Wednesday, 1 January 2014


by Leigh Oswald (London-based Astrologer and Teacher)

2014 is not going to be too easy for our planet.  As climate change shows its face increasingly and economic turmoil and inequality will not be quieted, the tensions and anger will grow and the T square formed between Mars, Pluto and Uranus, which is at work in the first 6/7 months will become onerous for us all. Jupiter will feed false confidence into the equation, so creating some wilful blindness in the powers that be. The dichotomy between unashamed greed (and its fallout) and the desire to regain some morality in our value system will grow and polarise.

Extreme conservatives recently accused the Pope of being Marxist, when he merely pleaded for some fairness, compassion and equality on our planet and called for a need to review the excesses of recent neo liberal capitalism. 

That little exchange sums up the coming adversarial mood on our planet.

There is a serious dichotomy emerging, an existential question, no less, about what it means to be human and what the true nature of the human condition really is and should be and how we are to survive as a planet…. Coming to a place near you, this year. 

As I have mentioned before, the USA also has some major planetary challenges this year focusing on its economic structure.

There will also be two major planetary shifts that occur in 2014. Jupiter moves from Cancer (where he has been since late June 2013) into Leo, in mid July; and then in late December, Saturn will move out of Scorpio (where he has been since October 2012) into Sagittarius. Clearly there will be implications for those who have strong emphasis in their birth charts on the signs that are the new hosts of both Jupiter (Leo) and Saturn (Sagittarius).

But now, just to focus on this month.

January 2014 is an unusual insofar as there are two new Moons, one on the 1st at 11° Capricorn and one on the 30th at 11° Aquarius, and the full Moon falls on the 16th at 26° of Gemini. New moons point to the new and to planting for the future  and the full Moon reveals what we sow and complete.

Venus continues to be retrograde all month, going direct again finally on the last day of the month. When Venus is retrograde it behoves us all, both individually and globally, to rethink our lives and our financial situation, and indeed more importantly, our value systems. An issue that will have to gain in momentum this year of necessity if our planet is to have a viable future..

When Mars is in Libra, as it is all month, (and unusually in that same sign till late July) there is often a feeling of nations wanting to be first among equals, and although there may be diplomacy, there is also an iron fist in a velvet glove when it comes to competition and socio-political issues.

The 1st and 2nd are powerful days when the Sun is conjunct Pluto, continuing the mood of late December and this is a period when force and power is tested for wisdom or folly.

Mid-month when Venus squares Mars, there can be some revelations of economic mistakes and misbehaviour on a global level, and indeed there is rash behaviour abroad and over-confidence and inflated egos.

Between the 3rd and 6th when Mercury and the Sun oppose Jupiter, there can be over-reaching, over-confidence and some bombast in the air, and on the 3rd when the Sun squares Mars, there is tension.

The 31st sees Jupiter opposition Pluto exactly. This is a time when there is a serious will and desire by somebody to have power and to make happen what is desired, and only motivation will show what is wise and what is not. Events in the States may be significant.

Positive days when there is a sense of the new and progressive in the air are around the 17th and 29th. Days of caution and reality checks are around the 6th and 10th. Days of constructive energy with wisdom are around the 24th.

ARIES March 21st – April 20th

The New Year starts with a lot of emphasis on your career and your desire to shine and prove yourself, and it may be a time for contemplating new jobs, promotions and enhancement. Love life can also be linked to career as well, but on quite a profound level.

Mars is opposing the Suns of those born March 31st to April 14th. There is some contention in the air from others. Partners are not going to let you get away with things very easily, and disagreements and challenges need to be confronted wisely, and if people are difficult in an unreasonable way, don’t sink to their level.

Jupiter is squaring the Suns of those born April 1st to 7th. This makes you potentially very indulgent at this time. Moderation is lacking and there is over-reaching, over-confidence and over-expectation. It can be a very good time for enjoyment but with some regrets later when the bank balance is checked.

Uranus, the big player in your chart currently if born in the last three days of March, is finalising his yearlong hit on your Sun. The last year has been a roller-coaster period, but this coming year sees the pressure off. The maverick in you has been strong and the need for liberty has been overwhelming. Your restlessness and highly-strung sense has been powerful. This has been a time when you have had to stand up and be counted and show who you really are and for not being conventional or conservative. This has been privately or very overtly, but now you are more uniquely true to yourself.  However Pluto too is still very much revealing himself as being an onerous player for those born March31st-April 4th.  There is an ongoing sense of a rather primeval struggle within to gain power and freedom from oppression somehow.. This goes very deep and is reflected in relationships with those who challenge you to confront yourself and your own demons, born of past, deeply buried issues..
Do not do knee-jerk responses and do not be in denial about your own need to own your power and use it wisely and consciously and for the good of all. .

