Tuesday, 1 April 2014


By Leigh Oswald (London-based Astrologer and Teacher)

T.S. Eliot said that April is the cruellest month and he may indeed not be wrong this year, as this is a particularly tricky period.

There is a very strong and rare exact cardinal grand cross in operation, involving Pluto, Jupiter, Mars, Uranus the Sun and Mercury. The days when this configuration is at its strongest and most operative are the 2nd / 3rd, 14th to 16th and 22nd to 24th, so early, mid and later in the month are particularly critical times, but the whole month is haunted by this energy.

It is characterised by overweening power, over-confidence of nations, aggressive posturing and serious danger of risk and explosive behaviour, particularly around the 2nd/3rd and 22nd to 24th. Warlike noises are loud and ruthlessness is underscored.  There is also a great sense of internal conflict and uncertainty within us all to some degree.

The potential for significant geophysical eruptions and the disquieting power of nature in general are also greater this month.

The combination of human ruthlessness, impulsiveness and arrogance, combined with an extra sense of hubristic daring, spells potential for some global fireworks. There is much anger abroad and the unexpected is particularly rife.

Eruptions are the hallmark of the month.

Global unrest will be increasingly evident and authoritarian responses to this can be extreme, and with Mars still retrograde, the full consequences of events may not be manifested this month, so even if events are less dramatic than described, undercover forces are at work significantly now, which will be building untenable, if rather invisible stresses that fully reveal themselves in the coming months. These will bring ultimately a sort of revolution in our personal lives and a change in global consciousness, of necessity.

The United States’ Sun in Cancer at 13 degrees is being hit hard and exactly these months by the Grand cross effect, so events there may indeed be a barometer of the mood of the planet.

We will all feel this to some extent personally in our lives, as we all microcosms of the bigger picture.

There are also two eclipses this month. The full Moon lunar eclipse on the 15th is definitely a catalyst period for events when things can come to quite an explosive culmination and are triggered.

The solar eclipse and the new Moon on the 29th is less stressful and actually can point towards a new beginning and a new start that may be connected to an urgent resolution to any significant crisis, or the birth of the needed new, out of the ashes of the old...

Positive days (and there are some) are on the 18th and 25th, and even the 26th and 27th hold out some inspired potential.

This is probably not a period that will pass us by unremarkably.  If it does, then don’t let lack of obvious manifestation make us complacent to the critical forces that are at work, and which affects so much in the coming months.

ARIES March 21st - April 20th

This is your month, your solar return period and many of you will be very personally aware of the instability that is haunting the planet this month.

Between the 7th and 23rd the mind is very active and serves you well. After the 23rd, focus on money can be positive in terms of your constructive thinking. Before the 5th if born after April 15th, social life shines and friends and goals are very fulfilling in your life. After the 5th, many of you may feel the need for privacy and caring for others in a behind-the-scenes capacity.

However Mars is definitely challenging to those born March 30th to April 13th. Other people are not pushovers now. Assertiveness in them will bring out the same in you and there can be a few wars of words and impasses. You may need to surrender a little more than you are used to, if honestly considered politic.

If born April 1st to 5th, there is a tendency towards self-indulgence and over-reaching. Since this same group have Uranus exactly sitting on their Suns now, there will be a restlessness and a desire for excitement and adrenaline and the unexpected is around you, but be careful that since Pluto is also affecting this same group, that you don’t push too hard and too drastically in what may feel like a fight for your very survival metaphorically. You may be rather like a steamroller, impulsively driven in a way that can be very stressful and feel rather threatening to others. So beware, as there are a lot of forces at work for this group of rams, which can create a little chaos and social divisiveness. These times will particularly be obvious around the 2nd/3rd, 15th and 22nd to 24th. Getting on the wrong side of those in authority may be problematic, although you have the right to stand up for what you absolutely know is right. Just stop and think before you react.

The full Moon falls in your opposite sign on the 15th, directly affecting those born April 16th and as it is an eclipse, it is significant and will be a critical time in relationships. Truths will out.

TAURUS April 21ST - May 20th

Your sign is somewhat protected from much of the buffeting energy this month but nonetheless very aware.  Good communications with friends in the first week, particularly if born after May 9th, allow you to clarify your goals, and after the 23rd, all born up to May 6th have a particularly astute sense of thinking, but try and keep objectivity.

