Friday, 1 March 2013

Cancer June 21st - July 21st

The call of further horizons is strong. Travel, philosophy, metaphysics all call as foci of attention. Love too can combine with higher education and travel, notably before the 22nd. Travel is most likely to be glitch-free after the 17th when Mercury moves direct, and for those born up to July 6th, there is a smooth ride particularly.

After the 12, some of you born up to July 7th may be finding your frustrations and impatience are obvious in your work and authorities may be harsh. Count to ten before responding. Before the 12th, if born after July 13th energy and drives are zealous and pioneering.

Saturn is keeping the tiller steady for those born July 1st to 4th and is causing you to be very mature in your attitude towards love life and offspring. Patience, hard work and wisdom are yours.

However Uranus is quite troublesome now for those born June 27th to July 1st. He is aggravating restlessness and the unpredictable in the workplace and in your professional status. You are itching for change and all feels insecure. Don’t be impulsive; don’t throw out babies with bathwater and wait to embrace inevitable change, as it is certainly flagged up.

Meanwhile if born around July 2nd to 4th Pluto in the guise of others is causing you some challenge and power struggles. Relationships are not easy now. Other people’s baggage is yours to deal with. Keep squeaky clean and retain dignity in response, but you have to shine a light on the dark, both in terms of other’s psyche and indeed in terms of life, as fate is in the air.

Neptune meanwhile is kindly disposed to those born June 24th to 27th. A touch of magic is yours. Inspiration, both spiritually and philosophically and far from far afield is a blessing. Hypersensitivity and compassion and creative inspiration flood your soul.

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