Monday, 1 April 2013

Leo July 22nd - August 22nd

April is a very good month for travel for your sign as it equates with your solar 9th house. It is also excellent for intellectual and academic pursuits. Before the 15th many of you born after August 4th can also combine love and creativity with travel, and after the 14th if born up to August 20th your communication skills and business connections can flourish long-distance, but it is also particularly good for acumen of intellect and importantly a growth in big picture wisdom/ and metaphysical dimensions.

Before the 20th, also if born after August 8th you are ideologically, powerfully motivated, courtesy of Mars and passionate and ardour romantically re long distance links can be overwhelming.

Jupiter is bringing to those born August 3rd to 11th the positivity of friends, group cooperation and the intelligent ability to grab opportunities.

However Saturn is bringing some issues that are difficult on the home and family front if born July 31st to August 4th. For this group, focus, obligation and duty has to be focused on those who are nearest and dearest in your family and domestic set-up. They may well be forcing you to face the realities that you have previously tried to escape, and remember to look after the body. However fortunately this same group has a wonderful Uranus contact, giving you the ability to intuitively handle issues in a way that allows you to get a balance between your own needs and those of others, but importantly it is those of others that need real focus.    Al of you need to have a care round complex joint financial issues, as you are prone to misjudgements and over confidence in the integrity of others, as Neptune is creating smoke and mirrors in your solar 8th house.  Meanwhile all of you especially after the 20th if July born, need to think hard about the need to apply yourself to career issues with will and gusto.

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