Before the 5th, Venus is bringing to your career, especially if born after May 14th, a sense of bonus and your charms are definitely very viable, but it may belie a feeling of some weariness on your part, but after the 5th if born up to May 18th, loving friends and associates can create rather pleasant circumstances in your life and it works both ways.

Jupiter is definitely your friend if born May 1st to 6th as he is bringing natural wisdom, opportunities for travel; positivity and opportunities to grab that are connected to wise assessment of situations.

However Saturn is on your case quite heavily if born May 10th to 15th. Stresses and reality checks are in the air. Other people are bringing their problems to you, which affect your life. Setbacks and negative thinking can haunt you. Do not allow other people to get away with oppressive behaviour, as they are taking advantage of your vulnerability. Do what is necessary with courage.

Pluto is a very positive force now however if born between May 3rd and 5th. He is bringing a new sense of courage, strength and regeneration, possibly from long-distance sources and a mind-over-matter approach to life. He is showing you what you are made of and even a sense of destiny in ways that you cannot turn your back on.

The new moon solar eclipse falls in your sign on the 29th focusing on those if born round April 30th. For you, there is on the date, a sense of a new beginning in life, of sowing new seeds that will bear a good crop in times to come.

GEMINI May 21st - June 20th

Your sign’s energies are not in the firing line of the stressful grand cross that is around this month, but that is not to say that you will not be affected and touched by it as people around you will be reacting. Be wary of communications in career in the first week however, as there is a tendency to speak before you think, notably if born after June 9th.

If you know you have planets in Cancer /Capricorn/ Aries /Libra, you may feel this period to be a little more personally eventful and probably challenging in common with many others..

Between the 7th and 23rd social life improves and communications with friends are very constructive and positive for you all, and there is a feeling your ruler Mercury is allowing much coming and goings in a very positive way. However after the 23rd some privacy of thought and retirement will be in order.

Before the 5th Venus in your solar 9th house suggests pleasant journeys and combining love and travel is particularly positive, notably if born after June 14th and there is a general harmony in your being. After the 5th, many of you born after June 18th may notice that your charm at work is possibly more operative than your intellect. Just beware sycophancy.

Even Mars is on your side and if born between June 1st and 13th  giving you great determination, courage, ambition and positive direction of energy, particularly connected to creative and romantic issues. You will demand a pleasant time and get it in a very social context.

Even Uranus who is causing, along with other planets, quite a lot of stress planetary-wise, is on your side, notably if born June 2nd to 6th. He is bringing new horizons, new thinking, new perspectives, new freedoms, new authenticity to your life, and also new contacts who are light-bearers in your life. Enjoy!

CANCER June 21st - July 21st

There is much planetary activation of your sign from the very active, significant grand cross in operation now. This may put focus on work, which is challenged by domestic issues and getting the balance right is difficult, notably between the 7th and 23rd, although after the 23rd all born after July 7th will feel communications calm down and there is support from others.

However for all born July 4th to 8th, there will be possible power struggles and uncertainty. This is strong around the 2nd/3rd and 15th of the month, although Mars will also be on the case with a sense of volatility around the 23rd to 24th. This can be a an empowering time if you stand up and draw boundaries with dignity, but you have to be calm and controlled and to fight for what you really know is for the greater good and right. Relationships will feel turbulent and stresses may be erupting, but remember that out of a crisis comes opportunity.

However, after the 5th, Venus protects, bringing for all born up to July 18th a feeling of love, philosophical acceptance and particularly positive issues to do with other countries and travel. A sort of greater wisdom will be a great comfort and bring happiness.

Fortunately Jupiter is a guardian angel now for this same group, so there will be for them a sense of belief and confidence in self , despite any challenges. Work and health can be buoyant, and opportunities are definitely in the air, born out of confidence, but don’t push your luck too far with any arrogance, otherwise you may attract people who may want trip you up

Those born July 2nd to 15th will be feeling the influence of Mars and it suggests that domestic issues are eruptive. Impatience and volatility are your enemies and beware overreacting

Saturn brings discipline and focus if born July 12th to 16th and a very grown-up attitude related to offspring and close personal relationships will be necessary.

Neptune brings a bit of magic to those born June 27th to 30th. There is allure in travel and a strong desire to escape. Idealism, compassion, sensitivity and psychic power is yours and your creative font flowers. Music, the arts, the sea, and communing with nature, are healers.

LEO July 22nd - August 22nd

This month’s critical astronomical configuration will affect issues of long-distance versus home and the need for pragmatism as opposed to escape, and the conflicting energies therein. It also underscores the conflict between your super conscious awareness versus the conscious.

