. The danger of this, is that it can create a scorched earth reaction. “If I can’t have it, no one can”

Also, this same period, is particularly challenging for Rishi Sunak, notably again exact between the 16th and 28th of this month, when Saturn squares his Sun… (every 15 years). This is probably because of industrial action, rife in the UK (and goodness knows what Putin will be up to then, out of spite or desperation). The Xmas period certainly won’t be that relaxing for Sunak.

 Also, interestingly Jo Biden has Saturn square his Mercury, between the 16th and 28th of this month.

 This is not great in terms of Biden’s public status. It is very difficult and frustrating for him, and negotiations are a very challenging area. There is much stress and a feeling of blocked ability to communicate successfully with others, in order to make progress.

 It clearly is therefore, an “interesting” time for us all then, in some way. At the least, it will be a paralysis of action relating to the inability to be able to resolve global troubles… Xmas puts a hold on things, for sure.

 It is notable that Rishi Sunak also, and considerably more significantly next year, has a very powerful, once only every 84-year visitation of Uranus conjuncting his Sun, periodically on and off, starting from June 2023 till the end of April 2024.  It is particularly strong in influence from mid-June through till early July, next year, and again, from late October through till mid-November. This transit is especially powerful, as his Sun opposes his Uranus in his natal chart, so it will trigger that topsy turvy energy that is implicit in his life generally.  This transit will create significant disruption and shock for him during those above periods. The unexpected indeed will be haunting him, although ironically, it could be, liberating for him in the long run. (Uranus often does that, through chaos) We don’t know his time of birth, so it is hard to say which specific area of his life it will affect, but his position in general next year, will be subject to some significant upheaval.

Trump’s chart is also currently challenged, now that Neptune is again , for the final time, ( on/off since April 2021), exactly squaring his Sun (every 84 years) This was strong  last month, continues this month and till early January, and then that transit is completed… This dissolves his image, strength and public standing somewhat and certainly has implications round his financial reputation… as Neptune is now travelling through his natal 8th house, the area connected to complex and private finances, where there is much smoke and mirrors, and which are really activated now.

Trump has also had Uranus, by transit, squaring his ascendant since June 2022 (happens every 42 years) and this finalises in April 2023. During this period, there is the falling apart of much that he took for granted, in terms of support by others in his life and in his public status. Again, a game changer.

The UK, as a combined whole, is designated as a Capricorn nation. Pluto now in his final few years of travelling through that sign, since 2008… is creating now an increasing crisis in the union. Pluto always brings endings, often a nemesis, followed by a new order in some way, for places and people who/which have strong representation of that sign in their chart.

 Since Pluto travels through a sign only every approximately 248 years, the changes are profound in a global context. With Scotland, a Cancer country, the opposite sign to Capricorn, the desire for independence as a concept is increasingly high profile. Also, the Northern Ireland crisis round the Brexit deal, is indeed divisive. There is no doubt that the UK is destined over the coming few years to see a very significant ending of its traditional status quo.

 What all this is pointing to globally and indeed existentially … is also very much related to the results of Uranus in Taurus, now coming to the end of his rare square (challenge) to Saturn in Aquarius, (since early 2021). This has been a momentous energy. Uranus has flagged up the urgency for a totally necessary, enlightened new way of being and thinking, making it clear that the old status quo and values of Saturn i.e., domination of the old socio-political/economic system, really must be pushed aside, as it is now defunct.

Uranus (change/shock) in Taurus (money and our physical earth), says it all.

This is a fated transition demanding the new freedom of us, as the populace of the earth, to move away from the old destructive system of autocracy/despotic leaders and away from the control of the old order/value system… and a move to a more collective, enlightened, big picture dimension of humanity and its spiritual potential of using group wisdom as its motivator. That also needs to be reflected in new technology which will be amazingly innovative from 2024/25, when Pluto moves into Aquarius.

 Basically, the old order and paradigm is dying. New ways of being and new forms of consciousness will start to drive it, of necessity… and, very importantly, not merely for money and power.  Motive is everything. Pluto always tests for misuse of power, and brings a large nemesis, if it is so misused; and that very much relates to technology, from 2024 onwards.

The old Cree Indian proverb states “Only when the last river has been poisoned and when the last fish has been caught, and the last tree is cut down, only then will you find that money cannot be eaten”

The heart and soul, NOT the power of the values of rampant neo liberal capitalism, is what people are now increasingly needing to connect to. Neptune, now in its home sign of Pisces (February 2012- February 2026) has been demanding and continues to demand just that, on an internal spiritual level… and indeed has been bringing much more awareness to so many of us, of the preciousness, power, beauty and wisdom of nature, plants and animals…. and how vital to our very existence, nature is. Now the axis of values must change on a whole global power and priority level. The old order is disintegrating, we feel it, we see it. Nature abhors a vacuum and a new set of values, collectively must be given birth to.

However, the labour pains are and will be, very difficult.

It is important to know that all children born within that 2012-2026 period have their natal Neptune in Pisces, so are very predisposed to have this powerful love of nature and indeed the arts, as a powerful and indeed intrinsic part of their being.

 The Moon is full on the 8th at 16 degrees of Gemini, and new on the 23rd at 1 degree of Capricorn.

 Full Moons bring things to a climax and often an end. The New Moon does what it says, the birth of the new, is indeed someway indicated. Being a monthly event however, not too important.

 Days this month that are stressful in terms of potentially disturbing events are indeed around the 8th/9th when The Sun opposes Mars, when a rather combative note is sounded. Also, indeed the 17th/18th when Mercury conjuncts Uranus, some level of shock and the unpredictable is in the air, re communications.

 Interestingly, Xmas day on the 25th, has a rather “interval” type sense of calm, spirituality and sensitivity in communications, as Mercury then sextiles up to Neptune. 


  All best for Xmas and 2023.





Monday, 31 October 2022


 Re the recent UK political pantomime… last month, (and possibly an ongoing one), Uranus last month was exactly conjunct Liz Truss’s Mars (only every 84 years) and simultaneously, Pluto was exactly opposing her Mercury (only every 248 years), it was therefore virtually impossible to think she could survive then politically. The personal chaos, shock, change and massive confrontation from others, typical of both those rare planetary combinations, was as powerful as it gets.

Now that Mars currently in Gemini (London’s sign), has gone retrograde, till 12th January next year (a very rare event of that length) … life will seem in freeze frame of confusion, impasse, shock/awe and anger during that period, not least in Britain, but globally. Boris Johnson, with his natal Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars in Gemini, will certainly need to seriously rethink his future, as paralysis and impasse hits him. Interestingly also, the partial solar eclipse on the 25th last month, was right on his Scorpio moon, on the day of his realisation of his failure to make a comeback as prime minister. His ego will demand that another plan must be pondered on, and a new chapter must be created, which eclipses often indicate, when they significantly impact your personal planets.

