This month can be quite an intense month for your sign as it
involves your solar 8th house, which is about the profundities of
life. It is also a focus on complex, private, joint issues of an intimate and
financial quality, and before the 20th with Mars so strong in Aries,
one has to be on one’s guard that assertiveness does not become combative,
particularly re complex economics.
However before the 14th with Mercury in your
opposite sign, all born after September 5th have the opportunity to
utilise their pragmatic intellect to deal well with others.
After the 15th when Venus moves into Taurus, all
of you born up to September 12th may find much pleasure, happiness
or even romance when you push your boundaries far afield geographically. A love
of learning is yours and financial dealings are favoured long-distance.
After the 20th if born any date up to September 1st
energy and constructive psychological and intellectual will, put into
long-distance and academic issues will win the day. Just be wary if born
September 3rd to 11th of being a little arrogant or
over-confident in your professional sphere. Unusually for you, you are not
risk-averse then. Saturn is keeping you mature and grounded if born September 1st
to 4th, and you thinking is pragmatic and constructive.
Pluto is bringing an unusual note for some time to come of
courage and will that is incredibly transformative for you and others if born
September 2nd to 5th, notably in creative and romantic
fields and in dealing with offspring. Do not under-estimate your mind over
matter in these areas. Neptune is not so solid an influence for all born August
27th to 29th. For
the next 18 months be wary of seeing what you want to see in others and know
that all is not clear .. so keep grounded and don’t let dreams and idealism
cloud pragmatism. Artists/musicians etc are however blessed in their talents
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