Tuesday 1 April 2014

PISCES February 19th - March 20th

There is a lot of focus on financial issues for your sign, indeed not always easily so in terms of things turning out smoothly, so expect the unexpected in money and maybe some power struggles. Your sign is not directly involved in the difficult grand cross in operation this month but it will resonate. After the 23rd many of you find that negotiations may go more smoothly.

Keeping your feelings close to your chest before the 5th may be appropriate. Before the 7th your intellect and feelings are hard to separate but artistic and intuitive gifts are strong if born after the 8th. After the 5th all born up to March 17th also have Venus on their side. From your sign, she will bring a sense of affection, love, care, creative inspiration and general well being.

Jupiter is also helpful now if born March 1st to 6th. He brings fertility, stimulates Cupid’s power and a sense of joy, fun, party spirit and luck when it comes to speculation. Fulfilment through matters connected to romance and children are likely.

Saturn now has a steadying effect the tiller in the lives of those born March 10th to 14th as he brings a serious, grown-up note, particularly in connection to long-distance travel when responsibility and duty are indicated, and also in legal issues. There is constructive hard work to be done in which ultimately gives a better infrastructure to your life.

Fortunately Pluto, although part of a difficult configuration now, is harmonious if born between March 3rd and 5th, so for this group, although there are stresses and strains around you, there is a sense of courage, determination, power, incisiveness and self-reinvention, and a spiritual will that serves you well. It is also very positive for travel and long-distance issues.

Neptune is sitting now on the Suns of his once every 165-year visit of those born February 24th to 27th. You are being anointed with true Piscean spirituality, inspiration, sensitivity and idealism, perfect for the arts, compassion and psychic powers, but beware over-idealism, escapism, deceptive circumstances and a desire in some way to escape hyperpersensitivity.

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