However on the face of it, you are relatively unscathed, and indeed international long-distance dealings will be figuring strongly in your head, particularly between the 7th and 23rd when travel is likely and communications long-distance are particularly vibrant.

Indeed before the 5th when Venus is in your opposite sign, all born after August 16th have romance very much in their sights and in their hearts, and those close are showing affection and support. There is much determination and passion to do what one wants to do. Constructively, if born between August 3rd to 15th, there is a potential for the development of good strategy. You are playing the long game.

However Saturn is reminding many of you born August 12th to 16th that family and domestic matters need attention and the roots of your very being in terms of securing your infrastructure has to be focused on, even if it is something that takes you away from pursuing your impulsive/compulsive desires.

Uranus however is encouraging all born August 4th to 8th to spread your wings and to become more philosophical and aware of a more super-physical, metaphysical and super-conscious area of life. On a more mundane level, he is drawing you towards new starts, innovations and kick-starting you to a new future of a more academic sort, or to do with new horizons long-distance. This may be a powerful pull, but there are also realisations that sometimes the grass can look greener and temptations to escape are strong, particularly when you have responsibilities to others.

VIRGO August 23rd - September 21st

Having to deal with complex issues that may be delicate areas, both in relationships and finances, may need focus this month, and sharing resources with other people, whether they be psychological or material, may be important too.

However before the 7th many of you born after September 11th have excellent opportunity to show others your wisdom and communication skills and to receive positive input from others.

After the 23rd messages to and from long-distance can be rewarding and travel too has benefits, notably if born up to September 7th.

For all born up to September 18th,Venus in your opposite sign would suggest that loving energies between you and another flourishes, and what you give out to others is returned.

With Mars in your solar 2nd house, many of you are thinking of strategies to secure finances or to find ways to become more competitive, but all is on hold and internalised, as it should be.

Jupiter is benevolent now if born September 3rd to 8th. Social life is positive, friends are supportive and your ability to inspire others is great. There is a feeling of luck in the air to take advantage of. However finances and love life are not too secure currently and you should be careful how you tread. Your interests may not seem to be in the interests of others.

Saturn however is a stabilising influence on those born September 13th to 17th. He is bringing gravitas of thought, grounded practicality and discipline and self-control.

Pluto however is very positive now in his rare visit by sextile to the energies of those born around September 6th. He is bringing a genuine ability to regenerate and renew relationships and romance and to have the power to make this area of life work well for you. It is also brilliant for all issues to do with create and speculative ventures. Regeneration somehow related to offspring is also a positive effect of this rare influence.

LIBRA September 22nd - October 23rd

Relationships are significant this month, notably between the 7th and 23rd when much communication will be essential and valuable, and before the 7th negotiations with colleagues can be fruitful. Resolving personal issues with partners can be successful

Before the 5th, your ruling planet Venus is enhancing for all born after October 17th the area to do with offspring issues. Romance and the arts also thrive and bringing happiness.

Mars is currently retrograde in your sign and is now impacting those born October 4th to 16th. For this group there is a feeling of urgency, energy, action, drive and some competitiveness. The desire to act is strong but it also feels a little internalised and paralysed. The power of men is strong in women’s lives and in both sexes; testosterone is running through the veins. Internalising plans and energies with vigour is positive but don’t let anger seethe.

Jupiter and Pluto, as they oppose each other, are both squaring the Suns of those born October 4th to 9th. For this group there is the feeling of determination to overcome problems. There can be some power struggles going on and you have to use all your social skills and emotional intelligence to deal with this. Just be careful about being over-the-top in extravagance or hypocrisy in dealings with others, but there is a sense of having to act powerfully to protect your future, but without ruthlessness. All is changing and as you move from one chapter of life to another, avoid biting off more than you can chew. Uranus is also opposing the Suns of this same group so the unexpected is in the air from other people. Changes of plans and attitudes are unsettling you, brought to your door by uncertainties in others’ lives. This is an ongoing, changing situation, so do not make radical decisions, but see it as a need to possibly reconsider future plans.

The lunar eclipse on the 25th reminds those born around October 18th/19th that sometimes we have face truths that need courage to do so, as they erupt from our subconscious.

SCORPIO October 24th - November 21st

In this month of some chaos, you are relatively stable. Work is important and everyday routine and healths are focus for improvement especially between 7th and 23rd when you are proactive in rationalising everyday routines.

Before the 7th Mercury is helping all matters creative and romantic through intelligent communications if born after November 10th.