 Rishi Sunak also came to power as the UK prime minister on the day of last month’s solar eclipse, which was certainly a new chapter for UK politics. Unfortunately, we have no time of birth for him, but he is a Taurus, both Sun and Mercury (money/ security/practicality) hence his previous job in banking and then chancellor. He is in many ways grounded and practical, underlined by having his natal Jupiter and Mars in Virgo.  His Moon is certainly in Aries, which also gives him a fiery drive and ambition. His Venus in Gemini also gives him a certain level of convenient butterfly like flexibility in his stance, to suit his preferences and personal advantage. His Mars conjunct Jupiter certainly adds to a pioneering, confident and zealous streak.  His Mercury and Sun trine to Saturn, gives him also a capacity for caution, constructive hard work and intelligent practicality. It also gives him an instinctive very conservative stance… with both a capital and a small “C”.

 However, to contrast that Saturn influence, and what is very striking in his natal chart, is that he has a powerful and quite unusual aspect of both his Sun and Mercury, being in opposition to his Uranus. This gives a tendency to have periodic considerable shock and sudden change in his life, and radical challenges to his ideology, often created by situations out of his control and likely instigated by others.

 Ominously and interestingly, next year Uranus moves to conjunct his Sun and Mercury (only happens every 84 years, so only once, for significant a period, in his lifetime), triggering massively that very intrinsic, unpredictable natal energy. He will then be subject to significantly challenging and inevitable change in his life and position, that will very likely be triggered by others, and certainly by significant forces, largely out of his control. This period notably will be activated in June /July, October /November and early December 2023, and will be repeated in March/ April 2024.  Once in a lifetime stuff indeed!

His natal Moon is almost certainly opposition his Pluto in his chart, indicating that he is attracted to power, has much hidden power and attracts powerful people/contacts into his life, especially women, and it is of course, no secret that his wife comes from a very wealthy family and who has indeed massive financial assets.

However major emotional battles and power struggles with others, can also go very deep with this natal aspect… His decision re not attending this year’s COP meeting has triggered much criticism and controversy re his seeming lack of awareness/concern of global priorities, especially in view also of the absence of King Charles at that conference.  Finances are classically his priority, to an overwhelming degree, as indicated by his chart.

 Putin’s desperation re Ukraine has been made much scarier, by his realisation of his underestimation of the challenge of his so called “military operation”. The decision he was almost certainly making at the end of last month, when that solar eclipse in Scorpio was virtually exact on his ascendant was decisive… a new chapter indicated.  He has a choice to either, in some face-saving way, withdraw, or to potentially cause a world war. He also has Saturn conjunct his North node in the 1st half of the month. He will feel this as very frustrating and oppressive, as the weight of the world is on his shoulders… and his frustrations re his goals, can create a very spiteful response.

Next year we will have the initial taster of a coming major revolution, when Pluto dips his toe into Aquarius, between late March and mid-June. However, from January 2024 to early 2044, when Pluto is really committed to that sign, there will also be powerful lessons to learn then and a price to pay, re abuse of technology (technology being an Aquarian issue) … despite the then huge developments of technological abilities.  Power is always tested for positive use.  For every technological advance, there is often an equal and opposite step backwards in its potential … Motive is everything.  Pluto always tests for wise use, or misuse of power as represented by whichever sign he is travelling through.

 Elon Musk will surely also be tested in his now ownership of Twitter, as to what he accepts as legitimate in its power and use.

Aquarius is not only very linked to technology and the future, but positively, very much to a big picture awakening. it is a wakeup call to truth, big picture objectivity and the huge need for cooperation for the greater good. Indeed, it is a humanitarian sign, in best manifestation.

We are on the brink of a need for a total change of our values in many ways now, as Pluto finally finishes his lessons and reveals the consequences of years of misuse/abuse of financial power in Capricorn (financial value systems).

Saturn in Aquarius continues currently to square up to Uranus, (which rules Aquarius) which is totally symbolic of a real and fundamental clash between the old order (Saturn) and need for the new (Uranus)… This gargantuan conflict is clearly between the desire to maintain the old socioeconomic value system (Saturn) and the need for a fundamental revolution in values and priorities (Uranus), not least because of climate change.

Mars in Gemini is also currently and protractedly, because of its retrograde motion, squaring up to Neptune …  This is classic of smoke and mirror messages, and a sense of inadequacy, confusion and uncertainty of action, as to the correct way forward. Mars in Gemini can be about much talk and promises, scattered energy and little action and when additionally square to Neptune, it brings added deceptions and confusions.  Devious actions are rife. Indeed, also a collective lethargy can also permeate.  The world, literally, and its people, are all generally tired and depressed in mood.  It knows we are running out of time for a lifesaving existential change of values to be established.

A very powerful and profound period, globally this month is November the 8th/9th. The total lunar eclipse then is exact on the 8th, which sees the Moon at 16 degrees of Taurus, oppose the Sun at 16 degrees of Scorpio, and the Sun will also simultaneously oppose Uranus while the Moon conjuncts it. Mercury will also oppose Uranus on the 9th. The North node in Taurus is also involved. This is an enormous conflict between what can be described as the forces of good and evil, between the need to cooperate rather than compete. It is an eruption of trauma, both personally and globally, brought about by the patriarchal desire for control and power, versus the great scream of planet earth to stop this battle of egoistical power versus the greater good of collective harmony, and indeed for the literal health of the whole planet.  In other words, wisdom versus ego

.That is a very significant period indeed, and involving the sign of Scorpio, potentially shocking and profound… a game changer… on many levels. The 9th and 10th and 11th will then see Mercury opposing Uranus, then squaring Saturn and then the Sun squaring Saturn respectively.

This is not a comfortable time at all.  Hopeful signs follow, with Mercury trining Neptune and sextiling Pluto on the 12th and 13th.  This is when sensitivity, insight, intelligence and power can come together to heal…. potential.

Trump has Mars conjunct his Sun between the 18th and 23rd. suggesting a real bid for power and an exceptional fighting mood, but being retrograde, it could be frustrated, and his anger will be very evident.

There are only two certainties in life, and one of them is change, and the astrology certainly points to that truth right now.

 When looking at the world and the symbolism of the current astrology now., I cannot help but be reminded of a line from the W.B. Yeats poem, “The Second Coming”. 

 “Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold”


Friday, 30 September 2022



The change of leadership and the planned new economic policies of UK government symbolise the beginning of the final death throes of the predominant values of our current prevailing socio-economic system… This is a microcosm of the direction of travel on a global level, as the astrology of outer planetary activity, notably Pluto, clearly indicates.