TAURUS April 21ST - May 20th

 January is a time when international dimensions, travel and vacations may well be in the air and certainly for those born May 2nd to 18th, love and travel can combine well, and it is also a time when profound emotions are also connected with long distance.

For those born after May 2nd intellectual and academic pursuits are very much in the ether in a very positive way and with success.

Jupiter is also very well disposed for those born May 2nd to 8th. He is also adding to your intellectual depth and wisdom. Knowledge gained and given out now is very satisfying to you and to others, and issues to do with siblings are very positive and progressive.

However Saturn in your opposite sign is now haunting the Suns of those born May 10th to 14th. For this group there is definitely some stress emanating from others. It feels as though someone is being oppressive or restrictive. Maybe they are acting as a very wise teacher and you are resenting the necessary that they are requesting you to do, or maybe they are genuinely people who are unnecessarily coercive or problematic. It is also a time to be aware that restrictions and limitations are part of the picture, and if somebody or something is worth working hard for, then this is a time when you cannot avoid that, and in some cases where relationships are genuinely problematic, it can be a very pertinent time for a goodbye. Good relationships just go through a little bit of a challenge and strengthen as a result. Authority figures can also loom large.

However Pluto now shifting to affect again those born May1st-4th is bring to this group a new strength, and resolve and inability to intelligently affect others by a bringing of wisdom and strength via metaphysical concerns and via academic excellence and depth. Long distance issues can also be life changing and empowering. There is self-reinvention in the air.

If born April 23rd to 26th, you are being blessed now with a tinge of the magic of Neptune.
 A touch of fairy dust, no less.

GEMINI May 21st - June 20th

This is not a time for the superficial, it’s a time for depth and intensity and talking about the more uncomfortable things in life with others, but it is also a time for rationalising very complex joint financial situations as well, and after the 11th most of you will be finding that your intellectual concerns and incisiveness will be glowing, forthright and constructive. Also it is a good time for long-distance communication.  Love that is selfless now is needed in some way.

Mars is smiling on those born between June 1st and 16th. He is bringing quite a predatory note in terms of your desire to have a relationship, and also provides a lot of energy and drive for all matters creative, and intelligent inspiring energy in terms of dealing with children, love life and the arts is abundant.

Uranus is also finishing his rare and yearlong influence in a positive way for those born May 29th to June 1st.  He has brought and is finalising now, a new sense of awakening and enlightening to a bigger picture understanding other than pure brain. He has brought intuition, wisdom, a sense of conviction connected to higher knowledge and you have been on a journey of exploration and friends have been awakening you to different groups, different ways of looking at life, and new knowledge, and this has been a very fruitful, liberating and enlightening period which is just coming to an end. You will not be the same again.   You cannot disinvent this new awareness and freedom.

Meanwhile Neptune is now creeping forward again to influence (as last March/April) in his rare and very protracted once every aprox 83-year square to the Suns of those born May 24th-27th. For this group yet again there is a sense of confusion and lack of signposts.. There is also a dissolving of certainties in life. Let this be… and float, as a subtle metamorphosis is happening, but beware illusion, deception and escapism along the journey..  Redemption is coming, but Neptune works in mysterious way. By the end of 2014, the fog will start to clear.

CANCER June 21st - July 21st

It is all about relationships this month. Other people are strong and can be calling the shots, and if born after July 3rd excellent communications, enhance your connections with others.

For lucky folk born July 5th to 20th Venus is smiling, bringing beauty to relationships. Loving souls who care are there for you with depth, intensity and sensitivity, and you respond in kind.

However, Mars for those born July 2nd to 17th is also bringing a little annoyance from some quarter, possibly domestically. There is impatience around. Your energy may be a bit like a bull (or crab) in a china shop, and passive aggression can be in the air.  Be conscious.

However if born July 4th to 10th you are blessed as Jupiter in his once every 12 year visitation is now right on your Sun, bringing growth, inner and outer, travel, bonuses, blessings, a feel good factor, aid re health issues, and at the very least he is protecting you if in any difficulties.

