Monday, 31 October 2022


 Re the recent UK political pantomime… last month, (and possibly an ongoing one), Uranus last month was exactly conjunct Liz Truss’s Mars (only every 84 years) and simultaneously, Pluto was exactly opposing her Mercury (only every 248 years), it was therefore virtually impossible to think she could survive then politically. The personal chaos, shock, change and massive confrontation from others, typical of both those rare planetary combinations, was as powerful as it gets.

Now that Mars currently in Gemini (London’s sign), has gone retrograde, till 12th January next year (a very rare event of that length) … life will seem in freeze frame of confusion, impasse, shock/awe and anger during that period, not least in Britain, but globally. Boris Johnson, with his natal Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars in Gemini, will certainly need to seriously rethink his future, as paralysis and impasse hits him. Interestingly also, the partial solar eclipse on the 25th last month, was right on his Scorpio moon, on the day of his realisation of his failure to make a comeback as prime minister. His ego will demand that another plan must be pondered on, and a new chapter must be created, which eclipses often indicate, when they significantly impact your personal planets.

 Rishi Sunak also came to power as the UK prime minister on the day of last month’s solar eclipse, which was certainly a new chapter for UK politics. Unfortunately, we have no time of birth for him, but he is a Taurus, both Sun and Mercury (money/ security/practicality) hence his previous job in banking and then chancellor. He is in many ways grounded and practical, underlined by having his natal Jupiter and Mars in Virgo.  His Moon is certainly in Aries, which also gives him a fiery drive and ambition. His Venus in Gemini also gives him a certain level of convenient butterfly like flexibility in his stance, to suit his preferences and personal advantage. His Mars conjunct Jupiter certainly adds to a pioneering, confident and zealous streak.  His Mercury and Sun trine to Saturn, gives him also a capacity for caution, constructive hard work and intelligent practicality. It also gives him an instinctive very conservative stance… with both a capital and a small “C”.

 However, to contrast that Saturn influence, and what is very striking in his natal chart, is that he has a powerful and quite unusual aspect of both his Sun and Mercury, being in opposition to his Uranus. This gives a tendency to have periodic considerable shock and sudden change in his life, and radical challenges to his ideology, often created by situations out of his control and likely instigated by others.

 Ominously and interestingly, next year Uranus moves to conjunct his Sun and Mercury (only happens every 84 years, so only once, for significant a period, in his lifetime), triggering massively that very intrinsic, unpredictable natal energy. He will then be subject to significantly challenging and inevitable change in his life and position, that will very likely be triggered by others, and certainly by significant forces, largely out of his control. This period notably will be activated in June /July, October /November and early December 2023, and will be repeated in March/ April 2024.  Once in a lifetime stuff indeed!

His natal Moon is almost certainly opposition his Pluto in his chart, indicating that he is attracted to power, has much hidden power and attracts powerful people/contacts into his life, especially women, and it is of course, no secret that his wife comes from a very wealthy family and who has indeed massive financial assets.

However major emotional battles and power struggles with others, can also go very deep with this natal aspect… His decision re not attending this year’s COP meeting has triggered much criticism and controversy re his seeming lack of awareness/concern of global priorities, especially in view also of the absence of King Charles at that conference.  Finances are classically his priority, to an overwhelming degree, as indicated by his chart.

 Putin’s desperation re Ukraine has been made much scarier, by his realisation of his underestimation of the challenge of his so called “military operation”. The decision he was almost certainly making at the end of last month, when that solar eclipse in Scorpio was virtually exact on his ascendant was decisive… a new chapter indicated.  He has a choice to either, in some face-saving way, withdraw, or to potentially cause a world war. He also has Saturn conjunct his North node in the 1st half of the month. He will feel this as very frustrating and oppressive, as the weight of the world is on his shoulders… and his frustrations re his goals, can create a very spiteful response.

Next year we will have the initial taster of a coming major revolution, when Pluto dips his toe into Aquarius, between late March and mid-June. However, from January 2024 to early 2044, when Pluto is really committed to that sign, there will also be powerful lessons to learn then and a price to pay, re abuse of technology (technology being an Aquarian issue) … despite the then huge developments of technological abilities.  Power is always tested for positive use.  For every technological advance, there is often an equal and opposite step backwards in its potential … Motive is everything.  Pluto always tests for wise use, or misuse of power as represented by whichever sign he is travelling through.

 Elon Musk will surely also be tested in his now ownership of Twitter, as to what he accepts as legitimate in its power and use.

Aquarius is not only very linked to technology and the future, but positively, very much to a big picture awakening. it is a wakeup call to truth, big picture objectivity and the huge need for cooperation for the greater good. Indeed, it is a humanitarian sign, in best manifestation.

We are on the brink of a need for a total change of our values in many ways now, as Pluto finally finishes his lessons and reveals the consequences of years of misuse/abuse of financial power in Capricorn (financial value systems).

Saturn in Aquarius continues currently to square up to Uranus, (which rules Aquarius) which is totally symbolic of a real and fundamental clash between the old order (Saturn) and need for the new (Uranus)… This gargantuan conflict is clearly between the desire to maintain the old socioeconomic value system (Saturn) and the need for a fundamental revolution in values and priorities (Uranus), not least because of climate change.

Mars in Gemini is also currently and protractedly, because of its retrograde motion, squaring up to Neptune …  This is classic of smoke and mirror messages, and a sense of inadequacy, confusion and uncertainty of action, as to the correct way forward. Mars in Gemini can be about much talk and promises, scattered energy and little action and when additionally square to Neptune, it brings added deceptions and confusions.  Devious actions are rife. Indeed, also a collective lethargy can also permeate.  The world, literally, and its people, are all generally tired and depressed in mood.  It knows we are running out of time for a lifesaving existential change of values to be established.

A very powerful and profound period, globally this month is November the 8th/9th. The total lunar eclipse then is exact on the 8th, which sees the Moon at 16 degrees of Taurus, oppose the Sun at 16 degrees of Scorpio, and the Sun will also simultaneously oppose Uranus while the Moon conjuncts it. Mercury will also oppose Uranus on the 9th. The North node in Taurus is also involved. This is an enormous conflict between what can be described as the forces of good and evil, between the need to cooperate rather than compete. It is an eruption of trauma, both personally and globally, brought about by the patriarchal desire for control and power, versus the great scream of planet earth to stop this battle of egoistical power versus the greater good of collective harmony, and indeed for the literal health of the whole planet.  In other words, wisdom versus ego

.That is a very significant period indeed, and involving the sign of Scorpio, potentially shocking and profound… a game changer… on many levels. The 9th and 10th and 11th will then see Mercury opposing Uranus, then squaring Saturn and then the Sun squaring Saturn respectively.

This is not a comfortable time at all.  Hopeful signs follow, with Mercury trining Neptune and sextiling Pluto on the 12th and 13th.  This is when sensitivity, insight, intelligence and power can come together to heal…. potential.

Trump has Mars conjunct his Sun between the 18th and 23rd. suggesting a real bid for power and an exceptional fighting mood, but being retrograde, it could be frustrated, and his anger will be very evident.

There are only two certainties in life, and one of them is change, and the astrology certainly points to that truth right now.

 When looking at the world and the symbolism of the current astrology now., I cannot help but be reminded of a line from the W.B. Yeats poem, “The Second Coming”. 

 “Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold”


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