The planet Pluto is all about power (the words plutocracy and plutonium says it all). As an energy, it tests for the wise use of power, in which every sign he is travelling through, which is currently Capricorn (2008-2025). Ultimately, if there has been abuse of power related to the values related to the characteristics of that sign, then there is a nemesis, an often-self-created implosion of the system.  Capricorn is all about the prevailing establishment and socio-economic system and now Pluto is in its final 2 years of his journey through that sign, it is certainly pointing to the fact that the global economic order is seriously disintegrating. The UK is a Capricorn nation, and this death knell, is being totally exemplified by the current much increased right-wing emphasis on what has been decided will create economic growth, being imposed on the UK by the new prime minister and her chancellor. The shift to the right is being mirrored elsewhere on our planet, not least Italy, and not to mention the abuse of power as seen in the current nationalistic, fascist style actions of certain presidents. This all indicates a last-ditch desperation to reinstate an out worn value system, that is not in any way based on equality, or relevant to the current, urgent existential planet earth needs.

20025 will be a momentous period of change globally, when Pluto commits to Aquarius.

 In many ways, this is all indicated astrologically.  In 2008 when Pluto first entered Capricorn (every 248 years) there was indeed a large economic crisis in Capricorn ruled UK, when the economic ideology of growth at all costs, suddenly became prevalent then, caused by a large reduction in regulation, greed by banks and especially by the fraudulent misuse of money by mortgage salesmen, which ultimately proved disastrous.  Now once again, a side-lining of regulations is being promoted, and hugely inequitable tax cuts are being pursued to further enrich the rich, and apparently it is all a drastic, last-ditch attempt to rescue our economy and create growth.  This is purely ideological driven and has previously proved to be disastrous and indeed illogical, not to mention, abusive of power.

The theory of eternal economic growth, at all costs, is the same creed as the cancer cell, it eventually destroys everything around it, and indeed therefore, itself.

 The truth is, this direction of travel will be the ultimate downfall of that free-market theory and our current regime, and by the time Pluto commits to Aquarius, at the end of 2024, continuous till 2044, we will have begun then, of total and desperate necessity, a complete revolution in our values and ideas…, in Britain, at the least.  This will reflect the need to move away from greed, inequality, exploitation of nature and ruthless chasing of profit …and more toward values reflecting the urgency of the need for basic planetary survival and much greater equality… all Aquarian qualities …

 But… and it is a big “but” … the downside of Pluto in the sign he is in, as was mentioned, is a misuse of the power of the characteristics that the sign symbolises.  Aquarius energy is indeed connected to big picture insight, and humanitarian values.  However, it is a sign also very connected to advancement of science, especially the development and power of technology. Advancement in that area, will be hugely underlined under the regime of Pluto in Aquarius.  However, as we are already aware, technology can be dangerously misused by nations to hold other nations to ransom and to exploit people’s vulnerability.   Technology can be a great progress maker, but also a great disrupter and mischief maker, in the wrong hands.

Motive is everything, with all energies, not least where Pluto is involved.

2024 is the year a general election must be called in the UK, if one isn’t forced beforehand. This is totally in line with an inevitable shift of values and energy, indicated by astrological forces then.

 The sad death of the Queen (she had Capricorn rising) also correlates with a changing dynamic in our Capricorn ruled UK.   Although the monarchy will continue, its manifestation will change. The end of an era is profoundly unfolding. It is interesting how the death of the Queen correlated with the anointing of a new and a very controversial, Prime Minister.

 Liz Truss’s chart looks very challenged this month. She has Uranus exactly opposing her Mars, from October 12th to November 7th. This once only every 84-year transit, indicates chaos, disruption, wilful and very risky and rather crazy actions and events, also unpredictable opposition and a high risk of literal or, metaphorical accident proneness. She also has Pluto continuing to oppose her Mercury till mid-December. This is a once every 248 transit, that although it indicates a ruthless push for power by herself, it also indicates ruthless opposition and challenges to her ideology, that can lead to a metaphorical death of her position and indeed, a silencing. Additionally, she has Saturn squaring her Mars all October and through the first half of November (ever 15 years) which suggests blocks, challenges and paralysis of her will, re plans and policies. Anger all round, no less.

 Putin has had Saturn squaring his Jupiter since September 10th and which hangs around till December 4th. That brings a real sense of disillusionment and being thwarted in his goals. In late December, when Saturn also squares his Midheaven and very challengingly also squares his Pluto (his ruling planet), there is a clear suggestion of his loss of status, by force or through a quiet retreat. Significantly when Mars (his co ruler) moves retrograde from October 30th for a very rare lengthy period of nearly 10 weeks, he will likely take a step back in some way.  That’s the optimistic interpretation of his response to this frustration of energy and thwarting of ego.  Resentment, frustration and even shame, that these transits can bring, can also cause a dangerous, vengeful response, that could suggest a “scorched earth” action, i.e. If I can’t win, nobody can.

Looking at the general prevailing energies in October, that can influence us all in some way, Mercury finally moves direct on the 2nd having been retrograde since September 10th. We will start to really see and experience the results of events, that have been partially paralysed/on hold, since early September… Days of critical intensity and possible danger are around the 19th/20th when the Sun squares up to Pluto, and again around the 27th/28th when Mercury squares up to Pluto.  Ruthless power struggles globally and personally, reach a zenith on those dates.  Also, around the 12th when Mars squares up to Neptune, there is a danger of over idealisation, and smoke and mirrors are in the ether… and we can be sold a bit of a sham.

There are however some indications of progress around the 7th, 14th 17th, 23rd when some positive and constructive forces are permeating… for us all.

 Importantly, when Mars, which still in Gemini, moves retrograde on the 30th of this month, staying in that mode and sign till January 12th, there will be paralysis of external energy and drive, for us all. It will also feel like, our “leaders” and everyone, are running out of ideas, and a void of direction will be evident. Interestingly, London is a Gemini city… so it will be a centre of chaos and attention, but the influence of this Mars position and mode of action, will be global. Politicians will tend to be all talk, no action, as those in power will in many ways, have no clue what to do. There will also be many promises and declarations, but little delivery. However, dangerous internal discontent and festering significant collective anger will rumble, and behind scenes plans will be growing. There will also be a general sense of public rebellion growing, in the face of disturbing leadership behaviour.

Hang on to your hats, this is a very significant global period.

Wednesday, 31 August 2022



 We are in a perfect storm and feeling pretty alarmed/depressed at the general global situation, if you indeed listen to the news …or read about it. In fact, to keep stable or vaguely upbeat, many are understandably limiting, or avoiding their news intake, but sometimes we feel more jittery if we don’t keep fully informed …Depends on our birth chart/personality.

 There is an element of denial for a proportion of the population, in order to protect themselves, especially about some of the existential concerns, like climate change/wars, although it has been very hard to deny these things over the last few months, as their manifestations are now in our face, with many very difficult implicit challenges.