Saturn for those born July 12th to 17th is guiding you to take your creative and love life and your dealings with offspring seriously. This is a time for responsibility, obligation and reality when it comes to affections. Love needs hard work. Just as much as any successful career does, in order to maintain its power. Now is such a time.

Uranus is finishing his yearlong challenge to the Suns of those born the last day of June, first day of July. There has been uncertainty; chaos, restlessness and claustrophobic feelings in working life and now you start to see the meaning of this period. A need to be true to self and not others in terms of expectations is what is important now, and any change that happens to you is designed to catapult you into a freer, more innovative future, and if you are staying put, things will settle, with a new vision and a new understanding of yourself.

Pluto is still bringing a power struggle in some context for those born July2nd-5th.  Truth is your sword and your shield now.  Be conscious and dignified and let inevitable endings be part of life’s journey

The new Moon on the 1st, for all born around July 3rd, brings a new chapter in relationships and around the 16th the full Moon brings for those born around July 18th; a sense of finale.

LEO July 22nd - August 22nd

The New Year starts with a need to get your nose to the grindstone and get on with work and what needs to be done. It is also a brilliant time for rationalising your life, your home, your office, putting it in order, clearing out and creating a better working environment in general. Communication with colleagues is excellent for many of you, and Venus also in your solar 6th house can bring a real harmony and deeper connection to those with whom you share your workspace. It is also a good time for focusing on health and regenerating and rejuvenating that. After the 11th all should use communication ease to your advantage.

Others have wisdom to offer you, so listen.

All born August 3rd to 17th have Mars supporting them. He is bringing intelligent, wise judgement, measured and fair, and your actions will reflect that successfully.

However Saturn is also being a little trying now for those born August 12th to 16th. He is bringing some pressure and stress and strain from family and domestic issues. Obligations and duties are there and you are being reminded that you need to honour them. It is also a time when selfishness and strong ego has to be downgraded on the altar of doing what is necessary in life. Restrictions and limitations are evident now, but they are showing you where you have failed to do what is necessary in the past and now the time has come to face the music. At the very least it is a time when you cannot stop the hard work that you are putting into any project.

Uranus however is very inspiring for those born in the first few days of August. He is finalising his ability to kick start you into a better, freer future that reflects you more honestly as you are, particularly in relationship to new people in your life who are catalysts and way-showers for a new future. Your children can also be innovators for you and love life itself is enlightening.

The second new Moon of the month falls at 11 degrees of Aquarius on the 30th. On this date all born around the 4th will need to be aware then that constructive change re another is beneficial.

VIRGO August 23rd - September 21st

January brings promise of love, fun, extroversion and creativity. This is very much a pro-life month, and if born after September 4th, much communication with children and loved ones, and in a creative context, is fulfilling and productive.

For all born September 4th to 21st, Venus is really emphasising the power of romance, but in a way that is not trivial or superficial. This is a time when affections and love received and given have a very meaningful, profound message, and creative undertakings have the same.  Mars for several months to come, is indicating a need to get more focused and energised when it comes to financial security.

Jupiter is bringing social opportunities to grab for those born September 4th to 10th. Others are generous and your leadership skills should not be underestimated. Generous wisdom is also yours to give.

Saturn also, for those born September 12th to 17th is bringing a very serious note to your thinking but in a very constructive way. Austerity, discipline, patience and hard work is yours in doing what is necessary for your future.  You will be glad of these efforts later.

Neptune is opposing now the Suns of those born August 26th to 29th. You are no stranger to this energy as it has been around you for about a year. It is a time when you have felt very disorientated in relationships. There have been people who have been confusing you, possibly with some deceptive circumstances, but your idealism and your projection of fantasies has been powerful and remains so. Your ability to be sensitive to others is enormous but you can also so be vulnerable, and your need for retreat at times is huge because of your overwhelming ability to absorb too much from others that hurts. However for those involved in the arts, particularly music, photography or film, this is a truly inspiring time. Your visual sense is huge, but get rest, get sleep and spending time near the ocean is also helpful.

LIBRA September 22nd - October 23rd

The year starts as ever, with focus on your home family /real estate. A long look at these issues and deciding what needs to be done to improve them is useful and productive now and with Venus in your solar 4th house, strongly for those born October 6th to 21st, there is a real aesthetic insight into surroundings and affections given on the domestic front are powerful and well-received. Entertaining at home and self-indulgence in one’s “castle” is very much in the air, but because Venus is retrograde until the 31st, profundity of affections and emotions are paramount.

