By Leigh Oswald
(London-based Astrologer and Teacher)
T.S. Eliot said that April is the cruellest month and he may
indeed not be wrong this year, as this is a particularly tricky period.
There is a very strong and rare exact cardinal grand cross
in operation, involving Pluto, Jupiter, Mars, Uranus the Sun and Mercury. The
days when this configuration is at its strongest and most operative are the 2nd
/ 3rd, 14th to 16th and 22nd to 24th,
so early, mid and later in the month are particularly critical times, but the
whole month is haunted by this energy.
It is characterised by overweening power, over-confidence of
nations, aggressive posturing and serious danger of risk and explosive
behaviour, particularly around the 2nd/3rd and 22nd
to 24th. Warlike noises are loud and ruthlessness is
underscored. There is also a great
sense of internal conflict and uncertainty within us all to some degree.
The potential for significant geophysical eruptions and the
disquieting power of nature in general are also greater this month.
The combination of human ruthlessness, impulsiveness and
arrogance, combined with an extra sense of hubristic daring, spells potential
for some global fireworks. There is much anger abroad and the unexpected is
particularly rife.
Eruptions are the hallmark of the month.
Global unrest will be increasingly evident and authoritarian
responses to this can be extreme, and with Mars still retrograde, the full
consequences of events may not be manifested this month, so even if events are
less dramatic than described, undercover forces are at work significantly now,
which will be building untenable, if rather invisible stresses that fully
reveal themselves in the coming months. These will bring ultimately a sort of
revolution in our personal lives and a change in global consciousness, of
The United States’ Sun in Cancer at 13 degrees is being hit
hard and exactly these months by the Grand cross effect, so events there may
indeed be a barometer of the mood of the planet.
We will all feel this to some extent personally in our
lives, as we all microcosms of the bigger picture.
There are also two eclipses this month. The full Moon lunar
eclipse on the 15th is definitely a catalyst period for events when
things can come to quite an explosive culmination and are triggered.
The solar eclipse and the new Moon on the 29th is
less stressful and actually can point towards a new beginning and a new start
that may be connected to an urgent resolution to any significant crisis, or the
birth of the needed new, out of the ashes of the old...
Positive days (and there are some) are on the 18th
and 25th, and even the 26th and 27th hold out
some inspired potential.
This is probably not a period that will pass us by
unremarkably. If it does, then don’t
let lack of obvious manifestation make us complacent to the critical forces
that are at work, and which affects so much in the coming months.