Strong sensitivity in a person, can either be manifest as serious anxiety about such matters and indeed depression, or it can manifest in denial and escape, in some form. This often relates strongly to the power of and aspects to Neptune in one’s natal chart, combined of course, with other issues astrologically.

 We have a senseless, dangerous war, a huge cost of living crisis, climate change crisis /drought, strikes and seeming no strong, coherent governmental leadership to cope, not least in England.

This month, to somewhat complicate things, Mercury moves retrograde from September 10th till October 2nd, during which time he moves back from 8 degrees of Libra to 24 degrees of Virgo.

 When Mercury moves retrograde, which he does on average 3 times a year for 3-4 weeks, this is always a period for everyone and globally, of delays, blocks, frustrations, poor communication, confusion, lack of clarity.  Although it can be very annoying … in reality, the purpose of it, is to create a situation where we are all, both collectively existentially and individually, meant to stop and reassess our habitual goals, beliefs and thoughts about the general status quo and indeed re our own personal path forward. We need the humility at these times, to see maybe where we have gone wrong and to decide how to change and reshape things, in view of the manifest impasses.

In fact, it is a time for constructive reflection, as we need to realise that what we thought we wanted, may in fact, be not what we need.

 Yes, there can indeed just be delays, but this Mercury retrograde period is there for sure, to create space for reassessment of the validity of plans and goals. The power of Mercury in our charts and its position at the time of the retrograde motion, will indicate the personal areas of needed reflection. Politicians especially will have to rethink many things in this retrograde period, especially those newly in power, and it won’t be at all comfortable for them, to say the least.

Mars is currently in Gemini, till the end of March 2023 (a very rare, lengthy stay) and Mars tends to be a bit dodgy in that sign. There is tendency towards duplicity and uncertainty and indeed for many words and promises, reversals of ideas, but often no action, with this planetary placement, especially underlined around the 16th/17th when Venus squares up to Mars. The used car salesman quality will be manifest in many ways.

 Very significantly also, around the 3rd and 18/19th of September, there is a problematical retrograde Mercury opposition Jupiter, when over promising and dubious statements are potentially rampant.  The very end of the month and early October sees Mercury (still retrograde) in opposition to Neptune, which certainly indicates fantasy, potential lies, smoke and mirrors at the least, and misleading information. Be sure to check the truth and validity of all issues, around then, and of all information received, on a personal and indeed on the big picture level.

 Jupiter now in Aries (May 9th, 2022 – till May 17th, 2023), there for a year, every 12 years, is certainly underlining for this period, the power of big ambitions, competitiveness and assertive egos and rather primaeval power stances.  This confidence however may be based on little known or understood infrastructure. We are living in times where ego seems to totally surpass wisdom in many leaders’ being, and indeed in their CV.

  It is always the specific power of the 3 outer planets; Pluto, Neptune and Uranus, and the characteristics of the signs that they are slowly moving through, that determine the main mood music and changes that happen on our planet over the rare years, that they spend travelling through each sign. That is the key to understanding the big picture, astrologically (and for understanding generational differences and characteristics)

1)   Pluto (power and motive) now finalising his journey through Capricorn, (2008 till late 2024) which represents the establishment and the predominant socio-economic systems, now shows us the very ugly fallout of ruthless, largely global, neo liberal capitalism, ongoing since his arrival in that sign.  Climate change is obviously the resulting effect of decades of destruction of our planet’s natural world and its delicate atmospheric balance, putting the totally self-destructive goal of eternal economic growth, before all else. As I persistently underline, the manifestation of the hubris of extreme capitalism is increasingly more apparent to many now, and we are paying the price in so many ways.

 The UK collectively is a Capricorn nation, and England is specifically an Aries country, and with Jupiter in Aries now, egos in that arena, are now certainly currently off the scale in political struggles, as potential leaders vie for triumph.

The basic tacit philosophy that greed is good and takes precedence over the environment and fairness (not to mention wisdom), has been the message for far too long, with Pluto going through Capricorn.  We all ultimately pay the price, as indeed we are doing now, for abuse of our natural world. The astrology screams this out now that Pluto is in his final throws of being in that sign, before moving into Aquarius in late 2024, from where he will test us from then, re the positive, wise use of power, or abuse of power in areas and values represented by Uranus ruled Aquarius, (technology, particularly.) The wise use of power of Aquarius is big picture insight, humanitarian interests and use of technology and triumphs of the human brain for the greater planetary good.

2)    Neptune so strong in its own home sign of Pisces now (2012-2026) clearly shows in so many ways, the sacrifice that nature, water and our seas (Pisces) have been forced to endure, by human activity… creating such depletion of biodiversity. Positively this astrological position has also woken us up to the natural world’s preciousness and vital importance, not least at a time now of the worst drought, apparently, for 500 years, in Europe. Neptune In Pisces is quite simply forcing so many of us to have a new, more spiritual connection with and love of, our natural planet.  This characteristic will be particularly true for all the burgeoning and yet to arrive generation, born between 2012 and 2026, who all have their natal Neptune in Pisces, so that connection with and sensitivity to nature is/will be in their very DNA for life.

 There is however a downside with all planetary positions when it is used unwisely, and the qualities of that position are abused.  Neptune can negatively be about misleading concepts, subtle deceptions, smoke and mirrors and conspiracy theories, and in its most powerful manifestation in its own sign, as it is now, it also points to the growing greenwashing we have been fed about assured environmental standards being adhered to in products, when that is so often far from the truth.  We are assured by governments and owners of companies that they are caring about the environment, but their words and private activities are often contradictory. There has been much sneaky stealth of infiltration of the media (Neptune) too by self-interested forces.

 England and Wales are the only country in the world with privatised water companies We have realised in recent weeks how they have eluded assumed standards, and saved money by releasing raw sewage into the sea … and their failure to stop leaks …   Money/profit has taken priority over the stewardship of water, one of our most precious natural resources.

 An example of this ongoing predominant value system is that despite its complete lack of publicity, between 2014 and 2017, £24 million was cut by the English government from the budget for environment protection, surveillance and monitoring.

 Again, what we are told and assume and what really happens are so often just not as one…

 Scams on social media /phones are all manifestations of the power of the often-invisible spread of lies/deceptions …that is enabled by our technological “progress”. Invisible spread of viruses also continues to reflect the potential negative power of Neptune now.

3)   Uranus (technology, shock, change, chaos, instability, not least in climate, awakening and ultimately inevitable change) travelling through Taurus now, a sign all about money/security and land/ agricultural food supplies, from March 2019-end of April 2026, is certainly bringing huge shocks re the cost-of-living crisis.... and the diminishing value of money, as well as fears over sustainable food supplies/ crop production. The power of technology (Uranus) as it connects with new money concepts e.g., bitcoin, is also strong now for good or ill. Also, as technology is so powerful now, cash as we knew it, will likely be soon, a thing of the past.

 Uranus often causes upheavals and chaos … designed specifically so that awakened, big picture change must happen.  That is the message.