Mercury is enabling writing and teaching skills to flourish after the 11th  for all and particularly enhances effective and constructive communications in romance and with offspring.

Jupiter is currently tempting many of you now, if   born October 5th-11th to be a little over reaching or even arrogant in terms of career or public standing. Be wary of ostentatious expectations in life and a little OTT behaviour and lead to later regrets.  However self-indulgence with some moderation can be pleasurable, as can some exotic travel.

Uranus is just finishing his long years toil on the Suns of those born October 1st to 4th. There has been for this group a feeling of disruption in relationships and other people have been unpredictable, chaotic, with some shocks and surprises as part of the package. It has made you rebellious and insecure, but now you are beginning to see the fact that it has all brought a leap into a better future and a more innovative life for you. You have been catapulted into a new freedom, which ultimately is to your fated betterment you just may not see it yet..

However, Pluto for all those born October 4th to 7th is still creating some inner power struggles. It is a time for your own inner courage and strength to be demonstrated with dignity and to draw boundaries around people who would coerce or control you .. Beware  misuse of power  in  self and from others.

SCORPIO October 24th - November 21st

January sees you with a very sharp mind with great speaking and writing skills, notably if born after November 3rd. Your curiosity and analytical skills are strong now.

After the 11th all of you will need to turn your minds to domestic and family affairs and real estate issues where communications in those areas are vital.

All born November 5th to 20th are able to combine heart and mind and sensitive communication impresses and cements connections with others, but because Venus is retrograde, depth is important, plus truth and honesty.

Mars in your 12th house warns you all to beware sitting on anger and seething. It does no-one any good.

All born November 4th to 10th have Jupiter bringing excellent opportunities for travel, enjoyment through other countries and connections with others far afield that is satisfying. It is also excellent for academic issues, study and learning by pushing out the boundaries of metaphysical or super conscious wisdom.

Saturn however is still in your sign and is now plonking himself right on the Suns of those born November 12th to 16th. For this group a lot of reality checks and karmic situations are in the air. Look after your health, as this is a time to respect the body and do what is necessary, bite some bullets and work very hard to organise life and give it serious infrastructure. Undo what is problematic and consolidate what works. Do not turn your back on what you know has to be done. Meanwhile Neptune inspires and sensitises all born October 26th-29th.  Your need for a fairytale soul mate connection romantically is strong and artistic gifts flourish. Spiritual needs and experiences are enhanced as is real empathy. .

Meanwhile if born Nov 3rd-6th, your ruler Pluto is now empowering and deepening the intellect. In his once every once every 124 year sextile to your sun., Your sense of truth is strong and your communications are effective and go far..

SAGITTARIUS November 22nd - December 21st

 January is a time when you really need to focus on finances. There is a lot going on that you need to work out, talk through and get your priorities right when it comes to your value system, and with wisdom you can consolidate a more secure future.

After the 11th most of you will have an enhanced ability to communicate well and effectively. Teaching skills are especially enhanced as Mercury from Aquarius is gracing your mind.

For all born after December 2nd you also have Mars very much bringing support from others, particularly friends, and your own intelligent action, wisdom and courage is providing you with progress, and communications with males, whether you are male or female, are significantly productive and your own pioneering, zealous spirit is strong.  Your leadership skills now are also particularly powerful and fair minded

If born November 29th to December 2nd Uranus is finalising his year long support and awakening of your Sun energy. The new and exciting is in the air, relating to either children’s, romantic or creative issues of any sort. The future is unfolding. You now know what the new chapter is about and it is a time for believing in yourself, your future and a new outlook on life which promises increased liberation in some, as yet probably unknown context.

However for those born November 24th to 26th there is still a lot of confusion and uncertainty in the air.  This is directly related to Neptune’s influence. Domestic and family confusion and lack of stability is around. Sacrifices are being made. You are either over-idealising or wanting to rescue people. Keep real and keep grounded. And ask others you really trust, for their honest take on things, as they see them more objectively than you This has been a long haul and continues to be until March 2014, when the fog will finally clear.  Till then make no irreversible decisions.

CAPRICORN December 22nd - January 19th

This is your month and a time to shine. The winter suits you and if born after January 2nd your communication and intellectual skills are at a peak. People are listening.

For all born between January 3rd and 18th the power of love and harmony is strong  and in fact it is a time, because Venus is retrograde, when you have to dig and find what really matters in love. It not about ego and superficiality; it is about profundity and wisdom and giving to others with an honest heart. It is also a time when the arts and creativity are inspiring, and you are also receiving benefits from some that are valuable indeed and not in a material way.