After the 23rd, all born up to November 7th will benefit from wisdom from others input.

After the 5th many born up to 19th will happily enjoy real love and affinity with the arts, romance and children’s issues, and your idealism will be intense.

Mars retrograde is tough in terms of pent-up anger and an inability to express it, which can be quite damaging to the body. You are building up some sort of strategy within and your psychological intensity is strong, but know it can be intimidating to others who sense it.

Jupiter is good news if born November 3rd to 8th. This is a great time for travel and long-distance negotiations, and for holidays. It is also brilliant for academic pursuits and success. General confidence, well being and growth is in the air and financially it is also favourable.

However Saturn now sits on the Suns of those born November 11th to 15th. He brings tough reality checks, and a need to look after health, be serious, grounded, disciplined, patient and apply yourself to what is necessary with deferred gratification and better foundations in view.

Your ruler Pluto is still bringing sense of intensity and power if born around November 6th.  Take advantage of this influence and of your forensic mind with good motive.

Meanwhile Neptune still smiles on those born October 29th to November 3rd, enhancing musical interests, the arts and making you idealistic about the perfect soul mate.

The solar eclipse is in your opposite sign of Taurus on the 29th, directly affecting those born around November 2nd, auguring well for a new chapter in relationships of the positive sort.

In this month of some chaos, you are relatively stable. Work is important and everyday routine and healths are focus for improvement especially between 7th and 23rd when you are proactive in rationalising everyday routines.

Before the 7th Mercury is helping all matters creative and romantic through intelligent communications if born after November 10th.

After the 23rd, all born up to November 7th will benefit from wisdom from others input.

After the 5th many born up to 19th will happily enjoy real love and affinity with the arts, romance and children’s issues, and your idealism will be intense.

Mars retrograde is tough in terms of pent-up anger and an inability to express it, which can be quite damaging to the body. You are building up some sort of strategy within and your psychological intensity is strong, but know it can be intimidating to others who sense it.

Jupiter is good news if born November 3rd to 8th. This is a great time for travel and long-distance negotiations, and for holidays. It is also brilliant for academic pursuits and success. General confidence, well being and growth is in the air and financially it is also favourable.

However Saturn now sits on the Suns of those born November 11th to 15th. He brings tough reality checks, and a need to look after health, be serious, grounded, disciplined, patient and apply yourself to what is necessary with deferred gratification and better foundations in view.

Your ruler Pluto is still bringing sense of intensity and power if born around November 6th.  Take advantage of this influence and of your forensic mind with good motive.

Meanwhile Neptune still smiles on those born October 29th to November 3rd, enhancing musical interests, the arts and making you idealistic about the perfect soul mate.

The solar eclipse is in your opposite sign of Taurus on the 29th, directly affecting those born around November 2nd, auguring well for a new chapter in relationships of the positive sort.

SAGITTARIUS November 22nd - December 21st

You are not directly involved in the chaos of the grand cross operating this month, but you will be observational of it; and if you have planets in Capricorn Cancer, Aries or Libra, you may be touched personally by its influence

There is much focus on children’s issues and love life, notably between 7th and 23rd and creativity abounds. Kindness of thought and communication is yours before the 5th if born after December 16th and after the 5th much love and happiness is focused on domestic change and arrangements.

Mars, despite being retrograde which is rather tense for us all, is at least helping all born December 3rd to 15th. For this group there is the ability to focus with courage on goals and aims in life and constructive leadership skills are shown.

Uranus is in friendly angle to those born December 3rd to 7th, bringing a sense of the new, innovative and exciting into life, and that connects to romantic, creative and children’s issues, and a wake-up call to a new direction in life with new values is likely to manifest. However issues around finances will be critical this month in terms of rethinking future planning and as a result of the recognition of change going on around one.

Those born the last few days of November are also feeling, courtesy of Neptune being now square to your birth chart energies, a level of confusion and uncertainty, not only about priorities, but also domestically. The old order is changing. Stay flexible and make no radical decisions and allow yourself to be a little trusting in invisible trade winds of gradual change. You are changing, but beware of projecting what you want to see in people and situations and don’t be too gullible. Keep grounded and get advice from an objective, grounded observer who you trust.

CAPRICORN December 22nd - January 19th

Domestic security and safety will be important to you this month as it is possible that you are feeling a little more upbeat about finances, and after the 5th many of you, particularly if born up to January 18th, will have your charm enhanced and your communications can go very well.