Because of the fallout of the Ukraine war, and Putin’s implicit blackmail re Russian gas, energy companies, all privatised, are of course going to pass on the massive hike in energy prices to all consumers, an already predominantly struggling population.  The government are largely blindsided and seem to have no coherent, agreed strategy to cope, as this was not in their playbook.

 Revolution re these financial issues is inevitable, with Uranus so strong in Taurus, and the energy companies know this.

 Only two certainties in life, one being change.

As I said last month, Liz Truss has much in her chart activity (transits) in early September, to suggest her success then, in her goal to be England’s Tory prime minister (i.e., in terms only of pure gratification of her ego).  

 There is a saying that if you want to be a politician in power, you probably shouldn’t be one.

The current, rare conjunction of Uranus with the North node also guarantees a recognised need in the psyche of the population for a progressive, wise revolution in the way our society moves forward. Sadly, current proposed leaders seem disconnected, blind… and have no concept of this needed fundamental revolution, as it threatens their very identity, vested interests and ego. Many of our leaders and potential leaders, are merely rearranging the deckchairs while the titanic sinks. Narcissism seems now a common factor in so many of them.

The truth is, we are facing an existential period of the collapse of so much, resulting from abuses of power and especially of nature, for so long.  The system is broken. Those who know this, and there are so many now who do, are fighting for a total redress of values and for wisdom… and the outer planets, which determine the mood music of the big picture and generational awareness, are totally pointing to this emergency. The undeniable need for change and wake up calls have become so loud now; we cannot ignore them. The age of eternal material growth and abundance is coming to an end.

 Misuse of power brings its nemesis, in an almost Shakespearean way … and astrology has that messaging, in fact it speaks truth to power.

 The full Moon is on the 10th at 17 degrees of Pisces and the Moon is new on the 25th at 2 degrees of Libra. The full Moon corresponds with eruptions of pent up issues and often , endings … whereas the new Moon represents the birth of the new and the planting of new seeds ..







Sunday, 31 July 2022



The times we are experiencing are very precarious and insecure in so many ways. The astrology currently is indeed powerful.

This month starts very significantly in the first few days, with a symbolic, challenging and powerful Mars conjunct Uranus in Taurus (an event in that sign that happens only every approx. 84 years).  We know that Uranus (chaos, unpredictability, wake up calls and a need for more advanced big picture thinking) in Taurus, can create havoc with economies and money supply (Taurus), but also as Taurus rules literally the earth and agriculture, it is creating chaos in food supply from farming, as a result of war, and of course, critically, because of significant and huge wake up calls re climate change events, extreme heat and raging fires. Significant shifts in the earths infrastructure itself are also likely in very early August.

 Individually, there are unpredictable issues too in the early days of August, for many of us, not least for Taureans and Scorpios, born around May 8th/9th and November 9th/10th, respectively. They can be wakeup calls, but too much impulse and potentially dangerous risk should be avoided.

 To be honest, this is a challenging month generally. Globally, politically it looks very shaky as powers that be, seem in chaos and have an inability, or reluctance it seems, to address the big picture. England of course has finally seen the nemesis of Boris and is now in total stasis while another “leader” is in the process of being chosen. Jupiter in Aries currently certainly now favours the bold, ambitious and the confident everywhere, despite, maybe lack of depth, wisdom, insight or detail.

 Liz Truss’s birth chart (no time of birth known) when compared to Rishi Sunak’s chart (again, no time of birth known) indicates success in the leadership contest, as Pluto opposes her Mercury currently and has been for some time (ambition, power and challenge) and Jupiter opposes her Pluto at the end of the month and early September, indicating strong ambition which can be very successful, but which can overreach her true abilities... Also, Mercury conjuncts her Pluto and the Sun conjuncts her Venus around the same time, it doesn’t get much more likely than that, to make her feel good, powerful and very successful. (However not knowing her ascendant details or the degree of her Pisces Moon, it can’t be 100 % certain.)

 However, I would say to her, in view of these powerful planetary forces, especially with Pluto so involved, “Be careful what you wish for.”

 Jupiter in Aries still (ruled by Mars) is for sure globally, encouraging bold ambition, but it also spills into pure ego ridden desires and goals, forcefully demonstrated, and being often very ruthless and primitive in action.  War can be its worst manifestation, as we are currently witnessing.

 While much burns and nature screams, and people and animals go hungry and suffer, many of the powers that be, still focus on superstructures such as profit, growth and power and indeed mostly their own ego… while the very infrastructure of our earth is severely wobbling and being totally undermined.  We are now facing up to the need for revolution in values, as Pluto finalises his journey through Capricorn, and Uranus in Taurus is making sure we see and feel the damage we have done

Many turn a blind eye, as to really addressing the problem and making the fundamental changes needed, which is a total global change of values and a downgrading of current prevailing neo liberal capitalist values (Capricorn) on the altar of collective survival and the preservation of our planet. This new value/priority is, however, unthinkable to those ensconced in a totally toxic, unsustainable system, but who literally profit significantly from that system

 As I have said many times, these last few years of Pluto (power) being, since 2008, in Capricorn (predominating and traditional economic system) is now showing us the nemesis of misuse and abuse of this system, and where power especially has been misused (one of Pluto’s jobs). The fallout of this abuse shows acutely what we need to change. Pluto tests for misuse of power of the characteristics of whichever sign he is travelling through. He finally leaves Capricorn in 2025, when socio/political/economic systemic values and changes are inevitable., hopefully not too late.

Neptune could not be stating the case for the value, power and importance of nature more strongly, now that he is travelling through his home sign of Pisces (2012 – 2026). A visitation that happens only every 165 years. This brings a huge focus on the value, beauty and preciousness of nature, especially the sea, and indeed on truly spiritual values. A characteristic often labelled as “snowflake” qualities, by some in power, who are vested in the current system.

Many of those young people born during this Neptune in Pisces period will however be future total warriors for the rejuvenation of the natural world.  It will be in their DNA.

Other days when again the unexpected and shaky is likely this month, are around the 11th when the Sun squares up to Uranus, and around the 27th when Venus squares up to Uranus.

 Mars moves into Gemini on the 20th, where he will stay for an interesting and unusually very long time, 7 months in fact, (till late March 2023) as opposed to his usual approximately 6 weeks in a sign.

 In Gemini, Mars is tricky. From that sign energy is ingenious and resourceful, but often for self-seeking gain. It creates good salesmen, but motive can be shallow and hard to pin down. Energy is often scattered and spread thin, with fingers in too many pies. There is ambition/ideas, but poor follow through and scattered action on stated goals. All talk, fleeting and sometimes impressive, or unusual goals talked about, but no concrete, solid action, basically. Clever, but in a way that is often lacking in real substance or indeed probity and designed only to be popular at the time.  Forked tongues dominate, and duplicity is likely. Great statements, and no delivery. That is going to be the predominating feature of people who are in power or vying for power in the world. There will certainly be good ideas floated by some but take up of them will be unlikely or inadequate and a ducking and diving away from truth can be obvious.