Mars however is simultaneously on the warpath a little for those born January 2nd to 15th. There are some at work who maybe weighing a touch heavy on you and you may also be a little forceful. Either way, you need to exercise more patience and don’t push the river. If people are being unreasonable, deal with it calmly and without volatility.

However if born January 3rd to 8th this group have Jupiter really bringing the cavalry to town, bringing love, affection and advantages from others, particularly from a foreign connection or who are very wise. Relationships are flourishing and growing and new ones are coming in. It is also an excellent time for travel. The only danger or downside is a little OTT behaviour.

Saturn by contrast for those born January 10th to 14th, is bringing a note of austerity. Saturn your ruler is bringing discipline, care and caution. You have to be responsible and serious towards friends, and obligations upon you when working in a group situation really matter.

If born December 31st to January 2nd Uranus is in his last month affecting your Sun. After a year of some chaos, unpredictability, uncertainty and restlessness, you begin to glimpse what this has been about and significant liberations emerge, compared to this time last year.

The new Moon on the 1st suggests that all born round January 2nd will be in the mood for a new start then, and on the full Moon 16th, all born around January 16th will feel then, that truths faced are healthier than keeping them locked up.

AQUARIUS January 20th - February 18th

You may feel like hunkering down and taking time out to think deeply about your past and purpose in life. Privacy is sought and is healthy. Also it is a wonderful time for private communications and negotiations and for showing empathy and compassion for those in need. Service to others provides you with happiness, and love life can be conducted quite privately and at a particularly profound level where compassion is very much to the fore.

After the 11th however you will all start to feel encouraged to take a peek into the world again and when others will call for your intelligence and you can rise to the occasion.

All born January 31st to February 15th have Mars now harmonising with their Suns. This brings courageous energy in terms of philosophical understanding. It’s very good for academic strength and purposeful inspired travel. It gives spiritual, physical and psychological focus.

Saturn however is a different matter if born February 9th to 13th. Saturn is leaning rather heavily on you, particularly in matters professional and in public standing. Stresses, strains, hard work and frustrations are in the air. There are things blocking your path and it is time to work extremely hard if you are doing what you know is correct, or to rethink the door you’re knocking on if you are not sure it is. Get rest: you are tired and are being reminded that you are not getting any younger. Reality checks are in the air.

However if born January 28th to 31st your ruling planet is inspiring. Your intellect is taking a leap into genius, as you look outside the box, and are innovative and inspiring. It’s time to believe in you unique authenticity of vision and to determine to live by it.

There are unusually two new Moons this month and the second one on the 30th is at 11° of your sign, directly affecting all born around February 1st. For you the 30th can be a day of brand new innovative chapters in your life when your energy, will and your unconscious and conscious all combine as one, to point to sowing a new future.

PISCES February 19th - March 20th

For all born after February 28th this is a particularly good time for leadership ability and for taking a strong stance with friends in a very positive, organising way. It is a sociable month and one in which you can be very passionate about what you want to do and also persuade other people of the validity of your stance. If born after March 2nd you also have the power of extra intellect, particularly when it comes to the power of persuasion and you will be seeking out intelligent communications with others, which will be useful to you.

For all born after March 3rd, Venus is harmonising with your Suns, allowing you to mix friendship with love life and there is a great emphasis on the power of real love, which is profound and without ego this month.

Also if born between March 2nd and 8th Jupiter is much on your side, bringing luck in terms of Cupid’s affairs and around children’s issues. Fertility is in the air and your creative and artistic gifts are absolutely to the fore. Luck and optimism is on the upswing.

If born March 10th to 14th Saturn is in a serious philosophical angle to your life. Travel can be for duty and obligation, but it also allows you to have a very measured, sensible approach to life in which deferred gratification is your goal. Patience, discipline and a certain sort of austerity is yours.

Those born February 21st to 24th have your ruler Neptune anointing your Sun. This is your ruling planet so it is particularly strong and only happens once every 165 years and it will make your hypersensitive, very emotional, and absorbing everything like a sponge. It also promotes an idealistic, somewhat escapist feel and you need to check all the small print and not project onto people what you want, but what is real. For those involved in the music and film world, this is a truly inspiring period. Spiritual experiences are not uncommon. Do keep grounded but take advantage of the extra sensitivity and inspiration.