Mars however is not so friendly now for those born January 1st to 13th. Being still in Libra and square to your sign and being part of the overall stressful configuration in the ether now you may well be feeling insecure, angry, frustrated and impatient, particularly connected to your status. Indeed the period around the 8th and 9th and again on the 24th may be especially demanding of self-control and resolution of action in order to stabilise a situation.

Both Uranus and Pluto are bringing stresses and strains into the lives of those born January 2nd to 6th right now. Pluto is bringing a feeling of endings of chapters and also creating quite a primeval force within you. This feels like an evolutionary journey of the soul, which has a fated sense about it, and a there is a sort of powerful desire for survival, both psychological, spiritual and every which way, is driven by a sense of uncertainty, but with the knowledge that the old has to go and the new has to begin. Adrenaline is no stranger to you now. Out of the ashes of the outlived a phoenix will rise. We have to sometimes go through the dark to find the light.

At least Jupiter is happily on your side, notably now if born January 1st to 6th, so although this group is under duress, there is a sense of the cavalry arriving in the guise of other people. The only danger is over-confidence and being over-expansive.

Saturn is at least for those born January 10th to 14th  bringing a measure of self-control and a sense of obligation and duty, and if born December 27th to 30th your sensitivity and compassion and creative instincts are powerful and can be well-used.

AQUARIUS January 20th - February 18th

Although your sign is not directly caught up in the grand cross this month, you will feel its power, as Uranus, which is one of the big players, is your ruling planet. The power of the mind is strong and your intellectual acuity and intuition should be listened to when contemplating bigger events around you, particularly between the 7th and 23rd when Mercury is in very compatible energy to your own.

Venus is actually in your sign before the 7th, directly affecting those born after February 12th. For this group there is a very strong sense of domestic peace and issues to do with long-distance and academic concerns are very beneficial and pleasing, and the power of emotions and love life should not be underestimated.

Mars is definitely on your side too if born between January 31st and February 11th and is encouraging travel, academic success and ideological courage. Intellectual strength and passion is yours.

However Saturn is a little stressful now for those born February 9th to 12th. Life does not feel so smooth. Reality checks abound and blocks and restrictions haunt you as can under-confidence, particularly when it comes to career. Look after the body. Saturn reminds us that we are not getting any younger, as he is Father Time Do what is necessary, even if it is not a pleasurable feeling, but wisdom is its corollary.

Uranus your ruler is bringing bonuses to those born February 1st to 5th. This rare transit is wakening you up to your true, unique Aquarian nature. He is bringing out your idealism and your humanitarian side and you have no hesitation to express your unique self, and that’s as it should be. It is a time for opportunities and for leaps into a future that more accurately reflects your true being. Time to think outside the box with validity.

PISCES February 19th - March 20th

There is a lot of focus on financial issues for your sign, indeed not always easily so in terms of things turning out smoothly, so expect the unexpected in money and maybe some power struggles. Your sign is not directly involved in the difficult grand cross in operation this month but it will resonate. After the 23rd many of you find that negotiations may go more smoothly.

Keeping your feelings close to your chest before the 5th may be appropriate. Before the 7th your intellect and feelings are hard to separate but artistic and intuitive gifts are strong if born after the 8th. After the 5th all born up to March 17th also have Venus on their side. From your sign, she will bring a sense of affection, love, care, creative inspiration and general well being.

Jupiter is also helpful now if born March 1st to 6th. He brings fertility, stimulates Cupid’s power and a sense of joy, fun, party spirit and luck when it comes to speculation. Fulfilment through matters connected to romance and children are likely.

Saturn now has a steadying effect the tiller in the lives of those born March 10th to 14th as he brings a serious, grown-up note, particularly in connection to long-distance travel when responsibility and duty are indicated, and also in legal issues. There is constructive hard work to be done in which ultimately gives a better infrastructure to your life.

Fortunately Pluto, although part of a difficult configuration now, is harmonious if born between March 3rd and 5th, so for this group, although there are stresses and strains around you, there is a sense of courage, determination, power, incisiveness and self-reinvention, and a spiritual will that serves you well. It is also very positive for travel and long-distance issues.

Neptune is sitting now on the Suns of his once every 165-year visit of those born February 24th to 27th. You are being anointed with true Piscean spirituality, inspiration, sensitivity and idealism, perfect for the arts, compassion and psychic powers, but beware over-idealism, escapism, deceptive circumstances and a desire in some way to escape hyperpersensitivity.