 Boris Johnson may well be in the spotlight again from the 20th of August, as Mars activates his strongly Gemini chart, significantly from then, and his anger, resentment and dodgy tactics may then well manifest, relating to his lost status.

 London is a Gemini city. Hence it may well be high profile, in world events and in some difficulty, with significant challenges, during this protracted Mars in Gemini period.

 Mars also goes retrograde in Gemini, between this coming October 30th and January 18th. This unusually lengthy retrograde period, will certainly invite increased uncertainty, bring real blocks frustrations, delays, confusion and unfulfilled promises and much paralysis for us all.

 Putin has Saturn opposition his Pluto (ever 30 years) from the 30 July to August 14th. This can a real blow to ambition in some way, a restriction on power, but it is karmic. What we want is often not what we need, and therefore we are denied it. We need to have the humility of course to accept that experience. However, on August 3rd and 4th, he also has Mars conjunct Jupiter, which will embolden him in action, to compensate for any loss or frustration he feels.

The Sun square to Mars generally in the last week of this month affecting our world, is also showing then, a general potential for misuse of power, impulse and anger on a personal and an international level. 

  There are, however, a considerable number of good, hopeful, protective days this month (yes there are some) to help balance out the challenges and the misuses of power.

 There is no doubt though that we are at the end of an era, and this month is spelling it out quite clearly. There is only one certainty, and that is change, which will be forced upon us unpleasantly, if we don’t willingly, collectively embrace what is necessary, and work for what is undeniably logical, just and essential and for the health of our planet and therefore our survival.

 The full Moon is on the 12th at 19 degrees of Aquarius and the new Moon is on the 27th at 4 degrees of Virgo.



Thursday, 30 June 2022



It’s not an easy month July, no surprises there, considering the world situation.

 Jupiter in Aries since May this year till mid-May next year is making for a determinism, and a confidently rebellious, competitive, angry and assertive mood on the planet, for good or ill.

Uranus (shock, change disruption and wake up calls) currently careering through Taurus, (money/values and mother earth) for the long haul (March 2019 -May 2026) is certainly ensuring crisis vis a vis money, it’s worth and divisive demands re pay and cost of living issues. It is also obviously creating intensifying climate change shocks, as its effect speeds up more unpredictably quickly than anticipated.

Mars, (God of war) moves away from Aries and joins Uranus in Taurus (cash /security and mother earth herself) on the 5th of July, staying there till the August 20th… which will put the emphasis even more on the global economy and its challenges, as opposed to just global territorial ambitions.

Mars in Taurus is very stubborn and rather immoveable in attitude on all sides. Alongside that, issues around farming/fruits of the earth and its current challenges, and not least re the global grain shortages caused by the ugly war, will erupt considerably. The plight of the earth and climate change effects will become increasingly desperate.

The issue of Russian global goals, versus the Western view of the international status quo and the increasing global gap between the very wealthy and the poor are all more in our face. Mars in Taurus (money/values) will also underline increasing anger and determined unrest (Mars) re financial hardships felt in the general populace, as a result of the fallout of the war and inequitable governmental fiscal policies. Strikes already being the obvious and desperate manifestation.

 Relating to the war, Putin has Scorpio rising, when born, and from the 10th when Mars in Taurus, starts to oppose his ascendant, he will be in a position of very angry defensiveness against the threats he feels from the reactions of his challengers.

 It will not be a pretty response and indeed around the 22nd when Mars opposes his Venus, there will be at the least, very powerful exchanges.

Russia is an Aquarian country, and with Saturn (karmic schoolteacher) moving through that sign till March 8th , next year,  the lessons learned for that country will be tough indeed… and any gain achieved, will be through infinitely more tough times than ever anticipated by the powers behind the decision to invade Ukraine.

Economic crashes are very likely in the coming few years, as the path of our rampantly accelerating capitalist model over the last 15 years or so, since Pluto started his march through Capricorn, is now becoming unsustainable. Only 2 certainties in life, one being change of course.

Extremes of stances are indeed becoming very apparent globally. Extreme right-wing ideologies are growing in many ways with the responding increasingly binary views, which threaten to become a basis for huge division, almost a sense of civil war. The new Roe v Wade ruling in the States re abortion, exemplifies this … a major legacy of Trump’s power of course.

 The UK (Capricorn country) is certainly becoming very divided politically, not least because of Brexit, with Scotland looking for an independence referendum, effectively wanting to jumping ship, as they see clearly the increasing challenges of the Brexit fallout and Johnson’s policy ambitions. In the USA (Cancer country), the new abortion laws and indeed the gun laws are now really dividing the country, as many states choose very different paths and outlooks. … One wonders if such a large country as the USA, wont indeed starts to divide into smaller countries, not just states, as their differing laws and views become overwhelming, and a united constitution becomes untenable.

 Certainly, with Pluto in his last throws (the last few degrees) of moving through Capricorn since 2008, impacting both America and the UK most powerfully, will bring very significant constitutional crisis and change over the coming few years for both countries. This seems inevitable.

Pluto always tests for abuse of power relating to what the sign he is moving through, represents. Capricorn rules the power of the established system, the socio/political and socio/economic status quo. What has dominated powerfully since Pluto’s entrance into Capricorn in 2008, is the extreme neo liberal capitalism model, which has increased rapidly, and which has seen, as the downside, the growth of monetary greed and indeed often corruption and growing inequality. The resulting nemesis of any abuse of a system, which brings rebellion and unrest, also brings a last-minute desire by many powers that be, to return to limiting, or tampering with the populace’s voting power and freedoms, in order to preserve an outworn and threatened political system, whether it be economically, or power based, which they have vested interest in maintaining.

Indeed, there can also be by some, a desire to move back to a more morally/religious driven stance, that also defies freedom of choice.

 In other words, the status quo of the preceding years of Capricorn economic power and any abuse of it , is cumulatively objected to and there is a final fight to change it. The resulting battle to protect the power and status quo of those who have benefitted from abuse of power, with those who seek to overturn that power and seek a different value system, is colossal.

 The chasm building between conflicting principles and values has become so vast, that resolution and compromise seem now impossible… Even the drive for global efforts to limit climate change versus big business/political interests continue, even if in a somewhat cloaked way.

Neptune currently in its own sign of Pisces (2012-early 2026) has two manifestations, either making many people very positively idealistic, creative, sensitive, spiritually and selflessly compassionate, or also it can negatively, bring illusion, deception, delusional ideals of grandeur and a desire for heroism for some in power. If motive is indeed only for ego glory alone, however, it will backfire, but often, only after much damage is done.

 Boris Johnson is clearly increasingly paying a price for his desire for personal heroism, his untruths, vanity projects and power to do as he wishes, at all costs, and as with most (usually damaged) people with narcissistic tendences, there is no scrutiny by themselves of their real motives, or more to the point, they dare not look at them.

 Real objective moral/political ideologies are cast aside, by narcissistic type leaders on the altar of an often desperate but unconscious ideology of just personal ego, power and gain, and it seems there is no acceptance of culpability, or even defeat, even when it is staring them in the face.

On the 4th Boris has Mars opposing his Moon. Challenges to his position will be most powerful and likely then.

On the 28th he has Mars opposing his Neptune and conjunct his Jupiter, a period when the used car salesman in him is at its most strong.

 What is certain re Johnson, is that at the least, at the end of this year and early next year, his life and position will become very different, as Uranus works his once every 84-year revolutionary and unpredictable energy for life change, in his chart.

Globally, days of rather stressful power struggles and geophysical or geopolitical crises are around the 2nd when Mars squares up to Pluto, and again around the 20th when the Sun opposes Pluto.

Smoke and mirrors and confusion is strong for us all, around the 3rd when Mercury squares Neptune, and   around the 14th when Venus squares Neptune. All that is said or seen around those dates, cannot necessarily be trusted or true.

 The very end of the month and maybe manifesting around the 1st of August, sees Mars conjunct Uranus, a very chaotic, unpredictable, potentially dangerous and somewhat anarchic time, with danger of earthquake, literally and metaphorically. Risk taking is strongly underlined… globally and individually.

  The Full Moon is on the 13th at 21 degrees of Capricorn and the New Moon is on the 28th at 5 degrees of Leo.

 The full Moon brings things to a head and often causes eruptions and a closing of chapters. The new Moon, by contrast, correlates with new and positive starts.







Tuesday, 31 May 2022



 During the first 10 days of the month, Jupiter and Mars are virtually conjunct in assertive Aries, suggesting some rather daring and macho moves based on confidence and zealous beliefs.  Mars is in his home sign of Aries now and till July 6th, suggesting that it will be a period of strong determination not to concede on issues internationally. It indeed underlines the war like mood… and that can be on a personal level too.

Mercury, however, moves direct on the 3rd suggesting that certain issues will start to move forward from then, and some clarity emerges for many, but hopefully only after important lessons have been learnt and a rethinking of issues has been successful… true for us all, as well as in the bigger socio economic and political picture.

Jupiter in Aries is very confidently and even ruthlessly competitive and rules England and so there may well be a rather dramatic show of political force in England’s political mood in order to get its way in global politics and in order to impress.

 Boris Johnson is under a lot of pressure re demands for a vote of no confidence in him, but as ever, for now, he seems to be inured to this and is stubbornly staying put, even though Uranus is certainly currently causing upheaval in his chart.

 He has Jupiter sextiling his Mars between the 6th and 21st of June, a period of great confidence to move forward with apparent success.  However, combining with that energy, between the 8th and the 12th, he will meet with severe and angry challenge from others, both personally and politically…  which will then rumble on throughout the month, and it is pretty much a catalyst for enforced change. However, as is typical of the English PM, he seems to get lucky when all points to the opposite outcome.  Having four major personal planets in Gemini can enable that individual to weave his way in and out of obstacles with a mix of truths, obfuscations and untruths (outright lies actually) amazingly.  Libra rising also certainly helps him clothe these misdeeds and his misspeaking, in a seeming charmingly compromising, manner.

 Natally Boris’s Mars in Gemini also squares up to Uranus in his natal chart, which is an in-built attraction to risk and danger. He gambles with these to get his kicks, and similarly he is drawn to dodgy deals/ individuals, to help him fulfil his adrenalin fuelled desires.

 As I am about to post this on the 31st, he is still at large as PM, but unplanned change is certainly in the air for him.

 He has been compared by some journalists, to a greasy piglet, in terms of his elusive quality, when there are attempts to pin him down for his misdeeds.

 All signs have their down sides and Geminis, in their more negative mode, have a reputation for ducking and diving cleverly in and out of facts and situations, with adaptive narrative.  However, this very characteristic, if continually used, eventually becomes their nemesis.

Biden, by contrast, is somewhat, but constructively, boldly truthful, especially this month, as Pluto sextiles his Venus.

He will speak truth, regardless of whether it advantages him or not. His strong Scorpio planets combined with Sagittarius rising is an intense, forensic, but a courageously frank combination… sometimes a bit too frank for others comfort.

 Putin, between the 11th and the 27th has Mars dangerously opposing all his Libra planets triggering a strong confrontational response from others and he will react accordingly. This is an intensely war like mood, but on the 30th when Mars trines his natal Mars, he may be feeling vindicated in some way, by a perceived victory.  

The 11th and 12th are days when Venus is conjuncting Uranus, the unexpected is indeed in the air around then for us all.  The 16th and 17th see the Sun square up to Neptune…indicating that there is much smoke and mirrors around then, with misinformation and confusion on the world stage, potentially for us all.

All is not as it seems.

 The unusual outbreak of Monkeypox in some countries, is very telling of the ongoing power of Neptune, so strong now in his own sign of Pisces (since 2012) … which represents no boundaries and an invisible spread in all issues, not least information, fake news, the power of social media and of course, the spread of viruses. This Neptune journey through Pisces lasts till late January 2026, and we therefore cannot relax our position on any potential for the power of these forces.

 Pluto in the final and very telling last few revealing degrees of Capricorn (global economic systems and infrastructures) is now showing us the culmination of the downside of globalised interdependent neoliberal capitalism, as a horrific crisis in one country can have such consequences now for many others, not least in food and energy supply. A nemesis is underway. Pluto always shows us the dark side of any misuse of power.

We had become complacent that the world order was stabilised and civilised enough now, to become very interdependent on each other. We had, it seemed, forgotten that it only takes one somewhat unstable, powerful narcissist, whose desire for increased power had become so strong that their misguided, ruthless actions can totally destabilise the whole rather fragile global equilibrium.

Self-sufficiency has its advantages and we have ignored that advantage at our peril to some degree. It also of course has clearly pointed out how globalised big business and their tax advantages have created increasing inequalities and have also exacerbated climate change, because of the reluctance to change their systems to ones that may challenge their profits.

 Climate change is increasingly in our faces, and as Uranus (shock, disruption) marches through the halfway point of Taurus, mother earth is showing her very disturbed response to these changes in no uncertain terms.  Combine this with Pluto in the earth sign of Capricorn, and it really does threaten our very infrastructure.

 There is a disturbing but insightful quote about Pluto’s warning messages:

 “The gates of Hades are thrown open to the unwilling victim at their own unconscious request”.

We need this disturbing, urgent wakeup call… and deep down we know it collectively, no matter what denial there is.

 The Moon is full on the 14th at 23 degrees of Sagittarius and New Moon is on the 29th at 7 degrees of Cancer.  Things tend to be finalised/ended on the full Moon but are often positively initiated on the new Moon.








Saturday, 30 April 2022



 A terrible war and the very stressed global economy are taking their toll on the planet and the psychological state of many, as indeed is climate change.

 A major and important planetary shift of energy this month, is that on May 10th Jupiter moves out of Pisces and into Aries, staying in that sign initially till late 0ctober, when he then returns to Pisces, to complete his influence there till the 20th of December. On that date he then again commits to Aries, finalising his stay in that sign, till mid May 2023. Jupiter only passes through each sign every 12 years. This move to Aries, will bring a more assertive and a fiery stance to those ambitious for power and victory, and generally for the collective, in terms of a renewed proactive stance to fight back generally against being repressed, or deprived. Rebellion will become more likely.

This is very underlined, as also Mars leaves Pisces and moves powerfully into its own home sign of Aries from the 24th, remaining there till July 6th. This will very much reinforce a more angry, impatient, dangerous, and risky atmosphere in the collective, as there will be an increased need to take more control, in order to feel empowered.

 It will also reinforce the power of the egos of those in power, whose egos are so often larger than average anyway. Fiery, ambitious behaviour will become more obvious in many.

Let us remember that Aries is ruled by Mars, the god of war, of course.

 Venus also moves into Aries on the 2nd till the 28th, again underlining the mood for assertiveness and indeed ruthless competitiveness, especially interestingly in the arts and certainly in the arena of money and indeed re the power of desire/indulgence.

Despite the new shift of emphasis onto Aries, which can underline the power drive of ego and competition, Neptune remains strong in Pisces, which when manifested positively, is more concerned with the values of the spiritual and nature, underlining the sensitive side of humanity. This divide of power between these two signs, will underline a growing battle between the two values they represent. Classic of this, is the current growing drive to pursue deep sea mining on the altar of human greed and pursuit of growth, versus the desire not to destroy deep sea environmental infrastructure, which is rich in life and an important protector against climate change.

 Importantly this month, Mercury moves retrograde on May 10th, remaining in that mode till June 3rd.

 When Mercury, now in his home sign of Gemini, retreats (goes retrograde), which happens on average, for about 3 weeks, 3 times a year, it basically indicates delays, blocks, misunderstandings, holdups and poor communications.  This will be a powerful influence especially re communications and indeed re lies and confusion and indeed affecting travel till the 24th. Then from that date, as Mercury retreats into Taurus then, staying retrograde there till June 3rd, the nature of these frustrations will shift and relate more to finances and economies/securities, in terms of blocks, confusions and retrograde developments.  Mother Earth will also likely create some unexpected challenges then, in terms of geo physical events.

The lesson of Mercury retrograde, for us all in our personal pursuits, as well as on a more global level, is that it is actually a learning curve. It’s a time to stand back, take stock and rethink, rather than just get frustrated at the seeming blocks /hiccups, and angrily push forward anyway. The point of this seeming negative energy is to reveal where things have been misjudged or poorly planned, or even where things have been taken too much for granted, and we should try and learn from this and make reparations. Retrospectively therefore, we hopefully can see the advantages of the so-called hiccups.

Uranus now, and powerfully till the end of April 2026, is still slowly traversing Taurus (since March 2018) Uranus is a big picture wake-up caller and rules shock, change, disruption, rebellion, even rebellious liberty from the outworn, and general unforeseen events. In Taurus, it is constantly reminding us of what we cannot take for granted re the stability of the physical infrastructure of our planet (Taurus) and certainly also in relation to the stability/security of our economic infrastructure (also a Taurus issue). All Taureans will be, or have already been, impacted by significant change that is unforeseeable during Uranus’s journey through that sign. (Only every 84 years)

 Around the 5th, when the Sun conjuncts Uranus, which only happens once a year, there is likely to be some sort of shock event related to financial and/or a geophysical upheaval, which in many ways maybe a blessing in disguise, as it teaches us some important truths about what we need to fully face up to. Transits involving Uranus often correlate with literal earthquakes.

 Boris Johnson, interestingly, has this month the start of a once every 84-year transit period of Uranus conjuncting his Jupiter and simultaneously opposing his Neptune. This is exact between the 8th and 27th of May and it returns to impact him, on and off, ongoing till April 2023.

This rare influence starting this month and over the coming year, will bring profound changes in his life, re his status and his context in life. The unexpected is around him and new pathways and challenges, and some deep revelations maybe presented to him about the real values of life. He may well feel out of his comfort zone as the old assumption’s he has had about himself/life and his desires are severely undermined/challenged.  There will however also be a potential liberation for him, but whether he sees it that way, is another matter. New job opportunities and sense of freedom are potentially in the air, but all quite discombobulating. How he will cope with the turn of events will be interesting, but having 4 planets in Gemini at birth, he tends to mould his life like pliable plastic and adjust and change his path to suit his immediate, if temporal and transient desires, as presented by any attractive opportunities.

Putin at birth, has the Sun and 4 other planets in Libra (with a Scorpio ascendant) but Mars moving into Aries this month, will not challenge his Libra planets till next month, when serious battles and challenges erupt in his life.

Zelensky, president of Ukraine, is an Aquarius, a humanitarian who sees outside the box, but his Gemini ascendant and Jupiter power on his ascendant also gives him much confidence, charisma, wisdom, manoeuvrability, courage, internationalism and clever tactics, which he can adapt to change.   His natal Moon and Mars in Leo of course, totally corresponds to his acting history but indicates that he has real power to take the stage in other ways and shine.  His Pluto square his Mercury natally, also points to his determination to challenge others intellectually and will stand up to an argument with passion, if necessary. Jupiter trines his natal Mars between the 10th and 17th of this month, which will much underline his daring, zealous nature and his confidence.

 Around the 27th of this month generally, is a period of some ruthless challenge and potential coercion on the world stage, as Venus squares up to Pluto. Stubborn recalcitrance and misuse of power can dominate.

 On the 29th and 30 th however, when Mars conjuncts Jupiter in Aries, there will indeed be quite a culmination of the fiery energy manifest this month, and a time of great daring and confidence to achieve a goal for many individuals, not least for those with power. This may or may not be so wise, but this mood will be extremely manifest and can bring real progress, if the motive is for the good.

 There is a total lunar eclipse on the 16th at 25 degrees of Scorpio.  That is a powerful energy that will bring much that has been brewing both individually and collectively to the surface, rather explosively. Endings of chapters are in the air, in quite a powerful way, when Scorpio is involved.  

 The more benevolent New Moon, which will fall at 9 degrees of Gemini is on the 30th.

 Be assured however that this is a very energised, powerful and challenging month.  As always however, motive is indeed everything.